5 research outputs found

    Hyperspectral and Hypertemporal Longwave Infrared Data Characterization

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    The Army Research Lab conducted a persistent imaging experiment called the Spectral and Polarimetric Imagery Collection Experiment (SPICE) in 2012 and 2013 which focused on collecting and exploiting long wave infrared hyperspectral and polarimetric imagery. A part of this dataset was made for public release for research and development purposes. This thesis investigated the hyperspectral portion of this released dataset through data characterization and scene characterization of man-made and natural objects. First, the data were contrasted with MODerate resolution atmospheric TRANsmission (MODTRAN) results and found to be comparable. Instrument noise was characterized using an in-scene black panel, and was found to be comparable with the sensor manufacturer\u27s specication. The temporal and spatial variation of certain objects in the scene were characterized. Temporal target detection was conducted on man-made objects in the scene using three target detection algorithms: spectral angle mapper (SAM), spectral matched lter (SMF) and adaptive coherence/cosine estimator (ACE). SMF produced the best results for detecting the targets when the training and testing data originated from different time periods, with a time index percentage result of 52.9%. Unsupervised and supervised classication were conducted using spectral and temporal target signatures. Temporal target signatures produced better visual classication than spectral target signature for unsupervised classication. Supervised classication yielded better results using the spectral target signatures, with a highest weighted accuracy of 99% for 7-class reference image. Four emissivity retrieval algorithms were applied on this dataset. However, the retrieved emissivities from all four methods did not represent true material emissivity and could not be used for analysis. This spectrally and temporally rich dataset enabled to conduct analysis that was not possible with other data collections. Regarding future work, applying noise-reduction techniques before applying temperature-emissivity retrieval algorithms may produce more realistic emissivity values, which could be used for target detection and material identification