186 research outputs found

    The storage of red snapper (Lutjanus spp.) in ice, chilled sea water and chilled fresh water

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    The results are given of trials conducted to determine the effect on quality of holding fish (Lutjanus species) in chilled freshwater and also to compare the quality loss of fish stored in chilled seawater and chilled freshwater and in ice. No adverse effects were observed when storing in chilled freshwater apart from loss of external appearance after 6 days storage; taste panel tests showed acceptable conditions up to 15 days. Chilled seawater is unsuitable for storage as it spoils the intake of salt from the medium, making the flesh unpalatable

    Storage life of silverbelly (Leiognathus sp.) with delayed icing

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    Silver belly (leiognathus splendens) caught in September spoiled faster than the fish caught in May. This could be due to seasonal changes. For silver belly, Total Volatile Base (TVB) value could be used as a measure of spoilage. At the beginning of spoilage TVB value is between 30-40 mg. N/100g sample. The main spoilage for silver belly appears to start between 6 and 8 hours (at 28° C-30°C) after landing on board. Therefore it is not necessary to ice silverbelly immediately; it seems to be sufficient if icing can be done within 6 hours of landing on board

    Molecular characterisation of defence of Brassica napus (Oilseed rape) to Rhizoctonia solani AG2-1 confirmed by functional analysis in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Rhizoctonia solani is a necrotrophic, soilborne fungal pathogen associated with significant establishment losses in Brassica napus (oilseed rape; OSR). The anastomosis group (AG) 2-1 of R. solani is the most virulent to OSR, causing damping-off, root and hypocotyl rot, and seedling death. Resistance to R. solani AG2-1 in OSR has not been identified, and the regulation of OSR defense to its adapted pathogen, AG2-1, has not been investigated. In this work, we used confocal microscopy to visualize the progress of infection by sclerotia of AG2-1 on B. napus varieties with contrasting disease phenotypes. We defined their defense response using gene expression studies and functional analysis with Arabidopsis thaliana mutants. Our results showed existing variation in susceptibility to AG2-1 and plant growth between OSR varieties, and differential expression of genes of hormonal and defense pathways related to auxin, ethylene, jasmonic acid, abscisic acid, salicylic acid, and reactive oxygen species regulation. Auxin, abscisic acid signaling, and the MYC2 branch of jasmonate signaling contributed to the susceptibility to AG2-1, while induced systemic resistance was enhanced by NAPDH RBOHD, ethylene signaling, and the ERF/PDF branch of jasmonate signaling. These results pave the way for future research, which will lead to the development of Brassica crops that are more resistant to AG2-1 of R. solani and reduce dependence on chemical control options

    The structural invisibility of outsiders: the role of migrant labour in the meat-processing industry

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    This article examines the role of migrant workers in meat-processing factories in the UK. Drawing on materials from mixed methods research in a number of case study towns across Wales, we explore the structural and spatial processes that position migrant workers as outsiders. While state policy and immigration controls are often presented as a way of protecting migrant workers from work-based exploitation and ensuring jobs for British workers, our research highlights that the situation ‘on the ground’ is more complex. We argue that ‘self-exploitation’ among the migrant workforce is linked to the strategies of employers and the organisation of work, and that hyper-flexible work patterns have reinforced the spatial and social invisibilities of migrant workers in this sector. While this creates problems for migrant workers, we conclude that it is beneficial to supermarkets looking to supply consumers with the regular supply of cheap food to which they have become accustomed

    Yield Losses and Control by Sedaxane and Fludioxonil of Soilborne Rhizoctonia, Microdochium, and Fusarium Species in Winter Wheat

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    Soilborne Rhizoctonia, Microdochium, and Fusarium species are major causal agents of seedling and stem-base diseases of wheat. Currently, seed treatments are considered the most effective solution for their control. Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis groups (AGs) 2-1 and 5, R. cerealis, Microdochium, and Fusarium spp., were used in series of field experiments to determine their capability to cause soilborne and stem-base disease and to quantify their comparative losses in the establishment and yield of wheat. The effectiveness and response to seed treatment formulated with 10 g sedaxane and 5 g fludioxonil 100 kg21 against these soilborne pathogens were also determined. Our results showed that damping-off caused by soilborne R. cerealis was associated with significant reductions in the emergence and establishment, resulting in stunted growth and low plant numbers. The pathogen also caused sharp eyespot associated with reductions in the ear partitioning index. R. solani AG 2-1 and AG 5 were weakly pathogenic and failed to cause significant damping-off, root rot, and stem-base disease in wheat. Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum applied as soilborne inoculum failed to cause severe disease. Microdochium spp. caused brown foot rot disease and soilborne M. nivale reduced wheat emergence. Applications of sedaxane and fludioxonil increased plant emergence and reduced damping-off, early stem-base disease, and brown foot rot, thus providing protection against multiple soilborne pathogens. R. cerealis reduced the thousand grain weight by 3.6%, whereas seed treatment including fludioxonil and sedaxane against soilborne R. cerealis or M. nivale resulted in a 4% yield increase

    Physiological, molecular, and genetic mechanism of action of the biostimulant Quantis™ for increased thermotolerance of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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    Background: Raising global temperatures limit crop productivity and new strategies are needed to improve the resilience of thermosensitive crops such as potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Biostimulants are emerging as potential crop protection products against environmental stress, however their mechanism of action remains largely unknown, hindering their wider adoption. We used comprehensive physiological, molecular, and mass spectrometry approaches to develop understanding of the mechanism of plant thermotolerance exerted by the biostimulant, Quantis™, under heat stress. Using orthologues gene mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana we report heat-defence genes, modified by Quantis™, which were also investigated for potential overlapping functions in biotic stress defence to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Rhizoctonia solani. Results: Quantis™ enhanced PSII photochemical efficiency and decreased thermal dissipation of potato grown under heat stress. These effects were associated with upregulation of genes with antioxidant function, including PR10, flavonoid 3′‐hydroxylase and β-glucosidases, and modulation of abscisic acid (ABA) and cytokinin (CK) activity in leaves by Quantis™. The biostimulant modulated the expression of the heat-defence genes, PEN1, PR4 or MEE59, with functions in leaf photoprotection and root thermal protection, but with no overlapping function in biotic stress defence. Protective root growth under heat stress, following the biostimulant application, was correlated with enhanced CK signalling in roots. Increased endogenous concentrations of ABA and CK in potato leaves and significant upregulation of StFKF1 were consistent with tuberisation promoting effects. Quantis™ application resulted in 4% tuber weight increase and 40% larger tuber size thus mitigating negative effects of heat stress on tuber growth. Conclusions: Quantis™ application prior to heat stress effectively primed heat tolerance responses and alleviated temperature stress of S. tuberosum L. and A. thaliana by modulating the expression and function of PR4 and MEE59 and by regulating CK activity above and below ground, indicating that the mechanism of action of the biostimulant is conserved, and will be effective in many plant species. Thus, a biostimulant application targeting the most susceptible crop developmental stages to heat disorders can be effectively integrated within future agronomy practices to mitigate losses in other thermosensitive crops

    Highly sensitive GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction bolometer

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    PACS: 07.57Kp 95.55 Rg 85.25Pb 85.60Gz Keywords: GaAs/AlGaAs TCR Bolometer Room temperature a b s t r a c t GaAs/AlGaAs multilayer heterojunction structures with different aluminum (Al) fractions and emitter doping densities were tested to identify optimum parameters for high temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR). Higher Al fractions and lower doping densities showed higher TCR. Additionally, p-doped heterojunction structures showed a higher TCR compared to an n-doped one with similar parameters. A p-doped multilayer superlattice heterojunction structure with 30 periods of GaAs/Al 0.57 Ga 0.43 As junctions, operating at room temperature showed a TCR of ∼4% and bolometer like infrared (IR) response up to 20 m with a D* of 1.7 × 10 6 Jones. This TCR is higher than that of VO x or ␣-Si bolometers. At low temperatures (50 K) some of these devices have shown TCR values of over 30%

    The role of photoprotection in defence of two wheat genotypes against Zymoseptoria tritici

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    This study provides new insights into the role of photoprotection in preformed and induced defence of two wheat genotypes with contrasting phenotypes to infection by Zymoseptoria tritici. We investigated the mechanisms of the photoprotective response during early infection, including nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ), β-carotene-derived xanthophylls, reactive oxygen species, and the phytohormones abscisic acid (ABA), jasmonic acid (JA), and salicylic acid (SA). Furthermore, we quantified the effects of pathogenesis on photosynthesis, stomatal control, and expression of plant defence molecular markers. The photoprotective mechanism of successful defence involved the qI component of NPQ leading to rapid down-regulation of photosystem II quantum yield and chlorophyll a:b, increased biosynthesis of the xanthophyll neoxanthin and ABA, and the expression of chloroplast-specific enzymes to engage in scavenging of O2●−. Elevated ABA in the resistant genotype correlated with preformed leaf defence traits including low stomatal density, increased expression of wax biosynthesis, and lignification. Z. tritici exhibited reduced germination and branching on the resistant host genotype and hijacked stomatal control in both genotypes by enhancing stomatal sensitivity to light. Increased biosynthesis of JA and anthocyanins, in contrast to SA, were quantified in the incompatible interaction. Our results indicate that ABA and JA in antagonistic action to SA were associated with defence in the resistant genotype, Cougar, against Z. tritici

    COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Therapy: Long-term Implications

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    BACKGROUND: The long-term effect of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) acute treatments on postacute sequelae of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection (PASC) is unknown. The CONTAIN-Extend study explores the long-term impact of COVID-19 convalescent plasma (CCP) therapy on postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) symptoms and general health 18 months following hospitalization. METHODS: The CONTAIN-Extend study examined 281 participants from the original CONTAIN COVID-19 trial (CONTAIN-RCT, NCT04364737) at 18 months post-hospitalization for acute COVID-19. Symptom surveys, global health assessments, and biospecimen collection were performed from November 2021 to October 2022. Multivariable logistic and linear regression estimated associations between the randomization arms and self-reported symptoms and Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) scores and adjusted for covariables, including age, sex, race/ethnicity, disease severity, and CONTAIN enrollment quarter and sites. RESULTS: There were no differences in symptoms or PROMIS scores between CCP and placebo (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] of general symptoms, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.54-1.67). However, females (aOR, 3.01; 95% CI, 1.73-5.34), those 45-64 years (aOR, 2.55; 95% CI, 1.14-6.23), and April-June 2020 enrollees (aOR, 2.39; 95% CI, 1.10-5.19) were more likely to report general symptoms and have poorer PROMIS physical health scores than their respective reference groups. Hispanic participants (difference, -3.05; 95% CI, -5.82 to -0.27) and Black participants (-4.48; 95% CI, -7.94 to -1.02) had poorer PROMIS physical health than White participants. CONCLUSIONS: CCP demonstrated no lasting effect on PASC symptoms or overall health in comparison to the placebo. This study underscores the significance of demographic factors, including sex, age, and timing of acute infection, in influencing symptom reporting 18 months after acute hypoxic COVID-19 hospitalization

    Ethnicity-specific factors influencing childhood immunisation decisions among Black and Asian Minority Ethnic groups in the UK: a systematic review of qualitative research

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    Background: Uptake of some childhood immunisations in the UK is lower among those from some Black and Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds. This systematic review of qualitative research sought to understand the factors that are associated with ethnicity that influence the immunisation decisions of parents from BAME backgrounds living in the UK. Methods: Databases were searched on 2 December 2014 for studies published at any time using the terms ‘UK’ and ‘vaccination’ and ‘qualitative methods’ (and variations of these). Included articles comprised participants who were parents from BAME backgrounds. Thematic synthesis methods were used to develop descriptive and higher order themes. Themes specific to ethnicity and associated factors are reported. Results: Eight papers were included in the review. Most participants were from Black (n=62) or Asian (n=38) backgrounds. Two ethnicity-related factors affected immunisation decisions. First, factors that are related to ethnicity itself (namely religion, upbringing and migration, and language) affected parents' perceived importance of immunisations, whether immunisations were permitted or culturally acceptable and their understanding of immunisation/the immunisation schedule. Second, perceived biological differences affected decision-making and demand for information. Conclusions: Factors related to ethnicity must be considered when seeking to understand immunisation decisions among parents from BAME backgrounds. Where appropriate and feasible, vaccination information should be targeted to address beliefs about ethnic differences held by some individuals from some BAME backgrounds
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