472 research outputs found

    Penetration of ZigBee-based wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks are becoming popular as a simple means of collecting data by public utilities, motor vehicle manufacturers and other organisations. Unfortunately the devices on such networks are often insecure by default, which presents problems in terms of the integrity of the data provided across those networks. This paper explores a range of attacks that were successful on a network consisting of nodes using the ZigBee protocol stack and proposes defences that can be put in place to circumvent these attacks thus leading to more secure systems and increasing user confidence

    Tensor Rank, Invariants, Inequalities, and Applications

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    Though algebraic geometry over C\mathbb C is often used to describe the closure of the tensors of a given size and complex rank, this variety includes tensors of both smaller and larger rank. Here we focus on the n×n×nn\times n\times n tensors of rank nn over C\mathbb C, which has as a dense subset the orbit of a single tensor under a natural group action. We construct polynomial invariants under this group action whose non-vanishing distinguishes this orbit from points only in its closure. Together with an explicit subset of the defining polynomials of the variety, this gives a semialgebraic description of the tensors of rank nn and multilinear rank (n,n,n)(n,n,n). The polynomials we construct coincide with Cayley's hyperdeterminant in the case n=2n=2, and thus generalize it. Though our construction is direct and explicit, we also recast our functions in the language of representation theory for additional insights. We give three applications in different directions: First, we develop basic topological understanding of how the real tensors of complex rank nn and multilinear rank (n,n,n)(n,n,n) form a collection of path-connected subsets, one of which contains tensors of real rank nn. Second, we use the invariants to develop a semialgebraic description of the set of probability distributions that can arise from a simple stochastic model with a hidden variable, a model that is important in phylogenetics and other fields. Third, we construct simple examples of tensors of rank 2n12n-1 which lie in the closure of those of rank nn.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    Multi-Beam Scan Analysis with a Clinical LINAC for High Resolution Cherenkov-Excited Molecular Luminescence Imaging in Tissue.

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    Cherenkov-excited luminescence scanned imaging (CELSI) is achieved with external beam radiotherapy to map out molecular luminescence intensity or lifetime in tissue. Just as in fluorescence microscopy, the choice of excitation geometry can affect the imaging time, spatial resolution and contrast recovered. In this study, the use of spatially patterned illumination was systematically studied comparing scan shapes, starting with line scan and block patterns and increasing from single beams to multiple parallel beams and then to clinically used treatment plans for radiation therapy. The image recovery was improved by a spatial-temporal modulation-demodulation method, which used the ability to capture simultaneous images of the excitation Cherenkov beam shape to deconvolve the CELSI images. Experimental studies used the multi-leaf collimator on a clinical linear accelerator (LINAC) to create the scanning patterns, and image resolution and contrast recovery were tested at different depths of tissue phantom material. As hypothesized, the smallest illumination squares achieved optimal resolution, but at the cost of lower signal and slower imaging time. Having larger excitation blocks provided superior signal but at the cost of increased radiation dose and lower resolution. Increasing the scan beams to multiple block patterns improved the performance in terms of image fidelity, lower radiation dose and faster acquisition. The spatial resolution was mostly dependent upon pixel area with an optimized side length near 38mm and a beam scan pitch of P = 0.33, and the achievable imaging depth was increased from 14mm to 18mm with sufficient resolving power for 1mm sized test objects. As a proof-of-concept, in-vivo tumor mouse imaging was performed to show 3D rendering and quantification of tissue pO2 with values of 5.6mmHg in a tumor and 77mmHg in normal tissue

    The Influence of Particle Concentration on the Formation of Settling-Driven Gravitational Instabilities at the Base of Volcanic Clouds

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    Settling-driven gravitational instabilities observed at the base of volcanic ash clouds have the potential to play a substantial role in volcanic ash sedimentation. They originate from a narrow, gravitationally unstable region called a Particle Boundary Layer (PBL) that forms at the lower cloud-atmosphere interface and generates downward-moving ash fingers that enhance the ash sedimentation rate. We use scaled laboratory experiments in combination with particle imaging and Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) techniques to investigate the effect of particle concentration on PBL and finger formation. Results show that, as particles settle across an initial density interface and are incorporated within the dense underlying fluid, the PBL grows below the interface as a narrow region of small excess density. This detaches upon reaching a critical thickness, that scales with (ν2/g′)1/3, where ν is the kinematic viscosity and g′ is the reduced gravity of the PBL, leading to the formation of fingers. During this process, the fluid above and below the interface remains poorly mixed, with only small quantities of the upper fluid phase being injected through fingers. In addition, our measurements confirm previous findings over a wider set of initial conditions that show that both the number of fingers and their velocity increase with particle concentration. We also quantify how the vertical particle mass flux below the particle suspension evolves with time and with the particle concentration. Finally, we identify a dimensionless number that depends on the measurable cloud mass-loading and thickness, which can be used to assess the potential for settling-driven gravitational instabilities to form. Our results suggest that fingers from volcanic clouds characterised by high ash concentrations not only are more likely to develop, but they are also expected to form more quickly and propagate at higher velocities than fingers associated with ash-poor clouds.</jats:p

    The economic impact of Staphylococcus aureus infection in New York City hospitals.

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    We modeled estimates of the incidence, deaths, and direct medical costs of Staphylococcus aureus infections in hospitalized patients in the New York City metropolitan area in 1995 by using hospital discharge data collected by the New York State Department of Health and standard sources for the costs of health care. We also examined the relative impact of methicillin-resistant versus -sensitive strains of S. aureus and of community-acquired versus nosocomial infections. S. aureus-associated hospitalizations resulted in approximately twice the length of stay, deaths, and medical costs of typical hospitalizations; methicillin-resistant and -sensitive infections had similar direct medical costs, but resistant infections caused more deaths (21% versus 8%). Community-acquired and nosocomial infections had similar death rates, but community-acquired infections appeared to have increased direct medical costs per patient (35,300versus35,300 versus 28,800). The results of our study indicate that reducing the incidence of methicillin-resistant and -sensitive nosocomial infections would reduce the societal costs of S. aureus infection

    A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale

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    In this era of complete genomes, our knowledge of neuroanatomical circuitry remains surprisingly sparse. Such knowledge is however critical both for basic and clinical research into brain function. Here we advocate for a concerted effort to fill this gap, through systematic, experimental mapping of neural circuits at a mesoscopic scale of resolution suitable for comprehensive, brain-wide coverage, using injections of tracers or viral vectors. We detail the scientific and medical rationale and briefly review existing knowledge and experimental techniques. We define a set of desiderata, including brain-wide coverage; validated and extensible experimental techniques suitable for standardization and automation; centralized, open access data repository; compatibility with existing resources, and tractability with current informatics technology. We discuss a hypothetical but tractable plan for mouse, additional efforts for the macaque, and technique development for human. We estimate that the mouse connectivity project could be completed within five years with a comparatively modest budget.Comment: 41 page

    Synchronization in periodically driven and coupled stochastic systems-A discrete state approach

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    Wir untersuchen das Verhalten von stochastischen bistabilen und erregbaren Systemen auf der Basis einer Modellierung mit diskreten Zuständen. In Ergänzung zum bekannten Markovschen Zwei-Zustandsmodell bistabiler stochastischer Dynamik stellen wir ein nicht Markovsches Drei-Zustandsmodell für erregbare Systeme vor. Seine relative Einfachheit, verglichen mit stochastischen Modellen erregbarer Dynamik mit kontinuierlichem Phasenraum, ermöglicht eine teilweise analytische Auswertung in verschiedenen Zusammenhängen. Zunächst untersuchen wir den gemeinsamen Einfluß eines periodischen Treibens und Rauschens. Dieser wird entweder mit Hilfe spektraler Größen oder durch Synchronisation des Systems mit dem treibenden Signal charakterisiert. Wir leiten analytische Ausdrücke für die spektrale Leistungsverstärkung und das Signal-zu-Rauschen Verhältnis für periodisch getriebene Renewal-Prozesse her und wenden diese auf das diskrete Modell für erregbare Dynamik an. Stochastische Synchronization des Systems mit dem treibenden Signal wird auf der Basis der Diffusionseigenschaften der Übergangsereignisse zwischen den diskreten Zuständen untersucht. Wir leiten allgemeine Formeln her, um die mittlere Häufigkeit dieser Ereignisse sowie deren effektiven Diffusionskoeffizienten zu berechnen. Über die konkrete Anwendung auf die untersuchten diskreten Modelle hinaus stellen diese Ergebnisse ein neues Werkzeug für die Untersuchung periodischer Renewal-Prozesse dar. Schließlich betrachten wir noch das Verhalten global gekoppelter bistabiler und erregbarer Systeme. Im Gegensatz zu bistabilen System können erregbare Systeme synchronisiert werden und zeigen kohärente Oszillationen. Alle Untersuchungen des nicht Markovschen Drei-Zustandsmodells werden mit dem prototypischen Modell für erregbare Dynamik, dem FitzHugh-Nagumo System, verglichen und zeigen eine gute Übereinstimmung.We investigate the behavior of stochastic bistable and excitable dynamics based on a discrete state modeling. In addition to the well known Markovian two state model for bistable dynamics we introduce a non Markovian three state model for excitable systems. Its relative simplicity compared to stochastic models of excitable dynamics with continuous phase space allows to obtain analytical results in different contexts. First, we study the joint influence of periodic signals and noise, both based on a characterization in terms of spectral quantities and in terms of synchronization with the periodic driving. We present expressions for the spectral power amplification and signal to noise ratio for renewal processes driven by periodic signals and apply these results to the discrete model for excitable systems. Stochastic synchronization of the system to the driving signal is investigated based on diffusion properties of the transition events between the discrete states. We derive general results for the mean frequency and effective diffusion coefficient which, beyond the application to the discrete models considered in this work, provide a new tool in the study of periodically driven renewal processes. Finally the behavior of globally coupled excitable and bistable units is investigated based on the discrete state description. In contrast to the bistable systems, the excitable system exhibits synchronization and thus coherent oscillations. All investigations of the non Markovian three state model are compared with the prototypical continuous model for excitable dynamics, the FitzHugh-Nagumo system, revealing a good agreement between both models

    An attenuated herpesvirus vectored vaccine candidate induces T-cell responses against highly conserved porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus M and NSP5 proteins that are unable to control infection

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    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) remains a leading cause of economic loss in pig farming worldwide. Existing commercial vaccines, all based on modified live or inactivated PRRSV, fail to provide effective immunity against the highly diverse circulating strains of both PRRSV-1 and PRRSV-2. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop more effective and broadly active PRRSV vaccines. In the absence of neutralizing antibodies, T cells are thought to play a central role in controlling PRRSV infection. Herpesvirus-based vectors are novel vaccine platforms capable of inducing high levels of T cells against encoded heterologous antigens. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the immunogenicity and efficacy of an attenuated herpesvirus-based vector (bovine herpesvirus-4; BoHV-4) expressing a fusion protein comprising two well-characterized PRRSV-1 T-cell antigens (M and NSP5). Prime-boost immunization of pigs with BoHV-4 expressing the M and NSP5 fusion protein (vector designated BoHV-4-M-NSP5) induced strong IFN-γ responses, as assessed by ELISpot assays of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) stimulated with a pool of peptides representing PRRSV-1 M and NSP5. The responses were closely mirrored by spontaneous IFN-γ release from unstimulated cells, albeit at lower levels. A lower frequency of M and NSP5 specific IFN-γ responding cells was induced following a single dose of BoHV-4-M-NSP5 vector. Restimulation using M and NSP5 peptides from PRRSV-2 demonstrated a high level of cross-reactivity. Vaccination with BoHV-4-M-NSP5 did not affect viral loads in either the blood or lungs following challenge with the two heterologous PRRSV-1 strains. However, the BoHV-4-M-NSP5 prime-boost vaccination showed a marked trend toward reduced lung pathology following PRRSV-1 challenge. The limited effect of T cells on PRRSV-1 viral load was further examined by analyzing local and circulating T-cell responses using intracellular cytokine staining and proliferation assays. The results from this study suggest that vaccine-primed T-cell responses may have helped in the control of PRRSV-1 associated tissue damage, but had a minimal, if any, effect on controlling PRRSV-1 viral loads. Together, these results indicate that future efforts to develop effective PRRSV vaccines should focus on achieving a balanced T-cell and antibody response

    Cryptococcal meningitis: A neglected NTD?

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    Although HIV/AIDS has been anything but neglected over the last decade, opportunistic infections (OIs) are increasingly overlooked as large scale donors shift their focus from acute care to prevention and earlier antiretroviral treatment (ART) initiation. Of these OIs, cryptococcal meningitis, a deadly invasive fungal infection, continues to affect hundreds of thousands of HIV patients with advanced disease each year and is responsible for an estimated 15%-20% of all AIDS-related deaths [1,2]. Yet cryptococcal meningitis ranks amongst the most poorly funded “neglected” diseases in the world, receiving 0.2% of available relevant research and development (RandD) funding according to Policy Cures’ 2016 G-Finder Report [3,4]

    The first whole genome and transcriptome of the cinereous vulture reveals adaptation in the gastric and immune defense systems and possible convergent evolution between the Old and New World vultures

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    Background: The cinereous vulture, Aegypius monachus, is the largest bird of prey and plays a key role in the ecosystem by removing carcasses, thus preventing the spread of diseases. Its feeding habits force it to cope with constant exposure to pathogens, making this species an interesting target for discovering functionally selected genetic variants. Furthermore, the presence of two independently evolved vulture groups, Old World and New World vultures, provides a natural experiment in which to investigate convergent evolution due to obligate scavenging. Results: We sequenced the genome of a cinereous vulture, and mapped it to the bald eagle reference genome, a close relative with a divergence time of 18 million years. By comparing the cinereous vulture to other avian genomes, we find positively selected genetic variations in this species associated with respiration, likely linked to their ability of immune defense responses and gastric acid secretion, consistent with their ability to digest carcasses. Comparisons between the Old World and New World vulture groups suggest convergent gene evolution. We assemble the cinereous vulture blood transcriptome from a second individual, and annotate genes. Finally, we infer the demographic history of the cinereous vulture which shows marked fluctuations in effective population size during the late Pleistocene. Conclusions: We present the first genome and transcriptome analyses of the cinereous vulture compared to other avian genomes and transcriptomes, revealing genetic signatures of dietary and environmental adaptations accompanied by possible convergent evolution between the Old World and New World vulturesopen