1,253 research outputs found

    Zarządzanie projektami w procesach rozwoju klastrów

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    Przedmiotem rozprawy jest działalność projektowa uczestników klastrów biznesowych, w szczególności wykorzystanie podejścia projektowego w zarządzaniu rozwojem klastrów. W pracy poddano weryfikacji tezę, iż projekty realizowane przez uczestników klastrów biznesowych, wzmacniają przewagę konkurencyjną poszczególnych uczestników, jak i jednocześnie przewagę konkurencyjną klastrów. Rozprawa ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny. Na podstawie studiów literaturowych zaplanowano i zrealizowano badanie wśród uczestników norweskiego klastra Vestbase. Wyniki badania pozwoliły sformułować wnioski, że działalność projektowa realizowana jest w ramach klastrowych łańcuchów wartości, w których funkcjonują poszczególni uczestnicy i poprzez które bezpośrednio kształtują oni własne przewagi konkurencyjne. Z kolei poszczególne „cząstkowe” przewagi uczestników klastra stanowią elementy składowe procesu wzmacniania zagregowanej przewagi konkurencyjnej całego klastra. Uzyskana wiedza jest użyteczna dla inicjatyw klastrowych oraz animatorów i uczestników powiązań kooperacyjnych, zwłaszcza w kontekście benchmarkingu i standaryzacji zarządzania w klastrach

    Reconstruction of the sternal manubrium

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    Information system purchase and integration contingencies when companies merge

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    This study grounds empirically the purchasing and further integration of an implemented information system set in the frenzied context of a corporate merger. A single longitudinal case study from the Norwegian pelagic seafood industry provides a detailed long-term account of developing the information system prior to, during and after a merger in the seafood industry that relies on wild catch. It is characterised by high dependence on features of nature and society to secure sustainable production. Contingency theory together with a process view of production reveals how interactions unfold over time to develop the new unified information system. Features of integration, interaction and interdependency represent different facets of information system purchase and development. The merger process represents an abnormality for the organisation as a continuous entity. Information system development in the case, therefore, takes place in a weakly integrated network of merging firms with severe time constraints. Given high uncertainty, solutions emerge through interaction. Deterministic optimisation is, in this context, a fluffy managerial dream. Normally, information system purchase and information system development involve reciprocal interdependencies involving mutual adjustments through intensive technologies and tight interaction among all parties involved. The coercive behaviour of management seeking efficiencies overrules these planning ideals. This indicates that purchasing, in a corporate merger context, is complex and approached as a complex system in a network. Solutions used in this approach originate because of emergent-networked interaction.publishedVersio

    Measurement of the cerebral saturation for assessment of safety of epidural anaesthesia during abdominal surgery

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    Background : Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) is considered a reliable assessment method of a balance between cerebral oxygen demand and supply. One of forms of anaesthesia applied during extensive abdominal surgical procedures is the epidural anaesthesia. Its application in addition to the general anaesthesia is a commonly accepted form of anaesthesia in patients undergoing abdominal surgery. The aim of this study was to verify the hypothesis that epidural blocks may have effects on cerebral saturation in patients undergoing abdominal surgery under general anaesthesia. Methods : Cerebral saturation was monitored intrasurgically. Reduction of cerebral oxymetry by over 25% in relation to the baseline, or cerebral oxymetry value below 50% was considered clinically significant. Results : One hundred and one (101) subsequent and non-randomised patients, age between 35 and 84 years (mean 64 ± 10) qualified for major abdominal surgeries were enrolled. In 14 (13.9%) patients of 101 enrolled a clinically significant reduction of cerebral saturation was observed. In 50 (49.5%) of the enrolled patients, the epidural anaesthesia was applied along the general anaesthesia. A clinically significant reduction of cerebral saturation was observed in 9 of them. No statistically significant association was found between the application of epidural anaesthesia and development of cerebral desaturation.Conclusion : The application of epidural anaesthesia caused no clinically significant reduction of cerebral saturation during the general anaesthesia in course of major abdominal surgical procedures

    Innovative approach to postgraduate education in the field of fluid power technology

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    The article presents the developed, innovative model of postgraduate education in the area of fluid drive and control technology, launched in the Cracow University of Technology. The program of postgraduate studies was elaborated in accordance with the CETOP guidelines. Characteristics of education on hydraulic and pneumatic systems are presented together with the proposed model of studies and its innovative components

    Badania modelowe zastosowania pletyzmografii impedacyjnej do badania przepływu krwi w kończynach

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    W pracy opisano zastosowanie metody pletyzmografii impedancyjnej do pomiaru przepływu krwi w kończynach górnych człowieka. Przedstawiono założenia pomiaru, oceniono i opisano właściwości metody oraz określono właściwości układu pomiarowego. Oceniono poprawność czteroelektrodowej pletyzmografii impedancyjnej do badań przepływu tkankowego krwi w przedramionach

    Badania modelowe zastosowania pletyzmografii impedacyjnej do badania przepływu krwi w kończynach

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    W pracy opisano zastosowanie metody pletyzmografii impedancyjnej do pomiaru przepływu krwi w kończynach górnych człowieka. Przedstawiono założenia pomiaru, oceniono i opisano właściwości metody oraz określono właściwości układu pomiarowego. Oceniono poprawność czteroelektrodowej pletyzmografii impedancyjnej do badań przepływu tkankowego krwi w przedramionach

    Effect of dietary organic and inorganic selenium supplementation on chemical, mineral and fatty acid composition of ostrich meat

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    This study evaluated the effect of dietary organic and inorganic selenium supplementation on chemical, mineral and fatty acid composition of ostrich meat. Forty ostriches were raised in two groups (OSe and IOSe, diets supplemented with an organic form and an inorganic form of selenium, respectively). The form of selenium had no influence on chemical composition of ostrich muscle. Although, there were no significant differences in total content of SFA, MUFA and PUFA, the content of LA and EPA was higher in the muscles of ostriches which were put on a diet supplemented with an organic form of selenium, what resulted in lower n-6/n-3 fatty acids ratio in OSe group (9.99) in comparison to IOSe group (11.70). The results of the study indicate that dietary organic selenium supplementation improves the quality of the ostrich meat as related to the health promoting properties (LA, EPA and selenium content) of meat

    Improvements in experimental investigation of molten Mg-based materials

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    In this paper, the experimental performance of a new testing device designed for investigating the high temperature properties of molten Mg is presented. The newly developed device allows examining high temperature wetting behavior and thermophysical properties of molten Mg (and Mg alloys) by using various experimental procedures (e.g. classical sessile drop, pendant drop, dispensed drop and drop sucking). High temperature wettability tests at temperatures up to 1000 °C in an inert gas atmosphere or under high vacuum (up to 10−7 hPa) are now possible. It has been documented that the application of the classical sessile drop method combined with a capillary purification procedure successfully eliminates the problem of magnesium oxidation that traditionally affects obtained results. Selected examples of high temperature experiments carried out for molten Mg in contact with various refractories are presented in order to show a wide range of analytical possibilities of the new device. The results obtained by using the new device are important from both a high theoretical and practical perspective regarding liquid phase assisted fabrication and processing of Mg-based alloys and metal-matrix composites. Keywords: Equipment design, Sessile drop method, Reactivity, Mg composites, Mg alloy

    Monetary and non-monetary motivations for students to undertake work in the light of original research

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this article is to identify both wage and non-wage factors that motivate students to take up work. The article seeks to answer which wage and non-wage factors are most important to students when deciding to take up a job and how these dependencies can be encapsulated.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The study utilizes a survey methodology with a sample size of 510 respondents. The research hypothesizes that among students, wage factors such as high salary and an attractive bonus and rewards system, as well as non-wage factors like flexible working hours and advancement opportunities, are key motivators for taking up work.FINDINGS: The findings reveal that high salary and an attractive system of bonuses and rewards are the most significant wage factors motivating students to take up work. Additionally, the flexibility of working hours and the potential for career advancement were identified as significant non-wage factors.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results suggest that employers seeking to attract and retain qualified staff should consider both wage and non-wage factors in their motivation strategies. High salary, attractive rewards, flexibility in working hours, and potential for career advancement have been identified as key motivating factors. The individual character of motivation and the need to adapt motivational strategies to the specifics of the organization and its employees should be considered.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The originality of this article lies in its attempt to quantify and model motivation to take up work, by considering both wage and non-wage factors. It provides a formula to understand and forecast how different factors affect the decision to take up work. Despite its limitations, this formula potentially serves as a tool to assess and modify motivational strategies.peer-reviewe