12 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Peran Dewan Pengawas Syariah Pada Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia dan Brunei Darussalam

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    Kajian ini secara teoritis mengkaji peran dewan syariah dalam pengawasan bank syariah, khususnya tanggung jawab dan kewenangan anggotanya. Lebih lanjut, tulisan ini mengkaji apakah proporsi tanggung jawab dan wewenang itu seimbang atau tidak. Hal ini dicapai dengan membandingkan peran dewan syariah di Indonesia dengan peran dewan syariah di Brunei Darussalam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan model pendekatan komparatif. Dari hasil kajian disebutkan bahwa Negara-negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara mengadopsi model tata kelola Syariah yang tersentralisasi. Perbandingan tersebut didasarkan pada kriteria seperti: penunjukan, kualifikasi, alur proses, tata kelola, dan legislasi. Tidak ada perbedaan signifikan pada peran dewan pengawas syariah baik di Indonesia maupun di Brunei. Perbedaan terbesar antara kedua negara tersebut terdapat pada ada dan tidak adanya sistem tata kelola khusus syariah untuk lembaga keuangan syariah. Brunei dan Indonesia dari kerangka perundang-undangan dapat dikatakan masih akan terus mengalami perkembangan untuk menuju ke arah lebih baik. Hal yang paling penting adalah apapun jenis peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh bank sentral, maka lembaga keuangan haruslah bersedia mengikutinya.This study theoretically examines the role of the sharia board in supervising sharia banks, especially the responsibilities and authority of its members. Furthermore, this paper examines whether the proportion of responsibility and authority is balanced or not. This is achieved by comparing the role of the sharia council in Indonesia with the role of the sharia council in Brunei Darussalam. This research is qualitative research with a comparative approach model. From the results of the study it was stated that Countries in the Southeast Asia region adopt a centralized Sharia governance model. The comparison is based on criteria such as: appointment, qualifications, process flow, governance and legislation. There is no significant difference in the role of the sharia supervisory board in both Indonesia and Brunei. The biggest difference between the two countries lies in the presence and absence of a special sharia governance system for sharia financial institutions. It can be said that Brunei and Indonesia from the legal framework will continue to experience development towards a better direction. The most important thing is that whatever type of regulations are set by the central bank, financial institutions must be willing to follow them

    Tinjauan Kaidah Fiqih Ju’alah dan Maisyir

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    Islamic teachings emphasize that all economic activities are based on sharia principles, which contain the muamalah principle that the substance of the meaning contained therein and the goals to be achieved end up in the goal of maqasid sharia and the benefit of the ummah. Fiqh rules are the basis related to legal issues, so they can detail fiqh problems in society, including ju'alah and maisyir which are often encountered due to technological developments and societal habits. The purpose of this research is to review the rules of ju'alah and maisyir fiqh. The research method used is to use a qualitative research method in the form of a literature study sourced from secondary data by reviewing various literature, such as books, articles and various kinds of relevant library materials. The results of this research are that the rules of fiqh, in the form of Qawa'id Al-Kulliyah, Qawa'id Al-Asasiyah, and Qawa'id furu' play a very important role in detailing problems related to ju'alah and maisy, so that people will be wiser in applying materials to provide solutions to various differences of opinion among ulama


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    As social beings, humans cannot be separated from each other to fulfill their daily needs. One of the relationships between one human being and another is manifested by an agreement. The agreement process is generally referred to as aqad or contract. Many parties who enter into contracts do not understand the rights and obligations they must fulfill, so even though they use the Islamic legal agreement system, the values ​​in this concept have not been fully implemented. This paper discusses the classification of aqad in sharia economic transactions, which is analyzed using the opinions of the mazhab scholars. This paper aims to explain the classification of aqad in sharia economic law. The research method used in this research is library research. In this case, the writer obtains literary sources through literature such as books, journals, and encyclopedias related to the theme being studied. This research is oriented towards discussing the urgency or importance of aqad in Islamic economic law. The data in the research are presented in a descriptive narrative way. The analysis technique used is the data analysis technique introduced by Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results showed that aqad is an agreement in an agreement between two parties. In general, the classification is divided into two aqad/agreements, namely aqad tabarru’ and aqad tijarah

    Evaluasi kurikulum magister hukum ekonomi syariah program pasca sarjana UIN Bandung

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    Kekuatan terdalam (inner cyrcle power) dari suatu program studi adalah kurikulum. Kurikulum ideal adalah kurikulum yang memuat tujuan, isi, organisasi dan strategi. Karena bukan terlahir dari ruang hampa, kurikulum harus senantiasa dieavalusi untuk dapat mengakomodir kebutuhan masyarakat yang relavan dengan kebutuhan pengguna lulusan. Sehingga, visi, misi, dan tujuan program studi secara efektif dan efisein akan tercapai. Prodi Magister Hukum Ekonomi Syariah sebagai bagian dari subsistem pendidikan nasional terikat dengan komitmen untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan secara luas. Karena itu, Prodi Magister Hukum Ekonomi Syariah berusaha menangkap dinamika di masyarakat untuk dituangkan menjadi sajian kurikulum yang tepat. Menurut Guba dan Lincoln (1981), evaluasi yang efektif dapat dilakukan secara naturalistik dengan mendapatkan nilai instrisik (merit) dan nilai eksternal (worth). Dengan mengaplikasikan metode deskriptip-analitis, evaluasi kurikulum ini berhasil mendapatkan nilai internal (merit) dan nilai eksternal (worth). Nilai intrinsik (merit) adalah eksistensi prodi dan semua kelengkapannya yang sudah diakui oleh BAN-PT dengan nilai B. Nilai eksternal (worth) adalah diterimanya lulusan MaHes oleh pengguna lulusan diberbagai sektor. Merit yang ada di Prodi MaHes belum dapat melahirkan worth yang maksimal karena faktor input mahasiswa yang tidak optimal dan kwalitas SDM belum mendukung pengkajian secara mendalam karena alasan administrasi. Temuan ini direkomnedasikan untuk dilanjutkan dalam workshop kurikulum yang sistematik dan mendalam untuk mendapat merit dan worth yang maksimal

    Deradicalization of Religion Models: Comparative Study of Jamaah Tablig Movement in The Region of Garut, Indonesia and Yala, Thailand

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    Deradicalization of religion will run on an ongoing basis when the power of the state is actively involved in it. That involvement can be shaped at the same time planning the implementation of policies, programs and budgets. In addition, the deradicalization of religion tends to be effective in the group of the owner of a basic understanding of religious inclusive. However, the practice of deradicalization of religion in Jama'ah Tabliq, which incidentally exclusive and fundamentalist, sustained even likely to be effective with minimal intervention of state power. This study aimed to describe the problem by uncovering and explaining the program that has been implemented Jama'ah Tabliq movement in deradicalization on those who embrace religious radicalism; The doctrine of Jama'ah Tabliq movement that managed to lose the attitude of the radicalism followers; and success factors Jama'ah Tabliq movement in conducting deradicalization. The approach in analyzing is the theoretical framework of power relations and the construction theory of history. With using qualitative methods and techniques as well as the locus descriptive analytical research and case studies Tablighi Jamaat movement in Garut, Indonesia, and Yala, Thailand, this research shows that, the first, deradicalization Tablighi Jama'a religious in the main program in the da'wah movement emphasizing the missionary movement of peace; the second,  Jama'ah Tabliq doctrine, 1) the doctrine of ikromul Muslims, the honor and respect of every Muslim. 2) The doctrine or the doctrine of proselytizing and sermons. Jihad political set up and establish an Islamic State or seize political power of infidel countries is not mandatory, mandatory preached about the truth of Islam. 3) "four things that should not be done", namely the one discussed politics both inside and outside the country and discuss khilafiyah or differences of opinion in matters of religion; And third, the effectiveness and sustainability of the deradicalization of inter Jama'ah Tabliq are factors source of knowledge and practice everyday, the book "Fadhaiul Amal," which teaches the spirit and practice of peace.  Referring to the book Jama'ah Tabliq develop the message to the model maqomi, intiqoli, ta'lim wata'lum, infirodi, non-political, and amaliyah dizkr

    Analisis yurisprudensi/ Januri

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    xii, 375 hal.; 24 c

    Dialog pemikiran timur barat

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    Tinjauan Kaidah Fikih Wakaf Uang Berasal Dari Asnaf Fisabilillah; Sinergi Wakaf Produktif Dan Zakat: Sinergi Wakaf Produktif Dan Zakat

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    This paper examines the fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) principles related to the permissibility of waqfing (endowing) zakat money for fisabilillah (in the way of Allah), as well as an effort to synergize productive waqf and zakat. A qualitative analysis shows that the fiqh principles can support the use of zakat funds for fisabilillah as waqf money for the benefit of the ummah (Muslim community). Productive waqf from zakat fisabilillah has the potential to bring long-term benefits to the ummah. Based on the fiqh principles that allow it, it strengthens the ummah's conviction to implement productive waqf from zakat fisabilillah


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    This research is entitled a comparative study of the principles of sharia insurance according to Islamic law and Law No. 40 of 2014 concerning insurance. In its operations, in addition to complying with the legal terms of the agreement, insurance must also comply with the principles of insurance law. The purpose of these principles is to provide a framework within which all parties to a transaction will receive fair and proper treatment. This study aims to discuss the principles of insurance law in Islam and the principles of insurance in Law No. 40 of 2014 concerning insurance by conducting a comparative study which is expected to find similarities and differences. The research method used by the author is using descriptive analysis and comparative research, the data collection technique used is library research. The results of this study there are six principles of sharia insurance in Islamic law, namely; the Principle of Insurable Interest, the Principle of Utmost Good Faith, the Principle of Indemnity, the Principle of Subrogation, the Principle of Proximate Cause, and the Principle of Contribution. While the principles of sharia insurance contained in Law No. 40 of 2014 is the application of sharia principles in accordance with the DSN MUI fatwa, then regarding legal relations in insurance agreements that take provisions from KHES, and legal consequences in insurance which in case of disputes are resolved through mediation.