199 research outputs found

    Extend Wireless Network's Lifetime Based on Developing Gossiping Routing Algorithm

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    Prolong node's lifetime that is limited by its battery, as long as possible is an important factor during wireless sensor network designing. Several routing algorithm have been adopted to manage the energy strategy of WSNs. Multi-hoping is considered to be data transmission technique in WSNs, and Gossiping is one of well-defined multi-hopping as an epidemic routing algorithm. Gossip algorithm constructs its routing based on random selection of intermediate nodes, thus leads to its inefficiency. In this paper, three algorithms proposed for developing Gossip algorithm, DGossip, EN_Gossip and ENL_Gossip. Network lifetime improved by considering the information of nodes location, energy and their distance to the base station. The simulation executed in MATLAB, and the results of the proposed algorithms show that they are more efficient than LGossip and ELGossip and prolong the overall network lifetime. Keywords: Gossiping, epidemic routing algorithm, DGossip, Network life time, EN_Gossip, ENL_Gossip

    Comparison in some kinematic variables of layup basketball of older and young players

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    Basketball is a game that requires being fast in either attack and defense with a precision in tactical and technical preparation. Recently in many countries in the world basketball is the second most popular game with its vision attracting techniques. The Research problem was determination of the effect of layup techniques on the score of the basketball games of university players in Mosul, this require proper training methods in which players can practice the best techniques based on the outcomes of analyses. The population of this study was undergraduate male basketball players of the University of Mosul -Iraq, for the academic year 2012-2013, each sample included (6) male basketball players; young players=(176.7 cm tall), (18,3 years age) older player =(179.6 cm tall), (23,3 years age). The older players were better in all tested variables (horzontal and vertical distance, Hips Displacement for jumping, Height of palm, distance of take-off from basket ball)

    Evaluation of Support Vector Machine and Decision Tree for Emotion Recognition of Malay Folklores

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    In this paper, the performance of Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Decision Tree (DT) in classifying emotions from Malay folklores is presented. This work is the continuation of our storytelling speech synthesis work to add emotions for a more natural storytelling. A total of 100 documents from children short stories are collected and used as the datasets of the text-based emotion recognition experiment. Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) is extracted from the text documents and classified using SVM and DT. Four types of common emotions, which are happy, angry, fearful and sad are classified using the two classifiers. Results showed that DT outperformed SVM by more than 22.2% accuracy rate. However, the overall emotion recognition is only at moderate rate suggesting an improvement is needed in future work. The accuracy of the emotion recognition should be improved in future studies by using semantic feature extractors or by incorporating deep learning for classification

    A Novel Method for Evaluating the Dynamic Load Factor of An Involute Gear Tooth with Asymmetric Profiles

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    In this paper a new generation of asymmetric tooth profile gear is considered  to enhance the dynamic behavior and vibroacoustic properties of toothed gear system. This paper presents a non linear dynamic model as a single degree of freedom equation for teeth meshing   gear system which includes   static and dynamic transmission error in order to investigate the influence of time varying mesh stiffness and periodic tooth errors on dynamic load factor for symmetric and asymmetric spur teeth profile.  A new  model of nonlinear time varying mesh stiffness is based on four types of deflections with consideration a small   pressure angle for loaded tooth profile side and high pressure angle for another side. The complicated variation of meshing stiffness as a function of contact point along the mesh cycle is studied. Typical dynamic load factor equations are developed for symmetric and asymmetric tooth gear in single   and double tooth contact by studied symmetrictooth with pressure angle ( 200/200 ) and two pairs of asymmetric teeth (14.50/250 & 200/250 ).  The effect of pressure of asymmetry and static transmitted load   on transmission error and dynamic load factorare studied. The results indicate enhancement  percentage   in transmission error and dynamic load factor for asymmetric teeth profile compare with that symmetric   tooth profile    . Keywords: Asymmetric spur gear, Transmission Error   , Non-linear mesh stiffnes

    The Impact of the Digital Economy on International Trade, the Case of Egypt for the Period (1990-2020)

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    Recent economic changes in technology and information have led to reliance on newer technologies to keep pace with the rapid development occurring worldwide in all the different economic sectors called the digital economy. Therefore, the digital economy is considered one of the main pillars on which it depends greatly in the present and future times because it contributes to the development of the country's domestic product and thus improving its international trade at the level of international competition because it is a knowledge economy that relies mainly on technology and its advanced means. Therefore, international trade trends changed in light of the digital economy, so modern theories were formulated and developed in line with the transformations that occurred in modern international trade. The digital economy merged with international trade, leading to a clear discrepancy between all countries, each according to its circumstances. It led the developed countries to move towards new patterns in production, international competition and the division of international labor, which created new advantages in international trade in light of the digital economy. The research aims to identify the impact of the digital economy on international trade, the case of Egypt over the past three decades, and the variation of its impact in light of the new economic trends and their requirements, as well as the legal analysis

    Role of the HIV-1 Matrix Protein in Gag Intracellular Trafficking and Targeting to the Plasma Membrane for Virus Assembly

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    Human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) encodes a polypeptide called Gag that is able to form virus-like particles in vitro in the absence of any cellular or viral constituents. During the late phase of the HIV-1 infection, Gag polyproteins are transported to the plasma membrane (PM) for assembly. In the past two decades, in vivo, in vitro, and structural studies have shown that Gag trafficking and targeting to the PM are orchestrated events that are dependent on multiple factors including cellular proteins and specific membrane lipids. The matrix (MA) domain of Gag has been the focus of these studies as it appears to be engaged in multiple intracellular interactions that are suggested to be critical for virus assembly and replication. The interaction between Gag and the PM is perhaps the most understood. It is now established that the ultimate localization of Gag on punctate sites on the PM is mediated by specific interactions between the MA domain of Gag and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P2], a minor lipid localized on the inner leaflet of the PM. Structure-based studies revealed that binding of PI(4,5)P2 to MA induces minor conformational changes, leading to exposure of the myristyl (myr) group. Exposure of the myr group is also triggered by binding of calmodulin, enhanced by factors that promote protein self-association like the capsid domain of Gag, and is modulated by pH. Despite the steady progress in defining both the viral and cellular determinants of retroviral assembly and release, Gag’s intracellular interactions and trafficking to its assembly sites in the infected cell are poorly understood. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of the structural and functional role of MA in HIV replication

    Analyzing and Measuring the Impact of the Digital Economy on International Trade, the Case of Jordan for the Period (1990-2020)

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    The digital economy is defined as the economy that relies mainly on the economics of information and informatics technology that is based on digital technology. The sectors of information, communication and informatics technology have become one of the most important sectors driving economic growth in the developed countries now, because of the great potential they contain in various fields of the modern economy. The research aims to study the impact of the digital economy on international trade. Descriptive, as a general introduction to the various concepts of the digital economy and its role in international trade, as well as relying on the statistical quantitative analytical approach to analyze the results obtained. The research concluded many results and proposals

    Energy Expenditure During Cane-Assisted Gait in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the energy expenditure in patients with unilateral knee osteoarthritis while walking with canes of different lengths. METHODS: A quasi-experimental study (single-group) was carried out on thirty patients with unilateral knee osteoarthritis. An adjustable aluminum cane was used, and three different cane lengths were determined for each subject: C1 - length from the floor to the greater trochanter; C2 - length from the floor to the distal wrist crease; and C3 - length obtained by the formula: height x 0.45 + 0.87 m. Resting and walking heart rates were measured with a Polar hear rate meter. Walking speed was calculated by the time required for the patient to walk 10 m. Gait energy cost was estimated using the physiological cost index, and results were compared. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 25 women and five men (average age of 68 years). Statistically significant differences in physiological cost index measurements were observed between unassisted walking and assisted walking with a cane of any length (p<0.001), as well as between walking with a C2-length cane and unassisted walking, and walking with a C1-length cane and walking with a C3-length cane (p=0.001; p = 0.037; p=0.001; respectively). CONCLUSION: These data demonstrate that small alterations in the length of canes used for weight-bearing ambulation in patients with unilateral knee osteoarthritis increase the energy expenditure measured by the physiological cost index during walking. Further studies are needed for a more precise quantification of the increase in energy expenditure during cane-assisted gait and an assessment of the effectiveness of cane use in relieving pain and improving function in patients with knee osteoarthritis

    Basidiobolomycosis of the Colon Masquerading as Stenotic Colon Cancer

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    Basidiobolus ranarum is a widespread saprophyte fungus with pathogenic potential. It affects mainly the subcutaneous tissues of the trunk and limbs. Relatively recently, occasional reports of gastrointestinal basidiobolomycosis appeared in the literature. Due to the rarity of the condition and the nonspecific presenting features, the correct diagnosis is usually hard to reach. In this paper, we describe the clinical course of an otherwise healthy female, who presented with a colonic mass. She received subtotal colectomy followed by oral itraconazole, with successful outcome

    Pattern of neurological diseases in adult outpatient neurology clinics in tertiary care hospital

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    Objectives: The burden of neurological diseases in developing countries is rising although little is known about the epidemiology and clinical pattern of neurological disorders. The objective of this study was to understand the burden of disease faced by neurologists a in tertiary care setting. Results: A prospective observational study was conducted of all presentations to neurology clinics at Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi over a period of 2 years. A total of 16,371 out-patients with neurological diseases were seen during the study period. The mean age of the study participants were 46.2 ± 18.3 years and 8508 (52%) were male. Headache disorders were present in 3058 (18.6%) of patients followed by vascular diseases 2842 (17.4%), nerve and root lesions 2311 (14.1%) and epilepsies 2055 (12.5%). Parkinson\u27s disease was more prevalent in male participants 564 (70.8%) as compared to female 257 (62.1%) (p = 0.002). Migraines and vertigo disease were more diagnosed in females as compared to males. Epilepsies were seen more in younger age groups. Parkinson\u27s disease was seen in 50.9% of participants between the ages of 45 and 65 years, and the frequency increased with age