Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities
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    388 research outputs found

    Psychological Benefits of Adventure Tourism

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    Adventure tourism, characterized by activities involving risk, challenge, and excitement in natural environments, has gained significant attention due to its potential psychological benefits. This paper delves into the scientific exploration of the psychological advantages associated with engaging in adventure tourism. Drawing from a comprehensive review of existing literature, theoretical frameworks, and empirical evidence, the paper elucidates the profound impact of adventure tourism on individuals\u27 mental well-being. The paper begins by defining adventure tourism and highlighting its escalating popularity worldwide. It establishes the crucial link between psychological well-being and adventure tourism, emphasizing the importance of understanding and promoting mental health benefits in outdoor recreational activities. The conceptual framework encompasses various theories such as flow theory, biophilia hypothesis, and nature connectedness, providing a theoretical basis for examining the psychological dimensions of adventure tourism experiences. Through an in-depth analysis of empirical studies and case examples, the paper explores the diverse psychological benefits offered by adventure tourism. These benefits include stress reduction, coping mechanisms development, enhancement of self-esteem and self-confidence, and the cultivation of resilience and adaptability. The empirical evidence presented underscores the positive psychological transformations experienced by individuals participating in adventure tourism activities. Furthermore, the paper addresses methodological considerations, including research design, sampling techniques, and data collection methods employed in studying the psychological effects of adventure tourism. It also discusses challenges and ethical considerations associated with promoting mental well-being in adventure tourism contexts. Based on the findings, the paper offers recommendations and best practices for adventure tourism operators, policymakers, and practitioners to optimize the psychological benefits for participants. It concludes by advocating for continued research and the integration of mental health support into adventure tourism programs, highlighting the immense potential of adventure tourism as a catalyst for enhancing individuals\u27 psychological well-being

    Loan Recovery in Maimana Islamic Investment and Finance Cooperative Microfinance Institution

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    MIIFC is one of the financial institutions operating in financial sector in Faryab province of Afghanistan. One of the most important problems of financial institutions is the recovery of the loans from the borrowers. The purpose of this study is to find the determinants of loan recovery in MIIFC micro finance institution. The statistical population of this research is the borrowers of MIIFC micro finance institution, the sample size is 300 and the stratified random sampling technique was employed. The study used both descriptive and inferential statistic, the quantitative method has been analysed by descriptive statistic with statistical package SPSS (24) and empirical analysis is conducted by using binary logistic regression model to stablish of all explanatory variables. The results show that from these variables, only economic and political situation, number of loans taken, penalty of delay, gender and debt guarantee have a significant relationship with loan repayment. The marital status, education level, age, monthly expenditure, loan utilization, literacy, income-increasing debt, relative location, type of loan, group loan, amount of repayment, repayment period, interest rate on the loan, number of families, loan utilization training and pre-loan purpose have no relationship with loan recovery

    Research on Factors that Influence the Employment of Foreigners in China

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    In the era of global economic integration and a rapidly changing international workforce, China has witnessed a significant increase in the number of foreign workers, especially since its accession to the WTO. This influx has disrupted China\u27s labor market equilibrium and raised substantial challenges related to national sovereignty, security, social order, and public health. The Chinese legislative landscape grapples with various issues, such as delays in legislation, unclear regulatory boundaries, gaps in emerging sectors, lenient penalties for illegal employment, and inadequate coordination among law enforcement agencies. This paper holds both theoretical and practical importance as it aims to tackle these problems, proposing potential solutions to issues arising from the illicit employment of foreigners. Drawing insights from global legislative practices and emphasizing the safeguarding of domestic labor, this paper seeks to establish a comprehensive legislative framework for foreign employment in China, including provisions for exceptions to equal treatment. Additionally, it advocates for stricter employer accountability and penalties for illegal employment, highlighting the urgent need for improved cooperation and efficiency among law enforcement agencies. Beyond addressing domestic challenges, this paper also promotes international cooperation in foreign labor management, aligning with evolving global standards and continuously enhancing China\u27s legal framework

    Inter-Caste Marriage and Caste Prejudice: A Study of Perumal Murugan’s Novel ‘Pyre’

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    The 21st century is an era of science and advancement. Due to this advancement, there is an evident threat of climate change, global warming, health issues and biological warfare. In this scenario, our lives are changing rapidly. But one thing that has not changed yet is the caste-system. People are still embedded in caste. The notion of purity and practice of endogamy have contributed in the establishment of the caste system. Endogamy is a founding element of the caste system. It is because of this that caste has become an unaltered force of Indian society. The consequences of inter-caste marriage are often horrible. Couples are rarely accepted by the family and society. Excommunication, torture, honor killing and murder are the consequences of inter-caste marriage. Inter- caste marriage is a great contribution in the eradication of the caste system. Inter-caste marriages not only cast the caste but also bring social harmony and feeling of interdependence among people belonging to different caste. But unfortunately, inter-caste marriages are unaccepted and considered offensive. The present novel ‘Pyre’ illustrates the ethos that leads a community to give their judgment against inter-caste marriage

    Rational Dialogues and Its Constructive Social-Cultural Functions

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    One of the tools that human civilizations use today to understand each other and resolve misunderstandings is dialogue. Dialogue can reduce social distances and bridge human and cultural gaps. In this research, the social and path-opening functions of dialogue as a bridge between social, political and cultural groups have been discussed. Dialogue is a dynamic process, which has two aspects of collective and social nature. Also, with the logic of dialogue and the method of conversation, it is possible to create a bridge over social, political and ethnic gaps and connect people and groups together. The purpose of writing this article is to explain and describe the functions of dialogue, whether it is possible to fill the social, gender, cultural and cognitive gaps in a society with this method. Today\u27s democratic political systems use dialogue as a communication and cognitive bridge between themselves and the nations. Because there are many similarities between bridge and dialogue, which are also discussed in this article. Due to the fact that dialogue has a collective nature and gathering character, this research with a survey method seeks to know the importance, position and role of dialogue in reducing conflicts in social and cultural relationships. The question is, can this collective character and collection of dialogue prevent the separation and division of people and social groups and reduce misunderstandings towards each other. In addition to the theoretical part of this article, a descriptive-analytical method has been used by distributing the questionnaire. The statistical population of Badakhshan University is considered. The findings of this research indicate that dialogue is one of the appropriate ways to connect social division in a society. Based on the findings, dialogue is like a bridge, which can fill and connect social, linguistic, cultural, ethnic and political gaps. (80%) of the sample population considered the role and importance of dialogue in reducing social misunderstandings, preventing violent social, linguistic and ethnic conflicts

    Impact of Work-Life Conflict on Employee Performance: A Study of Kabul Afghanistan

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    In today\u27s developing world, the matter of work-life conflict and its impact on employee performance was the focal point of organizational behavioral researchers for decades. Each individual engaged in a struggle to uphold their rights and aimed to attain a reputable position to enhance their living standards for a more comfortable life. The efforts exerted by employees to earn a livelihood were not solely for personal success but also for the betterment of their family life and safety. This study investigated the work-life conflict and its impact on employee performance in the cultural context of Afghanistan. Open-ended questionnaires were used as a technique for data collection from survey respondents who lived and worked in non-government organizations in Kabul, Afghanistan. Kabul was chosen as the survey location due to its status as the capital and largest population city in Afghanistan. The aim was to explore the work-life matters of Kabul\u27s inhabitants and understand their impact on the workforce in various non-government organizations in the city. A qualitative research method was employed, utilizing both primary and secondary approaches for data and information collection. Primary data was collected through the use of questionnaires. The research provided sufficient information about work-life conflicts and their impact on employee performance, contributing to changes in skills and attitudes. Non-government organizations in Afghanistan actively sought to enhance flexibility and openness for all individuals, including stakeholders, managers, subordinates, and clients. Both non-government and private organizations in Afghanistan focused on furthering improvements and progress for their employees

    Being in between the Gender in Indian Society: A Study on the Films Chitrangada and Nagarkirtan

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    The Indian society is a patriarchal one believing in heterosexual normalcy, invalidating all other gender identities. Although people who are “in between” the gender have always desired for social acceptability, their existence is still not acknowledged in this society. Rudra, a gay and Puti, a transgender are the two protagonists from the films Chitrangada: The Crowning Wish (2012) and Nagarkirtan (2017) face challenges for not belonging to the existing gender binary in Indian society. Their journey is filled with toxicity and marginalization for their unconventional gender identity. This study focuses on how this patriarchal gender system has been oppressive towards the non-conformists. It also explores why homosexual and transgender individuals feel to undergo the transsexual transition to conform to the heterosexual dichotomy of the society. This is a qualitative content analysis. Considering two Indian films as its primary source, it explores several past researches as its secondary source. This article draws ideas from LGBTQ++ theory, "Gender Performativity" theory by Judith Butler, and "Representation" theory by Stuart Hall

    A Study on the Interaction between Gender Morality and Free Love in Early 20th Century China : Centered on Du Cheng Shu&Qu Jiang\u27s Love Letter

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    This article attempts to answer the question of "love" and why it has been prohibited from entering the public sphere in Chinese history. This article takes the "Love Letter Incident" as a case study and uses the process tracking method to analyze the love letter incident between Du Chengshu (杜成淑) and Qu Jiang (屈疆). In this event, various social groups interacted on this matter, so this article horizontally compared the thinking and self-expression of young men and women in the face of love issues and vertically explored the premature and delayed disclosure of love issues under the trend of gender equality in China since the early 20th century. Examining and evaluating love issues by various parties in the public sphere is necessary for private love writing to move toward the public sphere. Through various evaluations of love letters, the issue of love has entered the public sphere. However, in China at the beginning of the 20th century, the issue of love still faced scrutiny from traditional Chinese gender morality and morality, making it difficult for love issues to be made public. This article finds that in early 20th-century China. The concept of "gender equality" accompanied by China\u27s modernization movement (May Fourth Movement) was valued by society, and the morality of "gender equality" has never been established. However, Chinese society still maintains an unfriendly attitude towards women, and the perception of gender inequality is still considered normal

    Causal Relationship According to Toda-Yamamoto Methodology Between Economic Growth Rates and Inflation in the Iraqi Economy During the Period (1990 - 2021)

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    This study aims to test the causal relationship between inflation and economic growth during the period (1990-2021) in Iraq. The long-term causality test was conducted using the Toda-Yamamoto methodology, developed based on a study conducted in 1995 by Toda and Yamamoto. The results indicated a unidirectional causal relationship between economic growth and inflation, meaning that an increase in growth rates has an impact on inflation. The study recommends the implementation of monetary policies to reduce monetary growth. This could include reducing interest rates or implementing other monetary policies to control the increase in money supply, in addition to improving the supply by increasing production and enhancing efficiency in the economy. Policies encouraging investment and promoting production can contribute to meeting growing demand without causing an increase in inflation

    Theorising the Idea of Aesthetic Self in Abhinavagupta

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    The paper examines Abhinavagupta’s concept of rasa, or aesthetic experience, and attempts to theorise the idea of an aesthetic self. According to him, while experiencing a drama (nāṭya), spectators attain a collective state of consciousness when they resonate with the underlying poetic intention and experience generalised emotions (through sādhāraṇīkaraṇa), creating a uniformity (ekaghanatā) among them, de-contextualising them from their personal-causal relations. Subsequently, their consciousness merges into a collective whole, becoming a universal subject that experiences generalised emotions during an aesthetic experience. However, this subject does not attain the status of the universal self because, according to Abhinavagupta, while aesthetic experience (rasāsvāda) resembles spiritual experience (brahmāsvāda) and leads to self-dissolution, it is not a complete dissolution as it remains influenced by the phenomenological realities of life. However, when spectators reach the highest level of aesthetic experience, they relish śānta rasa, where they experience an undifferentiated bliss (ānandaikaghana). This bliss is the natural state of mind, where the enjoyment leads to the sinking of mental activities (cittavṛttis) into the subconscious, resulting in the experience of one’s consciousness or self. Nonetheless, since aesthetic experience does not result in total self-dissolution, the paper argues that although collective consciousness forms a universal subject, an ‘Impersonalised’ dimension of the self remains. This dimension is neither fully detached from the world nor entirely dissolved into the self. The paper concludes that this Impersonalised self, which bears the collective experience of generalised emotions in an aesthetic experience, can be referred to as the ‘aesthetic self.


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