694 research outputs found

    Colonization and plasticity in population traits of the invasive Alburnus alburnus along a longitudinal river gradient in a Mediterranean river basin

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    © 2019. The authors. This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This document is the published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Aquatic Invasions. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3391/ai.2019.14.2.10Identification of the most relevant habitat features necessary for the success of potential invaders, such as the bleak Alburnus alburnus with its high ecological risk, is fundamental for understanding the invasive process and, thus, for designing effective control programs. This study provides new insights into the residence time and variation of population traits of this species along a longitudinal gradient in one of the most regulated river basin in the Iberian Peninsula. Occurrence data collected from 25 sampling sites (three times in five years) along the Segura River Basin (SE Spain) showed that this species has spread rapidly and now inhabits more than 168 km of fluvial stretches (84.4% of the studied area). The captured individuals were four years old, although greater longevity and larger mature cohorts were more common in sites with longer residence times. Higher values in population abundance in the upstream part of the river basin were accompanied by increased growth rates and higher maximum sizes. The obtained results support the hypothesis that the wide plasticity of the population traits of A. alburnus plays an important role in its success in a highly regulated Mediterranean river basin, where this mechanism allows it to survive flow regulation events at various scales, as well as to resist the long-term environmental stress typical of Mediterranean-type rivers

    A ten-year literature review of Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education: Entrepreneurship and Sport Sciences, a gap to fill?

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    The present research aims to analyze entrepreneurship education in higher education developments in the last 10 years in what concerns to educational product and process and to justify the importance of promoting entrepreneurship education in Sport Sciences undergraduate courses. Several trends and improvements emerge in this 10-year literature review reflecting the increasing expansion of the field. However some gaps still exists, such as main focus on business and engineering fields and lacking uniformity in the programs and methods proposed. Due to complementarities between Sports and Entrepreneurship a specific context was analyzed and it was shown that Entrepreneurship can occur in all areas and Sport Sciences students can benefit of this interaction. Our study contributes to theoretical development providing an overview of the current state of the field, highlighting main trends and gaps, opening avenues of research, such as the case of Sport Sciences and a new concept is proposed, of job-innovators

    Thrombospondin-1/CD47 interaction regulates Th17 and treg differentiation in psoriasis

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    Accumulating evidence on the role of Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) in the immune response has emerged during the last years. In spite of the importance of TSP-1 not only as anti-angiogenic factor but also as an immunomodulatory molecule, studies on the role of TSP-1 in psoriasis have been neglected. TSP-1 and CD47 expression were analyzed in skin samples from psoriasis patients and control subjects using RT-PCR and immunofluorescence. Expression of these molecules was also evaluated in peripheral blood CD4+ T cells, moDCs, and circulating primary DCs. The functional role of TSP-1/CD47 signaling axis in psoriasis was assessed in Th17 and Treg differentiation assays. Additionally, small interfering RNA assays specific to TSP-1 were performed in CD4+ T cells and monocyte derived DC to specifically evaluate the function of this protein. Lesional skin of psoriasis patients expressed lower TSP-1 and CD47 mRNA levels compared to non-lesional skin or skin from controls. Immunofluorescence staining revealed decreased expression of CD47 in CD45+ dermal cells from psoriasis samples compared to control subjects. Peripheral CD4+ T cells and circulating primary DCs from psoriasis also expressed lower levels of CD47 compared to controls. Although no significant differences were detected in TSP-1 expression in CD4+ T cells and moDCs between patients and controls, TSP-1 expression in psoriasis patients inversely correlated with disease activity evaluated by the Psoriasis Area and Index Activity. Furthermore, exogenous TSP-1 inhibited Th17 differentiation and stimulated the differentiation of CD4+ T cells toward Treg cells. Furthermore, RNA interference specific for TSP-1 confirmed the role of this molecule as a negative regulator of T cell activation. Because of the impact of TSP-1/CD47 signaling axis in Th17 and Treg differentiation, a dysregulated expression of these molecules in the immune cells from psoriasis patients may favor the exacerbated inflammatory response in this diseaseInstituto de Salud Carlos III (AES 2017): PI17/01972 to ED. Janssen; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO): Plan Nacional de Salud SAF2017-82886-R, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV); Proyecto Integrado de Excelencia PIE13/00041, Instituto de Salud Carlos III to FS-M, Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI16/02166, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Banco Santander (grant 2017/EEUU/03), and Red Temática de Excelencia en Investigación en Hipoxia (SAF 2017-90794-REDT) to MJC. This research has been co-financed by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER

    The Puerto Lapice eucrite fall phenomenon

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    The fall of the Pu erto Lápice eucrite occurred in the afternoon of May 10, 2007, 17h57m20±2s UTC. This impressive daylight bolide was witnessed by thousands of people from Spain, and is being carefully studied in the framework of the Spanish Meteor and Fireball Network (SPMN) in a similar way that we previously did after the fall of the Villalbeto de la Peña L6 or dinary chondrite [1,2]. Unfortunately, there is no video records to our knowledge of the Puerto Lápice even t, but some eyewitnesses were able to take pictures of the persistent train from at least two different locations. Nocturn astrometric calibrations from both places have been obtained, and these data together with in situ trajectory measurements with theodolite of casual eyewitnesses have allowed to estimate the atmo spheric trajectory and the radiant with reasonable accu racy. A preliminary trajectory reconstruction by the SPMN obtained only two weeks after the event helped to recover the first meteorite specimens. The meteorite was presented on June 11, 2007 during the International Conference Meteoroids 2007 in Barcelona. In addition to the fall phenomena, the interest of this bolide lies in the eucrite nature of the recovered meteorite, that has been recently reported in the Meteoritical Bulletin [3]. Of the 200 eucrites known until 2000, only 25 correspond to observed falls, but the fall circumstances are poorly known except in few remarkable cases like e.g. Pasamonte

    Temporal phase synchrony disruption in dyslexia: anomaly patterns in auditory processing

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    The search for a dyslexia diagnosis based on exclusively objective methods is currently a challenging task. Usually, this disorder is analyzed by means of behavioral tests prone to errors due to their subjective nature; e.g. the subject’s mood while doing the test can affect the results. Understanding the brain processes involved is key to proportionate a correct analysis and avoid these types of problems. It is in this task, biomarkers like electroencephalograms can help to obtain an objective measurement of the brain behavior that can be used to perform several analyses and ultimately making a diagnosis, keeping the human interaction at minimum. In this work, we used recorded electroencephalograms of children with and without dyslexia while a sound stimulus is played. We aim to detect whether there are significant differences in adaptation when the same stimulus is applied at different times. Our results show that following this process, a machine learning pipeline can be built with AUC values up to 0.73.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Estudio seroepizootiológico de la leucosis bovina en México

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    La leucosis bovina (LB) es una enfermedad neoplástica fatal producida por un retrovirus tipo "C" y caracterizada por el desarrollo de agregaciones de linfocitos neoplásticos en casi todos los órganos, con la correspondiente variación en las manifestacion

    The 2011 October Draconids outburst. I. Orbital elements, meteoroid fluxes and 21P/Giacobini-Zinner delivered mass to Earth

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    On October 8th, 2011 the Earth crossed the dust trails left by comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner during its XIX and XX century perihelion approaches with the comet being close to perihelion. The geometric circumstances of that encounter were thus favorable to produce a meteor storm, but the trails were much older than in the 1933 and 1946 historical encounters. As a consequence the 2011 October Draconid display exhibited several activity peaks with Zenithal Hourly Rates of about 400 meteors per hour. In fact, if the display had been not forecasted, it could have passed almost unnoticed as was strongly attenuated for visual observers due to the Moon. This suggests that most meteor storms of a similar nature could have passed historically unnoticed under unfavorable weather and Moon observing conditions. The possibility of obtaining information on the physical properties of cometary meteoroids penetrating the atmosphere under low-geocentric velocity encounter circumstances motivated us to set up a special observing campaign. Added to the Spanish Fireball Network wide-field all-sky and CCD video monitoring, other high-sensitivity 1/2" black and white CCD video cameras were attached to modified medium-field lenses for obtaining high resolution orbital information. The trajectory, radiant, and orbital data of 16 October Draconid meteors observed at multiple stations are presented. The results show that the meteors appeared from a geocentric radiant located at R.A.=263.0+-0.4 deg. and Dec.=+55.3+-0.3 deg. that is in close agreement with the radiant predicted for the 1873-1894 and the 1900 dust trails. The estimated mass of material from 21P/Giacobini-Zinner delivered to Earth during the six-hours outburst was around 950+-150 kg.Comment: Manuscript in press in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, submitted to MNRAS on November 16th, 2012 Accepted for publication in MNRAS on April 28th, 2013 Manuscript Pages: 21 Tables: 8 Figures: 4 Manuscript associated: "The 2011 October Draconids outburst. II. Meteoroid chemical abundances from fireball spectroscopy" by J.M. Madiedo is also in press in the same journa

    The 2011 October Draconids outburst-I. Orbital elements, meteoroid fluxes and 21P/Giacobini-Zinner delivered mass to Earth

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    On 2011 October 8, the Earth crossed the dust trails left by comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner during its 19th and 20th century perihelion approaches with the comet being close to perihelion. The geometric circumstances of that encounter were thus favourable to produce a meteor storm, but the trails were much older than in the 1933 and 1946 historical encounters. As a consequence the 2011 October Draconid display exhibited several activity peaks with Zenithal Hourly Rates of about 400 meteors h-1. In fact, if the display had not been forecasted, it could have passed almost unnoticed as was strongly attenuated for visual observers due to the Moon. This suggests that most meteor storms of a similar nature could have passed historically unnoticed under unfavourable weather and Moon observing conditions. The possibility of obtaining information on the physical properties of cometary meteoroids penetrating the atmosphere under low geocentric velocity encounter circumstances motivated us to set up a special observing campaign. Added to the Spanish Fireball Network wide-field all-sky and CCD video monitoring, other high-sensitivity 1/2 arcsec black and white CCD videocameras were attached to the modified medium-field lenses for obtaining high-resolution orbital information. The trajectory, radiant and orbital data of October 16 Draconid meteors observed at multiple stations are presented. The results show that the meteors appeared from a geocentric radiant located at α = 263.0 ± 0°.4 and δ =+55.3 ± 0°.3 that is in close agreement with the radiant predicted for the 1873-1894 and the 1900 dust trails. The estimated mass of material from 21P/Giacobini-Zinner delivered to Earth during the 6 h outburst was around950 ±150 kg

    Edad y crecimiento de Gobio lozanoi Doadrio & Madeira, 2004 (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) en sectores fluviales de la cuenca del río Segura (SE península ibérica)

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    El trabajo estudia la estructura de edad, longitud retrocalculada y tasa de crecimiento en poblaciones de Gobio lozanoi a lo largo de los principales ejes fluviales de la cuenca del río Segura (ríos Se- gura y Mundo). Se analizaron estos parámetros con individuos capturados en otoño de 2009 y en 19 localidades, así como su re- lación con variables ambientales (altitud, estado ecológico y con- ductividad). Las poblaciones reflejaron seis clases de edad (0+ a 5+) con escasas diferencias entre sexos y dominancia de edades intermedias (2+ y 3+). La estructura de edades mostró variaciones significativas en el gradiente con tendencia a presentar menor nú- mero de clases en localidades a menor altitud. La tasa de creci- miento se relacionó negativamente con la longevidad y mostró di- ferencias entre sectores fluviales. La tasa de crecimiento en la fase de transición a la madurez mostró tendencia a disminuir con el gra- diente, pero también conforme decrece el estado ecológico y au- menta la conductividad