2,836 research outputs found

    Asymmetric preparation of antifungal 1-(4 -chlorophenyl)-1-cyclopropyl methanol and 1-(4 -chlorophenyl)-2-phenylethanol. Study of the detoxification mechanism by Botrytis cinerea

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    Chiral alcohols are important as bioactive compounds or as precursors to such molecules. On the basis of the different antifungal properties of the enantiopure alcohol derivatives of 4-chlorophenyl cyclopropyl ketone and benzyl 4-chlorophenyl ketone, their enantioselective synthesis by chemical and biocatalytic methods was studied. The detoxification pathways by the phytopathogen fungus Botrytis cinerea are reported

    Prevalencia de lesiones cervicales no cariosas en piezas dentarias en adultos mayores del Centro del Adulto Mayor - EsSalud, 2018

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    Se determinó la prevalencia de las lesiones cervicales en piezas dentarias en adultos mayores, en el Centro del Adulto Mayor, 2018. Materiales y método: El estudio es descriptivo y observacional. Se evaluaron a 85 adultos mayores de 60 años, que presentaron como mínimo 10 piezas dentarias. Se realizo un examen clínico previo entrenamiento del investigador (Kappa 0.95) empleando una ficha diseñada para la recolección de datos. Resultados: Se encontró que el 95% presento lesión cervical no cariosa. Los varones presentaron al 100% LCNC y en mujeres el 95%. Según la edad los de 60 a 69 años presentaron el 100% y 70 a más el 92% de lesiones cervicales no cariosas. Conclusiones: Se encontró un alto predominio de lesiones cervicales no cariosas en piezas dentarias en adultos mayores.The prevalence of cervical lesions in teeth in older adults was determined, in the Centro del Adulto Mayor, 2018. Materials and method: the study was ptrospective, transversal and observational, 85 adults over 60 years of age were evaluated, that They presented at least 10 teeth. A clinical examination was carried out, previous training of the investigator (Kappa 0.95) using a tab designed for data collection. Results: It was found that 95% have a non-carious cervical lesion. The men presented 100% LCNC and in women 95%. According to age, those aged 60 to 69 presented 100% and 70% more than non-carious cervical lesions. Conclusions: A high prevalence of non-carious cervical lesions was found in dental pieces in older adults.Tesi

    Estilos de Liderança e Mecanismos de Aprendizagem em Organizações: Análise de suas Relações em uma Organização Financeira

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    This study aims to identify leadership styles thatpredict perceptions about organizational learningmechanims in a Brazilian financial organization. The data collection was undertaken in 2006supported by two measure scales: Organizational Learning Mechanisms Scale and ManagerialStyles Evaluation Scale. The sample was composed by506 people that filled in a Likert fivepointquestionnaire. Professional and biographic data from the participants of the research were alsocollected. Descriptive and inferencial analyses were undertaken and the results show thatrelationship leadership style was the better predictor of perceptions upon organizational learningmechanisms, specifically about internal and external acquisition, sharing, stowing and control ofknowledge in organizations. Research limitations are stated and research agenda and practicalrecommendations are done

    TTˉ\sqrt{T\bar{T}}-deformed oscillator inspired by ModMax

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    Inspired by a recently proposed Duality and Conformal invariant modification of Maxwell theory (ModMax), we construct a one-parameter family of two-dimensional dynamical system in classical mechanics that share many features with the ModMax theory. It consists of a couple of TTˉ\sqrt{T\bar{T}}-deformed oscillators that nevertheless preserves duality (qp,pq)(q \rightarrow p,p \rightarrow -q) and depends on a continuous parameter γ\gamma, as in the ModMax case. Despite its non-linear features, the system is integrable. Remarkably can be interpreted as a pair of two coupled oscillators whose frequencies depend on some basic invariants that correspond to the duality symmetry and rotational symmetry. Based on the properties of the model, we can construct a non-linear map dependent on γ\gamma that maps the oscillator in 2D to the nonlinear one, but with parameter 2γ2\gamma. The dynamics also shows the phenomenon of energy transfer and we calculate a Hannay angle associated to geometric phases and holonomies.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, typos fixed, references adde

    Manual del buen aficionado a las corridas de toros

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2011Fecha de la dedicatoria, 189

    Innovation in judicial services:: a study of innovation models in labor courts

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to identify innovation models in the judiciary according to the current integrated theoretical approach for innovation in services. Design/methodology/approach – This study uses a quantitative approach. The authors collected the data through a questionnaire sent to labor court public servants and judges in a Regional Labor Court in the Midwestern region of Brazil. They performed a principal component analysis to identify the factors to map the innovation models present in the court. Findings – Two factors were obtained from the results, which describe innovations in processes and services in the court studied. In terms of the examples of innovations cited by the respondents, one may note that those related to information and communications technology are the most remembered, especially the introduction of the electronic lawsuit. Originality/value – The results can contribute toward a deeper understanding of which vectors of service innovation are affected as well as the nature of the court’s underlying structure. Also, the research instrument used allows the identification and analysis of the innovation model for services and thus contributes to its validation

    La innovación en la empresa a través del abastecimiento estratégico. Una revisión de la literatura

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    En este artículo se presenta una revisión de la literatura científica que habla específicamente de como la innovación puede motivarse en una empresa gracias a la administración de su cadena de suministro; particularmente haciendo uso racional del concepto de Abastecimiento Estratégico (strategic sourcing), que tiene como una de sus principales responsabilidades, la evaluación, selección y desarrollo de los proveedores (Cui et al., 2012: 30; Chopra y Meindl, 2012: 393). Aunque el Abastecimiento Estratégico contempla varias actividades, una de las que presentan mayor impacto en la empresa es la selección y desarrollo de los proveedores de insumos. Como resultado de la revisión de la literatura científica sobre el tema, se muestran algunas definiciones de Innovación Tecnológica y de Abastecimiento Estratégico. También se busca mostrar un compendio sobre los factores que motivan distintos tipos de innovación en las organizaciones, de acuerdo a diversos estudios previos y; mostrar una recopilación de los principales métodos de selección de proveedores, que, si bien ocupan técnicas cuantitativas novedosas, solo evalúan para la decisión factores tradicionales como el costo o los tiempos de entrega.This paper presents a literature review on innovation generation due to the supply chain management. The supply chain management theory raises the activities of the Strategic Sourcing, such as assessment, selection and development of vendors as critical ones (Cui et al., 2012: 30; Chopra y Meindl, 2012: 393). Although strategic sourcing has several aspects, one of those with the greatest impact on the business is the selection and development of suppliers. This literature review shows agreements on the concept of technological innovation and strategic sourcing. It also seeks to show a compendium of the factors that motivate different types of innovation in organizations, according to several previous studies; show a compilation of the main methods of selection of suppliers, that while dealing novel quantitative techniques to evaluate the decision only traditional factors such as cost or delivery times


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    The aim of this paper was to develop and to validate the Organizational Learning Values Scale (OLVS). Based on Learning Values Scale of Ellis et al.(1999), the items were translated from English language to Portuguese language. Thirty-five items were submitted to empirical validation and twenty-five items were confirmed. Five hundred and twenty-two employees of a financial organization were participated of this research. In the factorial analysis, the best solution was identified (Oblimin rotation, KMO=0,93) with three factors. The factors were named: Responsibility and Opening to Learning (12 items, α = 0,90), Transparency in Work Performance (4 items, α = 0,78) and Integrity and Equality at Work (9 items, α = 0,85). Finally, conclusions and recommendations for future research are presented and suggest the improvement of OLVS as well as to investigate the relationship between learning values and others organizational variables. O presente estudo teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento e validação da Escala de Valores de Aprendizagem em Organizações (EVAO). A partir da Learning Values Scale de Ellis et al.  (1999), composta dos fatores responsabilidade, transparência, informação válida e orientação, foi realizada a tradução dos itens da língua inglesa para o português e adequação de linguagem para a cultura brasileira. Feito isso, realizou-se a análise de conteúdo (construto) e semântica dos itens, sendo que dos 35 itens originais 25 permaneceram para validação empírica da escala. 522 funcionários de uma instituição financeira com sede em Brasília/DF responderam ao instrumento de pesquisa. Após as análise fatoriais, identificou-se a melhor solução (rotação Oblimin) com 3 fatores, que revelou o índice Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) de 0,93. Os fatores foram denominados: Responsabilidade e Abertura à Aprendizagem (12 itens, α = 0,90), Transparência no Desempenho no Trabalho (4 itens, α = 0,78) e Integridade e Igualdade no Trabalho (9 itens, α = 0,85). Concluindo o estudo, descreve-se recomendações para futuras pesquisas visando o melhoramento da escala validada, bem como a realização de estudos que verifiquem as relações entre valores de aprendizagem em organizações com outras variáveis da literatura de comportamento organizacional

    Potential of microfluidics and lab-on-chip platforms to improve understanding of 'prion-like' protein assembly and behavior

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    Human aging is accompanied by a relevant increase in age-associated chronic pathologies, including neurodegenerative and metabolic diseases. The appearance and evolution of numerous neurodegenerative diseases is paralleled by the appearance of intracellular and extracellular accumulation of misfolded proteins in affected brains. In addition, recent evidence suggests that most of these amyloid proteins can behave and propagate among neural cells similarly to infective prions. In order to improve understanding of the seeding and spreading processes of these 'prion-like' amyloids, microfluidics and 3D lab-on-chip approaches have been developed as highly valuable tools. These techniques allow us to monitor changes in cellular and molecular processes responsible for amyloid seeding and cell spreading and their parallel effects in neural physiology. Their compatibility with new optical and biochemical techniques and their relative availability have increased interest in them and in their use in numerous laboratories. In addition, recent advances in stem cell research in combination with microfluidic platforms have opened new humanized in vitro models for myriad neurodegenerative diseases affecting different cellular targets of the vascular, muscular, and nervous systems, and glial cells. These new platforms help reduce the use of animal experimentation. They are more reproducible and represent a potential alternative to classical approaches to understanding neurodegeneration. In this review, we summarize recent progress in neurobiological research in 'prion-like' protein using microfluidic and 3D lab-on-chip approaches. These approaches are driven by various fields, including chemistry, biochemistry, and cell biology, and they serve to facilitate the development of more precise human brain models for basic mechanistic studies of cell-to-cell interactions and drug discovery