657 research outputs found


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    Study This aim For describe method What only SDN 019 Tanjung Redeb is used in build character religious students, and effectiveness method coaching character religious at SDN 019 Tanjung Redeb. Study This use approach qualitative with type studies case. The research location is State Elementary School 019 Tanjung Redeb Berau, East Kalimantan with informant ie head school (informant 1), 4th grade teacher (informant 2), Islamic religious education teacher (informant 3), participant educate class 4 male (informant 4) and participant educate class 4 female (informant 5). Research data collected using observation, interview and documentation techniques. And analyzed use theory interactive Miles Huberman and Saldana with step data condensation, presentation of withdrawal data conclusion as well as verification. Research result show that method formation character religious students used at SDN 019 Tanjung Redeb use method exemplary or method practice direct that is activity imitate or practice direct values religious Good saying nor deed or Act practice , method habituation that is familiarize students with activity with worth character religious in a way sustainable so support pupils have behavior OK , method coaching character with parenting classes , namely a program or collaborative activities _ with parents / guardians of participating students educate For together in do formation character religious students. Effectiveness method formation character religious activities held at SDN 019 Tanjung Redeb walk effective and implemented with Good

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Gizi, Body Image, dan Perilaku Makan dengan Status Gizi Siswi Sman 6 Kota Jambi Tahun 2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan Pengetahuan Gizi, Body image, dan PerilakuMakan dengan Status Gizi Siswi SMAN 6 Kota Jambi Tahun 2015. Hal ini didasari permasalahanterjadi peningkatan status gizi remaja sangat kurus dari tahun 2013 sebanyak 9,42% menjadi 26,22%pada tahun 2014. Ini dikarenakan remaja rentan terkena permasalahan gizi, masih dijumpai remajayang memiliki body image negatif, dan biasanya remaja membatasi makanan tertentu untukmendapatkan tubuh ideal.Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah Propotional sampling Penelitian ini menggunakan analisisunivariat dan bivariat. Penelitian dilakukan di SMAN 6 Kota Jambi tahun 2015. Jumlah sampel yangakan di ambil dalam peneltian ini adalah sebanyak 72 sampel. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakankuisioner dan pengukuran status gizi. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariatdengan uji statistik Chi-Square.Hasil analisis univariat terdapat 41 (56,9%) siswi memiliki pengetahuan gizi yang baik, 33 (45,8%)siswi mempunyai body image yang positif, 39 (54,2%) siswi memiliki perilaku makan yang baik,37(51,4%) siswi mempunyai status gizi normal. Sedangkan analisis bivariat terdapat hubungan antarastatus gizi dengan pengetahuan gizi (P Value = 0,01), body image (P Value = 0,03) dan perilakumakan (P Value = 0,00)Diharapkan Puskesmas lebih memperhatikan status gizi remaja disekitar wilayah Puskesmas Pall Vdan memperbayak melakukan penyuluhan kebutuhan gizi remaja, juga diharapkan SMAN 6 KotaJambi menjalankan UKS sekolah yang dapat berfungsi dalam pemantauan status gizi remaja. Selainitu membentuk body image yang baik bagi remaja dengan memperbanyak penyuluhan kebutuhan gizibagi remaja

    The Roles and Symbolism of Mangupa in Sipirok Traditional Wedding Ceremony

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    This paper qualitatively examines the roles and symbolism of mangupa in Sipirok wedding ceremony. Results revealed that the presence of piramanuk na dihobolan ( boiling eggs), manuk (chicken), hambeng ( goat meat), and horbo (buffalo meat) in the Sipirok wedding ceremony bring a symbolic meaning for the hosts, bridegroom, their family and guests. Symbolizing of fertility, appreciation, sweet life to the bridegroom, blessing, creating strong bonding, good relationships between guests and marriage declaration are some of the significant on the present those mangupa in the  Sipirok wedding. Hence, it is vital for Sipirok especially the young generation to appreciate and preserved these practices

    Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using Authentic Materials through Communicative Approach

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    The research aimed at finding out whether or not using of authentic materials through communicative approach improves the vocabulary of the students. This applied a pre-experimental method. The population of the research was the second grades students of a state high school comprising four classes and one of which chosen as the sample by using purposive sampling. The sample consisted of thirty two. The data were collected by using vocabulary test that consisted 20 items. The proce4 of collecting data was presented in chronological order as pre-test given before treatment and then post-test was giving after treatment as students’ achievement. The data analysis showed that there was significant difference of the students’ vocabulary achievement after giving treatment by using authentic materials through communicative approach. It was proved by the mean score of pre-test was 5.97 and the mean of post-test was 7.82. The data was analyzed by using t-test was higher than t-table value. The value of t-test was 9, while t-table value was 1.695 at the 0.05 level significance. Based on the result above, the writer concludes that the use of authentic material through communicative approach improves the students’ vocabulary mastery

    Diskursus Tafsir Maudhu’i dalam Memahami Al-Qur’an

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    Metodologi penafsiran merupakan salah satu aspek yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari penafsiran Al-Qur’an. Mufasir dalam menafsirkan Al-Qur’an umumnya tidak terlepas dari empat metode penafsiran yaitu metode ijmali, tahlili, muqarran dan maudhu’i. Salah satu metodologi penafsiran yang banyak diminati oleh mufasir kontemporer adalah metode tafsir maudhu’i. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguraikan definisi tafsir maudhu’i, sejarah kemunculan, urgensi, langkah-langkah serta kelebihan dan kekurangan tafsir maudhu’i. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif melalui studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan bahwa metode tafsir maudhu’i merupakan metode penafsiran yang mengkaji Al-Qur’an sesuai tema tertentu. Penafsiran sesuai dengan tema bahasan ini sudah ada sejak penafsiran pada masa kenabian, sahabat hingga generasi berikutnya. Akan tetapi tafsir maudhu’i berdiri sendiri sebagai suatu metodologi penafsiran baru dikenal pada masa penafsiran modern-kontemporer. Metode tafsir maudhu’i dinilai cukup efektif dalam menjawab persoalan umat Islam pada zaman sekarang

    Kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa SMA pada materi statistika

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze students' mathematical creative thinking skills. Indicators of mathematical creative thinking ability are fluency, flexibility, authenticity and detail in statistical material. The subjects of the study were 30 class XII students in one of the West Bandung Regency High Schools. The research method uses descriptive qualitative to describe students' creative thinking process through classroom learning. The research instrument consists of a description test of 4 questions and a questionnaire of 10 questions. Processing test and questionnaire data using Microsoft Excel 2019. Based on the results of the study, it was obtained that students' mathematical creative thinking skills were in the medium category. In the smoothness indicator, a percentage of 85% was obtained, while the flexibility indicator obtained a percentage of 80%, then for the Authenticity indicator 78% and the 4th indicator Keterinci got a percentage of 68%

    Kinerja Pegawai Bidang Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air (Psda) Pada Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Di Kabupaten Enrekang

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    This study purposed to determine how the employee’s performance and what factors affect the performance of employees in the field of Water Resources Management at the Public Works Department in Enrekang Regency. This study used a qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques were observation and interviews with 7 informants. The results of this study could be seen that the performance of water resources employees at Enrekang Regency Public Works Department had not run smoothly and optimally because there ware still some problems in carrying out their work, namely the problem of workload that was not appropriate due to lack of human resources, problems of supervision in the development process. The suggestions were the need for qualified human resources and could be responsible for the tasks assigned, and the existence of a strict policy from the head of the field of water resources for employees who did not complete their tasks on time

    Characterization of Yellow Pumpkin Seed Skim Milk (Cucurbita moschata) Through Foam-Mat Drying Method

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    Skim milk is nonfat milk powder which is made by drying to remove some of the water and fat contained in it but also does not remove the lactose, protein, minerals, fat-soluble vitamins, and water-soluble vitamins (B12). In the manufacture of skim milk, it is necessary to add a filler that functions to dissolve the material in water and can also facilitate the drying process. The filler selected in this study was maltodextrin. The foam-mat drying method requires a foaming agent to produce foam during processing. The type of foaming agent selected in this study was egg white. The purpose of this research was to determine the best concentration of maltodextrin and foaming agent on the characteristics of pumpkin seed skimmed milk. The research used a completely randomized design (CRD) with a factorial pattern consisting of 3 levels with 2 factors. The first factor was maltodextrin (M) consisting of 3 levels, namely M1 5%, M2 10% and M3 15%. While the second factor was the addition of foaming agent (T) consisting of 3 levels, namely T1 10%, T2 15% and T3 20%. Analysis product consisted of yield, water content, ash content, lipid content and organoleptic (taste and color). The addition of 15% maltodextrin concentration and the addition of 15% foaming agent was the best treatment in this research with a yield of 8.75%, water content 8.38%, ash content 1.59%, lipid content 10.37%, hedonic taste test 4, 13 (like) and color hedonic test 3.65 (like very much)


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    Pemanfaatan pati dari bonggol pisang sebagai bahan pembuatan plastik biodegrdable merupakan alternatif untuk memanfaatkan limbah tanaman pisang dan mengurangi limbah plastic. Bonggol pisang mengandung karbohidrat 66%, protein, air, dan mineral-mineral penting. Untuk memperoleh plastik biodegradable, pati ditambahkan CMC (carboxy methyl cellulose), gliserol dan minyak sereh sebagai antimikroba dan antioksidan. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan studi mengenai pembuatan plastik biodegradable campuran pati, CMC, gliserol sebagai plasticizer dan minyak sereh dengan melakukan variasi terhadap CMC, gliserol dan minyak sereh. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua variabel yaitu variabel tetap dan variabel peubah. Variabel tetap terdiri dari konsentrasi pati terhadap air 1:5, kecepatan pengadukan 100 rpm dan temperatur gelatinisasi pati 70oC, sedangkan variabel peubah terdiri dari konsentrasi CMC terdiri dari taraf (5,5; 6,5; dan 7,5) % (b/b), konsentrasi minyak sereh terdiri dari taraf (15; 20; dan 25 ) % (b/v), dan konsentrasi gliserol terdiri dari taraf (25; 35; dan 45) % (b/v). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh penambahan CMC (carboxy methyl cellulose), minyak sereh dan gliserol sebagai plasticizer terhadap sifat mekanik, daya serap air, morfologi, biodegradabilitas, sifat antimikroba antioksidan dan gugus fungsi yang terbentuk pada plastik yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa plastik biodegradable memiliki nilai kuat tarik antara 0,21-0,38 kgf/mm2; nilai elongasi antara 16,3-54,20%; nilai permeabilitas oksigen antara 2,95x10-16-5,44x10-15(barrer); nilai penyerapan air antara 31,9- 65%; biodegradasi didalam tanah yang terurai habis selama 27 hari. Penambahan minyak sereh mampu menghambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme dan reaksi pencoklatan enzimatis. Hasil uji gugus fungsi dengan menggunakan FTIR menunjukkan sampel plastik yang ditambahkan minyak sereh mengandung lima gugus fungsi yang terdiri dari gugus hidroksil -OH berada pada rentang 3558, metil CH3 berada pada rentang 2895-2929, alkena C=C berada pada rentang 2360, karbonil C=O berada pada rentang 1647 dan C-O ester berada pada rentang 1367-1417

    The Influence of Using Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT) on Simple Present Tense

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    The objective in this research is to find out the influence of  using  Teams – Games – tournament (TGT) towards Simple Present tense at seventh grade of Smp Negeri 5 Wonomulyo. This is a quantitative pre-experiment research design where the researcher  chose one group pre-test post-test  research design.  The population of this research is the students of seventh grade of SMP Negeri 5 Wonomulyo where the total number of population were 155 of five classes. The sample of population was 28 students where The researcher used technique simple purposive sampling. The result of this research proves that there is  an influence of using  TGT on simple present tense mastery. According  to calculation,  it can be seen that mean score of pre-test was 56,78 and mean score of post-test was 72,5. moreover, based on the result of analysis the data, the value of  t-table  is 11,22  and the value of t-test is  1.703, it means that 11,22 > 1.703. It can be concluded that learning Simple present tense by using TGT technique has an influence towards the students simple present tense mastery of the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 5 Wonomulyo. &nbsp
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