51 research outputs found

    The Effects of Vouchers on Academic Achievement: Evidence from Chile’s Conditional Voucher Program Juan A. Correa David Inostroza Francisco Parro Loreto Reyes Gabriel Ugarte Universidad Andrés Bello Marzo

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    IndexaciĂłn: UNAB JEL Classi cation: H4; I2Abstract We use data from Chile's conditional voucher program to test the e ects of vouchers on academic achievement. Conditional vouchers have delivered extra resources to low-income, vulnerable students since 2008. Moreover, under this scheme, additional resources are contingent on the completion of speci c scholastic goals. Using a di erence-in-di erences approach, we nd a positive and signi cant e ect of vouchers on standardized test scores. Additionally, our results highlight the importance of conditioning the delivery of resources to some speci c academic goals when frictions exist in the education market

    Effectiveness of a Positive Parental Practices Training Program for Chilean Preschoolers’ Families: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Evidence for the effectiveness of parental training as a strategy for promotion of positive parental practices and prevention of child behavior problems in low and middle income countries is not conclusive. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of a universal positive parental training program designed for this context, “Día a Día” UdeC © (“Day by Day” University of Concepción), in Chilean preschoolers’ families (3–6 years old children).Methods: A cluster randomized controlled trial (cRCT) was carried out in 19 preschool education centers. There were two treatment arms: 10 centers (including 178 families) were randomly assigned to the intervention group and nine centers (including 154 families) were assigned to the waiting list control condition. Intervention groups received Day by Day UdeC, a six group sessions program for parents, including two group sessions for preschool educators, focused in affective communication; daily and child-directed play; directed attention; routines and transitions; reinforcement and incentive programs; planned inattention-ignore and time out; and logical consequences. Parental practices, parental satisfaction, and presence of children behavioral problems were examined at two-time points: T1 (4 weeks before intervention) and T2 (5–6 weeks after intervention).Results: Intention-to-treat analysis shows a reduction in physical punishment and an increase in parental involvement, as well as a reduction in children behavioral problems. A per-protocol analysis revealed an additional effect: increase in observed parental practices.Conclusion: This cRCT provided evidence for the effectiveness of a parental training program for the promotion of positive parental practices in low and middle income countries. The observed effects of the program in decreasing physical punishment and children’s behavioral problems make it a promising strategy for prevention purposes.Trial Registration: This study was registered under ISRCTN.com (ISRCTN90762146; https://doi.org/10.1186/ISRCTN90762146)

    Effectiveness of a positive parental practices training program for Chilean preschoolers' families: A randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Evidence for the effectiveness of parental training as a strategy for promotion of positive parental practices and prevention of child behavior problems in low and middle income countries is not conclusive. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of a universal positive parental training program designed for this context, "Día a Día" UdeC © ("Day by Day" University of Concepción), in Chilean preschoolers' families (3-6 years old children). Methods: A cluster randomized controlled trial (cRCT) was carried out in 19 preschool education centers. There were two treatment arms: 10 centers (including 178 families) were randomly assigned to the intervention group and nine centers (including 154 families) were assigned to the waiting list control condition. Intervention groups received Day by Day UdeC, a six group sessions program for parents, including two group sessions for preschool educators, focused in affective communication; daily and child-directed play; directed attention; routines and transitions; reinforcement and incentive programs; planned inattention-ignore and time out; and logical consequences. Parental practices, parental satisfaction, and presence of children behavioral problems were examined at two-time points: T1 (4 weeks before intervention) and T2 (5-6 weeks after intervention). Results: Intention-to-treat analysis shows a reduction in physical punishment and an increase in parental involvement, as well as a reduction in children behavioral problems. A per-protocol analysis revealed an additional effect: increase in observed parental practices. Conclusion: This cRCT provided evidence for the effectiveness of a parental training program for the promotion of positive parental practices in low and middle income countries. The observed effects of the program in decreasing physical punishment and children's behavioral problems make it a promising strategy for prevention purposes

    Effects of 970 nm diode laser irradiation on morphology, proliferation, and differentiation of gingival mesenchymal stem cells

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the morphology, proliferation, and differentiation of gingival mesenchymal stem cells (GMSCs) irradiated with a 970 nm Diode Laser (LLLT). It is essential to validate the efficacy of treatment, optimize irradiation conditions and guarantee the safety and quality of stem cells for future use in dental applications. Materials and Methods: GMSCs were cultured in standard conditions and irradiated with a Diode laser (970 nm, 0.5W) with an energy density of 9J/cm2. Cell proliferation was assessed with the WST-1 proliferation kit. GMSCs were differentiated into chondrogenic and osteogenic lineages. Cell morphology was performed with Hematoxylin/eosin staining, and quantitative nuclear analysis was done. Cell viability was monitored with trypan blue testing. Results: GMSCs subjected to irradiation demonstrated a significant increase in proliferation at 72 hours compared to the non-irradiated controls (p=0.027). This indicates that the 970 nm diode laser has a stimulatory effect on the proliferation of GMSCs. LLLT-stimulated GMSCs exhibited the ability to differentiate into chondrogenic and osteogenic lineages. A substantial decrease in cell viability was observed 24 hours after irradiation (p=0.024). However, after 48 hours, the cell viability recovered without any significant differences. This indicates that there might be a temporary negative impact on cell viability immediately following irradiation, but the cells were able to recover and regain their viability over time. Conclusions: This study support that irradiation with a 970 nm diode laser could stimulate the proliferation of GMSCs, maintain their ability to differentiate into chondrogenic and osteogenic lineages, and has minimal impact on the mor- phological characteristics of the cells. These results support the potential use of NIR Lasers in combination with GMSCs as a promising strategy for dental treatments

    Death or survival from invasive pneumococcal disease in Scotland: associations with serogroups and multilocus sequence types

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    We describe associations between death from invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) and particular serogroups and sequence types (STs) determined by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) using data from Scotland. All IPD episodes where blood or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture isolates were referred to the Scottish Haemophilus, Legionella, Meningococcal and Pneumococcal Reference Laboratory (SHLMPRL) from January 1992 to February 2007 were matched to death certification records by the General Register Office for Scotland. This represented 5959 patients. The median number of IPD cases in Scotland each year was 292. Deaths, from any cause, within 30 days of pneumococcal culture from blood or CSF were considered to have IPD as a contributing factor. Eight hundred and thirty-three patients died within 30 days of culture of Streptococcus pneumoniae from blood or CSF [13.95%; 95% confidence interval (13.10, 14.80)]. The highest death rates were in patients over the age of 75. Serotyping data exist for all years but MLST data were only available from 2001 onward. The risk ratio of dying from infection due to particular serogroups or STs compared to dying from IPD due to all other serogroups or STs was calculated. Fisher's exact test with Bonferroni adjustment for multiple testing was used. Age adjustment was accomplished using the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test and 95% confidence intervals were reported. Serogroups 3, 11 and 16 have increased probability of causing fatal IPD in Scotland while serogroup 1 IPD has a reduced probability of causing death. None of the 20 most common STs were significantly associated with death within 30 days of pneumococcal culture, after age adjustment. We conclude that there is a stronger association between a fatal outcome and pneumococcal capsular serogroup than there is between a fatal outcome and ST

    Organização do corpo docente e sua relação com a satisfação laboral: Evidência para o caso chileno

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    The literature indicates that teachers lack of time to adequately prepare and fulfill their responsibilities, is one of the key factors that negatively influence levels of teacher job satisfaction. Considering a representative sample of teachers in Santiago of Chile (N=950) and using conditional models, this study explores the relationship between teacher job satisfaction that work in subsidized schools, and the time available to these teachers for realizing activities over and above actual teaching hours: contracted non-teaching hours and additional overtime. This study uses a questionnaire that incorporates, in addition to the overtime, information about how teachers use their time, identifying the type of activities they are involved in, and if they are involved individually or as a group. The results indicate that there is a robust positive relationship between the number of contracted non-teaching hours and teacher job satisfaction, and a negative relationship with respect to overtime. Also identified the relevance of being adequately resourced with formal instances to engage in collaborative work for planning and prepare class materials, since it is linked to a positive effect on teacher job satisfaction.La literatura ha encontrado que la falta de tiempo de los docentes para poder desarrollar las tareas requeridas es uno de los factores claves que influye negativamente en la satisfacción laboral. En base a una muestra representativa de docentes de la Región Metropolitana de Chile (N=950) y utilizando modelos condicionados, este estudio explora la relación entre la satisfacción laboral de los docentes de establecimientos subvencionados por el Estado, y el tiempo que estos profesores tienen, dentro y fuera del contrato laboral, para realizar actividades complementarias a la docencia frente al aula. Este estudio utiliza un cuestionario que incluye, además de la cantidad de tiempo extra, antecedentes sobre el uso que le dan los docentes a este tiempo, identificando el tipo de actividades que realizan, y si lo hacen de manera individual o colectiva. Por lo que también examina la relación entre la satisfacción laboral y estas otras variables. Los resultados dan cuenta que existe una relación positiva y robusta entre la cantidad de horas no lectivas y la satisfacción laboral docente, y una negativa con las horas extra-laborales. Además, permite identificar la relevancia de contar con instancias formales de trabajo colaborativo para planificar y preparar material de clases ya que se encuentra un efecto positivo en la satisfacción de los docentes.A literatura tem encontrado que a falta de tempo dos professores para poder desenvolver as tarefas requeridas é um dos fatores chaves que influenciam negativamente na satisfação laboral. Baseado numa amostra representativa de docentes da Região Metropolitana do Chile (N=950) e utilizando modelos condicionados, esta pesquisa explora a relação entre satisfação laboral dos professores de escolas subsidiadass pelo Estado, e o tempo que estes professores tem, dentro e fora do contrato laboral, para fazer atividades complementares à docência perante à aula. Esta pesquisa utiliza um questionário que inclui, além da quantidade de tempo extra, antecedentes sobre o uso que é dado pelos professores a este tempo, identificando o tipo de atividades que realizam, e se o fazem de maneira individual ou coletiva. Assim, também, examina a relação positiva e robusta entre a quantidade de horas não letivas e a satisfação laboral docente, e uma negativa com as horas extra laborais. Além disso, permite identificar a relevância de ter instâncias formais de trabalho colaborativa para planejar e preparar material de aula já que se constatou um efeito positivo na satisfação dos docentes.

    Valoración de docentes multigrado sobre un marco que orienta el diseño de unidades STEM integradas

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    The design of STEM units embedded in traditional schooling contexts has been extensively investigated. However, there has been no exploration on how to elaborate this type of proposal in multigrade contexts. This study aims to determine the assessment by a group of teachers on the relevance and feasibility of a framework that guides the design of integrated STEM units in multigrade contexts. Additionally, their perceptions of STEM education and its implementation in these contexts were explored. By using an evaluative research design with a participatory modality in the context of a professional development course in STEM, focus groups were implemented throughout the sessions, and a questionnaire was elaborated and applied at the end of professional development. Findings suggest that the analyzed framework is relevant and feasible, but some stages could be better integrated. Teachers are open to learn in order to implement this type of education, which they see as an opportunity to contextualize and integrate knowledge. Still, they report needing more constant and lasting support so as to apply it in their classrooms.El diseño de unidades STEM integradas en contextos escolares tradicionales ha sido ampliamente investigado. Sin embargo, no se ha explorado cómo elaborar este tipo de propuestas en contextos multigrado. Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la valoración de un grupo de docentes sobre la pertinencia y viabilidad de un marco que orienta el diseño de unidades STEM integradas en contextos multigrado. Además, se exploraron sus percepciones sobre la educación STEM y su implementación en estos contextos. Utilizando un diseño de investigación evaluativa con modalidad participativa en el contexto de un curso de desarrollo profesional en STEM, se implementaron grupos focales a lo largo de las sesiones, y se elaboró y aplicó un cuestionario al final del desarrollo profesional. Los hallazgos sugieren que el marco analizado es relevante y factible, pero se podrían integrar mejor algunas etapas. El profesorado está abierto a aprender para implementar este tipo de educación, la cual ve como una oportunidad para contextualizar e integrar conocimientos. Aun así, informan que necesitan un apoyo más constante y duradero para aplicarlo en sus aulas

    Nociones matemáticas evidenciadas en la práctica cotidiana de un carpintero del sur de Chile

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    Despite the cultural wealth that exists in Chile, there are few studies that relate the mathematical notions present in cultural activities typical of the areas, such as the making of furniture. Based on the universal activities proposed by Bishop (1999), we characterize the mathematical notions present in the work of a carpenter from the south of Chile when he makes a bed-type piece of furniture and in some explanations about the making of a ship. Based on an exploratory qualitative methodology with an ethnographic approach, we conclude that in the work of making and preparing this type of furniture it is possible to identify universal mathematical activities. Finally, we reflect on how these notions could be linked with the Chilean curriculum, and the importance of relating the mathematics present in activities typical of each area in the classroom.A pesar de la riqueza cultural que existe en Chile, son escasos los estudios que relacionan las nociones matemáticas presentes en actividades culturales propias de las zonas como, por ejemplo, lo es la elaboración de muebles. Tomando como base las actividades universales propuestas por Bishop (1999), caracterizamos las nociones matemáticas presentes en el trabajo de un carpintero del sur de Chile mientras elaboraba un mueble tipo cama y en algunas explicaciones sobre la construcción de un barco. Basados en una metodología cualitativa exploratoria con un enfoque etnográfico, concluimos que en el trabajo de confección y elaboración de este tipo de mueble es posible identificar las actividades matemáticas universales. Finalmente, reflexionamos sobre cómo se podrían vincular estas nociones con el currículo chileno y la importancia de relacionar las matemáticas presentes en actividades propias de cada zona en el aula

    Corrente do Brasil: estrutura térmica entre 19º e 25ºS e circulação geostrófica

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    In April 1982, an océanographie investigation was conducted off the Brazilian coast in order to obtain the spatial characteristics of the thermal structure and to locate the Brazil Current flow both north and south of the seamount chain at 20º30'S. Dining the survey, remote sensing satellite data were also obtained on several occasions to assist in the delineation of the surface thermal structure. A 23ºC thermostad was observed along most sections. Along sections with stronger baroclinic signatures, such as the one in Cabo Frio, the thermostad seems to be pinched off somewhat similar to the pinching off the 18ºC water in the Gulf Stream North wall. The current structure and volume transports, relative to the 500 dbar isobaric surface, were calculated using both hydrographie station data and the closely spaced XBT measurements. A comparison of these results, for the data observed along the section of Cabo Frio, indicates that some details of the geostrophic currents are lost when the hydrographie data are used; the corresponding volume transports agree within 17% (33 Sv using hydrographie data against 2.8 Sv using XBT data). A volume transport budget, obtained through the transport computation along all sections between 19º and 22ºS, indicates that the Brazil Current appears to flow through the passage between the most inshore banks and not to the east. The net volume transport (2.9 Sv) is in close agreement with the Cabo Frio section volume transport, where the total flow of the Brazil Current was supposedly bracketed by the station sampling.Para obter informações sobre a variação espacial da estrutura térmica e localizar a Corrente do Brasil, ao norte e ao sul dos bancos submarinos localizados a 20º30'S realizou-se, em abril de 1982, um levantamento oceanográfico nessa região. Dados de sensoriamento remoto foram também obtidos durante os trabalhos experimentais para um delineamento sinótico da estrutura térmica de superficie. Observou-se, ao longo da maioria das secções, um "thermostad" de 23ºC na termoclina principal. Ao longo das secções com intenso sinal baroclfnico, tal como na secção ao largo de Cabo Frio, o "thermostad" atenua-se e finalmente desaparece nas proximidades da costa, de forma semelhante ao desaparecimento da água de 18ºC na parede norte da Corrente do Golfo. A estrutura da corrente e o transporte de volume, relativos à superfície isobárica de 500 dbar, foram obtidos usando-se os dados hidrográficos e também as medidas com XBX as quais foram realizadas com espaçamentos muito menores do que o das estações hidrográficas. A comparação desses resultados, para o conjunto de observações conduzidas ao largo de Cabo Frio, indica que detalhes da corrente geostrófica não são delineados quando da utilização dos dados hidrográficos; os correspondentes valores do transporte de volume diferem em aproximadamente 17% (33 e 2,8 Sv, calculados com dados hidrográficos'e de XBX respectivamente). O balanço do transporte de volume, através de todas as secções entre 19 e 22º5, indica que a Corrente do Brasil flui através da passagem entre os bancos localizados mais próximos da costa. O transporte de volume resultante (2,9 Sv) é muito próximo do valor obtido através da secção ao largo de Cabo Frio, onde supõe-se que a extensão transversal da Corrente do Brasil foi delimitada pelo conjunto de observações
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