128 research outputs found

    Understanding the Impact of the Cultural Factors on Hospital Information System Acceptance: A Literature Review and Proposal of a New Model

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    The behavioural intention to accept information system technologies remains an interesting research field for information system management specialists and researchers. However, the cultural dimension has rarely been treated by researchers in the healthcare context. This paper focuses on identifying the impact of national culture on users’ intention to accept the Hospital Information System in public healthcare establishments in Morocco. Thus, we propose a research model which is based on a strong literature review, taking into consideration the previous studies’ recommendations and limitations. The proposed model was developed through the extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, 1989), by Hofstede’s cultural dimensions

    Déformabilité à chaud d'un four rotatif pour cimenteries Expérimentation et simulation numérique

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    Le présent travail à pour objectif l'étude de la tenue mécanique et de la déformabilité des viroles à chaud d'un four rotatif pour les cimenteries. Cette étude entre dans le cadre des travaux de la maintenance préventive de ces fours. Il s'agit de valider les modÚles éléments finis (maillage volumique et maillage volume/coque) qui simule le comportement du four en service. Dans un premier temps, une compagne de mesures expérimentales des déformations du four a été réalisée à chaud, ensuite la simulation numérique de la virole et du mur réfractaire par la méthode des éléments finis (maillage volumique) a été élaborée en utilisant le logiciel PATRAN/NASTRAN/SAMCEF. Pour une meilleure approche de la réalité du comportement du four, les résultats obtenus par la MEF sont comparés à ceux obtenues par les essais expérimentaux

    UC@MOOC's Effectiveness by Producing Open Educational Resources

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    Open education is one of the most important settings in every society. It grants everyone the right to learn freely. Today, technology is helping to make learning even more open by providing an environment of online education, which plays a remarkable role in shortening distances and encouraging students to learn. At Cadi Ayyad University (UCA) the new-enrolled students are facing linguistics barriers as well as overcrowding in classrooms, in particular for those in open access institutions. Subsequently, they cannot have an easy access to their face-to-face courses. To help students to overcome these problems, the university has decided to design an online environment for all courses and programmes. The most innovative project adopted at UCA to face massification was inspired from the massive open online courses and was designed as an open Educational platform entitled UC@MOOC. More than 120 scripted courses have been posted online so far. In this paper we will describe and discuss an analytics research on geometrical optics course designed for around 2000 students at UCA. Through out this research we will explain how this initiative has been considered as a source of producing open educational resources

    RÎle De La Fracturation Dans La Circulation Des Eaux Souterraines Et La Répartition Des Sources : Cas Du Bassin Hydrogéologique De Sefrou (Moyen Atlas Septentrional, Maroc)

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    The formation of the basin of Sefrou is related to the normal successive movements of the faults N130, N80, N30 and N170 which follow one another since the upper Miocene until the recent medium-Quaternary. Seeing the dynamic of groundwater in the carbonated lands (Liasic dolomites) is primarily guided by the fractures and the cracks; we propose to study the influence of brittle tectonics on the spatial organization of the flows and the relation of the groundwater circulation with the fracturing. The analysis of the fracturing (affecting the Flavio-lake and travertines deposits of plio-quaternary age and their Miocene and Jurassic substratum) and the structural cuts as well as the correlation of the piezometric map established from the piezometric reports with that of the fracturing, allowed us to note that the fractures play a very important part in the geometry of the Liasic aquifer and the mode of the circulation of groundwater. This circulation is dependent on the zones of weaknesses along the faults and fractures. Water emergences are very variable and controlled by the paramount influence of the nature of the lithological formations and the tectonic structure on underground circulations. Indeed, the sources of water located in the basin of Sefrou are indexed, according to their origin, inside two types: sources of emergence and sources of discharge

    Tuberculosis primaria de la musculatura esquelética

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    La localización muscular primaria de la tuberculosis es una presentación clínica inusual y extremadamente rara sobretodo en pacientes inmunocompetentes. Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 22 años con tumefacción del brazo derecho. El diagnóstico se obtuvo con el estudio histopatológico. La evolución clínica fue buena seis meses después del tratamiento para tuberculosis

    Chloroquineand hydroxychloroquine in covid 19: asystematic review

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    Since 100 years, current coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2 is themostdangerous healthcare crisis and unprecedented in absense of prophylactic or therapeutic drugs. The world's major health systems have had no large-scale therapeutic choice and at an acceptable cost apart from Chloroquine (CQ) and its derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat Covid-19.These drugs have anti-inflammatory activity and are already used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, lupus. However, these drugs have raised a great worldwide controversy between the pros and cons of their uses to treat patientswith Covid-19In these systematic review, we analyzed articles published until 28 august in pubmed, sciences direct and ClinicalTrials.gov by using these keywords: chloroquine and COVID-19 or hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19. these online preprint publications have offered inconclusive preliminary results as well as clinical trials not yet finished. Although CQ / HCQ have antiviral activity against Sars cov 2 in vitro, antiviral activity in vivo is questionable

    Qualifications of Physics Teachers in ICT to Integrate the Use of ICT in Moroccan Physics Schools: Obstacles and Solutions

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    In this paper, we focus on the qualification of physics sciences teachers in terms of the integration of the use of the in Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ) in Moroccan physics school, Continuous training courses for the teachers ICT are vital to improve the teaching quality, pedagogical skills also to update a teaching disciplinary . However, Moroccan teachers are not often profit from continuous training courses in ICT in general and especially ineducational simulation softwares. We propose in this paper distance learning ineducational simulation softwares. The objective of this distance learning is to ease the use of ICT in general and the educational simulation softwares for all the Moroccan teachers of physics sciences. This distance training courses will combines by the elements of flexibility and efficiency, flexible in terms of time and space because the physics teachers can have their training at any time they like and where ever they are whithout needed to displace, also flexible in term of choosing the desired and needed courses. Also this training is efficient because it is professional one and offers to the physics teachers the needed educational simulation softwares. DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2015.v5n1p17

    The impact of continuous distance training on teachers of physics in computer simulation software

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    Ce travail a pour objet d’étudier les failles du processus d’apprentissage des sciences physiques ainsi que la possibilitĂ© de bĂ©nĂ©ficier des avantages des nouvelles TIC par l’intĂ©gration des simulateurs informatiques. Pour ce faire, et en se basant sur les rĂ©sultats initiaux d’un questionnaire, Nous avons commencĂ© par la mise en place d'une formation Ă  distance concernant la conception et l’utilisation pĂ©dagogique des simulateurs pour plus de deux cents enseignants marocains qui n'ont utilisĂ© les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) en classe que pour la prĂ©paration des cours et des contrĂŽles. Les enseignants concernĂ©s Ă©taient rĂ©partis sur les diffĂ©rentes acadĂ©mies du Royaume. La formation a durĂ© six semaines pendant lesquelles Ă©taient programmĂ©s des cours interactifs, des rencontres synchrones et asynchrones, des tests et des projets de rĂ©alisation d’un simulateur informatique. L’analyse d’un questionnaire dĂ©livrĂ© en ligne aux dits enseignants avant et aprĂšs cette formation vise Ă  montrer l’impact de ce genre de formations continues Ă  distance sur l’utilisation des TIC en classe, sur la substitution des travaux pratiques ratĂ©s (faute de matĂ©riel didactique ou de son danger), sur l’apprentissage des phĂ©nomĂšnes virtuels, sur le rendement des Ă©lĂšves marocains et par consĂ©quent sur l’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© d’enseignement des sciences physiques et ce en utilisant les simulateurs informatiques.This work aims to study the weaknesses of the learning process in physics and the possibility of benefiting from the advantages of new ICTs by integrating computer simulators. To do this, and based on the initial results of a questionnaire, we began by setting up a distance training course on the design and pedagogical use of simulators for more than two hundred Moroccan teachers who used information and communication technologies (ICT) in the classroom just in the preparation of courses and tests. The teachers concerned were from different academies of the Kingdom. The training lasted for six weeks during which interactive courses, synchronous and asynchronous meetings, tests and projects of conducting a computer simulator were programmed. The analysis of a questionnaire launched online with those teachers, before and after this training, aims to show the impact of this type of continuous distance training on the use of ICT in the classroom on the substitution of failed practical work (Luck of teaching material or of its danger) on the learning of virtual phenomena, on the performance of Moroccan pupils and consequently on the improvement of the quality of the teaching of physics by using computer simulators

    Anesthésie pour prothése totale de la hanche: à propos de 50 cas

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    La chirurgie de la prothÚse totale de la hanche (PTH) est une chirurgie fonctionnelle qui consiste en un remplacement d'une articulation endommagée afin d'améliorer la qualité de vie du patient. L'anesthésie pour PTH exige une préparation rigoureuse à l'intervention, la consultation d'anesthésie sera donc la clef de cette réussite. Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective concernant 60 arthroplasties totales de la hanche implantées chez 50 patients adultes, colligée au sevice de Traumatologie et de chirurgie orthopédique à l'HÎpital Militaire Avicenne de Marrakech sur une période étalée de Janvier 2010 au Décembre 2012. Nous avons évalué la prise en charge anesthésique : pré, per et postopératoire des patients opérés pour une PTH. La moyenne d'ùge était de 56,5 ans, le sex-ratio était de 1,63 en faveur des hommes. L'indication prédominante était la coxarthrose primitive. L'anesthésie générale était la technique anesthésique la plus utilisée (66% des cas), l'intubation difficile était rencontrée chez 6 % de nos patients. La durée moyenne de l'acte chirurgical était de 114 +/- 25,33 mn. 12 % de nos patients ont présenté une hypotension artérielle peropératoire. L'incidence de la transfusion homologue perop était de 14%. Nous avons noté 08 cas de complications postop : 03 cas d'infection de la PTH 15 jours aprÚs l'intervention, 03 cas de descellement aseptique, 01 cas de luxation de PTH et 01 cas de descellement septique avec un recul moyen de 54 mois.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Etude de polyphénols des feuilles d’une endémique ibéro marocaine, Thymelaea lythroides.

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    RÉSUMÉ: Etude de polyphĂ©nols des feuilles d’une endĂ©mique ibĂ©ro marocaine, Thymelaea lythroides. Thymelaea lythroides (ThymĂ©lĂ©acĂ©es) est une endĂ©mique ibĂ©ro marocaine, largement rĂ©pandue dans la rĂ©gion du Gharb (forĂȘt de Mamora). Elle fait partie de la panoplie des plantes mĂ©dicinales et aromatiques du Maroc. En raison du manque d’informations phytochimiques sur l’espĂšce, des Ă©tudes antĂ©rieures ont eu pour objet une recherche de l’activitĂ© antifongique de ses extraits et un screening phytochimique. Ce dernier a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence la richesse de la plante en diffĂ©rents mĂ©tabolites secondaires. Aussi, le prĂ©sent travail se propose d’étudier les polyphĂ©nols des feuilles de Thymelaea lythroides et spĂ©cialement les aglycones flavoniques et les anthocyanidines. L’étude a dĂ©montrĂ© l’existence de diffĂ©rentes molĂ©cules appartenant Ă  la classe des flavonols, dont le kaempfĂ©rol, et la quercĂ©tine, en plus de deux acides phĂ©nols, identifiĂ©s comme l’acide cafĂ©ique et l’acide genticique et deux anthocyanidines : la delphinidine et la cyanidine.Mots clĂ©s. Thymelaea lythroides, ThymĂ©lĂ©acĂ©es, Mamora, polyphĂ©nols.ABSTRACT. Study of polyphenols of the leaves of an ibero moroccan endemic, Thymelaea lythroides. Thymelaea lythroides (Thymelaeacees) is an endemic of the region of the Gharb (forest of Mamora). It is part of the panoply of the medicinal and aromatic plants of Morocco. Because of the lack of phytochemical informations on the species, some previous studies had for object a research of the antifungal activity of its extracts and a phytochemical screening. This last permitted to put in evidence the wealth of the plant in different secondary compounds. Thus, the present work intends to study the polyphenols of the leaves of Thymelaea lythroides and specially the flavonics aglycones and the anthocyanidins. The survey demonstrated the existence of different molecules belonging to the class of the flavonols, whose identification revealed the kaempferol and quercetine. In addition to two acidic phenols, identified as the cofeique acid and the genticique acidic and two anthocyanidins, the delphinidine and the cyanidine.Key words. Thymelaea lythroides, Thymelaeacees, Mamora, polyphenols
