8,010 research outputs found

    Novel Techniques and Their Applications to Health Foods, Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology: Functional Genomics and Basic Epigenetic Controls in Plant and Animal Cells

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    Selected applications of novel techniques for analyzing Health Food formulations, as well as for advanced investigations in Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology aimed at defining the multiple connections between functional genomics and epigenomic, fundamental control mechanisms in both animal and plant cells are being reviewed with the aim of unraveling future developments and policy changes that are likely to open new niches for Biotechnology and prevent the shrinking or closing of existing markets. Amongst the selected novel techniques with applications in both Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology are: immobilized bacterial cells and enzymes, microencapsulation and liposome production, genetic manipulation of microorganisms, development of novel vaccines from plants, epigenomics of mammalian cells and organisms, and biocomputational tools for molecular modeling related to disease and Bioinformatics. Both fundamental and applied aspects of the emerging new techniques are being discussed in relation to their anticipated, marked impact on future markets and present policy changes that are needed for success in either Agricultural or Medical Biotechnology. The novel techniques are illustrated with figures presenting the most important features of representative and powerful tools which are currently being developed for both immediate and long term applications in Agriculture, Health Food formulation and production, pharmaceuticals and Medicine. The research aspects are naturally emphasized in our review as they are key to further developments in Biotechnology; however, the course adopted for the implementation of biotechnological applications, and the policies associated with biotechnological applications are clearly the determining factors for future Biotechnology successes, be they pharmaceutical, medical or agricultural

    El Cenacle. L'art de postguerra a Sabadell

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    Total electron scattering cross sections from thiophene for the (1-300 eV) impact energy range

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    Experimental electron scattering cross sections for thiophene in the impact energy range from 1 to 300 eV have been measured with a magnetically confined electron transmission-beam apparatus. Random uncertainty limits have been estimated to be less than 5%, and systematic errors derived from acceptance angle limitations have also been identified and evaluated. Experimental values are compared with our previous low energy (1-15 eV) R-matrix and intermediate/high energy (15-300 eV) IAM-SCAR+I calculations finding reasonable agreement, within the combined uncertainty limits. Some of the low energy shape and core-excited resonances predicted by previous calculations are experimentally confirmed in this study

    Determination of Soybean Oil, Protein and Amino Acid Residues in Soybean Seeds by High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMRS) and Near Infrared (NIRS)

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    A detailed account is presented of our high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (HR-NMR) and near infrared (NIR) calibration models, methodologies and validation procedures, together with a large number of composition analyses for soybean seeds. NIR calibrations were developed based on both HR-NMR and analytical chemistry reference data for oil and twelve amino acid residues in mature soybeans and soybean embryos. This is our first report of HR-NMR determinations of amino acid profiles of proteins from whole soybean seeds, without protein extraction from the seed. It was found that the best results for both oil and protein calibrations were obtained with a Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS-1) analysis of our extensive NIR spectral data, acquired with either a DA7000 Dual Diode Array (Si and InGaAs detectors) instrument or with several Fourier Transform NIR (FT-NIR) spectrometers equipped with an integrating sphere/InGaAs detector accessory. In order to extend the bulk soybean samples calibration models to the analysis of single soybean seeds, we have analized in detail the component NIR spectra of all major soybean constituents through spectral deconvolutions for bulk, single and powdered soybean seeds. Baseline variations and light scattering effects in the NIR spectra were corrected, respectively, by calculating the first-order derivatives of the spectra and the Multiplicative Scattering Correction (MSC). The single soybean seed NIR spectra are broadly similar to those of bulk whole soybeans, with the exception of minor peaks in single soybean NIR spectra in the region from 950 to 1,000 nm. Based on previous experience with bulk soybean NIR calibrations, the PLS-1 calibration model was selected for protein, oil and moisture calibrations that we developed for single soybean seed analysis. In order to improve the reliability and robustness of our calibrations with the PLS-1 model we employed standard samples with a wide range of soybean constituent compositions: from 34% to 55% for protein, from 11% to 22% for oil and from 2% to 16% for moisture. Such calibrations are characterized by low standard errors and high degrees of correlation for all major soybean constituents. Morever, we obtained highly resolved NIR chemical images for selected regions of mature soybean embryos that allow for the quantitation of oil and protein components. Recent developments in high-resolution FT-NIR microspectroscopy extend the NIR sensitivity range to the picogram level, with submicron spatial resolution in the component distribution throughout intact soybean seeds and embryos. Such developments are potentially important for biotechnology applications that require rapid and ultra- sensitive analyses, such as those concerned with high-content microarrays in Genomics and Proteomics research. Other important applications of FT-NIR microspectroscopy are envisaged in biomedical research aimed at cancer prevention, the early detection of tumors by NIR-fluorescence, and identification of single cancer cells, or single virus particles in vivo by super-resolution microscopy/ microspectroscopy

    Les relacions interpersonals en l'educaciĂł fĂ­sica a l'ESO : anĂ lisi de dos casos

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    Curs 2011-2012Les relacions interpersonals en l’Educació Física a l’Educació Secundària Obligatòria constitueixen l’objecte d’estudi d’aquesta recerca qualitativa i transversal. Un procés d’investigació que pretén descriure, analitzar i interpretar els principals trets característics d’aquest marc relacional en l’àmbit de l’Educació Física; una matèria que presenta diferències estructurals i organitzatives significatives respecte la resta d’àrees curriculars. Professor, alumne i grup-classe esdevenen els tres actors protagonistes d’aquesta xarxa interactiva; on l’atenció es focalitza en l’anàlisi de dues tipologies de relacions: professor-alumne i alumne-alumne. A través de l’estudi de dos casos reals s’analitzen tres factors fonamentals i determinants en el procés relacional: estil d’ensenyament, rol adoptat i disponibilitat cap a les tasques; així com el factor resultant: l’ambient o clima d’aprenentatge.Interpersonal relations in Physical Education in Secondary Education are the subject of this qualitative and cross-sectional research study. A research process that seeks to describe, analyse and interpret the main features of the relational framework in the field of Physical Education, a subject that has significant structural and organizational differences regarding other curricular areas. Teacher, student and class group become the three main actors in this interactive network, where attention is focused on the analysis of two types of relationships: teacher-student and student-student. Through the study of two real cases we analyse three key factors in determining the relational process: teaching style, role and availability taken into tasks, and the resulting factor: the environment or climate of learning
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