1,499 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Lavoie, Joseph I. (Auburn, Androscoggin County)

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    Diatomées périphytiques comme indicateurs de stress combinés liés à l'historique minier et à la pression urbaine dans le bassin versant de Junction Creek (Ontario, Canada)

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    International audienceSudbury (Ontario, Canada) has a long mining history that has left the region with a distinctive legacy of environmental impacts. Several actions have been undertaken since the 1970s to rehabilitate this deteriorated environment, in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Despite a marked increase in environmental health, we show that the Junction Creek system remains under multiple stressors from present and past mining operations, and from urban-related pressures such as municipal wastewater treatment plants, golf courses and stormwater runoff. Water samples have elevated metal concentrations, with values reaching up to 1 mg·

    Dolomitization of the Lower Ordovician Aguathuna Formation carbonates, Port au Port Peninsula, western Newfoundland, Canada: implications for a hydrocarbon reservoir

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    The Lower Ordovician Aguathuna Formation (∼100 m thick) is formed of shallow-marine carbonates, which constitute the uppermost part of the St. George Group of western Newfoundland. Sedimentation was paused by a major subaerial exposure (St. George Unconformity), which likely developed a significant pore system in the underlying carbonates by meteoric dissolution. The sequence has been affected by multiphase dolomitization that caused complex changes in the rock porosity. The Aguathuna dolomites are classified into three main generations ranging in crystal size between ∼4 µm and 2 mm. The occurrence of fabric-retentive dolomicrites implies that dolomitization likely started during the early stages of diagenesis. Although dolomitization is pervasive in the upper part of the formation and significantly occludes the pores, some intervals in the lower part have higher porosity. The development of lower permeable layers overlain by an impermeable (seal) cap suggests a possible potential diagenetic trap. Unlike sabkha deposits, the Aguathuna carbonates do not have evaporite interlayers. Furthermore, the low Sr contents (∼96 ppm) and the δ18O values of earlier dolomites (–3.3‰ to –6.9‰ VPDB (Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite)) are also difficult to reconcile with a brine origin. The Sr/Ca molar ratios (0.0067–0.0009), calculated for the earliest dolomitizing fluid, suggest a modified seawater origin, likely mixed sea and meteoric waters. The least radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr values of the earliest dolomite are consistent with those of early Ordovician seawater, which supports an early-stage diagenesis. Petrography, geochemistry, and fluid inclusions of the late dolomites suggest precipitation at higher temperatures (∼73–95 °C) in deeper burial environments from hydrothermal solutions

    Effet du débit sur la dynamique temporelle des algues périphytiques dans une rivière influencée par les activités agricoles

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    Le périphyton de la rivière Boyer Nord, une rivière affectée par les activités agricoles dans le sud du Québec (Canada), a été échantillonné toutes les deux semaines de la mi-mai à la fin septembre 1999 afin d'évaluer son évolution temporelle et d'identifier les variables potentielles qui le contrôlent. Les résultats montrent la grande variabilité temporelle de la biomasse périphytique (poids sec organique et chlorophylle a) et de la structure de la communauté de diatomées. La communauté d'algues benthiques dans la rivière Boyer était principalement composée de diatomées (Nitzschia, Cocconeis, Cymbella, Cyclotella), d'algues vertes (Scenedesmus, Pediastrum, Cosmarium, Closterium) et de cyanobactéries (Phormidium, Oscillatoria, Merismopedia). La pointe de débit observée durant la semaine précédant l'échantillonnage était fortement corrélée à plusieurs variables physico-chimiques (N-total, NH3-N, NO3-N, P-total, turbidité) et était le plus fortement corrélée aux changements temporels de la biomasse. La biomasse (chlorophylle a et poids sec organique) était négativement corrélée au phosphore total, ce qui reflète la relation avec le débit. Les changements temporels dans la composition spécifique des diatomées étaient régis par différentes variables physico-chimiques, selon les limites de tolérances et la valence écologique des espèces. Les algues périphytiques de cette communauté ont réagi aux variations de l'environnement à l'intérieur d'une période de 2 semaines puisque des changements majeurs dans la structure de l'assemblage de diatomées ont été observés lors de chaque échantillonnage. Ces observations montrent la forte variabilité de la biomasse et de la structure de la communauté périphytique dans les rivières enrichies par les éléments nutritifs et souligne l'influence majeure du débit dans ce type d'environnement.Periphyton in an agriculturally enriched river (Boyer River, Québec, Canada) was sampled from mid-May to the end of September 1999 to evaluate the temporal succession of periphyton and to identify potential controlling variables. The river is located on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River and discharges into it approximately 30 kilometres downstream (east) of Québec City. Land-use in the Boyer River watershed is 60% farmland and 40% forests. The site was chosen for its intense farming, accessibility and proximity to an automatic sampling station for water quality operated by the Québec Ministry of the Environment that continuously recorded pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen and discharge. Event water samples were collected for nutrients, turbidity, conductivity and suspended solids according to discharge. Periphyton growth was scraped every two weeks from rocks over a 10 meter reach, between mid-May and the end of September using a template, blade and toothbrush. Samples for chlorophyll a (Chl a) and ash-free-dry-weight (AFDW) were filtered on to Whatman GF/C glass fiber filters the same day and additional samples were preserved with paraformaldehyde-glutaraldehyde for taxonomic analysis. Chl a was extracted in 95% ethanol and quantified by spectrophotometry. AFDW was determined by drying the samples for 24 hours at 80ºC followed by combustion in a muffle furnace at 500ºC for 2 hours. Samples for diatom analysis were cleaned using a mixture of 1:1 sulphuric and nitric acid at 60°C and mounted on slides with Naphrax mounting medium. Diatoms were then identified and counted with a Zeiss Axiovert 10 inverted microscope at 1000X magnification. A minimum of 400 valves were enumerated for each sample. The presence of other algal constituents was also determined. Statistical analyses included Pearson correlations, stepwise regression analysis and analysis of variance.The chemical and physical properties of the river fluctuated substantially during the sampling season. Nutrient levels were consistently high with total N in the range of 1,2-7,2 mg/l and total P in the range of 0,07-0,37 mg/l, confirming the strong agricultural enrichment of the Boyer River. All measured nitrogen components (total-N, NH3-N, NO3-N) showed a decreasing trend during the sampling season while soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total dissolved P, conductivity, pH and temperature showed a general increase over the season. Oxygen levels were often well above or below saturation (29-176% of air equilibrium) indicating a strong biological influence on oxygen dynamics.Periphytic biomass (Chl a and AFDW) and diatom community structure showed major fluctuations over time. The temporal changes in biomass were most strongly correlated (negatively) with peak discharge during the preceding week (AFDW : r=-0,748, p < 0,05; and Chl a : r=-0,649, p < 0,05). This discharge variable was strongly correlated (positively) with several physico-chemical variables (total-N, NH3-N, NO3-N, total-P, turbidity). The negative correlation between biomass and total phosphorus suggested that algae in the Boyer River were not nutrient-limited. However, stepwise regressions showed that variations in diatom-specific composition over time were regulated by various physico-chemical variables linked to environmental preferences and tolerance of each species. Navicula seminulum, Navicula cf. subminusculus and Navicula saprophila were strongly influenced by the peak discharge during the week preceding the sampling (R2 =0,76, F(1,8) =25,7, p 0,001; R2 =0,66, F(1,8) =15,82, p < 0,05 and R2=0,55, F(1,8) =9,85, p < 0,05, respectively). Cymbella silesiaca, Cocconeis placentula, Cyclotella meneghiniana and Navicula saprophila were strongly correlated with temperature (R2 =0,58, F(1,8) =11,08, p < 0,05; R2 =0,61, F(1,8) =28,15, p 0,001; R2 =0,41, F(1,8) =5,65, p < 0,05 and R2 =0,59, F(1,8) =11,38, p < 0,005, respectively). Diatoma vulgaris was mostly influenced by suspended solids plus discharge (R2 =0,4, F(1,8) =5,38, p < 0,05; and R2 =0,86, F(1,7) =20,72, p < 0,005, respectively). The abundance of Navicula lanceolata was strongly correlated with conductivity (R2 =45, F(1,8) =6,55, p < 0,05) while that of Nitzschia spp. correlated with total dissolved phosphorus (R2 =49, F(1,8) =7,63, p < 0,05). No significant influence of the physico-chemical environment was observed on Navicula cryptocephala or Surirella brebissonii. Benthic algae in this nutrient-rich ecosystem responded to environmental variations within 2 weeks since major changes in community composition were observed between all sampling dates. Although diatom community structure changed markedly during the sampling season, most of the observed species are indicative of nutrient-enriched rivers and streams.The results of this study show the dynamic nature of periphyton communities in nutrient-enriched rivers and streams and underscore the importance of discharge as a regulator of biomass. The rapid shifts in community structure also imply that benthic algae can be used as a sensitive measure of environmental conditions in agriculturally impacted ecosystems

    Transposable element evolution in Heliconius suggests genome diversity within Lepidoptera

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    Background Transposable elements (TEs) have the potential to impact genome structure, function and evolution in profound ways. In order to understand the contribution of transposable elements (TEs) to Heliconius melpomene, we queried the H. melpomene draft sequence to identify repetitive sequences. Results We determined that TEs comprise ~25% of the genome. The predominant class of TEs (~12% of the genome) was the non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons, including a novel SINE family. However, this was only slightly higher than content derived from DNA transposons, which are diverse, with several families having mobilized in the recent past. Compared to the only other well-studied lepidopteran genome, Bombyx mori, H. melpomene exhibits a higher DNA transposon content and a distinct repertoire of retrotransposons. We also found that H. melpomene exhibits a high rate of TE turnover with few older elements accumulating in the genome. Conclusions Our analysis represents the first complete, de novo characterization of TE content in a butterfly genome and suggests that, while TEs are able to invade and multiply, TEs have an overall deleterious effect and/or that maintaining a small genome is advantageous. Our results also hint that analysis of additional lepidopteran genomes will reveal substantial TE diversity within the group

    Optical one-way quantum computing with a simulated valence-bond solid

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    One-way quantum computation proceeds by sequentially measuring individual spins (qubits) in an entangled many-spin resource state. It remains a challenge, however, to efficiently produce such resource states. Is it possible to reduce the task of generating these states to simply cooling a quantum many-body system to its ground state? Cluster states, the canonical resource for one-way quantum computing, do not naturally occur as ground states of physical systems. This led to a significant effort to identify alternative resource states that appear as ground states in spin lattices. An appealing candidate is a valence-bond-solid state described by Affleck, Kennedy, Lieb, and Tasaki (AKLT). It is the unique, gapped ground state for a two-body Hamiltonian on a spin-1 chain, and can be used as a resource for one-way quantum computing. Here, we experimentally generate a photonic AKLT state and use it to implement single-qubit quantum logic gates.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, 8 tables - added one referenc

    The middle class in macroeconomics and growth theory: a three-class neo-Kaleckian-Goodwin model

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    This paper presents a three class growth model with labor market conflict. The classes are workers, a middle management middle class, and a "top" management capitalist class. The model introduces personal income distribution that supplements conventional concerns with functional income distribution. Within such a model, endogenously generated changes in personal income distribution can generate endogenous shifts from profit-led to wage-led regimes and vice-versa. A model of an economy with three classes enables us to consider richer patterns of class conflict because the middle class has shared interests and conflicts with both capitalists and workers. Changes that benefit the middle class do not necessarily increase growth or employment or benefit workers

    Two-dimensional electron gas formation in undoped In[0.75]Ga[0.25]As/In[0.75]Al[0.25]As quantum wells

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    We report on the achievement of a two-dimensional electron gas in completely undoped In[0.75]Al[0.25]As/In[0.75]Ga[0.25]As metamorphic quantum wells. Using these structures we were able to reduce the carrier density, with respect to reported values in similar modulation-doped structures. We found experimentally that the electronic charge in the quantum well is likely due to a deep-level donor state in the In[0.75]Al[0.25]As barrier band gap, whose energy lies within the In[0.75]Ga[0.25]As/In[0.75]Al[0.25]As conduction band discontinuity. This result is further confirmed through a Poisson-Schroedinger simulation of the two-dimensional electron gas structure.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, to be published in J. Vac. Sci. Technol.

    The XXL Survey VII: A supercluster of galaxies at z=0.43

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    The XXL Survey is the largest homogeneous and contiguous survey carried out with XMM-Newton. Covering an area of 50 square degrees distributed over two fields, it primarily investigates the large-scale structures of the Universe using the distribution of galaxy clusters and active galactic nuclei as tracers of the matter distribution. Given its depth and sky coverage, XXL is particularly suited to systematically unveiling the clustering of X-ray clusters and to identifying superstructures in a homogeneous X-ray sample down to the typical mass scale of a local massive cluster. A friends-of-friends algorithm in three-dimensional physical space was run to identify large-scale structures. In this paper we report the discovery of the highest redshift supercluster of galaxies found in the XXL Survey. We describe the X-ray properties of the clusters members of the structure and the optical follow-up. The newly discovered supercluster is composed of six clusters of galaxies at a median redshift z around 0.43 and distributed across approximately 30 by 15 arc minutes (10 by 5 Mpc on sky) on the sky. This structure is very compact with all the clusters residing in one XMM pointing; for this reason this is the first supercluster discovered with the XXL Survey. Spectroscopic follow-up with WHT (William Herschel Telescope) and NTT (New Technology Telescope) confirmed a median redshift of z = 0.43. An estimate of the X-ray mass and luminosity of this supercluster and of its total gas mass put XLSSC-e at the average mass range of superclusters; its appearance, with two members of equal size, is quite unusual with respect to other superclusters and provides a unique view of the formation process of a massive structure.Comment: A&A, accepted; special XXL issu