13 research outputs found

    Newsroom Divides : Online News Production, Gender, and Organization at DN.se

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    The crisis of the news media industry has changed the conditions of news reporting, placed pressure on the journalism profession, and affected its professional identity. In the last few years, online newsrooms have undergone significant changes in their organization and their practices of production. This article presents a case study of the relationships between gender, news production, professional routines, working conditions, and attitudes toward gender equality in the online newsroom of DN.se, the news website of Dagens Nyheter, Sweden’s largest morning newspaper. Like many newspapers worldwide, Dagens Nyheter faces difficulties in maintaining its readership, and has recently implemented major reorganizations, including staff cuts and budget reductions in the online newsroom. These changes also have had an impact on the daily work practices of reporters, including increased workloads and conflicting professional ideals. The journalists at DN.se generally express a broad awareness of gender parity. However, women’s voices, experiences, and expertise continue to be significantly underrepresented in the news content. The DN.se online news replicates the patterns of gender portrayal and representation observed in traditional print news media in Sweden and internationally. It is argued that intensified market pressure and increased competition for readers, combined with the lack of goal-oriented policies, are all promoting a type of journalism which is potentially threatening to gender parity in online newsrooms

    FrÀmmande sidor : FrÀmlingskap och nationell gemenskap i fyra svenska dagstidningar efter 1945

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    A major purpose of this study is to describe and analyse representations of migration and migrants in three local Swedish newspapers, Arbetarbladet, BorĂ„s Tidning, and Vestmanlands LĂ€ns Tidning and one national, Dagens Nyheter, at eight selected years during the period of 1945 – 2005. The dissertation investigates continuity and change over the course of time. The study also traces how journalistic discourses relate to migration policies. The main focus is on the local papers and the interplay between local and national perspectives in expressing estrangement and national community. The main sample consists of 1 537 articles published in the first three weeks of March in the years 1945, 1955, 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995 and the year 2000. Quantitative and qualitative approaches are combined and the study is carried out within the traditions of Critical Discourse Analysis and rhetoric. One theoretical approach rests on the notion of the stranger, as conceptualized by Georg Simmel. Closely linked to this notion are the concepts of nation, culture, and identity. One purpose is to analyse how these aspects are textualised and visualised. Despite the changes of migration to Sweden, press coverage has demonstrated a remarkable consistency in the representations of immigrants and migration policy throughout the period. The analyses indicate that there is a continuous dialogue between the press and the government agenda. Albeit the consonance between the papers, it needs to be pointed out that representations of strangers are heterogeneous. In certain respects the local papers differ from the national paper. The Dagens Nyheter was more inclined to use a negative and a conflict angle. The local papers, promoting strong place identities, were more prone to stress co-operation and shared interests. The portrayal often draws on an implicit positive self-representation of Sweden. Nationhood is still a resonant element in journalism, a late echo, as it were, of the People’s Home

    Diversity disorders: Ethnicity and newsroom cultures

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    Sweden, as many other European countries, has been engaged in the debate concerning the relationships between social cohesion and the media. The article examines the tension between officially expressed attitudes and diversity goals of Swedish newsrooms and how journalists who have foreign backgrounds perceive these. Despite the intense discussions in recent years concerning media's role in a multi-ethnic context Swedish media organizations have not yet developed an effective means of promoting and implementing diversity in the newsrooms. The interviewed journalists draw attention to the dilemma of not being accepted in majority dominated newsrooms and stress the need to change editorial organization patterns, newsroom cultures and to re-define journalistic missions regarding ethnic diversity. The article concerns the market focus of news production and argues that the present tendency to mainstream cultural diversity in media content may lead to the exclusion of minority voices and thus undermining diversity efforts

    Storylab Lessons : A Collaborative Project Between Coursesin Journalism and Media Technology

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    This article examines Storylab, a collaborative learning project between the journalism programme at Stockholm University and the engineering programme in media technology at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, designed to combine journalistic storytelling with pervasive media technology. The aim of the study is to identify and reflect on the challenges associated with the approach. The methods used are a survey and semi-structured interviews with the students. The analyses draw on research concerning the current main challenges for the news industry and journalism educators. The results show that Storylab was highly appreciated, and provided students with useful skills for their professional lives. However, not all groups worked well together, and some students wished that the collaboration had been more extensive. Differences in motivations and priorities were mentioned as restraining factors. Therefore, it is argued that for a sustainable media landscape, journalists and engineers must collaborate, and that this cooperation can be brought about during professional training

    Storylab – a collaborative project of digital storytelling between educations in journalism and media technology

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    In this paper, we examine Storylab, an interdisciplinary learning project between the journalism programme at Stockholm University and engineering programme in Media technology at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, designed to combine journalistic storytelling with pervasive media technologies. The aim of the study is to identify drivers and barriers in a cross-curriculum partnership involving journalism and engineering students. The students teamed up in interdisciplinary groups in order to explore the future of digital storytelling, to find innovative design solutions, and to demonstrate practical applications combining journalism with media technology. The methods used are a survey and semi-structured interviews with the students. The analyses draw on research concerning the current main challenges for the media industry, journalists, and educators (Ramaker, Stoep &amp; Deuze 2015; Picha Edwardsson 2015; Salaverria 2011). The theoretical foundation also includes interdisciplinary studies, and collaborative learning (Klein &amp; Newell 1997; Wiersema 2002). The results show that the engineering students had significantly more positive attitudes towards the future of the media industry than their journalism peers. The students also believed that user friendly digital designs and cooperation with other professionals are the most important factors for a successful media business. We argue that it is crucial for a sustainable media landscape that journalists and engineers collaborate. We further contend that it is of vital importance that this cooperation is brought about already during the professional training. Consequently, educators need to address these challenges now, as they constrain the development of journalism in the future media landscape.QC 20161116</p

    Makt, kultur och kontroll över invandrares livsvillkor : Multidimensionella perspektiv pÄ strukturell diskriminering i Sverige

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    Med sitt breda spektrum av perspektiv pĂ„ diskrimineringens strukturella dimensioner avser denna antologi att bidra till en ökad förstĂ„else av problemets karaktĂ€r och ett mer nyanserat samtal om orsaker och möjliga Ă„tgĂ€rder emot etnisk ojĂ€mlikhet. En analys av sĂ„ komplexa fenomen som etnisk diskriminering och social exkludering fordrar en mĂ„ngfald teorier och metoder. I den hĂ€r antologin finner vi prov pĂ„ ett flertal olika samhĂ€llsvetenskapliga metoder. Ett strukturellt och maktorienterat perspektiv har vĂ€glett valet av artiklar om “invandrarproblematiken” och de samhĂ€lleliga maktförhĂ„llandena och demokratin i Sverige. SĂ€rskilda mekanismer som verkar inom samhĂ€llets institutioner och kulturella formationer som diskriminerar, exkluderar och omyndigförklarar invandrare har identifierats. Boken bestĂ„r av tre delar. Del I presenterar diskrimineringens kognitiva och diskursiva former, och syftar till att ge en mer generell bild av hur uppfattningar om mĂ€nniskors olikheter skapas, normaliseras och legitimeras. Del II visar hur diskrimineringen verkar pĂ„ en institutionell nivĂ„, och hur maktutövning, beslut och praktiker i olika institutionella kontexter drabbar utsatta invandrade grupper i det svenska samhĂ€llet. Del III fokuserar pĂ„ diskriminerande krafter och motkrafter i civilsamhĂ€llet och pĂ„ den politiska arenan. Vidare diskuteras vad för slags antidiskriminerande och ”antirasifierande” krafter som finns i samhĂ€llet och hur de fungerar. NĂ„gra av antologins centrala slutsatser Ă€r: (1) Det Ă€r en ganska dyster bild av det mĂ„ngkulturella Sverige som framtrĂ€der i de olika artiklarna. Etnisk diskriminering och exkludering Ă€r robusta eftersom de bestĂ„r av mĂ„nga ömsesidigt förstĂ€rkande mekanismer. (2) Det svenska samhĂ€llets respons till invandrarna framstĂ„r som en komplex blandning av vĂ€lvilja, solidariska Ă„sikter och ideal, samt inskrĂ€nkta, protektionistiska eller till och med xenofobiska stĂ„ndpunkter. (3) Det Sverige som trĂ€der fram genom antologins analyser Ă€r inte genomgĂ„ende ett samhĂ€lle som prĂ€glas av exkludering – det finns mĂ„nga positiva krafter och utvecklingar i motstĂ„nd till rasism och diskriminering. (4) DĂ€remot finns det en viss tendens för en rasifierad politik att breda ut sig. Goda intentioner rĂ€cker inte. Det behövs en systematisk kamp grundad pĂ„ mĂ€nskliga vĂ€rderingar och kunskap om strukturella mekanismer för att Ă„stadkomma jĂ€mlikhet och allas vĂ€lstĂ„nd i ett demokratiskt mĂ„ngkulturellt samhĂ€lle

    Makt, kultur och kontroll över invandrares livsvillkor : Multidimensionella perspektiv pÄ strukturell diskriminering i Sverige

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    Med sitt breda spektrum av perspektiv pĂ„ diskrimineringens strukturella dimensioner avser denna antologi att bidra till en ökad förstĂ„else av problemets karaktĂ€r och ett mer nyanserat samtal om orsaker och möjliga Ă„tgĂ€rder emot etnisk ojĂ€mlikhet. En analys av sĂ„ komplexa fenomen som etnisk diskriminering och social exkludering fordrar en mĂ„ngfald teorier och metoder. I den hĂ€r antologin finner vi prov pĂ„ ett flertal olika samhĂ€llsvetenskapliga metoder. Ett strukturellt och maktorienterat perspektiv har vĂ€glett valet av artiklar om “invandrarproblematiken” och de samhĂ€lleliga maktförhĂ„llandena och demokratin i Sverige. SĂ€rskilda mekanismer som verkar inom samhĂ€llets institutioner och kulturella formationer som diskriminerar, exkluderar och omyndigförklarar invandrare har identifierats. Boken bestĂ„r av tre delar. Del I presenterar diskrimineringens kognitiva och diskursiva former, och syftar till att ge en mer generell bild av hur uppfattningar om mĂ€nniskors olikheter skapas, normaliseras och legitimeras. Del II visar hur diskrimineringen verkar pĂ„ en institutionell nivĂ„, och hur maktutövning, beslut och praktiker i olika institutionella kontexter drabbar utsatta invandrade grupper i det svenska samhĂ€llet. Del III fokuserar pĂ„ diskriminerande krafter och motkrafter i civilsamhĂ€llet och pĂ„ den politiska arenan. Vidare diskuteras vad för slags antidiskriminerande och ”antirasifierande” krafter som finns i samhĂ€llet och hur de fungerar. NĂ„gra av antologins centrala slutsatser Ă€r: (1) Det Ă€r en ganska dyster bild av det mĂ„ngkulturella Sverige som framtrĂ€der i de olika artiklarna. Etnisk diskriminering och exkludering Ă€r robusta eftersom de bestĂ„r av mĂ„nga ömsesidigt förstĂ€rkande mekanismer. (2) Det svenska samhĂ€llets respons till invandrarna framstĂ„r som en komplex blandning av vĂ€lvilja, solidariska Ă„sikter och ideal, samt inskrĂ€nkta, protektionistiska eller till och med xenofobiska stĂ„ndpunkter. (3) Det Sverige som trĂ€der fram genom antologins analyser Ă€r inte genomgĂ„ende ett samhĂ€lle som prĂ€glas av exkludering – det finns mĂ„nga positiva krafter och utvecklingar i motstĂ„nd till rasism och diskriminering. (4) DĂ€remot finns det en viss tendens för en rasifierad politik att breda ut sig. Goda intentioner rĂ€cker inte. Det behövs en systematisk kamp grundad pĂ„ mĂ€nskliga vĂ€rderingar och kunskap om strukturella mekanismer för att Ă„stadkomma jĂ€mlikhet och allas vĂ€lstĂ„nd i ett demokratiskt mĂ„ngkulturellt samhĂ€lle