601 research outputs found

    Sjálfræði aldraðra : hindranir í umönnun

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open)Í þessari grein er sjónum beint að framkvæmd umönnunar á stofnunum fyrir aldraða, hvað varðar sjálfræði þeirra. Rætt er um skerðandi aðgerðir, svo sem læsingar, eftirlit, fjötranotkun, svo og valdbeitingu í umönnun. Eins og í fyrri grein er sérstaklega skoðað hvaða leiðbeiningar er að finna í íslenskum lögum og reglugerðum um þessi erfiðu og viðkvæmu málefni. Til samanburðar er dönsk löggjöf skoðuð en henni kynntist ég í námsdvöl í Kaupmannahöfn haustið 200

    Sjálfræði aldraðra Íslendinga

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open)Í þessari grein er skoðað hvernig sjálfræði og sjálfsákvörðunarréttur aldraðra birtist í framkvæmd í íslenskri öldrunarþjónustu. Hvernig er háttað ákvörðun um búsetu svo sem varanlega stofnanavist? Hver er sjálfsákvörðunarréttur fólks sem býr á stofnunum fyrir aldraða um hagi sína og daglega tilveru? Skoðuð eru lög og reglugerðir sem lúta að sjálfræði aldraðra, bæði hér á Íslandi og í nágrannalöndum okkar. Einkum er sjónum beint að danskri löggjöf í því sambandi, bæði vegna þess að höfundur hefur kynnst henni í framkvæmd og einnig virðast Danir einna lengst á veg komnir í þessu efni

    Luminescent Silicon Nanoparticles: An improved inverse micelle synthesis and oxide-dependent photoluminescence studies

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    The luminescence of silicon nanoparticles has been an active area of study for a number of years. These nanoparticles luminesce when excited by ultraviolet (UV) light in the ~340 nm region, displaying either a blueish or a reddish colour. The control and origin of these colours has been debated, with researchers such as Veinot, Kauzlarich and Tilley claiming that the luminescence can be controlled with the use of nitrogen. In this thesis, a new synthetic procedure is presented that improves upon the established inversemicelle technique by replacing the methanol or ethanol quenching agent with copper chloride. It is found that this new technique lowers the level of surface oxide present in the form of alcohols on the surface of the nanoparticles, giving blue luminescent particles with improved surfaces for further chemistry. Photoluminescence studies are also performed on samples of silicon nanoparticles synthesised by electrochemical etching, using a variety of oxygen-containing compounds to probe the behaviour of the photoluminescence spectrum. It is found that there are typically five Gaussian peaks present in a typical spectrum; occurring at 405 nm, 430 nm, 460 nm 485-90 nm, 500 nm, and 640 nm, subsequently labelled a, b, g, e, and z . It is also found that molecular oxygen increases the b peak and suppresses the z peak, and that water has the opposite effect on these two peaks. It is shown that the peaks a, b, and z are all due to a single site on the surface of the silicon nanoparticle, corresponding to the cases when the site is oxide-free, occupied by molecular oxygen, and water, respectively. It is also hypothesised that the luminescence can be controlled via the use of compounds of different sizes and polarities, with electron-withdrawing molecules increasing the blue luminescence, and electron-donating molecules increasing the red. g and e are used as normalising peaks to compare between samples, and are not affected by oxygen

    Minningavinna með öldruðum

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    Neðst á síðunni er að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenÁsíðari hluta nýliðinnar aldar hefur orðið mikil breyting á lífi og högum aldraðra á Íslandi, og ekki síst á viðhorfi til þeirra í samfélaginu. Fram að seinni heimsstyrjöld má segja að í grófum dráttum væri staða aldraðra svipuð og verið hafði um aldir í tiltölulega kyrrstæðu bændasamfélagi. Aldrað fólk naut ákveðinnar virðingar vegna reynslu og veraldarvisku og hafði hlutverk svo lengi sem það gat sinnt verki, en eftir það var það skylda heimilisins að annast hinn karlæga einstakling, vel eða illa eftir atvikum

    Athugun á próffræðilegum eiginleikum Spurninga um styrk og vanda í hópi 5 ára barna á Íslandi

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenÍ þessari rannsókn var spurningalistinn Spurningar um styrk og vanda (The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) sem Robert Goodman (Goodman, 1997) hefur þróað og þýddur hefur verið á íslensku, lagður fyrir foreldra 318 fimm ára barna og leikskólakennara 272 þeirra í Reykjavík. Listanum er ætlað að meta hegðun, tilfinningalega líðan og félagshæfni barna og unglinga á aldrinum 4 til 16 ára. Rannsóknin var gerð í þeim tilgangi að athuga próffræðilega eiginleika íslenskrar útgáfu listans. Framkvæmd var leitandi þáttagreining á svörum foreldra og kennara og sýndu niðurstöður í báðum tilvikum fimm þætti (ofvirkni, hegðunarerfiðleikar, tilfinningavandi, vandi í samskiptum við jafnaldra og félagshæfni) sem voru að hluta til sambærilegir niðurstöðum erlendra rannsókna. Innri áreiðanleiki þáttanna var ófullnægjandi í flestum tilvikum, bæði hjá foreldrum (α=0,41 til 0,74) og kennurum (α=0,65 til 0,84). Fylgni á milli svara foreldra og kennara var frekar lág á öllum þáttunum fimm (r=0,17 til 0,38) sem þó er í samræmi við niðurstöður erlendra rannsókna. Niðurstöðurnar benda því til að próffræðilegir eiginleikar íslenskrar gerðar Spurninga um styrk og vanda séu ekki nægjanlega góðir í hópi fimm ára barna. Faglega var staðið að þýðingu listans hér á landi svo ólíklegt þykir að eiginleikar þýðingarinnar skýri niðurstöðurnar. Mögulega hefur aldur barnanna áhrif en engar erlendar rannsóknir eru til fyrir þennan aldurshóp sérstaklega. Rannsaka þarf próffræðilega eiginleika spurningalistans á Íslandi nánar í úrtökum með meiri aldursdreifingu

    Interstitial laser thermotherapy (ILT) of breast cancer - Methodology and immunological responce

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    Interstitial laser thermotherapy (ILT) is an attractive form of local therapy against cancer because of its anti-tumor immune activity. The aim of this work was to evaluate ILT in breast cancer with respect to technique, changes in tissue immunocompetent cells and effect on prognosis. The method is dependent on accurate assessment of the tumor, and another aim was therefore to evaluate if MRI is better than ultrasound (US) for imaging. Twenty-four patients were treated with ILT, followed by surgical resection about two weeks later. Pre-treatment US estimated the average tumor diameter to be 14 (range 5-35) mm. ILT was performed at 48Cº for 30 minutes under local anesthesia. Three patients were radically treated with ILT and the average tumor necrosis was 33% (0-100). Microscopic examination of the resected specimen showed that the average tumor diameter was 23 (range 7-55) mm. US underestimation of tumor size contributed to the rather poor local efficacy. ILT-induced changes in tissue immunocompetent cells were assessed by comparing findings in pre-treatment core biopsies and post-treatment pathologic specimens (paired comparisons). Changes in regional lymph nodes were assessed by comparison with a control group undergoing surgery only. ILT induced a significant increase of mature dendritic cells, B lymphocytes and macrophages at the tumor border and of cytotoxic T lymphocytes and macrophages within the tumor. In the lymph nodes there was a significant decrease in T regulatory cells. Most of these changes are considered to have a favorable prognostic value. Follow up after ILT was 116 (91-136) months. No patient had local recurrence of disease. Five patients developed distant metastases, and three of them have died. The number of cytotoxic T cells within the tumor was higher in patients with recurrence than in patients without recurrence. Patients with recurrent disease had a lower number of NK cells in tumor-free lymph nodes than patients without recurrence. Possible clinical benefit of ILT should be examined in a larger and less heterogenous patient population. MRI has been used preoperatively in most patients (68%) with breast cancer in Iceland during 2007-2009, in addition to mammography and US. Invasive tumor was measurable on all imaging methods in 267 patients. The study revealed that MRI and US both under- and overestimated size. Routine MRI was not shown to be a better radiological method than US for estimating tumor size in local ablative therapy

    Heritability of longevity in the Icelandic sheep breed and the reproduction factors affecting it

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    In recent years higher focus has been put on increasing welfare and decreasing negative environmental effects of animal production. One way to access this is increasing and understanding the factors affecting the animal’s longevity. Longevity is a complicated trait that can normally only be recorded after the animal’s death and creates a biased data for younger animals in the heard (Iversen et al., 2020). A new way of estimating the trait with a linear model when animals are assigned 0 for years where they live another year and 1 for their last year has been created and has given good results for heritability estimations at an early age. This study estimated the heritability of longevity in the Icelandic sheep system based on the 1-0 model run as a simple sire model, sire model with the environmental effect of the dam and sire-dam model. Longevity was recorded a heritable trait giving heritability between h2 0.019-0,031 for annual basis record and h2 0.86-0.14 when estimated for average lifetime records of 5.28 years. The sire-dam model gave the strongest heritability when the sire and dam were given equal values but otherwise gave a low heritability for sires and high for dams. The simple sire model gave the lowest explanation out of the models. Longevity increases with higher age at first lambing and if the ewe had any years without lambs during her lifetime. Ewe effect of EWE_REARED, EWE_BORN and DAM_AGE had low effect on longevity while litter effect L_REARED and L_BORN and HAD_MIN had higher effect on the trait

    Estimating PV Module Performance over Large Geographical Regions: The Role of Irradiance, Air Temperature, Wind Speed and Solar Spectrum

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    We present a study of how photovoltaic (PV) module performance varies on continental scale. Mathematical models have been used to take into account shallow-angle reflectivity, spectral sensitivity, dependence of module efficiency on irradiance and module temperature as well as how the module temperature depends on irradiance, ambient temperature and wind speed. Spectrally resolved irradiance data retrieved from satellite images are combined with temperature and wind speed data from global computational weather forecast data to produce maps of PV performance for Eurasia and Africa. Results show that module reflectivity causes a fairly small drop of 2-4\% in PV performance. Spectral effects may modify the performance by up to +/- 6%, depending on location and module type. The strongest effect is seen in the dependence on irradiance and module temperature, which may range from -20% to +5% at different locations.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc

    Spatial Downscaling of 2-Meter Air Temperature Using Operational Forecast Data

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    We present a method for enhancing the spatial resolution of 2 meter temperature (T2m) estimates. The method is based on operational forecast data supplied by the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast. From the hourly and monthly average temperatures a vertical gradient is determined by linear fitting to the temperature data in larger areas of 1x1° or 2x2°. Validation against data from more than 8000 meteorological stations worldwide shows that the estimates of annual average temperature at these points becomes significantly more accurate when applying the vertical gradients to correct the local temperature estimates to the elevation of the stations. When the elevation difference between forecast and station is larger than 300m, the overall mean absolute deviation of the individual stations bias values decreases from 3.44°C to 1.02°C and the root mean square deviation decreases from 4.11°C to 1.42°C. The gradients have also been applied to the ERA-Interim reanalysis data and the validation results are similar. The vertical temperature gradients will be useful for studies in many fields, including renewable energy and the study of energy performance of buildings.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc

    Investigation of high renewable energy penetration in the island of Syros following the interconnection with the national grid system

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    This paper aims to assess the potential of high renewable energy (wind and solar) integration in the Greek island of Syros, following the scheduled interconnection with the national grid system. Currently, Syros operates an oil fired autonomous power system (APS), emitting large amounts of carbon emissions. Interconnection among a number of islands in the Cyclades and the mainland will eliminate the use of APS, will reinforce islands’ power network and will allow exploitation of high wind and solar potential. It has been concluded that following the interconnection, the installation of 33.5 MW of wind and solar energy is feasible. The assumed capacity will cover the total energy demand by 2030 allowing also electricity exports to the Greek mainland. Transforming Syros into a regional renewable energy hub will contribute to the energy security, providing access to its own energy resources