1,678 research outputs found

    The Manifestation of Love in Lauren Dane’s Novel Back To You

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    This research focuses on the protagonist’s manifestation of love in Lauren Dane’s novel Back To You written, and how love was implemented in various kinds of manifestation, such as firmness, loyalty, self-control, generosity, and honesty. The research analysed life of a couple named Kelly Hurley and Vaughan Hurley who lived happily at the first years of their marriage but after eight years, they decided to divorce. The theory in this analysis is proposed by Theo Riyanto (2015) and the method used was qualitative approach method adopted by Kothari (2004). The result of this research shows that the protagonist manifested his love for his ex-wife and children by doing everything for them and treated them as if they had not divorced yet. He realized that she was the only woman whom he loved full-heartedly in his life. His manifestation of love to his ex-wife won her heart that he remarried her in the long run.   Keywords: manifestation of love, firmness, loyalty, self-control, generosity, honest


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    A resol type phenolic resin was prepared for the impregnation of wood particles used for the reinforcement of PLA. A preliminary study showed that the resin penetrates wood with rates depending on the concentration of the solution and on temperature. Treatment with a solution of 1 wt% resin resulted in a considerable increase of composite strength and decrease of water absorption. Composite strength improved as a result of increased inherent strength of the wood, but interfacial adhesion might be modified as well. When wood was treated with resin solutions of larger concentrations, the strength of the composites decreased, first slightly, then drastically to a very small value. A larger amount of resin results in a thick coating on wood with inferior mechanical properties. At large resin contents the mechanism of deformation changes; the thick coating breaks very easily leading to the catastrophic failure of the composites at very small loads

    Pengaruh Integrated Marketing Communication Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Membeli Mobil Merek Honda Jazz Pada PT. Arista Auto Prima Cabang Pekanbaru

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    Effect of Integrated Marketing Communication On Consumer Decision Buyer for Brand Car of Honda Jazz In Showroom Arista Auto Prima Pekanbaru. The method that was used in this study is a survey explanatory. To collect the data, the authors used questionnaires and documentation. To determine the effect of Integrated Marketing Communication on Consumer Decision Buyer for brand car of Honda Jazz in showroom Arista Auto Prima Pekanbaru , the authors used a multiple linear regression analysis. Variable X in this study is the integrated marketing communication, while variable Y is. The number of samples in this study was 82 respondents, sample collection technique is random sampling technique. Processing test questionnaires were performed using the Statistics Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 19.0. Result of this study demonstrate the effect of influence of Integrated Marketing Communication on Consumer Decision Buyer for brand car of Honda Jazz in showroom Arista Auto Prima Pekanbaru is 19.9%. There fore H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted because there is influence of Integrated Marketing Communication on Consumer Decision Buyer for brand car of Honda Jazz in showroom Arista Auto Prima Pekanbar

    Modul pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan bimbingan dan konseling sekolah menengah atas terintegrasi penguatan pendidikan karakter kelompok kompetensi B profesional kerangka teoretik dan praksis bimbingan dan konseling

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    Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Pendidikan Jasmani dan Bimbingan Konseling (PPPPTK Penjas dan BK) sebagai salah satu Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) dibawah Koordinasi Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan (Ditjen GTK), tahun 2017 ini berupaya menyiapkan Program PKB untuk Guru Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan dan Guru Bimbingan Konseling. Salah satu perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan pada program Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (PKB) moda tatap muka, moda dalam jaringan (daring), dan moda kombinasi (tatap muka dan daring) untuk semua mata pelajaran dan kelompok kompetensi adalah modul pembelajaran. Dengan modul ini diharapkan program PKB dapat memberikan sumbangan yang sangat besar dalam peningkatan kualitas kompetensi guru


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    Widuri Water Park is one of potential tourist attraction, has been build and worthy of being an icon of tourism in Pemalang regency. Potential possessed by Widuri Water park among others, is a very strategic location, has a charming, dilightful an ideal as a place of recreation. Neverthless, during the years 2010-2014 the number of visitor attractions of Widuri Water Park decreased from year to year. This research aims to determine the development strategy that should prioritize to increase the number of visitor of tourist attraction Widuri Water Park in Pemalang Regency. This study uses Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). This method is used to analyze 10 policies of alternative development tourist attraction Widuri Water Park proposed by the Key Person which has been through interview process before. Alternatives are divided into three aspects; promotion aspect, infrastructure aspect, and management aspect. The whole of these alternatives will be analyzed by two different types of respondents; thas is the Key Person and the visitor of tourist attraction. The Key Person as many as 5 respondenst, that is from academics, businessman, goverment and community and then the visitor of tourist attraction Widuri Water Park in Pemalang Regency by 30 respondents. The result of this study based on the overall alternative to the three aspects by each respondent prioritized for developing of tourist attraction Widuri Water Park is to perform maintenance rides regularly with inconsistency ratio of 0.05 or less than 0.10, which means that this analysis is consistent and acceptable to be a priority in the development of tourist attraction Widuri Water Park. Alternative of perform maintenance rides regularly is the highest priority among other alternatives

    Modul guru pembelajar bimbingan dan konseling sekolah menengah pertama/madrasah tsanawiyah (SMP/MTs) kelompok kompetensi B profesional: kerangka teoritik dan praksis BK

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    Guru bimbingan dan konseling/konselor yang berdasarkan hasil uji kompetendi memiliki kekurangan kompetensi pada kelompok kompetensi 2 melalui pembelajaran pada modul ini minimal mampu (1) memahami konsep dasar bimbingan dan konseling, meliputi pengertian, tujuan, fungsi ,asas, prinsip, bidang, komponen/layanan, serta strategi pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah; (2) memahami pengelolaan pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling, meliputi penyusunan program, pelaksanaan tindak lanjut pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah; (3) memahami arah perkembangan profesi bimbingan dan konseling di Indonesia terutama yang terkait dengan arah perkembangan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah; dan (4) memahami dan memiliki kesadaran dan komitmen terhadap etika profesional bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah

    Hydrophobic silica thin films by sol-gel processing and spin coating technique at low temperature

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    Hydrophobic silica thin films were prepared by sol-gel processing and self-assembly by chemical vapor reaction with Trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS) at low temperature. The sols were divided into Sol A with ethanol, Polyethylene glycol (PEG) and water (H2O) while Sol B were contain precursor of silica Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) hydrolyze with ethanol which was stirred for 15 minutes. HCl was added into the mixture and stirred for another 10 minutes. After deposition on 1 x 1 cm corning glass using spin coating technique (two-step timer), the films were heated at 60˚C for 10 minutes and finally annealed at 150°C for 1 hour. The films were characterized by using Rudolph/Auto EL Ellipsometer, Shimadzu Spectrophotometer, Perkin Elmer Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). The results showed that the films thickness and refractive index were in the range of 105.2 to 112.4 nm and 1.35 to 1.38, respectively. The films were transmitted 70-80% of light (in visible range) with various bondings of C-H, Si-O-Si, Si-C and Si-OH. Surface roughness of the films was increased from 30.6 nm (silica thin film) to 140.5 nm (hydrophobic silica thin films) after modification have been done on the films by using TMCS (heated at 40˚C). It was found that the water contact angles increased when time of reaction increased from 109° to 124

    Implementasi Program Percepatan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Desa Dan Kelurahan (Ppidk) Kasus Desa Kuala Panduk Kabupaten Pelalawan Tahun 2013-2014

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    The problem in this study is whether the Group of Governmental Kuala Panduk Village as a contractor at the village level and BPMPD Pelalawan as policy makers, understand and can implement this program in accordance with the instructions and the extent of public support in the review of social, cultural, political and economic factors a factor that into effect in practice. Theoretical concept that is in use is policy and policy implementation.This research uses descriptive method. In collecting the data, researchers use interviewing techniques, observation and documentation. These results indicate that the Infrastructure Development Acceleration Program Implementation Village and Village (PPIDK) Case Kuala Panduk Village, Pelalawan Regency Year 2013 to 2014 have not been up to equitable development, increase revenue and employment for the people of the village of Kuala Panduk due to budget constraints


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh empati terhadap perilaku altruisme pada anggota komunitas sosial Gemagi Tangerang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah simple random sampling. Kriteria subjek adalah anggota gemagi dan berusia 20-40 tahun. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 131 subjek. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dalam bentuk Google Form. Skala perilaku altruisme diukur menggunakan dimensi-dimensi perilaku altruisme, sedangkan skala empati diukur menggunakan aspek-aspek empati. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis diperoleh nilai F sebesar 6.885 dengan signifikansi sebesar 0.010 (p < 0.05) artinya bahwa ada pengaruh empati yang signifikan terhadap perilaku altruisme pada komunitas sosial Gemagi Tangerang. Hasil riset menunjukkan nilai R2 sebesar 0.051 di mana perilaku altuisme mempengaruhi empati sebesar 5.1%, sisanya 94.9% dipengaruhi faktor lain di luar penelitian ini