442 research outputs found

    Diprotonated Parabanic Acid: A Vicinal or 1,3‐Dication?

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    Reacting parabanic acid with the superacidic systems XF/MF5 (X = H, D; M = As, Sb) in different ratios, led to the formation of the mono‐ and diprotonated species. Salts in terms of [C3H3N2O3][AsF6], [C3H3N2O3][SbF6], [C3H4N2O3][AsF6]2, [C3H4N2O3][SbF6]2, [C3D3N2O3][AsF6] and [C3D4N2O3][AsF6]2 were obtained and characterized by low‐temperature infrared and Raman spectroscopy. Single‐crystal X‐ray structure analyses were performed for [C3H3N2O3][SbF6] and [C3H4N2O3][AsF6]2·4HF. Additionally, quantum chemical calculations were carried out on the B3LYP/aug‐cc‐pVTZ level of theory for the mono‐ and dication. Mapped Electrostatic Potentials together with Natural Population Analysis charges were calculated in order to localize the two positive charges of the diprotonated parabanic acid. The diprotonated parabanic acid can be described as an 1,2‐C,C‐dication, stabilized by electron delocalization over the five‐membered ring

    Modelling of radiocesium transfer in the lichen-reindeer/caribou-wolf food chain

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    The environmental contaminate radiocesium (cesium-137) has been shown to be of value as a marker in food selection and intake studies. Its greatest potential value as a food marker is in the subarctic/arctic regions, particularly in the lichen to reindeer/caribou to wolf food chain. A kinetic model describing the movement of radiocesium through the food chain has been developed using the SAAM computer program and is presented here. The program has been written so that the various paramenters affecting the transfer of radiocesium in the food chain can be altered more realistically to describe the system being modeled. The values of the parameters as given in this example are realistic for interior Alaska, however caution should be exercised in the application of the present results to regions that may be vastly different from the Alaskan interior without first evaluating the parameters and assumptions of the model

    Photoactive Complexes with Earth-Abundant Metals

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    In this invited Perspective, recent developments and possible future directions of research on photoactive coordination compounds made from nonprecious transition metal elements will be discussed. The focus is on conceptually new, structurally well-characterized complexes with excited-state lifetimes between 10 ps and 1 ms in fluid solution for possible applications in photosensitizing, light-harvesting, luminescence and catalysis. The key metal elements considered herein are Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Zr, Mo, W and Ce in various oxidation states equipped with diverse ligands, giving access to long-lived excited states via a range of fundamentally different types of electronic transitions. Research performed in this area over the past five years demonstrated that a much broader spectrum of metal complexes than what was long considered relevant exhibits useful photophysics and photochemistry

    First-principles molecular-dynamics simulations of a hydrous silica melt: Structural properties and hydrogen diffusion mechanism

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    We use {\it ab initio} molecular dynamics simulations to study a sample of liquid silica containing 3.84 wt.% H2_2O.We find that, for temperatures of 3000 K and 3500 K,water is almost exclusively dissolved as hydroxyl groups, the silica network is partially broken and static and dynamical properties of the silica network change considerably upon the addition of water.Water molecules or free O-H groups occur only at the highest temperature but are not stable and disintegrate rapidly.Structural properties of this system are compared to those of pure silica and sodium tetrasilicate melts at equivalent temperatures. These comparisons confirm the picture of a partially broken tetrahedral network in the hydrous liquid and suggest that the structure of the matrix is as much changed by the addition of water than it is by the addition of the same amount (in mole %) of sodium oxide. On larger length scales, correlations are qualitatively similar but seem to be more pronounced in the hydrous silica liquid. Finally, we study the diffusion mechanisms of the hydrogen atoms in the melt. It turns out that HOSi2_2 triclusters and SiO dangling bonds play a decisive role as intermediate states for the hydrogen diffusion.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures. submitte

    Seasonal concentrations of cesium-137 in rumen content, skeletal muscles and feces of caribou from the Porcupine herd: lichen ingestion rates and implications for human consumption

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    The Porcupine caribou herd was monitored for cesium-137 during 1987 to address human health concerns over potential meat contamination by radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident, and to determine lichen intake rates based on body burdens of radiocesium. A total of 36 caribou were collected from northwestern Alaska and the Yukon Territories in March, June, September, and November. Mean radiocesium concentrations in skeletal muscle peaked in March at 133 Bq/kg fresh weight. This value should not prove hazardous to human health. Radiocesium concentrations in skeletal muscle (wet weight) ranged from approximately 22 to 50% of radiocesium concentrations in rumen contents (dry weight), and from approximately 15 to 37% of radiocesium concentrations in feces (dry weight). Radioactivity in feces was significantly correlated with radioactivity in rumen contents. Computer simulations relating lichen intake rates to radiocesium body burdens are presented for 3 scenarios: (1) when seasonal intakes were adjusted to provide the optimum fit between simulated and observed radiocesium body burdens (2) when seasonal intakes were based on empirical data, and (3) when seasonal intakes were adjusted to yield a "conventional" radiocesium curve of a slow fall build-up prior to a late winter plateau

    The Duodenum harbors a Broad Untapped Therapeutic Potential

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    The gastroenterologist, when performing an esophagogastroduodenoscopy, is the only medical care provider with easy access to the duodenum (Figure 1A). This simple fact is pivotal in this article that discusses why the duodenum has become such an important anatomic region of interest. Recent insights have revealed the critical physiologic and pathophysiologic role of the small bowel in metabolic homeostasis and its potential role as a driver of obesity, insulin resistance, and subsequent type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Although the other parts of the small bowel cannot be ignored when describing the potential mechanisms involved in the development of metabolic diseases and T2DM, the excellent endoscopic accessibility of the duodenum makes it a prime target for disease-modifying intervention

    A 24-Week, Randomized, Treat-to-Target Trial Comparing Initiation of Insulin Glargine Once-Daily With Insulin Detemir Twice-Daily in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Inadequately Controlled on Oral Glucose-Lowering Drugs

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    OBJECTIVE - To determine whether glargine is noninferior to detemir regarding the percentage of patients reaching A1C <7% without symptomatic hypoglycemia <= 3.1 mmol/l. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - In this 24-week trial, 973 insulin-naive type 2 diabetic patients on stable oral glucose-lowering drugs with A1CS. 7.0-10.5% were randomized to glargine once daily or detemir twice daily. Insulin doses were systematically titrated. RESULTS - 27.5 and 25.6% of patients reached the primary outcome with glargine and detemir, respectively, demonstrating the noninferiority of glargine. Improvements in A1C were -1.46 +/- 1.09% for glargine and -1.54 +/- 1.11% for detemir (P = 0.149), with similar proportions of patients achieving A1C <7% (P = 0.254) but more detemir-treated patients reaching A1C <6.5% (P = 0.017). Hypoglycemia risk was similar. Weight gain was higher for glargine (difference: 0.77 kg, P <0.001). Glargine doses were lower than detemir doses: 43.5 +/- 129.0 vs. 76.5 +/- 50.5 units/day (P <0.001). CONCLUSIONS - In insulin-naive type 2 diabetic patients, glargine reached similar control as detemir, with more weight gain, but required significantly lower dose

    A single site in human β-hexosaminidase A binds both 6-sulfate-groups on hexosamines and the sialic acid moiety of GM2 ganglioside

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    AbstractHuman β-hexosaminidase A (Hex A) (αβ) is composed of two subunits whose primary structures are ∼60% identical. Deficiency of either subunit results in severe neurological disease due to the storage of GM2 ganglioside; Tay–Sachs disease, α deficiency, and Sandhoff disease, β deficiency. Whereas both subunits contain active sites only the α-site can efficiently bind negatively charged 6-sulfated hexosamine substrates and GM2 ganglioside. We have recently identified the αArg424 as playing a critical role in the binding of 6-sulfate-containing substrates, and βAsp452 as actively inhibiting their binding. To determine if these same residues affect the binding of the sialic acid moiety of GM2 ganglioside, an αArg424Gln form of Hex A was expressed and its kinetics analyzed using the GM2 activator protein:[3H]-GM2 ganglioside complex as a substrate. The mutant showed a ∼3-fold increase in its Km for the complex. Next a form of Hex B (ββ) containing a double mutation, βAspLeu453AsnArg (duplicating the α-aligning sequences), was expressed. As compared to the wild type (WT), the mutant exhibited a >30-fold increase in its ability to hydrolyze a 6-sulfated substrate and was now able to hydrolyze GM2 ganglioside when the GM2 activator protein was replaced by sodium taurocholate. Thus, this α-site is critical for binding both types of negatively charge substrates