72 research outputs found

    Optische Erscheinungen und andere ungewöhnliche Wetterphänomene auf der Wetterwarte Fichtelberg

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    Der Fichtelberg im Erzgebirge ist mit 1215 Metern die höchste Erhebung Sachsens und liegt an der Grenze zu Tschechien. Gemeinsam mit dem nahe gelegenen Keilberg (heute tschechisch Klínovec; 1244 m) auf böhmischer Seite bildet er den höchsten Punkt des Erzgebirgskamms. Die von Südwest nach Nordost ansteigende Pultscholle des Gebirges fällt nach Süden hin steil ins Egertal (heute tschechisch Údolí Ohře) ab. In diesem, nach Süden vom Duppauer Gebirge (heute tschechisch Doupovské hory) und dem Kaiserwald (heute tschechisch Slavkovský les) eingerahmten Tal sammelt sich bei herbstlichen und winterlichen Hochdruckwetterlagen die Kaltluft (Böhmischer Nebel). Durch diese Konstellation liegt der Fichtelberg entweder in einer trockenen warmen Luftmasse darüber (Inversion) oder er wird direkt vom Böhmischen Nebel beeinflusst, wenn dieser über den Kamm fließt. Das führt zu zahlreichen optischen Erscheinungen, die es sonst in dieser Fülle nur selten gibt. So besticht der Gipfel bei Inversionswetterlagen nicht nur mit einer außergewöhnlichen Fernsicht,Der Fichtelberg im Erzgebirge ist mit 1215 Metern die höchste Erhebung Sachsens und liegt an der Grenze zu Tschechien. Gemeinsam mit dem nahe gelegenen Keilberg (heute tschechisch Klínovec; 1244 m) auf böhmischer Seite bildet er den höchsten Punkt des Erzgebirgskamms. Die von Südwest nach Nordost ansteigende Pultscholle des Gebirges fällt nach Süden hin steil ins Egertal (heute tschechisch Údolí Ohře) ab. In diesem, nach Süden vom Duppauer Gebirge (heute tschechisch Doupovské hory) und dem Kaiserwald (heute tschechisch Slavkovský les) eingerahmten Tal sammelt sich bei herbstlichen und winterlichen Hochdruckwetterlagen die Kaltluft (Böhmischer Nebel). Durch diese Konstellation liegt der Fichtelberg entweder in einer trockenen warmen Luftmasse darüber (Inversion) oder er wird direkt vom Böhmischen Nebel beeinflusst, wenn dieser über den Kamm fließt. Das führt zu zahlreichen optischen Erscheinungen, die es sonst in dieser Fülle nur selten gibt. So besticht der Gipfel bei Inversionswetterlagen nicht nur mit einer außergewöhnlichen Fernsicht, sondern auch mit ungewöhnlich starken Refraktionseffekten wie Luftspiegelungen, stark deformierter oder geteilter Sonnenscheibe sowie mehrfachen Grünen, Blauen und Roten Strahlen an der horizontnahen Sonne. Die Dämmerungsfarben sind bei derartigen Wetterlagen sehr intensiv und neben Purpur- und Gegenpurpurlicht und stark ausgeprägtem Erdschattenbogen zeichnen sich manchmal auch die Schatten weit entfernter Berge oder Wolken am Himmel ab (Crepuscularstrahlen). Fließt der Böhmische Nebel über den Erzgebirgskamm, entstehen bei gleichzeitigem Sonnenschein im Sommer Glorie und Nebelbogen und im Winter atemberaubende Eisnebelhalos. sondern auch mit ungewöhnlich starken Refraktionseffekten wie Luftspiegelungen, stark deformierter oder geteilter Sonnenscheibe sowie mehrfachen Grünen, Blauen und Roten Strahlen an der horizontnahen Sonne. Die Dämmerungsfarben sind bei derartigen Wetterlagen sehr intensiv und neben Purpur- und Gegenpurpurlicht und stark ausgeprägtem Erdschattenbogen zeichnen sich manchmal auch die Schatten weit entfernter Berge oder Wolken am Himmel ab (Crepuscularstrahlen). Fließt der Böhmische Nebel über den Erzgebirgskamm, entstehen bei gleichzeitigem Sonnenschein im Sommer Glorie und Nebelbogen und im Winter atemberaubende Eisnebelhalos

    Vulnerability of demersal fish assemblages to trawling activities: a traits-based index

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    Reducing the impact on vulnerable species through changes in fishing practices, such as the spatial or temporal avoidance of certain areas, is key to increase the ecological sustainability of fisheries. However, it is often hampered by the availability of sufficiently detailed data and robust indicators. Existing trawl surveys are a cost-effective data source to assess the vulnerability of fishing areas based on the quantities of vulnerable species caught. We developed a biological traits-based approach to the vulnerability of demersal assemblages using commercial trawl catch data. An expert-based approach identified a set of biological traits that are expected to condition the species' response to trawling impact and are combined to produce the vulnerability index ranked into four levels (low, moderate, high, and very high vulnerability). The approach was tested in four southern European fishing grounds showing evidence of over-exploitation, through catches being dominated by species of relatively low vulnerability to fishing impacts. The general distribution of species' biomass amongst vulnerability groups was highly homogenous across case studies, despite local differences in fishing fleet structure, target species and fishing depths. Within all areas the species with moderate vulnerability dominated and, in most instances, species of "very high" vulnerability were not recorded. Nevertheless, differences emerged when comparing the proportions of highly vulnerable species in the catches. Variability in vulnerability level of the catch was also observed at small spatial scales, which was principally explained by differences in habitat type and depth and, secondarily, by fishing effort. In fine mud in the shallower areas there was a higher presence of low vulnerable fauna. Furthermore, vulnerable organisms decreased in their presence in sandier substrates on the continental shelf. The spatial heterogeneity in assemblage vulnerability composition encourages the potential for adoption of this index in the spatial management of fishing grounds aiming at ensuring a sustainable exploitation by mitigating trawl impacts on the most vulnerable components of the demersal assemblages.MINOUW Horizon 2020 (Project ID: 634495); H2020-Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action MSCA-IF-2016 (Project ID: 743545)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sustentabilidade ambiental das organizações através da produção mais limpa ou pela Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida

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    The sustainability of the planet is a collective responsibility and actions to improve the global atmosphere are necessary. These actions include the adoption of sustainable practices of production and consumption. The aim of this paper is to make a critical analysis of the Cleaner Production and Life Cycle Assessment, from the extraction of raw material to the disposition of the product and its return to the environment. It was concluded that both methodologies are effective for the eco-development, and the P+L is more focused on the reduction of internally generated wastes while the LCA includes the whole production cycle, from the extraction of raw material to the disposition of the product and its return to the environment. This paper makes entrepreneurs aware that the application of the two methodologies aims to preserve the environment as well as reduce operational costs. Key words: Cycle Assessment, Cleanest Production, Sustainable Environmental Development.A sustentabilidade do planeta é uma responsabilidade coletiva e ações para melhorar o ambiente global são necessárias, isto inclui a adoção de práticas de produção e consumo sustentáveis. O objetivo deste artigo é realizar uma análise crítica sobre a Produção mais Limpa (PmaisL) e a Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) como metodologias imprescindíveis para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Constatou-se que as duas metodologias são eficazes para o eco-desenvolvimento, onde a PmaisL está mais focada com a redução de resíduos gerados internamente, enquanto a ACV engloba todo o ciclo de produção, desde a extração da matéria-prima até a disposição do produto e seu retorno ao meio ambiente. Este artigo procura conscientizar o meio empresarial para a aplicação das duas metodologias no propósito de preservar o meio ambiente e ainda diminuir seus custos operacionais. Palavras-chave: Ciclo de Vida, Produção mais Limpa, Desenvolvimento Sustentável

    Guideline adherence and patient satisfaction in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disorders – an evaluation study

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    Background: Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are the most frequent inflammatory bowel disorders (IBD). IBD cause a significant burden to society due to extensive health care utilization from the first clinical symptoms until diagnosis and thereafter due to direct and indirect costs. Besides the socio-economic impact of CD and UC, gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms affect quality of life, but there is remarkably little data about the quality of treatment as assessed by patient satisfaction, quality of life and adherence to guidelines. Thus the aim of this study was to identify variables that influence quality of treatment and quality of life as well as patient satisfaction. Methods: The Essener Zirkel Study was a cross sectional study of 86 IBD-patients with a confirmed diagnosis of CD or UC. They were recruited at primary, secondary and tertiary care settings. Quality of treatment, quality of life and patient satisfaction were evaluated. Consulting behaviour and number of examinations, duration of disease and variables regarding adherence to guidelines were evaluated, too. Results: 59 (69%) patients had CD and 27 had UC (31%). 19% spent more than four years until the suspected diagnosis of IBD was confirmed and visited more than five physicians. All patients showed a significantly reduced quality of life compared to the 1998 German normative population. In spite of being under medical treatment, nearly half of the patients suffered from strong quality of life restricting symptoms. Over all, 35% described their treatment as moderate or bad. Patients who consulted psychotherapists and non-medical practitioners suffered significantly less from depression. Conclusion: Besides structural deficiencies due to the health care policy, we revealed the adherence to guidelines to be a problem area. Our findings support the assumption, that providing better health care and especially maintaining constant patient-physician communication improves patient satisfaction.Claudia Pieper, Sebastian Haag, Stefan Gesenhues, Gerald Holtmann, Guido Gerken and Karl-Heinz Jöcke

    Overexpression of RAD51 suppresses recombination defects: a possible mechanism to reverse genomic instability

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    RAD51, a key protein in the homologous recombinational DNA repair (HRR) pathway, is the major strand-transferase required for mitotic recombination. An important early step in HRR is the formation of single-stranded DNA (ss-DNA) coated by RPA (a ss-DNA-binding protein). Displacement of RPA by RAD51 is highly regulated and facilitated by a number of different proteins known as the ‘recombination mediators’. To assist these recombination mediators, a second group of proteins also is required and we are defining these proteins here as ‘recombination co-mediators’. Defects in either recombination mediators or co-mediators, including BRCA1 and BRCA2, lead to impaired HRR that can genetically be complemented for (i.e. suppressed) by overexpression of RAD51. Defects in HRR have long been known to contribute to genomic instability leading to tumor development. Since genomic instability also slows cell growth, precancerous cells presumably require genomic re-stabilization to gain a growth advantage. RAD51 is overexpressed in many tumors, and therefore, we hypothesize that the complementing ability of elevated levels of RAD51 in tumors with initial HRR defects limits genomic instability during carcinogenic progression. Of particular interest, this model may also help explain the high frequency of TP53 mutations in human cancers, since wild-type p53 represses RAD51 expression

    All-day school: Perspectives from education science and practice

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    Ganztagsschulen werden im pädagogischen Diskurs gefordert, weil das Mehr an Zeit die Möglichkeit gibt die "Schule neu zu denken" (Hartmut von Hentig). Unsicherheit besteht vielerorts bei der Frage nach der Ausgestaltung der ganztägigen Schulorganisation. In diesem Band geben Praktiker und Wissenschaftler Hinweise, wie eine Ganztagsschule gelingen kann. Der Band richtet sich an Interessierte aus Schule, Schulverwaltung, Wissenschaft und Studium. Inhaltsverzeichnis: Teil I: Perspektiven aus der Wissenschaft Olaf-Axel Burow Ganztagsschule entwickeln: Durch die „Weisheit der Vielen“ von der Unterrichtsanstalt zum Kreativen Feld Gerhard Koller Ganztagsschulen als Chance für die Entwicklung lokaler Bildungsregionen Fritz-Ulrich Kolbe Zur Entwicklung der Lern- und Unterrichtskultur in ganztägigen Angeboten: Erste Ergebnisse der LUGS-Studie Thomas Schnetzer Tagesstruktur an Ganztagsschulen: Die Rhythmisierung Christian Nerowski Die Tagesschule als Modell der Zeitstrukturierung durch Umverteilung des Unterrichts Ilse Kamski Hausaufgaben – Schulaufgaben – Lernzeiten: Ein Perspektivenwechsel Lars Holm Die Kooperation zwischen Ganztagsschulen und Eltern in Dänemark: Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten Lea Pulkkinen/Raija Pirttimaa Der „integrierte Schultag“ in Finnland Teil II: Perspektiven aus der Praxis Alfred Hinz Schule ist Stätte der Personwerdung, was sonst? Ein Plädoyer für die Ganztagsschule am Beispiel der Bodensee-Schule St. Martin Christine Modesto Die offene Ganztagsschule in Bayern Claudia Gantke Die gebundene Ganztagsschule in Bayern Peter Hottaß Ganztagsschule: Von der Planung zur Umsetzung Andreas Keim Das Konzept des Achtjährigen Ganztagsgymnasiums am Beispiel des Johann-Philipp-von-Schönborn-Gymnasiums in Münnerstadt Karin Doberer Optimierte Raumbedingungen zur Unterstützung von Schulklima und Lernkultur Safter Çinar Können Ganztagsschulen Kinder und Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund besser fördern? Stephan Bloße Schulinterne Evaluation ganztägiger Angebote Sabine Brendel/Judith Strohm Das Programm „Ideen für Mehr! Ganztägig lernen“: Bedarfsorientierte Unterstützung von Ganztagsschulen"In the German educational discourse, all-day schools are demanded because the extra time provides the opportunity to "re-think school" ("die Schule neu denken", Hartmut von Hentig). In many schools, there is uncertainty in questions of the arrangement of the daily routine. In this book, researchers and practitioners indicate how an all-day school may succeed. The publication adresses interested people from school, school administration, education research and education studies.

    The James Webb Space Telescope Mission

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    Twenty-six years ago a small committee report, building on earlier studies, expounded a compelling and poetic vision for the future of astronomy, calling for an infrared-optimized space telescope with an aperture of at least 4m4m. With the support of their governments in the US, Europe, and Canada, 20,000 people realized that vision as the 6.5m6.5m James Webb Space Telescope. A generation of astronomers will celebrate their accomplishments for the life of the mission, potentially as long as 20 years, and beyond. This report and the scientific discoveries that follow are extended thank-you notes to the 20,000 team members. The telescope is working perfectly, with much better image quality than expected. In this and accompanying papers, we give a brief history, describe the observatory, outline its objectives and current observing program, and discuss the inventions and people who made it possible. We cite detailed reports on the design and the measured performance on orbit.Comment: Accepted by PASP for the special issue on The James Webb Space Telescope Overview, 29 pages, 4 figure

    Unpredictability of the fitness effects of antimicrobial resistance mutations across environments in Escherichia coli.

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    The evolution of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria is a major public health concern, and antibiotic restriction is often implemented to reduce the spread of resistance. These measures rely on the existence of deleterious fitness effects (i.e., costs) imposed by AMR mutations during growth in the absence of antibiotics. According to this assumption, resistant strains will be outcompeted by susceptible strains that do not pay the cost during the period of restriction. The fitness effects of AMR mutations are generally studied in laboratory reference strains grown in standard growth environments; however, the genetic and environmental context can influence the magnitude and direction of a mutation's fitness effects. In this study, we measure how three sources of variation impact the fitness effects of Escherichia coli AMR mutations: the type of resistance mutation, the genetic background of the host, and the growth environment. We demonstrate that while AMR mutations are generally costly in antibiotic-free environments, their fitness effects vary widely and depend on complex interactions between the mutation, genetic background, and environment. We test the ability of the Rough Mount Fuji fitness landscape model to reproduce the empirical data in simulation. We identify model parameters that reasonably capture the variation in fitness effects due to genetic variation. However, the model fails to accommodate the observed variation when considering multiple growth environments. Overall, this study reveals a wealth of variation in the fitness effects of resistance mutations owing to genetic background and environmental conditions, that will ultimately impact their persistence in natural populations

    Who Is Afraid of Skilled Migrants From Europe? Exploring Support for Immigration Control in Switzerland

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    The paper analyses the role of economic and cultural threat in exploring support for immigration control in Switzerland. A factorial survey experiment enables us to look into different migrant characteristics. Results show more support for immigration control for Eastern Europeans and low-skilled migrants. However, German migrants do not gain acceptance due to being highly skilled, and their willingness to adapt culturally is crucial for native Swiss with a high level of national pride

    Wer hat Angst vor hochgebildeten Zuwanderern? : Erklärungsversuche für die Unterstützung einer Einwanderungskontrolle in der Schweiz

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    The paper analyses the role of economic and cultural threat in exploring support for immigration control in Switzerland. A factorial survey experiment enables us to look into different migrant characteristics. Results show more support for immigration control for Eastern Europeans and low-skilled migrants. However, German migrants do not gain acceptance due to being highly skilled, and their willingness to adapt culturally is crucial for native Swiss with a high level of national pride.publishe