43 research outputs found

    Diversidad de faseolinas en frijol común cultivado del caribe

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    Se evaluó el tipo de faseolina en 180 accesiones cultivadas de Phaseolus vulgaris del Caribe de la colección del Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT). En fríjoles de Cuba (25 accesiones) predominó el tipo S (68%, semilla pequeña, roja o negra y hábito de crecimiento de tipos II y III), seguidos por fríjoles con faseolina T (20 %) y con un bajo porcentaje los tipos B, CH y Sd. En Haití (108 accesiones) las faseolinas más comunes fueron T (48.1%, semilla grande, rojo moteado y hábito arbustivo) y S (42.6%, semilla pequeña, negra), y unas pocas mostraron faseolinas B, Sb y Sd. En los fríjoles de Puerto Rico (21 accesiones) las faseolinas más comunes fueron T (57.14%, semilla grande, rojo moteada) y S (42.86%, semilla pequeña amarilla, negra o blanca). En los de República Dominicana (21 accesiones) abundó el tipo T (85.7%, semilla grande o mediana rojomoteada). En los fríjoles de Jamaica (5) predominaron las faseolinas T y B (40% de cada una). Los patrones de faseolina indicaron la prevalencia tanto de fríjoles Mesoamericanos como Andinos.In this study, 180 genotypes of cultivated Phaseolus vulgaris from the Caribbean were evaluated with the phaseolin marker. All the accessions belonged to the germplasm collection of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Beans from Cuba were mostly S phaseolin (68.0 %) type, with small seed size, red and black seed color and type II or type III growth habit. These were followed by beans with T phaseolin (20.0 %) and finally by those with B, CH and Sd phaseolin. In Haiti, the most common phaseolin was T (48.1%), the majority of which were large seeded bush beans, mostly of the red mottled seed color class. Many of the remaining accessions were S phaseolin (42.6%) and had small black seed, although a few had B, Sb and Sd phaseolin (4.6, 2.8 and 1.9% of genotypes, respectively). In Puerto Rico, T phaseolin was in the majority with 57.1%, most of these with large red or red mottled seed. S phaseolin was represented by 42.9 % of landraces some of which had small yellow, black or white seed. In the Dominican Republic, the T phaseolin was very abundant (85.7%) the majority of which were medium to large seeded bush beans all of which were red mottled. A smaller proportion of Dominican landraces had S and B phaseolin (9.5% and 4.8% respectively). Finally, in Jamaica, T phaseolin was found for 40.0 % of the landraces, B phaseolin was equally common and 20% of the landraces had S phaseolin although this was based on a small sample of genotypes. The phaseolin patterns indicated the prevalence of both Andean and Mesoamerican beans in the Caribbean

    Problemas en la hibridación interespecífica del género phaseolus: aborto del embrión. ensayo preliminar de cultivo de embriones

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    Los programas de mejoramiento del fríjol común (P. vulgaris) han encontrado limitantes en la estrecha variabilidad del acervo genético primario de esta especie (el cual incluye las formas cultivadas, mejoradas o no) para resistencia o tolerancia a enfermedades e insectos, así como a factores climáticos adversos. Debido a estos limitantes, los mejoradores han empezado a estudiar la posibilidad de transferir genes de otros acervos genéticos del género (secundarios, terciarios y aun cuaternarios) sin embargo esto implica la superación de algunas barreras genético fisiológicas. El presente trabajo es la base preliminar de un proyecto a largo plazo (3 - 5 años) de cruces interespecíficos a nivel de especies cultivadas del género Phaseolus: P. vulris, P. acutifolius, P. coccineus y P. lunatus. Su objetivo principal es el encontrar metodologías prácticas que permitan la hibridación interespecíficos.The breeding programs of the common bean (P. vulgaris) have met many restrictions which make difficult an increase in yield. Theses limitations refer to the narrow variability found in the primary pool of this species (which includes all the cultivated forms, improves of not) of resistance or tolerance to diseases and insects, such as the resistance to adverse environmental conditions. Because of all these limitations, breeders have begun to study the possibility of transfering genes from others genetic pools of the same genus (secondary, tertiary and even quaternary). This project is the preliminary basis of a long-term project (3 - 5 years) of interspecific crosses between cultivated species of the genus Phaseolus. Its main purpose is to find practical methodologies that will permit interspecific hibridization

    Crioconservación de yemas de microtubérculos de papa Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena mediante desecado de tejidos

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    At the Corporación de Investigación Agropecuaria Corpoica, C.I. Tibaitatá, the cryoconservation of microtubers buds was evaluated in two potato accessions of Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena, C.C.C. 4318 (carriza) and C.C.C. 4981 (guata negra), from the Colombian Central Collection by using the dried bud methodology. This methodology had two steps, the preliminary one or adjustment and the main one. In the main step, the tissue drying was made with sterile air flow for 30 minutes, cryoconservation in liquid nitrogen at -196°C during 1 day, water bath thawing at 37°C for 3 minutes and recuperation culture medium (100% MS + 8% sucrose + 2 g/L activated charcoal) during 7 days in dark, then the cultured medium was changed (100% MS + 0.04 mg/L kinetin + 0.1mg/L gibberellic acid). A completely randomized experimental design with 2 accessions, 4 treatments, 10 replications and 10 buds, was used. The survival was evaluated at 7, 14 and 30 days. At the same time, the tetrazolium test on seeds was adapted at 0.5% a 25°C for 24 hours, and evaluated after 14 and 30 days. In this bioassay, the survival evaluation of the buds was difficult possibly due to the effect of culture medium and environmental factors. The final result was loss of survival at 30 days, probably because the recovery conditions were not suitable. En la Corporación de Investigación Agropecuaria Corpoica, C.I. Tibaitatá, se evaluó la crioconservación de yemas de microtubérculos en dos accesiones de papa Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena de la Colección Central Colombiana: C.C.C. 4318 (carriza) y C.C.C. 4981 (guata negra) mediante la metodología del desecado de yemas. Esta metodología tuvo dos etapas: la preliminar o de ajuste y la principal. En la principal, el secado se hizo con flujo de aire estéril durante 30 minutos, crioconservación en nitrógeno líquido a -196°C durante un día, descongelamiento en baño maría a 37°C durante 3 minutos y recuperación en medio de cultivo (100% MS + 8% sacarosa + 2 g/L carbón activado) durante siete días en oscuridad; luego, el medio de cultivo se cambió (100% MS + 0,04 mg/L kinetina + 0,1mg/L ácido giberélico). El diseño experimental fue al azar: dos accesiones, cuatro tratamientos, diez repeticiones y diez yemas. Se evaluó sobrevivencia a 7, 14 y 30 días. Paralelamente se adaptó la prueba de tetrazolio en semillas al 0,5% a 25°C durante 24 horas, y se evaluó a los 14 y 30 días; en esta prueba se dificultó la evaluación de la sobrevivencia de las yemas posiblemente por efecto del medio de cultivo y los factores ambientales; el resultado final fue pérdida de sobrevivencia a los 30 días, posiblemente porque las condiciones de recuperación no fueron aptas.  


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    Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of death worldwide, early atherogenic signs are present from the earliest stages of life and can persist into adulthood if effective measures are not taken. A cross-sectional study was carried out in 212 adolescents between 15 and 18 years of age from the province of Villa Clara, Cuba. The personal and family history of atherosclerotic risk was collected, an anthropometric examination (weight, height, body mass index, total cholesterol and triglycerides study were indicated. Nutritional status was evaluated by Cuban BMI tables and the results of CT / TG by national reference values. It was found that the majority of adolescents were male and that almost all of them presented atherogenic signs, hypertension and obesity predominated as personal and family pathological antecedents of atherogenic risk. Almost half of the children studied presented more than three atherogenic signs.La aterosclerosis constituye la primera causa de muerte a nivel mundial, las señales aterogénicas tempranas, están presentes desde las etapas más tempranas de la vida y pueden persistir hasta la edad adulta si no se toman medidas efectivas. Se realizó un estudio trasversal en 212 adolescentes de 15 a 18 años de edad de la provincia Villa Clara. Se recogieron los antecedentes personales y familiares de riesgo aterosclerótico, se efectuó un examen antropométrico (peso, talla, índice de masa corporal, se indicaron estudio de colesterol total y triglicéridos. El estado nutricional fue evaluado por las tablas cubanas de IMC (índice de masa corporal) y los resultados de CT (colesterol total)/TG (Triglicéridos) por los valores de referencia nacional. Se encontró que la mayoría de los adolescentes fueron del sexo masculino y que casi la totalidad presentaron señales aterogénicas, predominó la hipertensión y la obesidad como antecedentes patológicos personales y familiares de riesgo aterogénico. Casi la mitad de los niños estudiados presentaron más de tres señales aterogénicas

    Effect of a Fungi Complex in Nine Ecotypes of Cenchrus purpureus (Schumach) Morrone

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of different concentrations of a fungal consortium on the growth and yield of ecotypes of Cenchrus purpureus under storm conditions. Design/methodology/approach: An experiment was established under a completely randomized design with a 9x2x4 factorial arrangement. The factors were 9 ecotypes of Cenchrus purpureus; two times of the year (summer-autumn and winter-spring) and four levels of mycorrhizal consortium. The variables evaluated were: number of shoots, number of leaves, and height of the shoot, leaf length, total biomass and leaf-stem ratio. Results: The response of the ecotypes had a differential effect on the variables NB, LHG, BT and RH / T. While the time affected the variables NH, AB, LHG, LHM, LHCh, BT and RH / T. Low inoculation levels increased the variables NB, AB, LHG, LHM and BT. Limitations on study/implications: The evaluated factors indicate that the level of inoculant and the season determine the growth and yield of Cenchrus purpureus. Findings/conclusions: The mycorrhizal consortium dose and time of year mainly determined the growth and yield of C. purpureus. Ecotypes respond differently to changes in mycorrhizal consortium dose and season. The evaluated factors indicate that the mycorrhiza dose and the time of year determine the growth and yield of C. purpureus. Two growth strategies of the ecotypes are visualized: 1) many shoots, with few small leaves and 2) few shoots with many large leaves.Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of different concentrations of a fungal consortium on the growth and yield of Cenchrus purpureus ecotypes under storm conditions.Design/Methodology/Approach: An experiment was established under a completely randomized design with a 9X2X4 factorial arrangement. The factors were 9 ecotypes of Cenchrus purpureus, two seasons of the year (Summer-Fall and Winter-Spring), and four levels of mycorrhizal consortium. The variables evaluated were: number of buds, number of leaves, height of the bud, leaf length, total biomass, and leaf-stalk ratio.Results: The response of the ecotypes had a differential effect on the variables NB, LLL, TB and L/SR, while the season affected the variables LN, PH, LLL, MLL, SLL, TB and L/SR. Low inoculation levels increased the variables NB, PH, LLL, MLL and TB.Study Limitations/Implications: The evaluated factors indicate that the level of inoculant and the season determine the growth and yield of Cenchrus purpureus.Findings/Conclusions: The mycorrhizal consortium dose and season of the year mainly determined the growth and yield of C. purpureus. Ecotypes respond differently to changes in the season and in mycorrhizal consortium dose. The evaluated factors indicate that the mycorrhiza dose and the season of the year determine the growth and yield of C.purpureus. Two growth strategies of the ecotypes are visualized: 1) many buds, with few small leaves and 2) few buds with many large leave

    Evaluation of protein sources in snail (Helix aspersa Müller) diets on the antioxidant bioactivity of peptides in meat and slime

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    Objective: This work evaluates the effect of a dietary supply of amaranth, oats and lentils as a protein source on anthropometric measurements, the chemical composition in meat, as well as antioxidant activity in meat peptides and secretion of the snail (Helix aspersa Múller). Design/methodology/approach: We worked with three groups of snails of 36 individuals and a control group fed with the same diet varying the protein source: amaranth, oats and lentils. A sample was taken every seven days and the shell's weight, width and length were measured. Five individuals from each group were sacrificed and the meat from which they were sacrificed was extracted: weight, moisture and protein. The hydrolysis soluble proteins in meat and slime were obtained and the antioxidant activity was measured using the reducing radicals DPPH• and ABTS•. Results: Snail meat was obtained with an increase of more than double in weight when 10% of Am was supplied as a protein source. Likewise, the dimensions of the shell will increase by 5%-11%. In FSM, it was obtained up to 79.8% moisture, 11.2% protein, 1.2% fat and 2.5% collagen. When obtaining snail meat flour, it was reduced to 12±1.9% humidity with up to 24.53 g/g of soluble protein. When hydrolyzing the proteins, it was observed that the peptides obtained presented the IC50 of DPPH scavenging activity of 21.58±2.7, 5.45± 1.8, 12.69±1.7 and IC50 of ABTS removal activity 8.86±0.9, 1.62±0.04, 10.84±1.0, for HFSM, HSMF and SS samples, respectively. Limitations on study/implications: It is necessary to carry out other studies on the functionality of snail meat proteins and thus propose their implementation in food formulations to maximize their commercialization. Findings/conclusions: Feeding snails with amaranth helps to increase the quality of protein in fresh meat and flour. Likewise, requests for soluble proteins from beef, flour and secretion are alternatives for preparing functional foods.Objective: This work evaluates the effect of a dietary supply of amaranth, oats and lentils as a protein source on anthropometric measurements, the chemical composition in meat, as well as antioxidant activity in meat peptides and secretion of the snail (Helix aspersa Múller). Design/methodology/approach: We worked with three groups of snails of 36 individuals and a control group fed with the same diet varying the protein source: amaranth, oats and lentils. A sample was taken every seven days and the shell's weight, width and length were measured. Five individuals from each group were sacrificed and the meat from which they were sacrificed was extracted: weight, moisture and protein. The hydrolysis soluble proteins in meat and slime were obtained and the antioxidant activity was measured using the reducing radicals DPPH• and ABTS•. Results: Snail meat was obtained with an increase of more than double in weight when 10% of Am was supplied as a protein source. Likewise, the dimensions of the shell will increase by 5%-11%. In FSM, it was obtained up to 79.8% moisture, 11.2% protein, 1.2% fat and 2.5% collagen. When obtaining snail meat flour, it was reduced to 12±1.9% humidity with up to 24.53 g/g of soluble protein. When hydrolyzing the proteins, it was observed that the peptides obtained presented the IC50 of DPPH scavenging activity of 21.58±2.7, 5.45± 1.8, 12.69±1.7 and IC50 of ABTS removal activity 8.86±0.9, 1.62±0.04, 10.84±1.0, for HFSM, HSMF and SS samples, respectively. Limitations on study/implications: It is necessary to carry out other studies on the functionality of snail meat proteins and thus propose their implementation in food formulations to maximize their commercialization. Findings/conclusions: Feeding snails with amaranth helps to increase the quality of protein in fresh meat and flour. Likewise, requests for soluble proteins from beef, flour and secretion are alternatives for preparing functional foods

    Identificación y cambios de frecuencia de las arvenses en áreas cañeras de Cuba

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    En la zona tropical, donde se encuentra Cuba, las poblaciones de arvenses son generalmente elevadas en los cultivos y si no se establece un conjunto de medidas para su manejo, pueden acarrear pérdidas superiores a 25% de la producción de las cosechas. La investigación se realizó con el objetivo de identificar las especies de arvenses presentes y los cambios de frecuencia de éstas, en las áreas cultivadas con caña de azúcar de la provincia Artemisa, para sobre esa base, recomendar un manejo integrado para su control. Para la realización del trabajo se utilizó la base de datos de las encuestas de malezas realizadas por el Servicio de Control Integral de Malezas (SERCIM) en las dos Unidades Empresariales de Base (UEB) de la provincia, en el período comprendido desde 2007 hasta 2015. Se informó la presencia de 19 especies, de las cuales dos se clasifican como Muy frecuentes, dos Medianamente frecuentes, dos Poco frecuentes y 13 Accidentales. De ellas, se incrementan tres especies, tres decrecen y 13 se mantienen estables en los campos

    Comportamiento de ¨Mucuna pruriens¨ (pica pica) en áreas cañeras de Cuba

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    Mucuna pruriens (L.) D.C.) (pica pica), malezas presente en las plantaciones cañeras de Cuba, es una especie anual que pertenece a la clase Magnoliatae, familia, fabaceae y género mucuna. Por sus características morfológicas y poder urticante crea dificultades a la mecanización y al hombre involucrado en la actividad de cosecha, lo que induce a pagos adicionales, con el incremento de los costos de corte y un impacto ambiental negativo debido a que los campos con alto nivel de infestación generalmente se queman, lo que contribuye a la pérdida de C-CO2   y al correspondiente calentamiento global. Con el objetivo de conocer la distribución y evolución de esta maleza al nivel nacional, se evaluaron sus cambios en la frecuencia de aparición en el período 2007-2015 (ambos inclusive). Para la ejecución del trabajo se tomaron  datos  de  encuestas  de  malezas  realizadas  por  el  servicio  de  control  integral  de  malezas (SERCIM) y la identificación de la especie se realizó visualmente. Se determinó la distribución en el campo a través de su frecuencia relativa. De acuerdo con el valor de frecuencia la especie se clasificó en las categorías: Accidental (menos del 25%), Poco frecuente (25 a 49%), Medianamente frecuente (50 a 75%) y Muy frecuente (más de 75%). Su evolución en el tiempo clasificó en las categorías: Crece, Decrece o Estable. De acuerdo con los valores promedios de frecuencia la especie creció, pasando en los últimos dos años de la categoría Accidental a la Poco frecuente

    México y Jalisco en la coyuntura : segundo semestre de 1998

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    Análisis de coyuntura sobre los principales sucesos del segundo semestre de 1998 en Jalisco y México. El caso del FOBAPROA, la seguridad pública, los derechos humanos, las elecciones efectuadas en el período y las estrategias de los partidos políticos en Jalisco son analizados por autores diversos. Se estudia también el caso de la industria electrónica en Guadalajara y la relación de los grupos de la sociedad civil con el gobierno.ITESO, A.C