1,319 research outputs found

    El tercer espacio: cruce de culturas en la literatura de frontera

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    Favorecida por el proyecto económico y político de la globalización, es posible observar cómo, desde las últimas décadas del pasado siglo, se ha ido agudizando una tendencia a la hibridación que, si bien podríamos considerar casi innata de la condición humana, ha trascendido en nuestros días la mera enunciación retórica hasta llegar a impregnar casi todos los estratos de la cultura. En el campo de los estudios literarios este proceso de mixturación ha contribuido a generar una verdadera explosión de la llamada literatura de frontera, caracterizada no sólo por una mutación en las mentalidades de los sectores sociales y étnicos -desde los que se origina-, sino por profundos cambios en las mismas estructuras sociales, culturales y lingüísticas. Esta problemática pone en cuestión la homogeneidad y la esencialidad de la identidad cultural, pues es un fenómeno actual que nos remite, inevitablemente, a la complejidad de la identidad. Precisamente, podríamos hablar de deslizamientos que se van produciendo en los diferentes planos de las manifestaciones artísticas, tendiendo éstos a amalgamarse, a fundirse uno con otros, en un cruzamiento de líneas de fuga, de rupturas, que atraviesan ese nuevo espacio, el Tercer Espacio, donde los diferentes discursos se van hibridando unos con otros, rompiendo la imagen de unidad, la imagen unitaria y tradicional. Unidad que no existió nunca y que no puede existir de ningún modo, porque es una imagen acotada que se esfuma en el caótico tejido de lo vivo, en la conformación y evolución de la raza humana.Fostered by the economic and political project of globalization, since the last decades of the twentieth century there has been an increasing tendency towards hibridization. Even if it could be considered an innate quality of human condition, in our day hibridization has transcended rhetoric enunciation to reach all cultural strata. In the field of literary studies, this mixturation process has contributed to an outburst of the so-called frontier literature. This literature is characterized not only by a change in the mentality of social and ethnic sectors where it has its origins-, but also by deep changes in the very social, cultural, and linguistic structures. The problem questions the homogeneity and essentiality of cultural identity, since it is a contemporary phenomenon related, inveitably, to the complexity of identity. In fact, we could speak of displacements produced in the various stages of artistic manifestations, which tend to amalgamate and fuse in a crossing of lines of sight and fractures, crossing that new space. In this Third Space different discourses are hibridized, breaking the idea of unity, the traditional unified image. A Unity which never existed, in fact, and which can never exist, since it is a limited image which fades in the chaotic texture of what is alive, in the conformation and evolution of the human race.Fil: Hernando, Ana María. Universidad Nacional de Córdob

    Bajtín, Borges y la resurrección de la rosa

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    Pensar la propuesta bajtiniana, formulada en las primeras décadas del siglo XX, acerca de las relaciones dialógicas, las entabladas entre el yo y el otro, entre la conciencia propia y la de los demás, entre la palabra propia y la ajena, entre la cultura nacional y las extranjeras, equivale a sumergirnos en uno de los temas o categorías actuales que han despertado las más variadas elaboraciones y discusiones teóricas, desde el espacio de la crítica. Una de las contribuciones más importantes del pensamiento contemporáneo de Mijail Bajtín está relacionada con la teoría del sujeto, cuando, en sus reflexiones acerca del hombre, expresa que lo que define precisamente al ser humano en cuanto tal, es la relación que establece con el otro en el acto creador. Ese otro que, precisamente, es alguien que no soy yo. Así, la alteridad se encuentra en el centro de su pensamiento dialógico. Su filosofía del acto ético parte de las relaciones que el yo entabla con el otro, argumentando que este otro es simplemente alguien que no soy yo, otro inmediato y cotidiano. El otro se convierte así en la primera realidad dada con la que nos encontramos en el mundo, ese mundo cuyo centro es el yo y en el que todos los demás se transforman en otros para mí. Al respecto, propone todo un sistema de relaciones, yo-para-mí, yo-para-otro, otro-para-mí, que se ponen en juego en la interacción cotidiana del sujeto con los otros hombres. Ese juego dialéctico entre “yo soy" y “yo también soy", entre otros, nos lleva a una de las reflexiones significativas del filósofo ruso: es el otro quien me proporciona la primera definición de mí mismo, de mi cuerpo, de mi valor, dada en este caso por la persona que nos recibe por primera vez en el mundo –la madre y su deseo- y desde la posición del otro que posee una visión sobre mi persona y el mundo, al percibir todo aquello que yo no puedo ver desde mi posición única. En suma, partiendo de la premisa expresada por Bajtín acerca de la estructura del diálogo, “siempre está presente la intersección, consonancia o interrupción de las réplicas del diálogo interno de los héroes", este estudio intenta articular, desde un espacio de análisis teórico, cómo el escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges construye discursivamente al otro/otros en las variaciones del tema en muchas y diversas voces. Los cuentos Veinticinco Agosto 1983, Borges y yo, y La rosa de Paracelso, son los seleccionados para reflexionar y articular el pensamiento dialógico de Mijail Bajtín.To think the bajtiniana proposal, formulated in the first decades of century XX, about the dialogical relations, the established ones between I and the other, between the own conscience and the one of the others, between the own word and the other people's one, between the national culture and the foreigners, it is equivalent to submerge to us in one of the subjects or present categories that have waked up the most varied theoretical elaborations and discussions, from the space of the critic. One of the most important contributions of the contemporary thought of Mijail Bajtín is related to the theory of the subject, when, in its reflections about the man, it express that what indeed defines the human being as soon as so, it is the relation that it establishes with the other in the creative act. That other that, indeed, he is somebody that I am not. Thus, the alteridad is in center of its dialogical thought. Its philosophy of the ethical act splits of the relations that the I begins with the other, arguing that this another is simply someone that am not I, another immediate and routine one. The other it is converted thus in the first reality hit upon the one that we find us in the world, that world whose center is the I and in which all the others are transformed into other for me. At respect, proposes all a system of relations, I-for-me, I-for-another, another-for-me, that are put in play in the routine interaction of the subject with the other men. That dialectical play among “I am" and “I am also", among others, carries us to one of the significant reflections of the Russian philosopher: is the other who the first definition of myself provides me, of my body, of my value, given in this case by the person that receives us for the first time in the world –the mother and its desire- and since the position of the other that Vision on my person and the world, at to perceive all that that I cannot see since my unique position. In short, leaving from the premise expressed by Bajtín about the structure of the dialogue, “always present the intersection been, harmony or interruption of the replicas of the internal dialogue of the heroes", this study tries to articulate, since a space of theoretical analysis, how the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges builds discursively al another/other in the variations of the theme in many and diverse voices. The stories twenty-five August 1983, Borges and I, and The rose of Paracelso, they are them selected to reflect and to articulate the thought dialogical of Mijail Bajtín.Fil: Hernando, Ana María

    Entornos domésticos cotidianos: enseres familiares y espacios de sociabilidades en la Castilla rural del siglo XVIII

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    Este trabajo pretende ser una aproximación a la domesticidad cotidiana, y a algunos de sus espacios de sociabilidad en el marco de la Castilla rural del siglo XVIII, a través del análisis de bibliografía, que aporta sugerentes imágenes de elementos de la cultura material, comportándose como valores de civilización dentro del mundo de Antiguo Régimen. La importancia del tema, le convierte en una corriente historiográfica a caballo entre la historia social y la historia de las mentalidades.This essay aims to be an approach to everyday domesticity, and some of its sociability spaces within the framework of 18th century rural Castile, through the analysis of bibliography, which provides suggestive images of elements of material culture, behaving as values of civilization within the Old Regime world. The importance of the subject makes it a historiographical current between social history and the history of mentalities.Grado en Histori

    Renal function recovery strategies following marathon in amateur runners

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    Long distance races have a physiological impact on runners. Up to now, studies analyzing these physiological repercussions have been mainly focused on muscle and cardiac damage, as well as on its recovery. Therefore, a limited number of studies have been done to explore acute kidney failure and recovery after performing extreme exercises. Here, we monitored renal function in 76 marathon finishers (14 females) from the day before participating in a marathon until 192 h after crossing the finish line (FL). Renal function was evaluated by measuring serum creatinine (sCr) and the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). We randomly grouped our cohort into three intervention groups to compare three different strategies for marathon recovery: total rest (REST), continuous running at their ventilatory threshold 1 (VT1) intensity (RUN), and elliptical workout at their VT1 intensity (ELLIPTICAL). Interventions in the RUN and ELLIPTICAL groups were performed at 48, 96, and 144 h after marathon running. Seven blood samples (at the day before the marathon, at the FL, and at 24, 48, 96, 144, and 192 h post-marathon) and three urine samples (at the day before the marathon, at the finish line, and at 48 h post-marathon) were collected per participant. Both heart rate monitors and triaxial accelerometers were used to control the intensity effort during both the marathon race and the recovery period. Contrary to our expectations, the use of elliptical machines for marathon recovery delays renal function recovery. Specifically, the ELLIPTICAL group showed a significantly lower ∆GFR compared to both the RUN group (p = 4.5 × 10−4) and the REST group (p = 0.003). Hence, we encourage runners to carry out an active recovery based on light-intensity continuous running from 48 h after finishing the marathon. In addition, full resting seems to be a better strategy than performing elliptical workouts

    Estilo de vida y rendimiento académico en adolescentes: comparación entre deportistas y no-deportistas

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    In this research we wanted to clear some doubts about the use of adolescent athletes’s leisure in comparison with non-athletes, and how it could influence in their academic performance. The sample consisted of 313 adolescent subjects from 3rd and 4th ESO grade, 181 men and 132 women, from 12 Secondary Schools; 124 were athletes and 189 non-athletes. The instruments used were questionnaires CHTE (habits and study skills) and PFYTL (physical practice and use of leisure). The variables analyzed were academic performance, study habits, sedentary leisure and sleep. The main results showed that athletes had better academic performance, better study habits and spent less time in sedentary leisure than non-athletes. In addition, related to study habits, athletes had a better attitude and a better study planning than non-athletes.Con esta investigación se quiso esclarecer algunas dudas respecto al uso que hacen del tiempo libre los sujetos deportistas adolescentes en comparación con sus iguales no-deportistas y de qué forma podía influir esto en su rendimiento académico. La muestra estaba formada por 313 sujetos adolescentes de 3º y 4º de ESO, 181 hombres y 132 mujeres, de 12 Centros de Castellón de la Plana; 124 eran deportistas y 189 no-deportistas. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron los cuestionarios CHTE (Cuestionario de Hábitos y Técnicas de Estudio), PFYTL (Práctica Física Y uso del Tiempo Libre). Las variables analizadas fueron el rendimiento académico, los hábitos de estudio, el ocio sedentario y el sueño. Los principales resultados muestran que los sujetos deportistas tienen mejor rendimiento académico, mejores hábitos de estudio y dedican menos tiempo al ocio sedentario; además, dentro de los hábitos de estudio, los sujetos deportistas planifican mejor su tiempo libre y presentan mejor actitud frente a los estudios

    Designing Hydrocolloid-Based Oleogels With High Physical, Chemical, and Structural Stability

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    [EN] Numerous studies conducted have shown a direct relationship between the high consumption of saturated andtrans-fats and the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and different cancers. Oleogels, with a suitable lipid profile of mono-, poly-unsaturated fatty acids, and similar functionality to traditional solid fat, can be a healthy alternative in food formulation. The aim of this study is to develop edible oleogels with a healthy and stable lipid profile, using the emulsion-template approach and hydrocolloids as oleogelators. Oleogels were developed from sunflower oil and sunflower oil with a high content of monounsaturated acids, using hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and xanthan gum (XG) as oleogelators. The influence of two drying conditions (60 degrees C for 24 h and 80 degrees C for 10 h 30 min) along with the composition of the oil on the structural, physical, and oxidative stability of oleogels were studied. All oleogels presented a stable network and high physical stability with oil losses 10(5)Pa related to solid gel-like behavior. Oleogels made with sunflower oil rich in monounsaturated fatty acids resulted in higher oxidative stability, with those developed at drying temperatures of 80 degrees C for 10 h 30 min having a greater structural and physical stability.The authors would like to thank Universitat Politecnica de Valencia by FPI-UPV 2017 grant and the project RTI2018-099738-B-C22 from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades.Bascuas-Véntola, SM.; Salvador, A.; Hernando Hernando, MI.; Quiles Chuliá, MD. (2020). Designing Hydrocolloid-Based Oleogels With High Physical, Chemical, and Structural Stability. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 4:1-8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2020.00111S184Abdolmaleki, K., Alizadeh, L., Nayebzadeh, K., Hosseini, S. M., & Shahin, R. (2020). Oleogel production based on binary and ternary mixtures of sodium caseinate, xanthan gum, and guar gum: Optimization of hydrocolloids concentration and drying method. Journal of Texture Studies, 51(2), 290-299. doi:10.1111/jtxs.12469Albi, T., Lanzón, A., Guinda, A., Pérez-Camino, M. C., & León, M. (1997). Microwave and Conventional Heating Effects on Some Physical and Chemical Parameters of Edible Fats. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 45(8), 3000-3003. doi:10.1021/jf970168cBascuas, S., Hernando, I., Moraga, G., & Quiles, A. (2020). Structure and stability of edible oleogels prepared with different unsaturated oils and hydrocolloids. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 55(4), 1458-1467. doi:10.1111/ijfs.14469Bastiat, G., & Leroux, J.-C. (2009). Pharmaceutical organogels prepared from aromatic amino acid derivatives. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19(23), 3867. doi:10.1039/b822657aBodennec, M., Guo, Q., & Rousseau, D. (2016). 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    Designing Hydrocolloid-Based Oleogels With High Physical, Chemical, and Structural Stability

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    Numerous studies conducted have shown a direct relationship between the high consumption of saturated and trans-fats and the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and different cancers. Oleogels, with a suitable lipid profile of mono-, poly-unsaturated fatty acids, and similar functionality to traditional solid fat, can be a healthy alternative in food formulation. The aim of this study is to develop edible oleogels with a healthy and stable lipid profile, using the emulsion-template approach and hydrocolloids as oleogelators. Oleogels were developed from sunflower oil and sunflower oil with a high content of monounsaturated acids, using hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and xanthan gum (XG) as oleogelators. The influence of two drying conditions (60°C for 24 h and 80°C for 10 h 30 min) along with the composition of the oil on the structural, physical, and oxidative stability of oleogels were studied. All oleogels presented a stable network and high physical stability with oil losses 105 Pa related to solid gel-like behavior. Oleogels made with sunflower oil rich in monounsaturated fatty acids resulted in higher oxidative stability, with those developed at drying temperatures of 80°C for 10 h 30 min having a greater structural and physical stability.The authors would like to thank Universitat Politècnica de València by FPI-UPV 2017 grant and the project RTI2018-099738-B-C22 from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades.Peer reviewe

    In vitro study of the effect of ensiling length and processing on the nutritive value of maize silages

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    The effect of the ensiling length (3, 6, or 9 months), and the processing by dehydration (D) or dehydration and pelleting (P) with respect to the fresh silages (F) were studied in vitro on three maize cultivars in three incubation runs to study the effect of these factors on the nutritive value of maize silage. Gas production pattern, in vitro true digestibility (IVTD), methane concentration (6 and 12 h), ammonia, and volatile fatty acid concentration (VFA) at 12 h were measured. The moisture and pH of F averaged 676 g/kg and 4.09, respectively, and were not affected by the ensiling length, but moisture was reduced, and the pH increased in D and P with respect to F (p < 0.05). The ensiling length did not affect the chemical composition, but differences among the processing forms were detected in a higher acid detergent insoluble nitrogen (ADIN) proportion in P than D, and D than F (p < 0.001). Silages opened at 9 months showed the lowest gas production (p < 0.05), and those that opened after 3 months showed the highest IVTD. The effects of processing on nutrient utilisation only manifested on 3 month silages, with the volume of gas production and IVTD being lower in D than F. However, processing tended (p = 0.064) to reduce the methane proportion at 12 h, indicating both a more efficient fermentation and a lower potential of greenhouse gas emissions compared to the fresh silages. Extending the length of ensiling to 9 months reduced the fermentation of maize silage. The processing increased the dry matter and buffered the feed as well as contributed to an increase in fermentation in 3 month silages

    New hydrocolloid-based emulsions for replacing fat in panna cottas: a structural and sensory study

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    [EN] BACKGROUND: Dairy desserts are popular traditional products, but because of their high calorie or fat content, they can be unsuitable for people who have certain dietary requirements. The aim of this study was to design panna cottas with similar organoleptic and textural properties to the traditional ones but with a lower fat content, by replacing part of the cream with new emulsions prepared with hydrocolloids (cellulose ethers), namely methylcellulose (MC) and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC). RESULTS: Incorporating the MC and HPMC emulsions modified the textural properties (firmness and stiffness) of the panna cottas. Regarding the sensory results, the panna cottas prepared with the MC and HPMC emulsions were considered lumpy and soft respectively. CONCLUSION: Considering the results as a whole, the cellulose type and the amount of cream are factors to take into account. Although the texture and taste of the control panna cotta are better than those of the panna cottas prepared with the MC and HPMC emulsions, it is possible to replace 75% of the cream in traditional panna cottas with HPMC emulsion and obtain good consumer acceptance and purchase intention. The panna cottas with 75% substitution by HPMC emulsion were described as creamy, with smooth appearance and moist mouth feel.The authors are grateful to the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness for financial support (AGL2015-68923-C2 (MINECO/FEDER)) and gratefully acknowledge the financial support of EU FEDER funds. They would also like to thank Mary Georgina Hardinge for translating and correcting the English of the manuscript.Borreani, JAA.; Hernando Hernando, MI.; Salvador Alcaraz, A.; Quiles Chuliá, MD. (2017). New hydrocolloid-based emulsions for replacing fat in panna cottas: a structural and sensory study. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 97(14):4961-4968. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.8373S49614968971

    The role of drivers’ schemes on traffic signs comprehension

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    Current road signs confront a fundamental issue: are signs displayed in different devices (posted, on-board, painted or electronic) making the most of the same design rationale? Convergent design principles help drivers enjoy an easier coding, learning and retrieval of the schemes enhancing comprehension. This paper focuses on posted road signs (painted vs electronic) that locate events and how well they complement each other. Fixed signage must be the starting point (the scheme formed) to investigate how electronic devices (the new information) can functionally locate variable events or situations. The paper presents preliminary data regarding a sample of 39 participants. The experimental task consisted of 27 blocks of traffic signs. Electronic-adapted traffic signs were shown to all participants; however, only one group was exposed also to fixed (painted) signs. A 3x2 mixed design was used (experimental condition as inter-group factor and event location as intra-group factor), and in addition, the design also included a working memory measure as a covariate. Comprehension rates were high in all formulas of event location. As previous studies, time response showed higher means when the variable event is located ‘between’ two referents. Moreover, ‘working memory (WM) span’ showed a marginal significance with time response. This result leads to an interesting question about the consideration of influence of individual differences in WM capacity when designing complex traffic messages. Overall, results highlight the importance of understanding how complex traffic messages are encoded, processed and de-encoded, and the limits human WM may pose
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