3,100 research outputs found

    Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS): A Review Study of Basic Aspects of the Corrosion Mechanism Applied to Steels

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    AC impedance measurements have been applied for over twenty years in electrochemistry and physics to investigate the electrical properties of conductive materials and their interfaces using an external electrical impulse (VOLTAGE, V or CURRENT, I) as driving force. Furthermore, its application has recently appeared to be destined in the Biotechnology field as an effective tool for rapid microbiologic diagnosis of living organism in situ. However, there is no doubt that the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is still one of the most useful techniques around the world for metal corrosion control and its monitoring. Corrosion has long been recognized as one of the most expensive stumbling blocks that concern many industries and government agencies, because it is a steel destructive phenomenon that occurs due to the chemical interaction with aqueous environments and takes place at the interface between metal and electrolyte producing an electrical charge transfer or ion diffusion process. Consequently, it is experimentally possible to determine through the EIS technique the mechanism and control that kinectics of corrosion reactions encounter. First, EIS data is collected through a potentiostat/ galvanostat apparatus. After, it is fitted to a mathematical model (i.e. an equivalent electrical circuit, EEC) for its interpretation and analysis, fundamentally seeking a meaningful physical interpretation. Finally, this review reports some basic aspects of the corrosion mechanism applied to steels through the experimental EIS response using Nyquist or Bode plots. Examples are given for different applied electrochemical impedance cases in which steel is under study intentionally exposed to a corrosive aqueous solution by applying a sinusoidal potential at various test conditions

    Modelo proceso-respuesta de recesión de acantilados por variación del nivel del mar. Aplicación en la Costa de Holderness (Reino Unido).

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    El desarrollo de modelos predictivos de retroceso de acantilados costeros se encuentra limitado desde el punto de vista geomorfológico debido a la complejidad e interacción de los procesos de desarrollo espacio-temporal que tienen lugar en la zona costera. Los códigos de cálculo existentes en la actualidad incorporan modelos probabilísticos para resolver la estabilidad geomecánica de los materiales. Éstos pueden reproducir tasas de recesión históricas; sin embargo, el comportamiento bajo condiciones variables (cambio climático) no tiene por qué ser el mismo. Se presenta un modelo de proceso-respuesta de retroceso de acantilados costeros que incorpora el comportamiento geomecánico de costas compuestas por tills, incluye la acción protectora de los derrubios presentes al pie del acantilado frente a los procesos erosivos y permite evaluar el efecto del ascenso del nivel medio del mar asociado al cambio climático. Para ello, se acoplan la dinámica marina: nivel medio del mar, mareas y oleaje; con la evolución del terreno: erosión, desprendimiento rocoso y formación de talud de derrubios. La erosión del acantilado se calcula en función del nivel del mar, de las condiciones del oleaje incidente, de la pendiente de la plataforma rocosa y de la resistencia del material rocoso afectado en cada ciclo de marea. Al finalizar cada ciclo, se evalúa la ruptura del acantilado según un criterio geomecánico de roturas por vuelco y en caso de rotura, se genera un talud de derrubios al pie del mismo. El modelo ha sido validado frente a datos reales en la costa de Holderness, Yorkshire, Reino Unido. Los resultados obtenidos presentan un importante avance en los modelos de recesión costera, especialmente en su relación con las condiciones geomecánicas del medio y su respuesta ante condiciones variables del nivel medio del mar producidas por el cambio climático

    Architecture for Neurological Coordination Tests Implementation

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    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59147-6_3This paper proposes a generic architecture for devising interactive neurological assessment tests, aimed at being implemented on a touchscreen device. The objective is both to provide a set of software primitives that allow the modular implementation of tests, and to contribute to the standardization of test protocols. Although our original goal was the application of machine learning methods to the analysis of test data, it turned out that the construction of such framework was a pre-requisite to collect enough data with the required levels of accuracy and reproducibility. In the proposed architecture, tests are defined by a set of stimuli, responses, feedback information, and execution control procedures. The presented definition has allowed for the implementation of a particular test, the Finger-Nose-Finger, that will allow the exploitation of data with intelligent techniques.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Do Health-Related Quality of Life and Pain-Coping Strategies Explain the Relationship between Older Women Participants in a Pilates-Aerobic Program and Bodily Pain? A Multiple Mediation Model

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    This study (1) analyzes the differences between non-participating and participating older women in terms of clinical characteristics, pain coping strategies, health-related quality of life and physical activity (PA); (2) studies the associations between non-participants and participants, clinical characteristics, pain coping strategies, HRQoL and bodily pain and PA; and (3) determines whether catastrophizing, physical role, behavioural coping, social functioning and emotional role are significant mediators in the link between participating in a Pilates-aerobic program (or not) and bodily pain. The sample comprised 340 older women over 60 years old. Participants of the present cross-sectional study completed measures of clinical characteristics: HRQoL using the SF-36 Health Survey, pain-coping strategies using the Vanderbilt Pain Management Inventory (VPMI) and PA using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)

    Cluster Analysis of Finger-to-nose Test for Spinocerebellar Ataxia Assessment

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    El test Finger-to-nose test (FNT) es una evaluación neurológica para estudiar la coordinación. Se presenta una metodología de análisis de datos de FNT, que permite evaluar la evolución del estado de enfermos de Ataxia Espinocerebral de tipo 2 (SCA2), mediante técnicas de aprendizaje computacional.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Persistent Sepsis-Induced Hypotension without Hyperlactatemia: A Distinct Clinical and Physiological Profile within the Spectrum of Septic Shock

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    Introduction. A subgroup of septic shock patients will never develop hyperlactatemia despite being subjected to a massive circulatory stress. Maintenance of normal lactate levels during septic shock is of great clinical and physiological interest. Our aim was to describe the clinical, hemodynamic, perfusion, and microcirculatory profiles associated to the absence of hyperlactatemia during septic shock resuscitation. Methods. We conducted an observational study in septic shock patients undergoing resuscitation. Serial clinical, hemodynamic, and perfusion parameters were registered. A single sublingual microcirculatory assessment was performed in a subgroup. Patients evolving with versus without hyperlactatemia were compared. Results. 124 septic shock patients were included. Patients without hyperlactatemia exhibited lower severity scores and mortality. They also presented higher platelet counts and required less intensive treatment. Microcirculation was assessed in 45 patients. Patients without hyperlactatemia presented higher PPV and MFI values. Lactate was correlated to several microcirculatory parameters. No difference in systemic flow parameters was observed. Conclusion. Persistent sepsis-induced hypotension without hyperlactatemia is associated with less organ dysfunctions and a very low mortality risk. Patients without hyperlactatemia exhibit less coagulation and microcirculatory derangements despite comparable macrohemodynamics. Our study supports the notion that persistent sepsis-induced hypotension without hyperlactatemia exhibits a distinctive clinical and physiological profile

    Inflammatory Reactions to Red Tattoo Inks: Three cases highlighting an emerging problem

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    In recent years, tattoos have become more commonplace. However, this can result in various inflammatory processes, the management of which can be challenging in daily clinical practice. Tattoo-related inflammatory reactions can comprise different patterns, including acute and immediate reactions, foreign body granulomas, sarcoid granulomas, isomorphic lesions, allergic contact dermatitis and photosensitivity. We report three cases who were referred to the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic of the Hospital Universitario San Cecilio, Granada, Spain, in 2017 with various skin reactions in the red-ink areas of their tattoos. Screening was performed for infectious diseases like atypical mycobacterial infections and systemic processes such as sarcoidosis. A good therapeutic response was achieved in all cases. An adequate differential diagnosis is essential for the therapeutic management of this emerging health problem. Keywords: Non-Therapeutic Body Modification; Tattooing, adverse effects; Inks; Foreign Body Reaction; Inflammation; Case Report; Spain

    Huerta Comunitaria El Porvenir

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    Los proyectos sociales se crean bajo el objetivo de cubrir necesidades básicas de las personas y de las comunidades, bajo ese contexto hemos creado nuestro proyecto social “Huerta Comunal el Porvenir” el cual pretende cubrir una de las necesidades propias del ser humano y más vista de la zona Bosa como lo es la seguridad alimentaria y la economía, formas en las cuales comunidades se ven afectadas debido a las movidas económicas y sociales que se dan por estos días y factores económicos que no exoneran a ningún tipo de persona y más a las comunidades de personas en el sector.The social projects are created under the objective of covering basic needs of people and communities, under this context we have created our social project "Huerta Comunal el Porvenir" which aims to cover one of the needs of human beings and more seen in the Bosa area such as food security and economy, ways in which communities are affected due to economic and social movements that occur these days and economic factors that do not exonerate any person and more communities of people in the sector

    Inteligencia de fuentes abierta (OSINT) para operaciones de ciberseguridad. “Aplicación de OSINT en un contexto colombiano y análisis de sentimientos”

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    Open source intelligence (OSINT) is used to obtain and analyze information related to adversaries, so it can support risk assessments aimed to prevent damages against critical assets. This paper presents a research about different OSINT technologies and how these can be used to perform cyber intelligence tasks. One of the key components in the operation of OSINT tools are the “transforms”, which are used to establish relations between entities of information from queries to different open sources. A set of transforms addressed to the Colombian context are presented, which were implemented and contributed to the community allowing to the law enforcement agencies to develop information gathering process from Colombian open sources. Additionally, this paper shows the implementation of three machine learning models used to perform sentiment analysis over the information obtained from an adversary. Sentiment analysis can be extremely useful to understand the motivation that an adversary can have and, in this way, define proper cyber defense strategies. Finally, some challenges related to the application of OSINT techniques are identified and described.La Inteligencia de fuentes abiertas (OSINT) es una rama de la ciber inteligencia usada para obtener y analizar información relacionada a posibles adversarios, para que esta pueda apoyar evaluaciones de riesgo y ayudar a prevenir afectaciones contra activos críticos. Este artículo presenta una investigación acerca de diferentes tecnologías OSINT y como estas pueden ser usadas para desarrollar tareas de ciber inteligencia de una nación. Un conjunto de transformadas apropiadas para un contexto colombiano son presentadas y contribuidas a la comunidad, permitiendo a organismos de seguridad adelantar procesos de recolección de información de fuentes abiertas colombianas. Sin embargo, el verdadero aprovechamiento de la información recolectada se da mediante la implementación de tres modelos de aprendizaje automático usados para desarrollar análisis de sentimientos sobre dicha información, con el fin de saber la posición del adversario respecto a determinados temas y así entender la motivación que puede tener, lo cual permite definir estrategias de ciberdefensa apropiadas. Finalmente, algunos desafíos relacionados a la aplicación de técnicas OSINT también son identificados y descritos al respecto de su aplicación por agencias de seguridad del estado