1,394 research outputs found

    Dementia Knowledge Among Hispanic Family Caregivers

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    The Health Projects Center (HPC) was established in 1980 as a non-profit corporation serving Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito Counties. HPC offers programs to health and social service professionals, older adults, and family caregivers. At HPC many caregivers experience health problems associated with caregiving distress. To address this concern, “Dementia Knowledge Among Hispanic Caregivers” was implemented, to determine the effectiveness of the Caregiver Support Group at HPC. This group consisted of caregivers of Mexican descent, whose primary language is Spanish, who are caring for a loved one who suffers from dementia or a cognitive disorder. In order to assess caregivers’ knowledge of dementia and stress, a questionnaire was used. The expected outcome was for all participants to recognize the symptoms of dementia and to recognize when they are under stress. The questions were read aloud for the participants to ensure there were no language barriers. The findings were that 66.67% recognize symptoms of Alzheimer’s and even though, 83.33% recognized when they were under stress, only 50% practiced self-care. There are three recommendations for the agency, including implementing a session in the support group that focuses more on enhancing the caregiver’s knowledge on different stages of dementia. Additionally, it is recommended to have two groups, one for experienced caregivers and the other for new caregivers. Finally, all caregivers could use more support on how to actually practice self-care

    Information System for Environmental Technologies

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    Geographical Information Systems (GIS) play an important role in environmental management solutions, and they are being used with increasing frequency in environmental studies. The use of GIS technology in environmental studies provides a better way to manage, analyze, display and share the information. In this thesis, I automated a process for constructing GIS maps of odor complaints and inspections that have been used to study odor complaints in the vicinity of three landfills in Jefferson Parish. I provided an application that integrates daily environmental observation and monitoring data into a GIS and publishes the resulting maps through the Internet. The user\u27s interaction with the web-based maps does not require any GIS expertise. A Webapplication was also implemented for managing the list of the constructed maps. The maps are deleted or updated through the manager application, a friendly interface application that does not require users to have any GIS technology knowledge


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    Conocimiento y construcción de ambientes de fraternidad con niñez afectada por el conflicto armado de la Reliquia y la Nohora en Villavicencio es una investigación social cualitativa de diseño participativo sobre los ambientes que envuelven la niñez afectada por el conflicto que vive Colombia ubicada en sectores marginales de la ciudad. Se buscó identificar y coconstruir los ambientes de la niñez en sus espacios de socialización primaria y secundaria de los participantes del proyecto. El trabajo partió de la visualización y caracterización de los ambientes circundantes, se desarrolló un proceso de trabajo directo con niñas, niños y jóvenes durante tres años buscando incidir en la transformación de los ambientes intrafamiliares y comunitarios y se culminó con el diseño de nuevos pasos para fortalecer el empoderamiento y liderazgo en sus contextos. Para la recolección de información se utilizaron técnicas e instrumentos de investigación: historias de vida, observación participante, entrevistas semi – estructuradas y diarios de campo; para el análisis se utilizó la técnica de categorización deductiva e inductiva. En la coconstrucción de fraternidad se aplicaron estrategias participativas de construcción entre pares, el liderazgo juvenil y el asociacionismo juvenil, se promovieron acciones dentro del mundo adulto para conocimiento y exigibilidad de derechos de la niñez. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron la situación y los ambientes existentes centrados en la interacción familiar, la presencia de fenómenos estructurales y coyunturales con presencia de la violencia en los espacios de socialización primaria y secundaria, la problemática psicosocial que generó la violencia política en el grupo estudiado, la adaptación al medio, la ausencia de satisfacción a las necesidades básicas, la incertidumbre, el aislamiento, el miedo y la desesperanza. Fueron Elementos centrales de este trabajo: la resiliencia el empoderamiento de la niñez y la fuerza de la interacción fraterna responsable en la formación de sujetos de derechos.Knowledge and construction of atmospheres of fraternity with childhood affected by the armed conflict of the Relic and the Nohora in Villavicencio are a qualitative social investigation of design participativo on the atmospheres that wrap the childhood affected by the conflict that Colombia lives located in marginal sectors of the city. It was looked for to identify and coconstruir the atmospheres of the childhood in their spaces of the participants' of the project primary and secondary socialization. The work left of the visualization and characterization of the surrounding atmospheres, a process of direct work was developed with girls, children and young during three years looking for to impact in the transformation of the atmospheres intrafamiliares and community and you culminated with the design of new steps to strengthen the empoderamiento and leadership in its contexts. For the gathering of information they were used technical and investigation instruments: histories of life, participant observation, interviews semi - structured and field newspapers; for the analysis the technique of deductive and inductive categorization was used. In the coconstrucción of fraternity strategies construction participativas were applied among even, the juvenile leadership and the juvenile asociacionismo, actions were promoted inside the mature world for knowledge and recoverableness of rights of the childhood. The obtained results showed the situation and the existent atmospheres centered in the family interaction, the presence of structural and of the situation phenomena with presence of the violence in the spaces of primary and secondary socialization, the problematic psicosocial that generated the political violence in the studied group, the adaptation to the means, the absence of satisfaction to the basic necessities, the uncertainty, the isolation, the fear and the despair. They were central Elements of this work: the resiliencia the empoderamiento of the childhood and the force of the responsible fraternal interaction in the formation of subject of rights

    Tridimensional-Temporal-Thematic Hydroclimate Modeling of Distributed Parameters for the San Miguel River Basin

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    A geographic database (GDB) for the San Miguel river basin has been built by integrating data from multiple sources for analysis and graphical representation of diverse physiographic features and hydroclimate phenomena such as rainfall, temperature, soil-evaporation and topography, among others. This database allowed us to combine digital maps and images along with thematic information and spatially- referenced vector data. Moreover, further geographical referencing and validating processes enabled us to accurately represent continuous data through discrete data structures which fit the mathematical models used in representing the physical phenomena at the study site. In this paper we discuss some significant progress on models generated for the analysis of existing records for a season with measurable rainfall at the San Miguel river basin during the period from June 1st to September 30th of 2005

    Tailored Graphenic Structures Directly Grown on Titanium Oxide Boost the Interfacial Charge Transfer

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    The successful application of titanium oxide-graphene hybrids in the fields of photocatalysis, photovoltaics and photodetection strongly depends on the interfacial contact between both materials. The need to provide a good coupling between the enabling conductor and the photoactive phase prompted us to directly grow conducting graphenic structures on TiO2 crystals. We here report on the direct synthesis of tailored graphenic structures by using Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition that present a clean junction with the prototypical titanium oxide (110) surface. Chemical analysis of the interface indicates chemical bonding between both materials. Photocurrent measurements under UV light illumination manifest that the charge transfer across the interface is efficient. Moreover, the influence of the synthesis atmosphere, gas precursor (C2H2) and diluents (Ar, O2), on the interface and on the structure of the as-grown graphenic material is assessed. The inclusion of O2 promotes vertical growth of partially oxidized carbon nanodots/rods with controllable height and density. The deposition with Ar results in continuous graphenic films with low resistivity (6.8x10-6 ohm x m). The synthesis protocols developed here are suitable to produce tailored carbon-semiconductor structures on a variety of practical substrates as thin films, pillars or nanoparticles.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, original research pape


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    Introducción: Las implicaciones sanitarias de la ciénaga de Mallorquín es un problema de salud pública, evidenciándose presencia de residuos químicos y orgánicos en este cuerpo de agua, siendo un factor de riesgo para los individuos que habitan alrededor, conllevándolo a afectar la salud de las personas como la morbilidad en la comunidad. Objetivo: Identificar las implicaciones sanitarias de la contaminación de la ciénaga de mallorquín en los sectores Tambo, Caguan y Chipichipi- Barranquilla. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, se abordó una población de 6406 habitantes de los sectores Tambo, Caguan y Chipichipi, eligiendo 1470 familias y de ellas una muestra de 100 habitantes; el instrumento de medición utilizado fueron encuestas constituida por 6 preguntas, los datos obtenidos se analizaron por medio de porcentaje y frecuencia relativa. Resultados: dentro de los aspectos analizados se observo que; el 40% de la contaminación presente en el lugar es debido a basuras, el 42% por desechos sólidos generados por las viviendas, 53% de las basuras permanece un día en las vivienda, el 80 % utiliza la ciénaga como servicio público, en 66% de los hogares hay presencia de rata. Así mismo dentro de las enfermedades infecciosas con mayor incidencia estuvo la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda con un porcentaje del 41%. Conclusión: la contaminación ambiental presente en la ciénaga estuvo determinada por los factores químicos y los desechos orgánicos e inorgánicos. ABSTRACTIntroduction: The health implications of the Mallorquin swamp is a public health problem, demonstrating in chemical and organic residues in this body of water, being a risk factor for individuals who live around, leads to affect people's health such as morbidity in the community. Objective: To identify the health implications of the pollution of the Mallorquin in the Tambo, Caguán and Chipichipi - Barranquilla sectors swamp. Materials and methods: we conducted a quantitative, descriptive study, 6406 inhabitants of Tambo, Caguán and sectors Chipichipi, choosing 1470 families and they addressed a sample of 100 inhabitants; the used measuring instrument were surveys consisting of 6 questions, the obtained data were analyzed by means of percentage and relative frequency. Results: within the aspects discussed was observed. 40% of contamination present in the place is due wastes, 42% by solid waste generated by homes, 53% of wastes remains a day in the House, 80% use the swamp as a public service, in 66% of households there is presence of rat. Likewise within the infectious diseases with the highest incidence was acute respiratory failure with a percentage of 41%. Conclusion: in the swamp air pollution was determined by organic and inorganic wastes and chemical factor

    Combined Stress Conditions in Melon Induce Non-additive Effects in the Core miRNA Regulatory Network

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    [EN] Climate change has been associated with a higher incidence of combined adverse environmental conditions that can promote a significant decrease in crop productivity. However, knowledge on how a combination of stresses might affect plant development is still scarce. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been proposed as potential targets for improving crop productivity. Here, we have combined deep-sequencing, computational characterization of responsive miRNAs and validation of their regulatory role in a comprehensive analysis of response of melon to several combinations of four stresses (cold, salinity, short day, and infection with a fungus). Twenty-two miRNA families responding to double and/or triple stresses were identified. The regulatory role of the differentially expressed miRNAs was validated by quantitative measurements of the expression of the corresponding target genes. A high proportion (ca. 60%) of these families (mainly highly conserved miRNAs targeting transcription factors) showed a non-additive response to multiple stresses in comparison with that observed under each one of the stresses individually. Among those miRNAs showing non-additive response to stress combinations, most interactions were negative, suggesting the existence of functional convergence in the miRNA-mediated response to combined stresses. Taken together, our results provide compelling pieces of evidence that the response to combined stresses cannot be easily predicted from the study individual stresses.This work was supported by grants PID2019-104126RB-I00 (GG), PIE2019-103998GB-I00 (SE), and AGL2017-85563-C2-1R (BP) funded byMCIN/Spain's Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) and "ERDF A way of making Europe" and by PROMETEO projects 2019/012 (SE) and 2017/078 and 2021/072 (BP) (to promote excellence groups) by the Conselleria d'Educacio, Investigacio, Cultura i Esports (Generalitat Valenciana). JM-M (ACIF-2017-114) and AH-A (ACIF-2021-202) are recipients of a predoctoral contract from the Generalitat Valenciana.Villalba-Bermell, P.; Marquez-Molins, J.; Marques, M.; Hernandez-Azurdia, AG.; Corell-Sierra, J.; Picó Sirvent, MB.; Monforte Gilabert, AJ.... (2021). Combined Stress Conditions in Melon Induce Non-additive Effects in the Core miRNA Regulatory Network. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12:1-15. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.769093S1151

    Clinical Heterogeneity of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Associated With Variants in TBX4

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    Background: The knowledge of hereditary predisposition has changed our understanding of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Genetic testing has been widely extended and the application of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension specific gene panels has allowed its inclusion in the diagnostic workup and increase the diagnostic ratio compared to the traditional sequencing techniques. This is particularly important in the differential diagnosis between Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Pulmonary Venoocclusive Disease. Methods: Since November 2011, genetic testing is offered to all patients with idiopathic, hereditable and associated forms of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension or Pulmonary Venoocclusive Disease included in the Spanish Registry of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Herein, we present the clinical phenotype and prognosis of all Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension patients with disease-associated variants in TBX4. Results: Out of 579 adults and 45 children, we found in eight patients from seven families, disease-causing associated variants in TBX4. All adult patients had a moderate-severe reduction in diffusion capacity. However, we observed a wide spectrum of clinical presentations, including Pulmonary Venoocclusive Disease suspicion, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary vascular abnormalities and congenital heart disease. Conclusions: Genetic testing is now essential for a correct diagnosis work-up in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. TBX4-associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension has marked clinical heterogeneity. In this regard, a genetic study is extremely useful to obtain an accurate diagnosis and provide appropriate management.This project was founded by Project "Bases Gene´tico Moleculares de la Medicina de Precisio´n en la Hipertensio´n Arterial Pulmonar". Funder: Instituto Carlos III. Ministerio de Economı´a y Competitividad. https://www.isciii.es/Paginas/Inicio.aspx Award number: PI 18/01233 Grant Recipient: P E-