5,482 research outputs found

    Response of sooty blotch and flyspeck complex to optimum temperature and post-harvest removal on apples by brushing combined with dip treatments

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    Sooty blotch and flyspeck (SBFS) is a serious late-season disease complex that colonizes the cuticle of apples (Malus x domestica Borkh). SBFS causes considerable economic loss to growers by reducing the market value of fruit. In addition, management of SBFS causes indirect economic losses due to the cost of frequent applications of protectant fungicides. Little is known about responses of recently discovered members of the SBFS complex to environmental factors. The optimal temperature for mycelial growth of two isolates of each of five common Midwestern SBFS species (Dissoconium sp. DS1, Colletogloeum sp. FG2, Peltaster sp. P2, Peltaster sp. CS1, and Pseudocercosporella sp. RH1) and one previously described North Carolina species (Peltaster fructicola PI) was determined in vitro growth chambers. The isolates were evaluated at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C in growth chambers for 7 weeks in darkness. Mycelial growth was estimated by measuring the diameter of each colony every 7 to 11 days. Generally, optimum growth occurred at 20 to 25°C for all six species, with slower growth at 10 and 15°C and little to no growth at 30 or 35°C. Determining the temperature requirements for SBFS fungi can contribute to development of more effective disease management strategies. One feasible alternative to reduce SBFS to market-acceptable levels is post-harvest washing and brushing. The effectiveness of five post-harvest dip treatments (NaOCl at 200 and 500 [mU]g/ml, CIO₂ at 1 and 5 [Mu]g/ml, and fruit soap) were evaluated for removal of SBFS on apples. After a 7-minute dip treatment, apples were brushed for 15, 30, 60, or 90 s on a grading line. Percent disease was determined before and after treatment of \u27Honey Gold\u27 apples from Iowa and Wisconsin in 2002 and \u27Golden Delicious\u27 apples from Kentucky and North Carolina in 2003. Removal of SBFS in all treatments was variable, but generally exceeded the no-dip control. Increasing the brushing time significantly increased removal of SBFS signs. Post-harvest SBFS removal treatments therefore may provide growers with alternatives for improving appearance of SBFS - blemished apples to meet fresh-market standards

    Aprovechamiento tradicional de las especies de Physalis en México

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    En México existe una alta diversidad genética de tomate de cáscara (Physalis spp.) silvestre y cultivado. Con el objetivo de revisar los usos que se le atribuyen a las especies del género Physalis en el país, se recopiló la información contenida en los ejemplares de tomate de cáscara de 15 herbarios mexicanos, incluidos el mexu, encb, chap, chapa, ibug, qmex y ansm. Se registraron los usos generales (comestible, industrial, medicinal, trampa vegetal, ornamental, forrajero, como juguete y ceremonial) asociados a 15 especies, que representan 24% de las 70 reconocidas en el territorio mexicano de las que se utiliza la raíz, el tallo, las hojas, el fruto y el cáliz. Por el número de especies involucradas, destacan los usos comestible y medicinal con 11 especies cada uno. En la medida que se conozcan y difundan los usos de las especies cultivadas y silvestres de Physalis y se apropie el proceso de utilización, existirá mayor aprovechamiento de los recursos del taxón y con ello mayor posibilidad de su conservación. Palabras clave: tomate de cáscara, tomate verde, etnobotánica, uso tradicional, diversidad específica. Traditional

    Desarrollo social de base en favelas de Río de Janeiro: un manual práctico

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    Este manual provee información, recursos y herramientas basadas en las lecciones y resultados de la investigación Sociabilidades Subterráneas, una colaboración internacional e interinstitucional que estudió la identidad, cultura y resistencia de favelas en Río de Janeiro

    From the favelas of Rio to the Kasbah of Algiers, community participation is the key to urban regeneration

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    The perceptions, behaviour, dreams, and aspirations of human communities need to be studied and recognised as a crucial source of urban expertise without which urban transformations remain partial and unsustainable, write Sandra Jovchelovitch (LSE) and Jacqueline Priego Hernández (University of Portsmouth)

    Bottom-up social development in favelas of Rio de Janeiro: a toolkit

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    This toolkit provides information, resources and tools based on the lessons and research findings of Underground Sociabilities, an international and interinstitutional partnership that studied the identity, culture and resilience of favela communities in Rio de Janeiro

    Non-conventional Patternmaking and Draping Methods: An Added Value for Apparel Design

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    Pattern making is a crucial stage in apparel development. Using non-conventional methods of pattern making besides the traditional flat pattern and draping mechanisms is a potential approach to add value to fashion products through originality and creativity. This study explains the process of experimentation using an unconventional technique, in this case the “draping technique†that belongs to the transformational recreation system (TR) created by Japanese designer and educator Shingo Sato, this method was combined with draping methods in order to take it further to add value to two original designs using a woven and a knit fabric

    Analysis of the subcellular targeting of the smaller replicase protein of Pelargonium flower break virus

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    [EN] Replication of all positive RNA viruses occurs in association with intracellular membranes. In many cases, the mechanism of membrane targeting is unknown and there appears to be no correlation between virus phylogeny and the membrane systems recruited for replication. Pelargonium flower break virus (PFBV, genus Carmovirus, family Tombusviridae) encodes two proteins, p27 and its read-through product p86 (the viral RNA dependent-RNA polymerase), that are essential for replication. Recent reports with other members of the family Tombusviridae have shown that the smaller replicase protein is targeted to specific intracellular membranes and it is assumed to determine the subcellular localization of the replication complex. Using in vivo expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions in plant and yeast cells, we show here that PFBV p27 localizes in mitochondria. The same localization pattern was found for p86 that contains the p27 sequence at its N-terminus. Cellular fractionation of p27GFP-expressing cells confirmed the confocal microscopy observations and biochemical treatments suggested a tight association of the protein to membranes. Analysis of deletion mutants allowed identification of two regions required for targeting of p27 to mitochondria. These regions mapped toward the N- and C-terminus of the protein, respectively, and could function independently though with distinct efficiency. In an attempt to search for putative cellular factors involved in p27 localization, the subcellular distribution of the protein was checked in a selected series of knockout yeast strains and the outcome of this approach is discussed. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This research was supported by grant BFU2006-11230 and BFU2009-11699 from MEC and MICINN (Spain), respectively, and by grants ACOM/2006/210 and ACOMP/2009/040 (Generalitat Valenciana, GV) to C.H. S.M.-T. was the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from GV and of a predoctoral contract from MEC.Martínez Turiño, S.; Hernandez Fort, C. (2012). Analysis of the subcellular targeting of the smaller replicase protein of Pelargonium flower break virus. Virus Research. 163(2):580-591. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.virusres.2011.12.011S580591163

    Efficient Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Nitrites from Cured Meat and Their Voltammetric Detection at Chemically Modified Electrodes Based on Hexamethyl-p-Terphenyl Poly(methylatedbenzimidazolium) Incorporating Nitrogen-Doped Graphite Nanoplatelets

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    We describe a fast and reliable procedure for the efficient extraction of nitrites in cured meat using microwave-assisted heat and report their in situ determination via voltammetry using an anion-exchanger ionene, hexamethyl-p-terphenyl poly(benzimidazolium) (HMT-PMBI), and nitrogen-doped graphite nanoplatelets (NGNPs). Cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry were utilized to evaluate the concentration of the redox mediator within the film and apparent diffusion coefficient. To investigate the suitability of the composite material for sensing applications, HMT-PMBI/NGNPs were tested for their detection of nitrite in bacon samples without the need of any pretreatments or dilutions. HMT-PMBI/NGNP coated electrodes showed enhanced sensitivity in the detection of nitrite ions in bacon with a limit of detection (LoD) of 0.64 µM, sensitivity 0.52 µA µM−1 cm−2, and operating in a linear range between 1–300 μM. The results highlight that the determination of nitrites in cured meat using microwave extraction is in good agreement with standard procedures such as the ISO 2918 and the AOAC International 973.31 methods

    Caracterización socio productiva, percepción y alternativas de adaptación al cambio climático en las comunidades Las Delicias, San Antonio y El Galope, comarca El Coyolar, El Tuma- La Dalia, II semestre 2014

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    El cambio climático es un fenómeno que ha venido afectando la producción agrícola del país y nuestro municipio El Tuma la Dalia, por eso los productores de las comunidades Las Delicias, San Antonio y El Galope están optando a nuevas alternativas de adaptación para contrarrestar este fenómeno que en los últimos años ha bajado el rendimiento productivos, es necesario que los productores de dichas comunidades tengan conocimiento de esta problemática. Que está afectando la producción en general en especial el rubros de granos básicos que es la única fuente de empleo que tienen los productores, para mejorar los ingresos económicos de los familias En esta investigación se trabajó con el objetivo conocer las características socio productiva percepción y alternativas de adaptación al cambio climático de las comunidades las delicias san Antonio y el galope al mismo tiempo obtener información clara del problema en el campo con la metodología de visitar a cada productor y adquirir sus conocimientos mediante entrevistas para cumplir con los trabajos asignados en la universidad unan FAREM Matagalpa y al mismo tiempo compartir experiencias a lo largo del proceso. Esta investigación se realizó con el propósito de recopilar información sobre el nivel de conocimiento que tienen los productores de dichas comunidades, también se evaluó las características sociales, el nivel de producción nivel escolar, sexo, promedio de edades, estado de las viviendas, tenencia de la vivienda, tenencia de la propiedad y principales rubros que cultivan los productores de las comunidades Las Delicias, San Antonio y El Galope del Municipio Tuma la Dalia, Matagalpa, 201
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