442 research outputs found

    Unprecedented layered coordination polymers of dithiolene group 10 metals: Magnetic and electrical properties

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    One-pot reactions between Ni(ii), Pd(ii) or Pt(ii) salts and 3,6-dichloro-1,2-benzenedithiol (HSC6H2Cl2SH) in KOH medium under argon lead to a series of bis-dithiolene coordination polymers. X-ray analysis shows the presence of a common square planar complex [M(SC6H2Cl2S)2]2- linked to potassium cations forming either a two-dimensional coordination polymer network for {[K2(μ-H2O)2(μ-thf)(thf)2][M(SC6H2Cl2S)2]}n [M = Ni (1) and Pd (2)] or a one-dimensional coordination polymer for {[K2(μ-H2O)2(thf)6][Pt(SC6H2Cl2S)2]}n (3). In 3 the coordination environment of the potassium ions may slightly change leading to the two-dimensional coordination polymer {[K2(μ-H2O)(μ-thf)2][Pt(SC6H2Cl2S)2]}n (4) that crystallizes together with 3. The physical characterization of compounds 1-3 show similar trends, they are diamagnetic and behave as semiconductorsWe thank financial support from MICINN (MAT2013-46753-C2-1-P, CTQ2014-52758-P and MAT2014-56143-R) and Generalitat Valenciana (PrometeoII/2014/076

    Structural diversity of compounds based on iron-dithiolene with sodium or potassium complexes

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Crystal Growth and Design, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.cgd.6b00921A series of iron dithiolene compounds with sodium or potassium complexes have been prepared by direct reactions. Their structures consist of coordination polymers of different dimensionalities or molecular compounds depending on the nature of the iron precursor, the presence or not of a donor substituent in the aromatic ring of the dithiolene ligand, and the amount of water molecules present during the crystallization. Since all these compounds are based on the combination of cationic alkaline and anionic iron-dithiolene entities that connect each other by coordination bonds, in order to favor local electroneutrality the structures obtained show that charged entities with a similar charge/size ratio pack more effectively. The flexibility of the potassium coordination environment seems to facilitate the structural diversity found for this family of compounds.Financial support from Spain’s MICINN (MAT2013-46753-C2-1-P and MAT2013-46502-C2-1-P) and Factoría de Cristalización (CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010) is gratefully acknowledged

    Espacio y decoración en el Art Nouveau

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    En el contenido de este trabajo final de grado se desarrolla una investigación acerca del movimiento Art Nouveau, pero se intenta abordar de una manera más innovadora. Se propone ilustrar algunas de las características de los interiores domésticos pertenecientes a este estilo mediante la relación entre la literatura y el cine. Por un lado, se toma como punto de partida una de las novelas literarias de la escritora francesa Colette, que goza de gran importancia, Chéri (1920); por otro lado, para progresar en esta memoria, se vincula la película Chéri (2009) basada en la descripción literaria para explicar a través del cine y de forma ilustrada la importancia de esta fase perteneciente a finales del siglo XIX. Puesto que el traslado cinematográfico es sólo una mera representación inventada, los elementos que aparecen y habitan el espacio interior de las estancias descritas están relacionadas con ejemplos reales que se identifican con la etapa del Modernismo y el Art Nouveau en Francia.In the content of this final degree project, an investigation is developed related to Art Nouveau movement, however, with an approach more innovative. The illustration suggests some characteristics associated to domestic interior belonging to this style, involving the relationship between the literature and cinema. Firstly, the basis is one of the literary novels which is highly esteemed, Chéri (1920), written by the french author Colette. On the other side, and in order to proceed with the tribute, the movie Chéri (2009) is also associated, as is based on the literary description and through illustrated basis, emphasises the importance of this period at the end of the nineteenth century. Due to the fact that the staging just refers to an imaginary scenario, the elements exposed and adorning the interior spaces are described in detail with real examples identifying the Modernism and the Art Nouveau in France.En el contingut d’aquest treball final de grau es desenvolupa una investigació sobre el moviment Art Nouveau, però s’intenta abordar d’una manera més innovadora. Es proposa il·lustrar algunes de les característiques dels interiors domèstics pertanyents a este estil per mitjà de la relació entre la literatura i el cinema. Per una banda, es té com a punt de partida una de les novel·les literàries de l’ escriptora francesa Colette, que gaudix de gran importància, Chéri (1920); d’altra banda, per a progressar en esta memòria, es vincula la pel·lícula Chéri (2009) basada en la descripció literària per a explicar a través del cine i de forma il·lustrada la importància d’aquesta fase pertanyent als finals del segle XIX. Com que el trasllat cinematogràfic és només una mera representació inventada, els elements que apareixen i habiten l’ espai interior de les dependències descrites es troben relacionades amb exemples reals que s’ identifiquen amb l’ etapa del Modernisme i l’Art Nouveau a FrançaDans le contenu de ce travail de fin d’ étude se développe une recherche sur l’Art Nouveau, dans l’intention de l’ aborder avec un esprit plus innovateur. L’ illustration choisie est basée sur certaines caractéristiques des intérieurs domestiques appartenant à ce style moyennent la relation entre la littérature et le cinéma. D’ une part, aidée par l’ un des ouvrages littéraires de l’ écrivain et romancière française Colette, qui possède d’une grande réputation, Chéri (1920); et d’un autre côté, pour progresser dans cette mémoire, le film Chéri (2009) l’ enrichi également puisqu’ il est basé sur la description littéraire pour définir à l’ aide du cinéma et de l’ illustration, l’importance de cette période appartenant à la fin du XIX siècle. Étant donné que la mise en scène cinématografique est seulement une représentation inventée, les élé- ments qui apparraisent et décorent l’ espace intérieur des pièces sont décrits avec des exemples réels qui identifient la durée du Modernisme et de l’Art Nouveau en France.Hernández Martín, EM. (2016). Espacio y decoración en el Art Nouveau. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/74197.TFG

    Synthesis and structural characterization of transition metal dithiolene derivatives containing divalent metals as counter-cations

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    Direct reactions between HSC 6 H 2 Cl 2 SH, FeCl 3 ·6H 2 O and divalent metal bases lead to the formation of the cation-anion metal-dithiolene complexes [Ca(H 2 O) 3 (OCMe 2 ) 4 ][Fe 2 (SC 6 H 2 Cl 2 S) 4 ]·3OCMe 2 and [Zn(DMF) 6 ][Fe 2 (SC 6 H 2 Cl 2 S) 4 ], as well as the molecular compound [Ba(OCMe 2 ) 6 ][Fe 2 (SC 6 H 2 Cl 2 S) 4 ], instead of metal-dithiolene coordination polymers as compared with results previously obtained when alkali metals, under similar conditions, were used. An alternative synthetic route based on the reactions between K 2 [Fe 2 (SC 6 H 2 Cl 2 S) 4 ] and ZnCl 2 ·6H 2 O or NiCl 2 ·6H 2 O was also evaluated, giving rise to the ion-pair compounds [Fe(H 2 O) 2 (THF) 4 ][Ni(SC 6 H 2 Cl 2 S) 2 ] 2 ·4THF and [Fe(H 2 O) 4 (THF) 2 ][Fe 2 (SC 6 H 2 Cl 2 S) 4 ]·4THF and the coordination polymer {[K 2 (THF) 8 ][Zn 6 (μ-Cl) 2 (SC 6 H 2 Cl 2 S) 4 (μ-κO:κO-SC 6 H 2 Cl(ClO 2 )S) 2 ]} n . It is interesting to remark that in the last compound the oxidation of one Cl substituent of a dithiolene ligand resulted in the formation of a Cl(O) 2 groupThis work was supported in part by MICINN (grant MAT2016-77608-C3-1-P

    Raising the Efficiency Limit of the GaAs-based Intermediate Band Solar Cell Through the Implementation of a Mololithic Tandem with an AlGaAs top Cell.

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    The high efficiency limit of the intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) corresponds to the case of using as intermediate band (IB) host material a semiconductor with gap in the range of 2 eV. Traditional photovoltaic materials, such as Si and GaAs, are not appropriate to produce IB devices because their gaps are too narrow. To overcome this problem, we propose the implementation of a multi-junction device consisting of an IBSC combined with a single gap cell. We calculate the efficiency limits using the detailed balance model and conclude that they are very high (> 60% under maximum concentration) for any fundamental bandgap from 0.7 to 3.6 eV in the IBSC inserted in the tandem. In particular, the two-terminal tandem of a GaAs-based IBSC current matched to an optimized AlGaAs top cell has an efficiency limit as high as 64%

    Estudio Ergonómico Específico en la empresa Rothe Erde Ibérica S.A.

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    Se pretende realizar una evaluación ergonómica en la empresa Roteisa – Rothe Erde Ibérica S.A. situada en la carretera Castellón Km. 7 Polígono Industrial “La Cartuja” en la Cartuja Baja (Zaragoza). El estudio ergonómico se va a realizar en el puesto de trabajo 5021: Taladro Ibarmia D1500. Se trata de un puesto de trabajo en el que se ejecuta una operación de taladrado mecanizado automático. Durante la actividad consistente en realizar los taladros de amarre de los aros (interior y exterior) de los rodamientos que fabrica la empresa, se observan tareas con riesgos ergonómicos evidentes que son objeto del presente estudio. La finalidad del estudio es evitar las situaciones críticas a nivel ergonómico o mejorar las condiciones ergonómicas que hasta el momento son consideradas perjudiciales para el trabajador

    Comparative studies of oxidation processes on Group 10 Metals Dithiolene Derivatives in the formation of coordination polymers

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript Version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in "Crystal Growth and Design", copyright © 2018 American Chemical Society after peer review and techical editing by publisher. To access the final and published work see "Comparative Studies of Oxidation Processes on Group 10 Metals Dithiolene Derivatives in the Formation of Coordination Polymers Oscar Castillo, Esther Delgado, Carlos J. Gómez-García, Diego Hernández, Elisa Hernández, Pilar Herrasti, Avelino Martín, and Félix Zamora Crystal Growth & Design 2018 18 (4), 2486-2494Air oxidation of the dithiolene derivatives {[K2(μ-H2O)2(μ-thf)(thf)2][Ni(SC6H2Cl2S)2]}n and {[K2(μ-H2O)2(thf)6][Pt(SC6H2Cl2S)2]}n yielded the ion-pair compounds [K(thf)6][M(SC6H2Cl2S)2] [M = Ni or Pt], while no reaction was observed for the case of {[K2(μ-H2O)2(μ-thf)(thf)2][Pd(SC6H2Cl2S)2]}n. Cyclic voltammetric studies have been used to rationalize this different behavior. Additionally, the new coordination polymers {[K2(thf)8][Ni4(SC6H4S)6]}n, {[K4(thf)4(H2O)2.28][Pd(O2SC6H4S)1.36(OSC6H4S)0.64]2}n, {[K2(H2O)4][Pd(O2SC6H4S)2][Pd(O2SC6H4S)(SC6H4S)]}n, and {[K4(thf)4(H2O)2.24][Pt(O2SC6H4S)1.38(OSC6H4S)0.62]2}n have been obtained using a similar synthetic strategy, i.e., oxidation reactions of group 10 metals dithiolene derivatives bearing (SC6H4S)2– ligandsThis work was supported in part by MICINN (grants MAT2016-77608-C3-1-P, MAT2016-75883-C2-1-P, CTQ2013-44625-R and and CTQ2017-87201-P) and Generalitat Valenciana (PrometeoII/2014/076

    Group 10 Metal Benzene-1,2-dithiolate Derivatives in the Synthesis of Coordination Polymers Containing Potassium Countercations

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Inorganic Chemistry, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b01775The use of theoretical calculations has allowed us to predict the coordination behavior of dithiolene [M(SC6H4S)2]2- (M = Ni, Pd, Pt) entities, giving rise to the first organometallic polymers {[K2(μ-H2O)2][Ni(SC6H4S)2]}n and {[K2(μ-H2O)2(thf)]2[K2(μ-H2O)2(thf)2][Pd3(SC6H4S)6]}n by one-pot reactions of the corresponding d10 metal salts, 1,2-benzenedithiolene, and KOH. The polymers are based on σ,π interactions between potassium atoms and [M(SC6H4S)2]2- (M = Ni, Pd) entities. In contrast, only σ interactions are observed when the analogous platinum derivative is used instead, yielding the coordination polymer {[K2(μ-thf)2][Pt(SC6H4S)2]}nThis work was supported in part by the MICINN (grants MAT2016-77608-C3-1-P and MAT2016-75883-C2-1-P), Generalitat Valenciana (PrometeoII/2014/076), and ISIC. J.I.M. acknowledges financial support by the “Ramon y Cajal ́ ” Program of MINECO (RYC-2015-17730

    The reversibility of cellular automata on trees with loops

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    [EN] In this work the notion of linear cellular automata on trees with loops is introduced and the reversibility problem in some particular cases is tackled. The explicit expressions of the inverse cellular automata are computed

    Condiciones de vida en las cuencas mineras centrales de Asturias durante la fase expansiva de la revolución industrial asturiana (1885-1907) a través de las Topografías Médicas

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    En este artículo exponemos las duras condiciones de vida de los obreros minero-metalúrgicos de las cuencas mineras del Nalón y del Caudal-Aller analizando las Topografías Médicas en el momento de expansión de la revolución industrial asturiana. El sistema básico de supervivencia estaba plagado de anomalías que se justifican por el escaso rendimiento fabril debido a los «obreros mixtos». Aspecto que no se pudo resolver con las ayudas empresariales que ofrecía el «pensamiento paternalista»