27 research outputs found

    Studi Aplikasi Keramik Znbico Sebagai Termistor Ntc

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    STUDY ON THE APPLICA TION OF ZnBiCo CERAMICS AS NTC THERMISTORS. A study onthe application ofZnO-Bi203-CoO (ZnBiCo) ceramicsfor NTC thermistors had been carried out. The aim ofthisstudywas tofind alternative NTCthermistors. The studywas done as follow. Powder ofZnO, CoO andBi203 with concentration of Bi203 of 0, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 mole % and of CoO of 2 mole % werehomogeneously mixed. The mixedpowder was pressed with pressure of3.9ton/cm2 into pellets and sinteredat HOCfC in airfor 1 hour. The sintered pellets were evaluated using x-ray diffraction (XRD), opticalmicroscope andSEM(Scanningelectron microscope). Resistivity-temperature characteristic (p-Tcurve) wasdetermined through measurement of resistivity at various temperatures from room temperature to WCfC.XRD andmicrostructure datashowed thatmostofCoOformed a solid solution withZnOmatrix while Bi203was segregated at grain boundaries as ZnO,24Bi203 second phase. It was known that the all ceramicsproducedin this studyhad the same structure i.e. hexagonal. It was known also that the addition ofBi203increased the average grain size of the ZnBiCo ceramics. Electrical data showed that Bi203 increased theroom temperature resistivity (ps^) and the thermistor constant (B) of the ZnBiCo ceramic thermistors. Thethermistor constant and sensitivity (a) of the thermistor ceramics in this study were relatively high (largerthan 200(fKfor Band larger than 2.2 (°K)~lfor a)andsuitableforcommercial application


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    This study aims to determine the influence of independent variables, namely service quality and promotion, on the dependent variable customer loyalty with the intervening customer satisfaction variable. Influence testing in this study was carried out partially and simultaneously as well as a Sobel test to determine the influence of mediation variables. The study took samples from Eigerindo consumers who are in the Tamansiswa area. This research method uses a non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling method. Data collection is carried out using a google form by distributing questionnaire links. The number of questionnaires processed is 100 and processed using SPSS 24. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that each independent variable affects the dependent variable, namely: 1) The service quality variable has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. 2) The promotion variable has no effect on customer satisfaction. 3) The variables of customer satisfaction and service quality have a positive effect on Eigerindo Tamansiswa's customer loyalty. 3) The promotion variable has no effect on Eigerindo Tamansiswa's customer loyalty

    Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Wewenang Inspektorat Daerah dalam Rangka Pengawasan Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Kabupaten Semarang

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    Tujuan yang akan dicapai dengan adanya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan tugas dan kewenangan yang dilakukan oleh Inspektorat Daerah dalam rangka pengawasan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di daerah dan untuk mengetahui hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi oleh Inspektorat Daerah dalam melakukan tugas pengawasan terhadap penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di daerah dan cara mengatasinya. Tugas dan wewenang Inspektorat Daerah telah sesuai dengan peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Dalam pelaksanaannya, Inspektorat Daerah Kabupaten Semarang melakukan pengawasan terhadap urusan pemerintahan, pembinaan atas penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa dan pelaksanaan urusan pemerintahan desa untuk mewujudkan agar penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah di Kabupaten Semarang dapat berjalan secara efisien, efektif, bersih dan bebas dari korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme sehingga sesuai dengan rencana Pemerintah dan ketentuan peraturan Perundangan. Namun dalam melaksanakan tugas pengawasan, terdapat beberapa hambatan yang dihadapi oleh Inspektorat Daerah Kabupaten Semarang yaitu sarana dan prasana yang kurang memadai dan keterbatasan dana yang dialokasikan dari APBD (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah

    Effect of Iron Rich Foods SMS Intervention on Iron Intake in Pregnant Women with Anemia

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    Pregnancy-related anemia has been linked to many undesirable consequences for both mothers and their children. Prevention of anemia in pregnant women can be supported through health promotion media such as SMS-gateway. This study was focused on knowing the effect of SMS gateway knowledge about foods high in iron on intake of foods high in iron in anemic pregnant women. The study was used a double-blind randomized controlled trial to analyze the effect of SMS intervention on iron-rich food on 68 anemic pregnant women at seven health centers in Makassar City. The intervention applied the software Gili SMS®  to deliver SMS interventions. The intervention was given on days 3, 10, 17, and 24 of the study, and food recalls were carried out on days 0 and 28 of the study using the 24-hour food recall method. We found that there was no significant difference on intake of iron but a significant difference between intake of energy and carbohydrate between control and intervention group after SMS gateway intervention. By the recommendations in one of the verses in the Qur'an, pregnant women are encouraged to choose and consume good food such as vegetable and animal protein produced by plants and animals. Foods are suitable for the body and provide all the nutrients needed for the body's normal functioning. We found no increased of iron intake after SMS intervention in pregnant women with anemia


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    Tohono O'odham Indigenous peoples are indigenous people of the United States Sonoran desert are mostly located in the state of Arizona, United States of America and the state of Sonoran, Mexico. As a tribe indigenous peoples solidarity high and is in the border area the United States and Mexico, indigenous peoples have often migrated when will conduct spiritual ceremonies and other spiritual-along with Tohono O’odham Indigenous peoples. Therefore, the Tohono O'odham Indigenous peoples have to protect about the US President's policy is Donal Trump was the construction of the border wall the United States and Mexico is considered to interfere with the sovereignty of the Tohono O'odham Indigenous Peoples and also can disrupt their ancestral lands because The border wall will be built right on the Tohono O'odham’s land. About to protection carried out against the policy, but there is no response or the possibility that the construction of the border wall will be canceled. If this policy continues, then fear will be worse impact on the environment and lifestyle of indigenous Tohono O'odham itself. Tohono O'odham are desperately needs the freedom to cross the border because of the Tohono O'odham indigenous peoples is very important to maintain the cultural aspects of their tribe, where they must gather together for to do ceremonial or their activities spiritual although far from their land.   Masyarakat adat Tohono O'odham merupakan masyarakat asli Amerika Serikat di gurun Sonoran yang sebagian besar berada di negara bagian Arizona, Amerika Serikat dan negara bagian Sonoran, Meksiko. Sebagai masyarakat adat yang solidaritas sukunya tinggi dan berada di daerah perbatasan Amerika Serikat dan Meksiko, masyarakat adat ini kerap kali melakukan imigrasi apabila akan melaksanakan upacara adat dan spiritual-spiritual lainnya bersama dengan seluruh masyarakat suku Tohono O'odham. Oleh karena itu, Masyarakat adat Tohono O'odham telah melakukan proteksi terhadap kebijakan Presiden Amerika Serikat dalam hal ini Donal Trump yaitu pembangunan tembok perbatasan Amerika Serikat dan Meksiko dianggap dapat mengganggu kedaulatan suku masyarakat Tohono O'odham dan juga dapat mengganggu lahan nenek moyang mereka karena tembok perbatasan tersebut akan di bangun tepat pada lahan masyarakat Tohono O'odham. Terkait dengan proteksi yang dilakukan terhadap kebijakan tersebut, tetapi belum ada respon atau kemungkinan bahwa pembangunan tembok perbatasan tersebut akan dibatalkan.  Apabila kebijakan ini berlanjut, maka di takutkan akan lebih berdampak buruk lagi terhadap lingkungan dan gaya hidup masyarakat adat Tohono O'odham itu sendiri. Masyarakat Tohono O'odham sangat membutuhkan kebebasan untuk melintasi daerah perbatasan karena bagi masyarakat adat Tohono O'odham sangat penting untuk menjaga aspek budaya suku mereka, dimana mereka harus berkumpul satu sama lain uuntuk melaksanan kegiatan seremonial atau kegiatan - kegiatan spiritual mereka meskipun jauh dari tanah air mereka


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    Teacher's commitment is the key to improve education. The purpose of this research is to investigate the efforts to increase teacher commitment through quality culture in schools. Based on 110 samples involved this research, it is found that the improvement of teacher commitment can be achieved by optimizing the quality culture in schools. The optimization of the quality culture in schools can be achieved through several ways: the fulfillment of infrastructure; internal and external customer satisfaction; development of teacher professionalism; team work; collaboration with other parties (parents, school board, and society); school evaluation and determination of reward and punishment.Keywords: teacher's commitment, quality culture, education

    Native Mycorrhizal Fungi in Land Contaminated Cr, Co and Cu

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    Mycorrhizal fungi that are capable of adapting and resistant to heavy metal contaminated environments have received special attention for phytorhizoremediation researchers. The aim of the study was to explore native mycorrhizal fungi from areas contaminated with heavy metals to be used as starter biological agents in the phytorhizoremediation program. This research was carried out in two phases, i.e. rhizosphere sampling of Polypodium glycyrrhiza, Sumasang sp (local name) and Spathoglottis plicata at coordinates 2O31'57,6"S and 121O22'50,7"E. Rhizosphere of Chromolaena odorata, Melastama affine and Nephrolepis exaltata at coordinates 2O31'53,5"S and 121O22'35,4"E, Sorowako, Indonesia; While the other phase is isolating and identifying mycorrhizal spores in the Microbiology Laboratory, Research and Development Center for Environment and Forestry in Makassar, Indonesia. The results showed that be discovered three genus of mycorrhizal fungi were able to adapt and resistant in areas contaminated with Cr, Co, and Cu, i.e. 44.44% to 75.86% Acaulospora sp; 9.52% to 44.44% Gigaspora sp, and 3.38% to 19.05% Glomus sp.  which could be used as source of inoculum in Phyto-rhizoremediation program.   We recommend using native mycorrhizal fungi combined with endemic plant of location to rehabilitation heavy metal contaminated soils

    Ambiguous Policy on Securing the Vital Objects of The Indonesian Armed Forces in East Java

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    The World Maritime Axis Policy President of the Republic of Indonesia, places the defense sector as one of the main pillars that must be prepared optimally to secure the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Safeguarding vital objects of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) is a priority to anticipate potential threats. The biggest strength of the Navy is at the East Java  2nd Fleet Command which is very strategic in securing Indonesia's territory, where most of its territory is sea. On this basis, researchers carry out research aimed at analyzing how the security of vital TNI objects, especially in their territorial waters at the 2nd Fleet Command Headquarters, East Java  . supporting and inhibiting factors for implementation and formulating the best policy models for securing vital objects. The research method used was descriptive qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The theory used is the theory of implementation of public policy George Edward III. The results showed that the communication variables, dispositions and bureaucratic structures were relatively well run, while the resource variables found inhibiting factors related to the budget, human resources and facilities / infrastructure. As a theoretical criticism in this study, the existence of policy ambiguity in determining the Defense Area Plan (RWP) and the Detailed Defense Area Plan (RRWP) which became the operational basis for securing vital objects, especially the TNI until this research was implemented, did not yet exist. This is due to the strong interests of stake holders related to defense, economic and environmental interests. So in conclusion this research is that the implementation of the policy of securing vital objects of the TNI cannot be realized optimally if there is still policy ambiguity. So that the recommendation of this study is that an independent institution is needed which can be a driving force of policies in the field of national vita object security. Keywords: Vital Object, Indonesian National Armed Forces, Ambiguity DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-1-08 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Studi Korelasi Kehamilan Usia Remaja dengan Insiden Berat Badan Bayi Lahir Rendah

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    Latar belakang: World Health Organization (WHO) mendefinisikan Berat Bayi Lahir Rendah (BBLR) merupakan kondisi dimana bayi lahir dengan berat kurang dari 2500 gram. Usia pada saat kehamilan menjadi salah satu faktor dalam kejadian BBLR terkhusus pada usia remaja. Kehamilan pada usia remaja < 20 tahun memiliki risiko medis lebih tinggi yang dapat merugikan bagi kesehatan ibu maupun janin. Metode: Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu analitik observasional. dengan pendekatan Cross sectional study. Sampel pada penelitian menggunakan rekam medik pasien di Puskesmas Tamangapa dan Puskesmas Jongaya Kota Makassar Tahun 2020-2021 sebanyak 330 sampel. Hasil: Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kehamilan usia remaja dengan kejadian berat bayi lahir rendah dengan nilai p-value 0.000. Kesimpulan: Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kehamilan usia remaja dengan kejadian berat bayi lahir rendah di Puskesmas Tamangapa dan Puskesmas Jongaya Kota Makassar Tahun 2020-2021

    Optimization of Service Factors in PPI Tanjung Limau Bontang in Supporting Fishing Activites

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    Utilization and optimization of service facilities at the PPI Tanjung Limau Bontang in supporting fishing businesses and strategies for developing service facilities in increasing fishing business activities that utilize the PPI Tanjung Limau Bontang. In this regard, an analysis is carried out to achieve priority alternative strategies. So that the achievement of service optimization can be carried out properly and sustainably. The aim of the study was to analyze the optimization of the utilization of available facilities and to analyze the strategy for optimizing the PPI Tanjung Limau to be applied in developing services under current conditions. the results of calculating the optimal utilization of service facilities, namely the TPI Building, Mooring Pier, Port Administration Office, Meeting Hall, Guard Post, IPAL, Kiosk or Shop and Parking Area. Meanwhile, service facilities whose utilization rate is not optimal are land 87%, Wharf unloading 50%, SPBN 80%, clean water tank 66.67%, electrical installation 20.67%, MCK (toilet) 66.67%, shipping lanes 65, 38% and anchorage pond 19.43%. The results of the SWOT analysis showed that the coordinate X value on the Cartesius diagram 0.77 and the coordinate Y 0.36 and the implementation of the strategy S-O (Strength-opportunity)