10 research outputs found

    Design of Home Network Architecture using ACE/TAO Real Time Event Service

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    This paper proposes a home network design based on publisher/subscriber architecture which is developed using ACE/TAO Real-time Event Service (RTES) as the middleware platform. This design addresses a feature to support a real-time implementation for home network application such as home automation. Home network participants have been classified into several components based on consumer and supplier implementation in the ACE/TAO RTES in order to simplify the design. To optimize the network utilization, events are filtered based on their type and source for each publisher and subscriber. To deal with heterogeneous type of home appliances, event header information has been extended to wrap more information. Each of events can be configured with a specific scheduling and priority setting to meet its quality of service (QoS) according to the requirement. Network performance in handling an increasing number of consumer or supplier has been evaluated and show an acceptable result. Keywords: Home Network, ACE/TAO, RTES, QoS

    Rancang Bangun Robot Pengantar Menu Makanan Dengan Mengikuti Jalur Berdasarkan Prinsip Induktansi

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    Line follower robot is a kind of autonomous mobile robot which has a mission to follow a guide line that has been determined. In this final project will be presented in a food menu delivery robot with a path made of metal. The use of metal point is intended to cover the shortage from the use of colored lines that are vulnerable to changes in lighting and dirt. Therefore it should be made of metal sensor by detecting changes in inductance of the coil when brought near to the metal. Robots are required to deliver food menu to the goal, the goal is a table that has been compiled regularly. Mapping should be done so that the robot can travel into the goal automatically. Reservations made at a robot that brings a menu that is connected wirelessly to the kitchen computer. The result is a robot can follow the straight path that has been determined correctly, with 100% success rate. So as to achieve the goal table, the robot is running well, with the percentage of success to the table is right at 86.67%, with the ability to avoid collisions at 93.33%

    Velocity control of ROV using modified integral SMC with optimization tuning based on Lyapunov analysis

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    Remotely Operated Vehicle also known as ROV is a vehicle with high nonlinearity and uncertainty parameters that requires a robust control system to maintain stability. The nonlinearity and uncertainty of ROV are caused by underwater environmental conditions and by the movement of the vehicle. SMC is one of the control systems that can overcome nonlinearity and uncertainty with the given robust system. This work aims to control velocity of the vehicle with proposes the use of modified integral SMC compensate error in ROV and the use of particle swarm optimization (PSO) to optimize the adjustment of SMC parameters. The ROV used in this paper has a configuration of six thrusters with five DoF movements that can be controlled. Modified integral sliding mode is used to control all force direction to increase the convergence of speed error. Adjustment optimization techniques with PSO are used to determine four values of sliding control parameters for five DoF. Using Lyapunov stability approach control law of sliding mode is derived and its global stability proved mathematically. Simulation results are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Modified Integral SMC and compared with nonlinear control

    Fuzzy-PID controller for an energy efficient personal vehicle: Two-wheel electric skateboard

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    The two-wheeled electric skateboard (TWS) is designed for a personal vehicle. A Fuzzy-PID control strategy is designed and implemented for controlling its motion. Basically, motions control of the TWS is performed by balancing the pitch position of the TWS. Performance of the designed controller is demonstrated experimentally. The Fuzzy algorithm updates the PID gains and therefore it can handle the changing of the TWS load. Contribution of Fuzzy-PID in reducing the electric energy consumption, which is an important issue in electrical system, is also evaluated. The Fuzzy-PID successes to reduce the electric energy consumption of the TWS compared to the conventional PID

    Design of Curriculum Matrix for Robotics Education Derived from Bloom's Taxonomy and Educational Curriculum of 2013

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    Even though robotics have gaining an attention from students of every educational level since elementary school up to higher education, their impact in student’s education itself is still relatively small. Most of the robotics competitions in Indonesia are still focus on the result but not in the process. This paper presents an educational matrix of curriculum based on robotics which focused on the process and learning outcomes of the education. The proposed Curriculum Matrix is derived from Bloom's Taxonomy which synchronized with the Educational Curriculum of 2013 from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. Hereafter, the activities of education are designed based the available robotics module together with the designed Curriculum Matrix. By using the Curriculum Matrix, the proportion of education activities can be evaluated to achieve the learning outcomes for the specified educational level more easil

    Sensor Coordination for Behavior of Search Robot Using Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)

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    We developed a robot for searching victims for survivors of natural disasters. Almost all robots need to navigate a state in the environment to help people around them, therefore the robot should have performance a mapping system. Thus improve the performance of robots in knowing the obstacles, the position and the direction toward the robot with the task of each sensor is to detect obstacles or objects that exist in the use of ultrasonic sensors to avoid bumping into obstacles, to detect the position and determine the distance of the robot using a rotary sensor encoder and to determine the direction toward, direction and elevation angle of the robot using IMU sensor. Whole of the sensor is set by the microcontroller STM32F407VGT6 that sent data from each sensor to a PC using XBee Pro. Therefore, robot create a mapping with OpenGL on the PC. Mapping system plays an important role for fast and accurate to the destination. We conclude, in the robot SLAM method depends on the precision of the data in the sensor US2 (Right), US4 (Left) and the rotary encoder. The test results of the output data at the right ultrasonic sensor produces error US2 16.9%, 14.6% US4 left ultrasonic and rotary encoder sensor error to 19.45%

    Kinematics modeling of six degrees of freedom humanoid robot arm using improved damped least squares for visual grasping

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    The robotic arm has functioned as an arm in the humanoid robot and is generally used to perform grasping tasks. Accordingly, kinematics modeling both forward and inverse kinematics is required to calculate the end-effector position in the cartesian space before performing grasping activities. This research presents the kinematics modeling of six degrees of freedom (6-DOF) robotic arm of the T-FLoW humanoid robot for the grasping mechanism of visual grasping systems on the robot operating system (ROS) platform and CoppeliaSim. Kinematic singularity is a common problem in the inverse kinematics model of robots, but. However, other problems are mechanical limitations and computational time. The work uses the homogeneous transformation matrix (HTM) based on the Euler system of the robot for the forward kinematics and demonstrates the capability of an improved damped least squares (I-DLS) method for the inverse kinematics. The I-DLS method was obtained by improving the original DLS method with the joint limits and clamping techniques. The I-DLS performs better than the original DLS during the experiments yet increases the calculation iteration by 10.95%, with a maximum error position between the end-effector and target positions in path planning of 0.1 cm

    Rancang Bangun Mobile Robot Pelempar Bola pada Olahraga Sepak Bola

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    Beberapa peneliti telah melakukan penelitian dan pengembangan sebuah alat berupa Ball Launcher. Penelitian yang telah dilakukan masih terdapat beberapa keterbatasan yaitu, pada saat hendak menembak atau melontarkan bola ke gawang, pengaturan arah alat harus dilakukan dengan cara manual, jika ingin mengubah pengaturan kecepatan dari pelontar, pengoprasiaanya masih menjadi satu kesatuan pada alat tersebut dan untuk memindahakan alat tersebut masih dengan cara manual. Pada penelitian ini, dikembangkanlah sebuah mobile robot pelempar bola yang dapat melontarkan bola ke arah yang dapat diatur, baik ke arah horizontal maupun vertikal secara otomatis. Untuk memindahkan  mobile robot pelempar bola dapat dioperasikan melalui aplikasi yang terinstal di handphone. Hasil dari penelitian ini, bahwa alat dapat melontarkan bola dari titik pinalti ke arah gawang sebanyak 71 kali, dengan total tembakan tepat sasaran sebanyak 67 kali dan tembakan tidak tepat sasaran sebanyak 4 kali. Alat dapat mengarahkan lontaran bola secara horizontal maupun vertikal dengan baik, untuk pergerakan arah vertikal alat dapat berputar sebesar 30° ke arah atas gawang dan untuk pergerakan arah horizontal alat dapat berputar  sebesar 18° ke arah kanan maupun kiri gawang. Posisi alat dapat dioperasikan melalui handphone dan pergerakannya dapat berjalan dengan baik mengarah ke arah depan, belakang, kanan dan kiri alat di lapangan sepak bola.  Kata kunci—Mobile Robot, Pelempar Bola, Sepak Bola, Rancang Bangun

    Teen-Size Humanoid “FLoW†Complete Analytical Kinematics

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    Humanoid research in Indonesia is quite a lot, but in reality only limited in kid-size proportional size, while for the Teen-Size is still rare. Research on the Teen-Size Humanoid robot requires more joints to be able to perform the movement compared to the size of Kid-Size, therefore required more complex modeling to determine the movement. With complete kinematics anlysis, the movement of the robot can be solved. With kinematic forward-invers, researchers can determine the movement of robots by controlling the motor parts that function as a joint on the robot. In this study, the modeling uses D-H parameter, because this modeling has been widely used, besides the calculation can be solved by computing. And then for the simulation can be done with V-REP software. Forward-invers kinematics can be implemented on the PID algorithm, in order to generate speed on the motor that can form an angle on the motor to make the movement. The result of this research is to obtain equation of matrix transformation from all body parts of robot. With the creation of this Humanoid Teen-Size robot, it is hoped that the research on Humanoid robot in Indonesia will be increasingly diverse and increasing, and can be used as a support and reference in the development of Humanoid Teen-Size next

    Teen-Size Humanoid “FLoW” Complete Analytical Kinematics

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    Humanoid research in Indonesia is quite a lot, but in reality only limited in kid-size proportional size, while for the Teen-Size is still rare. Research on the Teen-Size Humanoid robot requires more joints to be able to perform the movement compared to the size of Kid-Size, therefore required more complex modeling to determine the movement. With complete kinematics anlysis, the movement of the robot can be solved. With kinematic forward-invers, researchers can determine the movement of robots by controlling the motor parts that function as a joint on the robot. In this study, the modeling uses D-H parameter, because this modeling has been widely used, besides the calculation can be solved by computing. And then for the simulation can be done with V-REP software. Forward-invers kinematics can be implemented on the PID algorithm, in order to generate speed on the motor that can form an angle on the motor to make the movement. The result of this research is to obtain equation of matrix transformation from all body parts of robot. With the creation of this Humanoid Teen-Size robot, it is hoped that the research on Humanoid robot in Indonesia will be increasingly diverse and increasing, and can be used as a support and reference in the development of Humanoid Teen-Size next