43 research outputs found

    "Tarttis ottaa ihminen ihmisenä", Päihdepalvelujen asiakkaiden ja ammattilaisten kokemuksia asioinnista, palveluista ja kohtaamisesta FSHKY:n alueella

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää päihdepalveluiden asiakkaiden ja ammattilaisten kokemuksia siitä, kuinka päihteidenkäyttö vaikuttaa asiointiin, palveluihin ja kohtaamiseen. Tutkimuskysymykset tutkimuksessa olivat: kuinka päihteiden käyttö on vaikuttanut palveluiden saamiseen ja kohtaamiseen palveluissa sekä voivatko asiakkaat vaikuttaa palveluihinsa ja kuntoutumiseensa. Tutkimus toteutettiin Forssan seudun hyvinvointikuntayhtymän alueella. Päihteitä käyttävien asiakkaiden ja ammattilaisten kokemuksia on ennenkin tutkittu, mutta aihe on aina ajankohtainen, koska päihteitä käyttävät asiakkaat ovat oleellinen osa sosiaalityön asiakaskuntaa. Lisäksi alueellinen tutkimus voi tuoda uutta tietoa alueen palveluiden toimivuudesta ja kehitystarpeista. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu osallisuudesta ja kohtaamisen elementeistä. Osallisuus on tärkeä kokonaisuus, kun tarkastellaan sosiaalityön asiakkaita tai asiakkuuksia, sillä se on sekä keino saavuttaa tavoitteita että itse päämäärä. Tässä tutkimuksessa osallisuutta tarkastellaan kolmesta eri näkökulmasta: osallisuudesta omaan elämään, osallisuudesta palveluihin sekä osallisuus yhteiskunnan näkökulmasta. Erilaiset kohtaamisen elementit nousivat keskeisiksi sisällöiksi aineistosta, joten myös teoreettinen viitekehys avaa kohtaamisen elementeistä luottamuksellisen suhteen, asiakkaan kunnioittamisen ja dialogisuuden. Tutkimus on laadullinen tutkimus, jossa on käytetty kahta erilaista aineistoa. Aineisto koostuu A-klinikan asiakkaiden haastatteluista sekä A-klinikan ja aikuissosiaalityön ammattilaisten kyselyvastauksista. Aineiston keruun menetelmät olivat teemahaastattelu ja sähköinen kysely kirjoituspyyntönä. Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin aineistolähtöisellä analyysillä ja teemoittelulla. Tutkimuksen tulokset voidaan kuvata neljällä pääteemalla; päihteidenkäytön vaikutukset arkeen, vaikutukset palveluihin, vaikutukset kohtaamiseen sekä toiveet tulevaisuuteen. Päihteidenkäytön vaikutukset asiakkaan arkeen näyttäytyivät osallisuutta heikentävinä sekä arkea vaikeuttavina. Asiakkaiden arki näyttäytyi kaaoksena, asioiden hoitamattomuutena sekä negatiivisten asioiden kehänä. Palveluihin pääseminen koettiin vaikeana eikä asiakkailla monesti koettu olevan osallisuutta palveluissa. Päihteidenkäytön vaikutukset kohtaamiseen olivat vahvasti negatiivisia ja näyttäytyivät asiakkaan huonona kohteluna, leimaamisena sekä epäluottamuksena. Tulevaisuuden toiveissa asiakkaat ja ammattilaiset esittivät erilaisia muutostarpeita tulevaisuuteen. Tutkimuksen teoria osallisuudesta ja kohtaamisesta tukee tuloksia. Tuloksien perusteella vodaani todeta, että päihteiden käyttäjät ovat heikommassa asemassa palvelujärjestelmässä ja he kohtaavat monesti hankaluuksia palveluiden saamisessa sekä kohtaamisessa

    Evaluation of quality assurance, condition investigations and repair plans in state-supported indoor air and moisture damaged renovation projects

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    Valtion vuoden 2013 lisätalousarviosta myönnettiin avustuksia oppilaitosten ja päiväkotien sisäilma- ja kosteusvauriohankkeille. Korjaushankkeiden laadun varmistamiseksi avustuksen käytölle asetettiin ehtoja. Ehtojen mukaan rakennustyöltä tulee edellyttää riittäviä laadunvarmistus- sekä kosteuden- ja pölynhallintatoimenpiteitä. Hankkeelle pitää laatia laadunvarmistusohje sekä kosteuden- ja pölynhallintasuunnitelma. Lisäksi rakennuksen kunto pitää selvittää riittävin kuntotutkimuksin ja korjaussuunnitelmien tulee sisältää kaikkien kuntotutkimuksissa esiin tulleiden sisäilmaongelmien ja kosteusvaurioihin vaikuttavien vikojen ja vaurioiden korjaaminen. Tässä työssä on arvioitu korjaushankkeilta edellytettyjen laadunvarmistus-, kosteuden- ja pölynhallintatoimenpiteiden sekä kuntotutkimusten ja korjaussuunnitelmien laatua ja riittävyyttä korjausten suorittamiseksi. Työssä on tutkittu kolmentoista valtionavustusta saaneen koulu- ja päiväkotihankkeen asiakirjoja sekä haastateltu korjaushankkeiden kuntotutkijat, korjaussuunnittelijat sekä rakennustöiden valvojat tai rakennuttajat. Tutkimuksen tuloksena on esitetty kehitystapoja sisäilma- ja kosteusvauriokorjausten toimintamalleihin ja alan käytäntöihin sekä parannuksia valtion avustamilta korjaushankkeilta edellytettäviin valtionavustusehtoihin. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että rakennuttajan esittäessä vaatimuksensa asiantuntijan laatimassa erillisessä laadunvarmistusohjeessa tai kosteuden- ja pölynhallintasuunnitelmassa, hankkeelta edellytetyt vaatimukset ovat kohdekohtaisesti harkittuja, niiden laatutaso on hyvä ja sisältö riittävä korjaustöiden suorittamiseksi. Vaatimusten esittäminen rakennusalalla yleisesti käytössä olevien tunnettujen ohjeistojen mukaisina selkeyttää vaatimusten asettamista, helpottaa urakoitsijan urakkatarjouksen antamista ja työmaan toimintojen suunnittelua. Korjaushankkeen laadunvarmistusprosessin selkeyttämiseksi valtionavustusehdot tulisi muotoilla selkeämmin ohjaaviksi siten, että hankkeelta edellytettyjen laadunvarmistus- sekä kosteuden- ja pölynhallinta-asiakirjojen laatimisen osapuolet ja heidän velvoitteensa korjausprosessissa tulisivat selvemmin esille. Lisäksi sisäilma- ja kosteusvaurioiden laadukkaan korjaamisen varmistamiseksi, valtionavustusehdoissa tulisi edellyttää riittävän pätevyyden omaavan sisäilma-asiantuntijan nimeämistä hankkeeseen sen suunnitteluvaiheesta lähtien

    Different species trait groups of stream diatoms show divergent responses to spatial and environmental factors in a subarctic drainage basin

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    Understanding the drivers of community structure is an important topic in ecology. We examined whether different species trait groups of stream diatoms (ecological guilds and specialization groups) show divergent responses to spatial and environmental factors in a subarctic drainage basin. We used local- and catchment-scale environmental and spatial variables in redundancy analysis and variation partitioning to examine community structuring. Local and catchment conditions and spatial variables affected diatom community structure with different relative importance. Local-scale environmental variables explained most of the variation in the low-profile and motile guilds, whereas local and spatial variables explained the same amount of the variation in the high-profile guild. The variations in the planktic guild and the specialist species were best explained by spatial variables, and catchment variables explained most variation only in generalist species. Our study showed that diatom communities in subarctic streams are a result of both environmental filtering and spatial processes. Our findings also suggested that dividing whole community into different groups by species traits can increase understanding of metacommunity organization.Peer reviewe

    Different species trait groups of stream diatoms show divergent responses to spatial and environmental factors in a subarctic drainage basin

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    Understanding the drivers of community structure is an important topic in ecology. We examined whether different species trait groups of stream diatoms (ecological guilds and specialization groups) show divergent responses to spatial and environmental factors in a subarctic drainage basin. We used local- and catchment-scale environmental and spatial variables in redundancy analysis and variation partitioning to examine community structuring. Local and catchment conditions and spatial variables affected diatom community structure with different relative importance. Local-scale environmental variables explained most of the variation in the low-profile and motile guilds, whereas local and spatial variables explained the same amount of the variation in the high-profile guild. The variations in the planktic guild and the specialist species were best explained by spatial variables, and catchment variables explained most variation only in generalist species. Our study showed that diatom communities in subarctic streams are a result of both environmental filtering and spatial processes. Our findings also suggested that dividing whole community into different groups by species traits can increase understanding of metacommunity organization.Peer reviewe

    Niche position drives interspecific variation in occupancy and abundance in a highly-connected lake system

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    Highlights • We studied interspecific variation in occupancy and abundance of freshwater species. • Occupancy and abundance correlated positively for both diatoms and macroinvertebrates. • Niche position had clearest effects on variation in occupancy and abundance. • The more marginal the niche position, the rarer a species is.We examined how niche position, niche breadth, biological traits and taxonomic relatedness affect interspecific variation in occupancy and abundance of two commonly-used biological indicator groups, i.e. diatoms and macroinvertebrates. We studied 291 diatom and 103 macroinvertebrate species that occupied the littoral zones of a large (305 km2) highly-connected freshwater system. We collated information on the biological traits and taxonomic relatedness of each species. Using principal coordinates analysis, we formed biological trait and taxonomic vectors describing distances between species and used the resulting vectors as predictor variables. As environmental data, we had site-specific physico-chemical variables, which were used in outlying mean index analyses to determine the niche position and niche breadth of each species. We used linear models to study if and how these two niche parameters and biological traits as well as taxonomic relatedness affected occupancy and abundance. We observed positive occupancy-abundance relationships for both diatoms and macroinvertebrates. We further found that, for both groups, occupancy was better explained by the predictor variables compared with abundance. We also observed that niche parameters, especially niche position, were the main determinants of variation in occupancy and abundance for both diatoms and macroinvertebrates. Local abundances of diatom and macroinvertebrate species were also, to a small degree, affected by biological traits or taxonomic relatedness. We further saw that the relationship between niche position and occupancy was negative, indicating that the more marginal the niche position, the rarer a species is. Our findings provide support for the use of diatoms and macroinvertebrates as ecological indicators as their occupancies and abundances were affected by niche parameters, which is not necessarily always clear in challenging study systems with high connectivity (i.e. high movement of material and species) among sites. These findings also suggest that indices using information on species’ occupancy, abundance and niche requirements are useful in environmental assessment

    Bacterial metacommunity organization in a highly connected aquatic system

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    The spatial structure and underlying assembly mechanisms of bacterial communities have been studied widely across aquatic systems, focusing primarily on isolated sites, such as different lakes, ponds and streams. Here, our main aim was to determine the underlying mechanisms for bacterial biofilm assembly within a large, highly connected lake system in Northern Finland using associative methods based on taxonomic and phylogenetic alpha-and beta-diversity and a large number of abiotic and biotic variables. Furthermore, null model approaches were used to quantify the relative importance of different community assembly processes. We found that spatial variation in bacterial communities within the lake was structured by different assembly processes, including stochasticity, species sorting and potentially even dispersal limitation. Species sorting by abiotic environmental conditions explained more of the taxonomic and particularly phylogenetic turnover in community composition compared with that by biotic variables. Finally, we observed clear differences in alpha diversity (species richness and phylogenetic diversity), which were to a stronger extent determined by abiotic compared with biotic factors, but also by dispersal effects. In summary, our study shows that the biodiversity of bacterial biofilm communities within a lake ecosystem is driven by within-habitat gradients in abiotic conditions and by stochastic and deterministic dispersal processes.Peer reviewe

    Digital healthcare platform ecosystem design : A case study of an ecosystem for Parkinson's disease patients

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    This study investigates how a digital health care platform ecosystem and its essential core elements can be constructed considering specific characteristics of health care. A single case study of an ecosystem planned for patients with Parkinson's disease was conducted following a constructive research approach. The study reveals that the keystones for digital platform ecosystem design for health care purposes are as follows: 1) a focus on multi-sided mutual value propositions as a starting point for the design process; 2) understanding the technological core of the platform, including artefacts, interfaces and infrastructure; 3) understanding the actor layer, including actor resources, roles, positions and mutual interactions; and 4) understanding environmental influences in the form of data-related issues, prevailing institutions, practices and regulation. Several recommendations are offered to consider in designing the digital health care platform ecosystem. Managerially, this understanding could facilitate the development of new means of diagnostics, impactful and just-in-time care, functioning data collection and resource coordination in health care.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Multitrophic biodiversity patterns and environmental descriptors of sub-Arctic lakes in northern Europe

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    1. Arctic and sub-Arctic lakes in northern Europe are increasingly threatened by climate change, which can affect their biodiversity directly by shifting thermal and hydrological regimes, and indirectly by altering landscape processes and catchment vegetation. Most previous studies of northern lake biodiversity responses to environmental changes have focused on only a single organismal group. Investigations at whole-lake scales that integrate different habitats and trophic levels are currently rare, but highly necessary for future lake monitoring and management. 2. We analysed spatial biodiversity patterns of 74 sub-Arctic lakes in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Faroe Islands with monitoring data for at least three biological focal ecosystem components (FECs)—benthic diatoms, macrophytes, phytoplankton, littoral benthic macroinvertebrates, zooplankton, and fish—that covered both pelagic and benthic habitats and multiple trophic levels. 3. We calculated the richnessrelative (i.e. taxon richness of a FEC in the lake divided by the total richness of that FEC in all 74 lakes) and the biodiversity metrics (i.e. taxon richness, inverse Simpson index (diversity), and taxon evenness) of individual FECs using presence–absence and abundance data, respectively. We then investigated whether the FEC richnessrelative and biodiversity metrics were correlated with lake abiotic and geospatial variables. We hypothesised that (1) individual FECs would be more diverse in a warmer and wetter climate (e.g. at lower latitudes and/or elevations), and in hydrobasins with greater forest cover that could enhance the supply of terrestrial organic matter and nutrients that stimulated lake productivity; and (2) patterns in FEC responses would be coupled among trophic levels. 4. Results from redundancy analyses showed that the richnessrelative of phytoplankton, macrophytes, and fish decreased, but those of the intermediate trophic levels (i.e. macroinvertebrates and zooplankton) increased with decreasing latitude and/ or elevation. Fish richnessrelative and diversity increased with increasing temporal variation in climate (temperature and/or precipitation), ambient nutrient concentrations (e.g. total nitrogen) in lakes, and woody vegetation (e.g. taiga forest) cover in hydrobasins, whereas taxon richness of macroinvertebrates and zooplankton decreased with increasing temporal variation in climate. 5. The similar patterns detected for richnessrelative of fish, macrophytes, and phytoplankton could be caused by similar responses to the environmental descriptors, and/or the beneficial effects of macrophytes as habitat structure. By creating habitat, macrophytes may increase fish diversity and production, which in turn may promote higher densities and probably more diverse assemblages of phytoplankton through trophic cascades. Lakes with greater fish richnessrelative tended to have greater average richnessrelative among FECs, suggesting that fish are a potential indicator for overall lake biodiversity. 6. Overall, the biodiversity patterns observed along the environmental gradients were trophic-level specific, indicating that an integrated food-web perspective may lead to a more holistic understanding of ecosystem biodiversity in future monitoring and management of high-latitude lakes. In future, monitoring should also focus on collecting more abundance data for fish and lower trophic levels in both benthic and pelagic habitats. This may require more concentrated sampling effort on fewer lakes at smaller spatial scales, while continuing to sample lakes distributed along environmental gradients.publishedVersio

    Multitrophic biodiversity patterns and environmental descriptors of sub-Arctic lakes in northern Europe

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    Arctic and sub-Arctic lakes in northern Europe are increasingly threatened by climate change, which can affect their biodiversity directly by shifting thermal and hydrological regimes, and indirectly by altering landscape processes and catchment vegetation. Most previous studies of northern lake biodiversity responses to environmental changes have focused on only a single organismal group. Investigations at whole-lake scales that integrate different habitats and trophic levels are currently rare, but highly necessary for future lake monitoring and management. We analysed spatial biodiversity patterns of 74 sub-Arctic lakes in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Faroe Islands with monitoring data for at least three biological focal ecosystem components (FECs)—benthic diatoms, macrophytes, phytoplankton, littoral benthic macroinvertebrates, zooplankton, and fish—that covered both pelagic and benthic habitats and multiple trophic levels. We calculated the richnessrelative (i.e. taxon richness of a FEC in the lake divided by the total richness of that FEC in all 74 lakes) and the biodiversity metrics (i.e. taxon richness, inverse Simpson index (diversity), and taxon evenness) of individual FECs using presence–absence and abundance data, respectively. We then investigated whether the FEC richnessrelative and biodiversity metrics were correlated with lake abiotic and geospatial variables. We hypothesised that (1) individual FECs would be more diverse in a warmer and wetter climate (e.g. at lower latitudes and/or elevations), and in hydrobasins with greater forest cover that could enhance the supply of terrestrial organic matter and nutrients that stimulated lake productivity; and (2) patterns in FEC responses would be coupled among trophic levels. Results from redundancy analyses showed that the richnessrelative of phytoplankton, macrophytes, and fish decreased, but those of the intermediate trophic levels (i.e. macroinvertebrates and zooplankton) increased with decreasing latitude and/or elevation. Fish richnessrelative and diversity increased with increasing temporal variation in climate (temperature and/or precipitation), ambient nutrient concentrations (e.g. total nitrogen) in lakes, and woody vegetation (e.g. taiga forest) cover in hydrobasins, whereas taxon richness of macroinvertebrates and zooplankton decreased with increasing temporal variation in climate. The similar patterns detected for richnessrelative of fish, macrophytes, and phytoplankton could be caused by similar responses to the environmental descriptors, and/or the beneficial effects of macrophytes as habitat structure. By creating habitat, macrophytes may increase fish diversity and production, which in turn may promote higher densities and probably more diverse assemblages of phytoplankton through trophic cascades. Lakes with greater fish richnessrelative tended to have greater average richnessrelative among FECs, suggesting that fish are a potential indicator for overall lake biodiversity. Overall, the biodiversity patterns observed along the environmental gradients were trophic-level specific, indicating that an integrated food-web perspective may lead to a more holistic understanding of ecosystem biodiversity in future monitoring and management of high-latitude lakes. In future, monitoring should also focus on collecting more abundance data for fish and lower trophic levels in both benthic and pelagic habitats. This may require more concentrated sampling effort on fewer lakes at smaller spatial scales, while continuing to sample lakes distributed along environmental gradients.Peer reviewe