2,600 research outputs found


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    Properti Psikometri Alat Ukur Kecerdasan Majemuk  dengan Pendekatan Teori Gardner

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    Penelitian tentang properti psikometri yang terdiri dari uji validitas dan reliabiltas dalam penelitian ini menekankan pada dua pendekatan yakni Konsistensi Internal dan Analisis faktor Konfirmatori.Pengujian ini dilakukan pada konstruk dari pengukuran Kecerdasan Majemuk dari teori Gardner yang terdiri sembilan dimensi dan 63 indikator/item.Adapun dimensinya adalah Logika matematika, verbal lingguistik, interpersonal, interpersonal visual ruang, kinestetik, musik, naturalis dan eksistensial. Pengukuran kecerdasan majemuk ini adalah multidimensi, karena tidak adanya keterkaitan antara satu dimensi dengan dimensi yang lain. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 680 mahasiswa yang berdomisili di Sumatera Utara, yang pengambilan datanya dilakukan secara online. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui indikator apa saja yang paling berkontribusi dan bagaimana keterandalan dan keterpercayaancayaan alat ukur yang sudah diformulasi dalam mengukur kecerdasan majemuk. Hasil yang menunjukkan dari sembilan dimensi yang diformulasikan keseluruhannya memenuhi asumsi reliabilitas baik dengan pendekatan konsistensi internal maupun pendekatan analisis faktor konfirmatori. Estimasi dengan menggunakan koefisien loading factor yang terstandar menunjukkan terdapat 2 indikator yang tidak memenuhi kriteria dan tidak disarankan untuk dipakai yakni satu indikator dimensi logika matematika  dan satu indikator dari dimensi interpersonal


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    This study aims to determine the relationship between empathy and peer social support with interpersonal communication toward the students of Binjai State Madrasah Aliyah (MAN). The approach in this study is a quantitative research approach with a type of correlation research. The subjects of this study were the students of class X and XI State Madrasah Aliyah( MAN) Binjai totaling 592 students. The sample in this study amounted to 85 students. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. Data collection techniques carried out in this study were using three scales that consist of an empathic scale, a scale of peer social support and a scale of interpersonal communication. The data analysis technique used to answer the hypothesis of this study is multiple regression. The result of this study indicates that there is a significant positive relationship between empathy and peer socialsupport with interpersonal communication as evidenced by the coefficienty = 0.733 and p = 0.000 (p <0.05). The percentage of effective contributions from the two independent variables of empathy and peer social support with interpersonal communication was 53.7%. From this result, it is known that there are still 46.3% contributions from other factors not discussed in this study. From the result of the calculation of the mean hypothetical and empirical mean obtained empathy, peer social support is in the high category. It is recommended for the students to continue to improve their sense of empathy towards others and to give each other social support to their peers. Keywords: Empathy, Peer Friend Social Support, Interpersonal Communication

    The Lactic Acid Bacteria in Fermented Durian (D. Zibethinus )

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    Lactic acid (C2H5COOH) is the organic acid that  can serve as a food preservation. The group of bacteria which can produce lactic acid in their fermentation process known as Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB). A fundamental biochemical change of fermentation is that an acidic environment is created. Many harmful organisms cannot exist in acidic solution so the fermentation productions are save to eat. Fermented Durian is the fermented food prepared from spontaneous fermentation of durian (Durio zibethinus) with or without salt by wild bacteria. The research was conducted to isolate and identify lactic acid bacteria in tempoyak. The data in this study were laboratory analysis. Samples were collected weekly in a month analyzed microbiologically from traditionl markets in Bengkulu. There were four species of lactic acid bacteria involved in fermented durian namely Leuconostoc mesentroides, Pediococcus acidilactici, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Lactobacillus curvatus

    Analisis Kualitas Auditor, Leverage Dan Persentase Saham Initial Public Offering Terhadap Earnings Management Perusahaan Go Public

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    AbstractThe action of corporate management to intervene in the process of drafting financial statements is an act of dysfunctional behavior that will affect the enhancement of personal welfare management and The company's employees and the value of its leadership. This research aims to test and prove empirically the cause and influence of earnings management in the company that go public after the enactment of Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Release (AAER) by Security Exchange Commission (SEC). The variables tested were reputation Auditor, Leverage and stock percentage of Initial Public Offering (IPO) at the company that go Public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2000 to 2004. The method of analysis used is multiple regression that previously done testing through several stages. Results show that the leverage variable significantly affects earnings management. This indicates that the debt that is the source of external funds used to finance the business continuity is strongly associated with earnings management.

    Megalithic Sites in the District of Sinjai, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Research was conducted in the Sinjai District (South Sulawesi) on three sites linked in alliance called Tellu Limpoe. The findings are mostly earthenware and ceramic fragments of various dynasties. Other findings include dakon (pit marked stones), distributions of stone of various shapes and sizes, and stone mortar with various holes of different sizes. In addition to grinding grain, these objects were also used as clean water reservoirs to meet the needs of supporting human life. All of the archaeological remains discovered indicate the dynamics of life, including household, religious, subsistence, and trade activity. The settlement system is more likely influenced by geographic factors than anything else, due to the hills and mountains that comprise the Sinjai area. The source material supports the interpretation that the natural environment provides enough (fertile) resources that can be used directly by humans

    Analisis Galat Energi dan Galat Fase Metode Forward 4th Order Symplectic Chin-Chen untuk Kasus Sistem Osilator Harmonik Sederhana

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    Penelitian ini meninjau galat energi dan galat fase dari metode forward 4th order symplectic Chin-Chen (F4OS-CC) untuk kasus sistem osilator harmonik sederhana. Metode F4OS-CC merupakan suatu integrator yang bersifat symplectic dan time-reversible tanpa menggunakan selang waktu negatif. Simulasi osilasi harmonik sederhana dengan metode integrasi F4OS-CC dan metode Leapfrog menghasilkan galat energi terikat (tidak memiliki rambatan linier). Akan tetapi, metode F4OS-CC memiliki galat fase yang lebih besar jika dibandingkan dengan metode non-symplectic orde sama (metode Runge-Kutta orde 4). Galat fase dapat dikurangi dengan menggunakan selang waktu variabel yang bergantung terhadap posisi. Tetapi, rambatan galat energi menjadi meningkat secara linier

    Legislation Fatwa on Guarantee Services and It’s Impact on Sharia Guarantee Business

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    Produksi terdiri dari barang dan jasa, kegiatan tersebut meniscayakan pertukaran barang dan/ jasa dengan uang. Dalam syariah jasa dikenal dengan kafalah, ia termasuk pada rumpun akad tabarru’ (tolong-menolong) dan ulama klasik bersepakat bahwa tidak dibolehkan berlaku komersil pada akad jenis ini. Namun seiring berkembangnya kegiatan ekonomi syariah, praktik kafalah bukanlah hal yang dapat terelakkan. Ia menjelma menjadi lembaga keuangan syariah yang berperan penting dalam perkembangan ekonomi syariah. Untuk itu, pada fatwa DSN-MUI nomor 11/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 tentang Kafalah dikatakan bahwa penjamin dapat menerima imbalan (ujrah) sepanjang tidak memberatkan para pihak. Penelitian menggunakan studi litertaur dimana penulis mengumpulkan pendapata para jumhur ulama baik di masa klasik dan masa kontemporer. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertimbangan pemberian ujrah pada akad Kafalah oleh DSN-MUI bertumpu pada kemasalahatan yang ditimbulkan jauh lebih besar daripada bertindak sebaliknya. Melalui fatwa ini, pemberian ujrah pada kafalah ikut serta menstabilkan (mencegah dan menangani krisis) sistem keuangan nasional.Kata Kunci: DSN-MUI; kafalah; tabarru’; ujrah Abstract:Production consists of goods and services, these activities necessitate the exchange of goods and/services with money. In sharia services known as kafalah, it belongs to the family of tabarru' (mutual help) contracts and classical scholars agree that it is not permissible to apply commercially to this type of contract. However, along with the development of Islamic economic activities, the practice of kafalah is not inevitable. It was transformed into an Islamic financial institution which played an important role in the development of Islamic economics. For this reason, in the DSN-MUI fatwa number 11/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 concerning Kafalah state that the guarantor can receive compensation (ujrah) as long as it won’t be burdensome to the parties. The research uses a literature study where the author collects the opinions of a large number of scholars in both the classical and contemporary times. The conclusion of this study shows that the consideration of giving ujrah in the Kafalah contract by DSN-MUI relies on the problems that arise far greater than acting otherwise. Through this fatwa, giving ujrah to kafalah participates in stabilizing (preventing and dealing with crises) the national financial system. Keywords: DSN-MUI; kafalah; tabarru'; ujra