540 research outputs found


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    Tugas akhir bertujuan untuk : 1) Mencipta desain busana pesta malam dengan Sumber Ide Kostum Tari Saman Gayo 2) Membuat busana pesta malam dengan Sumber Kostum Tari Saman Gayo. 3) Menampilkan Busana Pesta Malam Dengan Sumber Ide Kostum tari Saman Gayo pada pagelaran busana dengan tema”New Light Haritage”. Desain busana pesta malam tercipta dengan mengkaji tema heritage kota Aceh, dengan sumber Ide Kostum Tari Saman Gayo yang merupakan kostum penari saman suku Gayo Aceh. Busana ini berkarakter sporty yang menampilkan nuansa etnik untuk remaja, dengan siluet A yang menggunakan songket dengan motif bunga jeumpa, dengan mengkaji trend,dan juga menggunakan unsur dan prinsip desain, hal berikutnya adalah proses penyajian desain sketching, presentation drawing tampak muka dan belakang. Pembuatan busana pesta malam ini meliputi tiga tahap yaitu: 1)Tahap persiapan, yang terdiri dari pembuatan gambar kerja busana pesta, gambar kerja hiasan busana dan gambar kerja pelengkap busana, pengambilan ukuran, pembuatan pola busana, perancangan bahan dan harga. 2) Tahap pelaksanaan, meliputi peletakan pola pada bahan, pemotongan dan pemberian tanda pada jahitan, penjelujuran, pengepasan I, perbaikan, penjahitan, pengepasan II dan pemberian hiasan busana. 3) Tahap evaluasi hasil meliputi pembahasan tentang masalah yang dihadapi pada proses pembuatan busana dan evaluasi hasil secara keseluruhan mengenai kesesuaian antara desain dan busana pesta yang dihasilkan. Penyelenggaraan pagelaran ini, melalui tiga tahap yaitu: 1) persiapan meliputi: pembentukan panitia, penentuan tema, penentuan tujuan pelaksanaan, penentuan waktu dan tempat serta anggaran. 2)Tahap pelaksanaan yaitu penyelenggaraan pagelaran busana yang bertema “New Light Heritage”, dan 3) Tahap evaluasi akhir yang meliputi persiapan, pelaksanaan dimulai dengan gladi resik pada jam 11 siang sampai dengan pagelaran busana. Pagelaran tersebut diikuti oleh mahasiswa Teknik Busana dan Pendidikan Teknik Busana. Hasil karya dari Tugas Akhir ini adalah 1) Terciptanya desain Busana Pesta Malam dengan Sumber Ide Kostum Tari Saman Gayo, 2) Terciptanya busana pesta yang terdiri dari rompi, menggunakan bahan velvet dan dihiasi dengan weafing warna merah hati dan kuning emas,gaun yang dipadukan dengan kain songket dengan motif bunga jeumpa, 3) Ditampilkannya Busana Pesta Malam dengan Sumber Ide kostum tari Saman dalam pagelaran busana dengan tema “New Light Heritage” pada tanggal 25 Mei 2012 di Auditorium Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

    The English teaching and learning activities in SDN Banmati 03 Sukoharjo

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    This final project was written based on job training, which has been done by the writer on January until March, 2007 in SDN Banmati 03 Sukoharjo. The purposes of this final project are to describe the English teaching and learning activities in SDN Banmati 03 Sukoharjo, to show the difficulties of English teaching and learning faced by the teacher and the students, and also to give the solutions for those problems. By observing the class, interviewing the students and directly teaching at the third grade class, the writer could write the final project report completely. The writer uses some procedures in English teaching and learning process. The procedures are greeting, explaining the materials, giving exercise and ending the lesson. The materials were taken from �English Friendly� and a student worksheet �Challenger�. Completing the material, the writer also took some tasks from other books. During the teaching and learning process, there are some difficulties. The difficulties are related to the problems of both the teacher and students. The x problems of the students are memorizing English words, spelling, pronouncing, and writing. Meanwhile, the problems of the teacher are uncooperative students and no handbook for the students. The writer also gave the solutions to solve the difficulties. The solutions consist of solutions to solve the student's condition and the problems of the teacher. Besides, the writer included some activities such as playing games and singing a song. It is useful for the students to motivate the students to practice English TABLE OF

    Knowledge Management: Alternatif Strategi Meningkatkan Kinerja Perusahaan

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    The more widespread application of knowledge management embodies the recognition of the importance of intangible assets in the form knowledge. Knowledge which is managed and developed will achieve competence and expertise, which ultimately could improve the competitiveness and performance. Several empirical studies support the opinion of experts, who had certainly found out that knowledge management could improve corporate innovation. Although it does not become the only factor, empirically, knowledge management could improve corporate performances. The implementation of knowledge management is not only suitable for commercial companies and large companies; knowledge management can also be applied to non-profit organizations (NPOs) and for small and medium enterprises (SMEs)


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    ABSTRAKPemilik UMKM dihadapkan pada berbagai hambatan dalam menjalankan usahanya. Salah satu hambatan yang dihadapi adalah minimnya kemampuan keuangan dan manajerial. Keterbatasan kemampuan tersebut menyebabkan UMKM menghadapi kesulitan untuk mempersiapkan modal kerja dan memenuhi kewajiban jangka pendeknya. UMKM mengalami kesulitan untuk memperkirakaan ketersediaan kas dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan operasional dan kewajiban jangka pendeknya. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai pengelolaan kas bagi UMKM. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan dalam sosialisasi adalah menggunakan ceramah dan dialog aktif. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan UMKM mengenai manajemen kas. Rata-rata nilai pre test sebesar 46,09 dan rata-rata nilai post test sebesar 60,43 memberikan bukti adanya peningkatan pengetahuan sebesar 31%. Namun, sebaiknya kegiatan sosialisasi ini dilakukan secara berkelanjutan dengan melakukan pendampingan kepada UMKM tersebut sehingga pengelolaan kas yang akan digunakan untuk persediaan modal kerja dan pemenuhan kewajiban jangka pendek UMKM menjadi semakin baik. Kata Kunci : manajemen kas; modal kerja; kemampuan keuangan; kemampuan manajerial ABSTRACTOwners of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are faced with various obstacles in running their business. One of the obstacles faced is the lack of financial and managerial capabilities. This limited capacity causes MSMEs to face difficulties in preparing working capital and fulfilling their short-term obligations. MSMEs experience difficulties in estimating cash availability in order to meet their operational needs and short-term obligations. Community service activities are carried out with the aim of increasing knowledge regarding cash management for MSMEs. The implementation method used in socialization is using lectures and active dialogue. The result of this activity is an increase in MSME knowledge regarding cash management. The average pre-test score was 46.09 and the average post-test score was 60.43, providing evidence of an increase in knowledge of 31%. However, it is best if this socialization activity is carried out on an ongoing basis by providing assistance to these MSMEs so that the management of cash that will be used to provide working capital and fulfill short-term obligations of MSMEs is getting better. Keywords : cash management; working capital; financial capability; managerial capabilit


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    Kebergunaan (usability) adalah salah satu faktor utama yang menentukan kualitas situs web (website). Banyak ahli yang telah membangun berbagai macam kerangka kerja (framework) untuk mengukur tingkat kebergunaan sebuah situs web. Namun hingga saat ini belum ada standar dan kakas bantu ditetapkan sebagai media pengukuran kebergunaan yang paling tepat dan akurat. Berdasarkan kelebihan dan kelemahan yang sudah dikaji pada penelitian sebelumnya, maka penelitian ini membangun kerangka kerja baru untuk pengukuran kebergunaan situs web. Kerangka kerja ini dibangun secara komprehensif dengan merumuskan konsep menggunakan koefisien indikator kebergunaan, kriteria kebergunaan, dan nilai relevansi untuk setiap kategori situs web. Pemetaan kriteria berdasarkan setap kategori situs web dilakukan lebih terperinci dengan pemberian nilai koefisien yang lebih konsisten. Kerangka kerja ini menghasilkan statistik nilai setiap kriteria dalam bentuk pemeringkatan berdasarkan prioritas nilai dari yang tertinggi hingga terendah sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk melakukan pengujian situs web. Oleh sebab itu, peneliti berharap agar kerangka kerja ini dapat memberikan kontribusi untuk melakukan analisis pengujian situs web dengan hasil yang lebih terperinci dibanding kerangka kerja pada penelitian sebelumnya. Kata Kunci: Kebergunaan, situs web, kerangka kerja, pengujian, indikator, aspek, kriteria, koefisie


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    Lansia merupakan tahap perkembangan yang paling akhir, pada tahap ini lansia mengalami penurunan fisiologis dan psikologis. Sehingga lansia dituntut untuk dapat beradaptasi dengan cepat karena seiring bertambahnya usia maka akan berpengaruh pada sistem kerja tubuh lansia. Penurunan fisiologis dan psikologis pada lansia juga mengakibatkan lansia lebih rentan mengalami kecemasan. Kecemasan ini sangat mempengaruhi tingkah laku individu. Salah satu terapi yang efektif dan signifikan terbukti untuk penurunan gangguan kecemasan pada lansia adalah terapi Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT). Terapi spiritual ini sangat cocok dengan lansia, diamana dalam tahap perkembangan hidup yang terakhir ini lansia semakin nyaman jika mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan. Target: Target capean adalah: Kader Posyandu sebanyak 38 orang Lansia. Metode pelaksanaan : metode pemasaran social didahului dengan pelaksanaan ke Puskesmas  dan kunjungan wilayah untuk mengetahui permasalahan yang ada, pertemuan dengan tokoh masyarakat dan kader kesehatan  untuk menyamakan persepsi pelaksanaan, memberikan materi tentang pelaksanaan pada kader Posyandu,  Hasil: Kader Posyandu, lansia, dan keluarga dapat  memahami mater

    Pengaruh Price Earning Ratio (Per), Price to Book Value (Pbv), Debt to Equity Ratio (Der), Return on Asset (Roa), Terhadap Return Saham Dalam Jakarta Islamic Index

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    The stock market is the place to look for funding activities of the company to fund its operations . The main function of the capital market is as a means of capital formation and accumulation of funds for the financing of a company . In order to facilitate the needs of Muslims in Indonesia who have interest in investment in capital market products , then developed Islamic capital markets in accordance with the basic principles of Islam which is expected to add an alternative means of investment in Indonesia in addition to the investment , which is already known and growing banking sector . Islamic stocks are stocks that the operation does not conflict with Islamic law , either the product or its management . Grouping Islamic stocks are in the Jakarta Islamic Index ( JII ) at the Indonesian Stock Exchange ( BEI ) . Getting a return ( profit ) is the main objective of the trading activity of investors in the capital market . Analysis of the company is one of the means used to analyze a stock investor to do by looking at the financial performance assessed with financial ratios . This study aimed to analyze the effect of Price Earning Ratio ( PER ) , Price to Book Value ( PBV ) Debt To Equity Ratio ( DER ) and Return on Assets ( ROA ) on stock returns is incorporated in the Jakarta Islamic Index ( JII ) the period of 2008 – 2012

    Moral Education Reflected in Siddarth P Malhotra’s Hickhi

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    Moral education is developing students’ moral that can be developed by all out of school’s members and also school’s instrumentalities. This study aims to identify students’ moral and how the teacher developed students’ moral in Hickhi movie. In identifying moral education in Hickhi movie, researcher used John Dewey’s theory in 1922. This researcher used qualitative method. To collect the data, researcher identified and classified the scene reflected with the kind of moral education and the way to applied moral education. Research instrument was used observation sheet. The kind of moral education was found in Hickhi movie were moral formation and moral inquiry. According to John Dewey, moral formation had three characteristics, such as students’ non-cognitive, make a decision, and make a conclusion. Moral inquiry had two characteristics, such as adhere self-code of conduct and adhere other code of conduct. The way to applied moral formation that used by the teacher are praise and admonition, example and modeling, rule enforcement and boundary settings, and habituation and training. The way to applied moral inquiry was directive, non-directive. To teach moral formation and moral inquiry there were many strategies to applied them, such as teach the students in the sport center to know about the students closer, study outside to make the students happier, come to students’ house to see the real students’ conditions in their life. By great effort, the strategies used by Mrs. Naina to developed students’ moral were successful.Moral education is developing students’ moral that can be developed by all out of school’s members and also school’s instrumentalities. This study aims to identify students’ moral and how the teacher developed students’ moral in Hickhi movie. In identifying moral education in Hickhi movie, researcher used John Dewey’s theory in 1922. This researcher used qualitative method. To collect the data, researcher identified and classified the scene reflected with the kind of moral education and the way to applied moral education. Research instrument was used observation sheet. The kind of moral education was found in Hickhi movie were moral formation and moral inquiry. According to John Dewey, moral formation had three characteristics, such as students’ non-cognitive, make a decision, and make a conclusion. Moral inquiry had two characteristics, such as adhere self-code of conduct and adhere other code of conduct. The way to applied moral formation that used by the teacher are praise and admonition, example and modeling, rule enforcement and boundary settings, and habituation and training. The way to applied moral inquiry was directive, non-directive. To teach moral formation and moral inquiry there were many strategies to applied them, such as teach the students in the sport center to know about the students closer, study outside to make the students happier, come to students’ house to see the real students’ conditions in their life. By great effort, the strategies used by Mrs. Naina to developed students’ moral were successful


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    Keseragaman aliran wind tunnel sangat penting terhadap hasil pengujian aerodinamika. Pengujian keseragaman aliran wind tunnel dengan menggunakan anemometer dianggap kurang teliti karena titik ujinya terbatas, yaitu disesuaikan dengan baling-baling anemometer. Oleh karena itu dilakukan pengujian dengan menggunakan pipa pitot karena pipa pitot memiliki diameter sisi masuk yang lebih kecil daripada anemometer, sehingga mampu menjangkau titik uji yang lebih banyak dan menghasilkan data yang lebih spesifik. Tujuan pelaksanaan tugas akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi kecepatan aliran wind tunnel. Pengujian dilakukan di bagian outlet wind tunnel yang berukuran 45cm x 45cm, dengan jarak 2cm untuk setiap titik uji. Pengujian dilakukan pada 3 frekuensi yaitu 30 Hz, 40 Hz dan 50 Hz. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pipa pitot yang disambungkan dengan manometer pipa U yang telah berisi premium. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dan analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa, secara keseluruhan wind tunnel tipe terbuka tersebut belum bisa menciptakan aliran yang seragam dengan selisih perbedaan kecepatan tertinggi dan terendah adalah 2,34 m/s pada frekuensi 40 Hz dan frekuensi 50 Hz. Sedangkan pada frekuensi 30 Hz mendekati seragam dengan selisih perbedaan kecepatan tertinggi dan terendah adalah 1,34 m/s. Kata kunci : pipa pitot statis, manometer pipa U, aliran udara. Uniformity of the wind tunnel flow is very important for the result of the wind aerodynamics. The testing of uniformity wind tunnel flow with anemometer is considered not accurate because the point tests have to appropriate with the blades of anemometer and make it have a limited result. Therefore, the testing have to do again by using pitot static tube because it has a smaller inlet diameter than anemometer, so it can get an accurate and specific results than before. The aim of this project is to test the uniformity of the open jet wind tunnel flow. Test conducted in the outlet of wind tunnel with a dimension of 45cm x 45cm, and a distance of 2cm for each point test. The test conducted in 3 kinds of frequency, there are 30Hz, 40Hz and 50 Hz. It use the static pitot tube which connected with manometer U tube which contains premium. Based on the test results and the analysis of the data it can be concluded that, the fluid flow of the open jet wind tunnel is still not uniform and the difference between the highest and the lowest speed is 2,34 m/s at 40 Hz and 50 Hz frequency. The flow almost uniform at 30 Hz frequency with the velocity difference between the highest and the lowest is 1,34 m/s. Keywords : pitot static tube,manometer U tube, fluid flo
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