542 research outputs found

    The Interconnectivity of Trust and Appreciative Advising

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    Academic advisors can harness the interconnectivity of trust-building frameworks and Appreciative Advising to build relationships with students. This article proposes the integration of two trust-building frameworks within the Appreciative Advising Theory-to-Practice Framework (Bloom et al., 2008). Utilizing findings and insights from Frei and Morriss’ (2020) research on trust, the authors discuss ways that authenticity, logic, and empathy support the practice of Appreciative Advising. Exploring research from Brown (2019), the article reviews the roles of boundaries, reliability, accountability, the vault, integrity, non-judgment, and generosity in each of the six phases of Appreciative Advising. A matrix displays the intersections of trust-building actions and the Appreciative Advising phases, and the article presents examples of the impact of trust in an advising context

    Regional adjustment of management options of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) along roadside verges in Bavaria (2018-2022)

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    Das invasive Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asteraceae), ist eine einjährige, zweikeimblättrige Pflanze, deren Pollen sehr schwere Allergien beim Menschen auslösen kann. Die primäre Verbreitung erfolgt i. d. R. entlang von Straßen, wo Ragweed überaus stabile und schnellwachsende Populationen bildet. Die nachhaltigste Form der Bekämpfung der Pflanze ist es, die Samenproduktion zu verhindern und damit die Bodensamenbank abzubauen. In Rahmen dieses vierjährigen Feldversuches (2019 bis 2022) sollen deshalb unterschiedliche Schnittsysteme (verschiedene Zeitpunkte und Häufigkeiten) sowie zwei Methoden der physikalischen Bekämpfung, auf ihre Effizienz zur Verhinderung der Pollen- und Samenausbildung bei Ragweed getestet werden. Der Versuch wird auf acht Straßenstandorten in Bayern durchgeführt, die sich durch ein unterschiedliches Verkehrsaufkommen auszeichnen und in verschiedenen Klimaregionen liegen. Zusätzlich dazu, wurde ein dreijähriger Feldversuch auf drei Standorten eingerichtet, auf denen zwischen 2019 und 2021 die unterdrückende Wirkung von heimischen Konkurrenzsaaten auf das Wachstum und Entwicklung von Ragweed getestet wird. Bereits in der ersten Phase des Versuches, der sich mit der potenziellen Wanderbewegung von Ragweed in die Böschungen befasste, wurde klar, dass Ragweed tatsächlich ein Phänomen des Bankettes ist. Da die Pflanze anscheinend Konkurrenz meidet, wurden 97,9 % aller Pflanzen sowie 96,7 % aller Samen in der Bodensamenbank auf den ersten 1,5 m zum Fahrbahnrand gefunden, unabhängig von den Bodenbeschaffenheiten auf den Standorten und der Böschungsneigung.Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is an invasive annual plant with highly allergenic pollen. Its spread often occurs along roadsides, where it builds stable and rapidly growing populations. The most sustainable way of controlling the species is to prevent seed production in order to deplete the soil seed bank. Therefore, in a 4-years field (2019 to 2022) trial four different cutting regimes differing in timing and frequency of cuts as well as two different means of physical control are tested on eight roadside verges in Bavaria, characterized by different climatic conditions and traffic densities. On the basis of soil seedbank samplings along these roadside verges as well as on the road embankments the study should reveal which cutting regime is most effective in the prevention of flower and seed formation of common ragweed. In addition, a 3-years field trial (2019 to 2021) on the competitive suppression of common ragweed by four different seed mixtures combined with three different cutting regimes was implemented on three different sites. First results showed that the primary habitat of common ragweed is the roadside verge: 97.9% of all plants counted as well as 96.7% of all seeds found in the soil seed bank were concentrated on the first 1.5 m next to the lane, irrespective of the soil properties and the inclination of the embankment

    Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) causes severe yield losses in different soybean varieties by reducing the infection potential of Bradyrhizobium japonicum

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    Das ursprünglich aus Nordamerika stammende Ragweed oder Beifuß-Ambrosia (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asteraceae), íst eine einjährige, krautige Pflanze. Sie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten massiv ausgebreitet und zählt heute in vielen Teilen Mitteleuropas zu den wirtschaftlich wichtigsten Unkrautarten in der Landwirtschaft. Aktuell übliche Bekämpfungsmaßnahmen wie Mähen oder Herbizidapplikationen zeigen auf vielen Standorten nur sehr eingeschränkte Erfolge, sind aus zeitlichen oder wirtschaftlichen Gründen nicht umsetzbar bzw. scheitern daran, dass der Neophyt nicht erkannt wird. Speziell Sojabohnenbestände wurden in den letzten Jahren immer stärker von Ragweed befallen, jedoch gibt es bislang nur wenige Studien zur Ertragswirkung von Ragweed. Das Ziel des zweijährigen Feld- und einjährigen Glashausversuches, die 2017 und 2018 durchgeführt wurden, war deshalb die Untersuchung der Konkurrenzeffekte von Ragweed auf 1) Wachstum (oberirdisch / unterirdisch), 2) Entwicklung, 3) Infektionspotential der Knöllchenbakterien und 4) Ertrag von zwei verschiedenen Sojabohnensorten. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigten, dass auf den Versuchsflächen mit der höchsten Ragweed-Biomasse der Sojaertrag um 83,7 % sank. Speziell die Anzahl und das Gewicht der Knöllchen (Bradyrhizobium japonicum) auf den Sojawurzeln wurden durch Anwesenheit von Ragweed stark reduziert. Eine Ragweed-Pflanze pro Quadratmeter reichte aus, um die Anzahl der Knöllchen um durchschnittlich 55,8 % zu reduzieren. Da jedoch eine effektive Infektion wesentlich zur Ertragsbildung von Soja beiträgt, führte diese Reduktion an Knöllchenbakterien bzw. deren Gewicht zu einem Ertragsverlust von 18 %.Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asteraceae) known as common ragweed is an annual herbaceous species native to North America which has become one of the economically most important weeds in agricultural areas throughout Middle Europe. Its large ecological amplitude enables the species to establish in several types of environment, but management options to effectively contain its spread are limited due to lack of efficacy, cost and time or lack of awareness. In the last decade especially soybean fields were severely affected by ragweed invasion, but until now information on the yield-decreasing effects of the plant are scarce for Middle Europe. Therefore, the aim of the study, conducted in 2017 and 2018 as a greenhouse and biennial field trial, was an evaluation of the competition effects of ragweed upon 1) growth (aboveground/belowground), 2) infection potential of rhizobia and 3) yield of two different soybean varieties. Results revealed that on plots with the highest ragweed biomass the yield loss accounted for 83.7% on average. Particularly, the numbers of nodules as well as the mean weight of the nodule, which stand in tight correlation with soybean yield, were significantly reduced by the presence of ragweed. Only one ragweed plant per square metre reduced the number of nodules by 55.8% and consequently led to a decrease in yield of 18%

    Know your enemy: Are biochemical substances the secret weapon of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) in the fierce competition with crops and native weeds?

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    Entsprechend der „Novel Weapon“-Hypothese, kann der Invasionserfolg von nicht-heimischen Arten wie Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) auf einen Verlust von natürlichen Konkurrenten zurückzuführen sein. Grund für diesen Verlust sind chemische Verbindungen, die die gebietsfremde Art erzeugt und die heimische Arten aufgrund fehlender Koevolution negativ beeinträchtigen. Studien haben gezeigt, dass die Gattung Ambrosia unterschiedliche organische Verbindungen produziert, von denen sehr viele ein breites Spektrum an biologischer Aktivität zeigen, weshalb diese chemischen Verbindungen ein wichtiger Grund für den Invasionserfolg und die Konkurrenzkraft der Pflanze sein können. Um 1) das chemische Profil der oberirdischen Biomasse offenzulegen, wurden vier verschiedene Extrakte (wässriger Extrakt, Hexan-Extrakt, Methanol-Extrakt und ätherisches Öl) hergestellt und auf ihre Inhaltsstoffe analysiert. Im nächsten Schritt wurde ein Laborexperiment durchgeführt, dass Aufschluss darüber geben sollte 2) welche Effekte unterschiedliche Konzentrationen dieser Extrakte auf Keimung und Jungpflanzenentwicklung von drei verschiedenen Kulturpflanzen (Sojabohne, Weizen und Raps), drei heimischen Unkrautarten (Chenopodium album, Senecio vulgaris und Arabidopsis thaliana) sowie auf Ragweed selbst, haben. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, eine deutliche Beeinträchtigung von Keimung und Entwicklung aller getesteten Pflanzenarten. Obwohl keiner der Extrakte eine direkte Wirkung auf die Keimfähigkeit der Kulturpflanzen hatte, konnte eine deutliche Wachstumsreduktion von Wurzel und Spross bei allen Nutzpflanzen festgestellt werden. Im Gegensatz dazu, konnte man bei den heimischen Unkrautarten und Ragweed selbst eine deutlich verminderte Keimfähigkeit sowie Wachstumshemmung speziell bei der Behandlung mit ätherischem Öl und dem wässrigen Extrakt beobachten.Following the “novel weapon hypothesis”, the invasiveness of non-native species like common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) can result from a loss of natural competitors due to the production of chemical compounds by the non-native species that unfavorably affect native communities. In this case, native plants may not be able to tolerate compounds released by a non-native plant that has not co-evolved in the same environment. Particularly the genus Ambrosia produces several types of organic compounds, which have a broad spectrum of biological activities and which could be major drivers in the successful invasion and competition process of common ragweed. To 1) asses the chemical profile of the aboveground biomass of common ragweed four different extracts (H2O, hexane extract, methanol extract and essential oil) were prepared and analysed for their content substances. In the next step a laboratory experiment was implemented to 2) determine the effects of different concentrations of these substances on germination and seedling development of three different crops (soybean, wheat, and rapeseed), native weedy species (Chenopodium album, Senecio vulgaris and Arabidopsis thaliana) and on common ragweed itself. Results showed that germination as well as seedling development was significantly influenced by the chemical compounds in the extracts. Even though the extracts did not affect the germination capacity of crops, severe reduction in root and shoot growth were observed with all three tested crops. The highest inhibitory effect on germination of native weedy species as well as common ragweed was observed with essential oil and the aqueous extract

    Talking Different Languages: The Role of Plant-Plant Communication When an Invader Beats up a Strange Neighborhood

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    Communication through airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and root exudates plays a vital role in the multifarious interactions of plants. Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemesiifolia L.) is one of the most troublesome invasive alien species in agriculture. Below- and aboveground chemical interactions of ragweed with crops might be an important factor in the invasive species' success in agriculture. In laboratory experiments, we investigated the contribution of intra- and interspecific airborne VOCs and root exudates of ragweed to its competitiveness. Wheat, soybean, and maize were exposed to VOCs emitted from ragweed and vice versa, and the adaptation response was measured through plant morphological and physiological traits. We observed significant changes in plant traits of crops in response to ragweed VOCs, characterized by lower biomass production, lower specific leaf area, or higher chlorophyll contents. After exposure to ragweed VOCs, soybean and wheat produced significantly less aboveground dry mass, whereas maize did not. Ragweed remained unaffected when exposed to VOCs from the crops or a conspecific. All crops and ragweed significantly avoided root growth toward the root exudates of ragweed. The study shows that the plant response to either above- or belowground chemical cues is highly dependent on the identity of the neighbor, pointing out the complexity of plant-plant communication in plant communities

    Phytophthora pachypleura sp nov., a new species causing root rot of Aucuba japonica and other ornamentals in the United Kingdom

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    Isolates of an unknown Phytophthora species from the Phytophthora citricola complex' have been found associated with mortality of Aucuba japonica in the UK. Based on morphological characteristics, growth-temperature relationships, sequences of five DNA regions and pathogenicity assays, the proposed novel species is described as Phytophthora pachypleura. Being homothallic with paragynous antheridia and semipapillate sporangia, P.pachypleura resembles other species in the P.citricola complex' but can be discriminated by its distinctively thick-walled oospores with an oospore wall index of 071. In the phylogenetic analysis based on three nuclear (ITS, -tubulin, EF-1) and two mitochondrial (cox1, nadh1) DNA regions, P.pachypleura formed a distinct clade within the P.citricola complex' with P.citricola s. str., P.citricola E and P.acerina as its closest relatives. Phytophthora pachypleura is more aggressive to A.japonica than P.plurivora and P.multivora and has the potential to affect other ornamental species.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The presence of Holocene cryptotephra in Wales and southern England

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    There have been few detailed studies into the tephrostratigraphy of southern Britain. We report the tephrostratigraphy of two sites, one in southern England (Rough Tor, Cornwall) and one in Wales (Cors Fochno, west Wales). Our study extends the known southernmost reach of Icelandic cryptotephra in northern Europe. Given the large distance between sites in southern England and eruptive sources (e.g. Iceland 1500–1700 km distant), most of the cryptotephra layers consist of sparse numbers of shards, even by the standards of distal tephrostratigraphy (as low as 3 shards cm−1), each layer spanning only 1 or 2 cm in depth. We identify multiple cryptotephra layers in both sites, extending the known distribution of several tephra layers including the MOR-T4 tephra (∼AD 1000) most probably of Icelandic origin, and the AD 860 B tephra correlated to an eruption of Mount Churchill, Alaska. The two sites record contrasting tephrostratigraphies, illustrating the need for the inclusion of multiple sites in the construction of a regional tephrostratigraphic framework. The tephra layers we describe may provide important isochrons for the dating and correlation of palaeoenvironmental sequences in the south of Britain

    Avaliação das práticas diferenciais de amamentação: a questão da etnia

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    Breastfeeding practices in two Brazilian metropolitan areas (S. Paulo and Recife) are described, as part of a study carried out in 1987. In a random sample of healthy 0-8 month old infants, selected from all health care units, higher breastfeeding rates were found in S. Paulo (initiation, prevalence, median and average) than in Recife. The mean duration of breastfeeding, mixed and full, was of 127.5 and 66.6 days, respectively, for S. Paulo, and of 104.4 and 31.7 days for Recife. When data are analysed according to ethnic group, white S. Paulo women breastfeed more than white Recife women. Full breastfeeding rate is more prevalent among white and "mulato" S. Paulo women. However, when the data were analyzed for each city separately, it was found, remarkably, that the non-whites breastfeed more than the whites. In Recife, full breastfeeding is particularly low in whites (of 15.3 days median) and "mulatos" (of 16.7 days), but of 34.5 days in blacks. The study points out the need for greater in-depth investigation of the issue of ethnicity and infant feeding practices, still inadequately understood in world literature.Descreve-se a situação da prática de amamentar em duas áreas metropolitanas brasileiras: São Paulo e Recife, Brasil, em estudos conduzidos em 1987. Em amostras representativas da população de crianças saudáveis de 0-8 meses atendidas pelo sistema de saúde, nota-se que é maior em São Paulo a proporção das mães que iniciam a amamentação e a prevalência de amamentados. A duração média do aleitamento materno total (AM) e quase exclusivo (AE) é respectivamente de 127,5 e 66,6 dias em São Paulo. Em Recife, 104,4 e 31,7 dias, respectivamente, para AM e AE. Estudaram-se também os dados de amamentação conforme a cor da pele da mãe, concluindo que se amamenta mais em São Paulo do que em Recife, significativamente entre brancas. O aleitamento materno quase exclusivo é praticado mais em São Paulo do que em Recife, por brancas e pardas. Observando-se os grupos étnicos em cada uma das cidades, notou-se que são as mulheres não-brancas (pretas e pardas) aquelas que amamentam mais, sendo particularmente baixo o aleitamento quase exclusivo em Recife, maior entre as pretas (34,5 dias de mediana de AE) comparado a 15,3 dias entre brancas e 16,7 entre pardas. O estudo aponta para a necessidade de se elaborar desenhos de pesquisa que levem em conta a questão da etnia e a amamentação, questão não respondida pela literatura em nível mundial

    Microstructures in subglacial and proglacial sediments : understanding faults, folds and fabrics, and the influence of water on the style of deformation

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    Macroscopic field and micromorphological studies have been carried out on subglacially and proglacially deformed glacigenic sequences at a number of sites throughout Scotland, UK. Examination of microstructures (folds, faults, hydrofractures, plasmic fabrics) aided understanding of the deformation histories preserved in the sediments, but a similar range of structures were developed in both subglacial and proglacial settings. Discrimination between subglacial and proglacial deformation was only possible when micromorphological data was used in conjunction with larger-scale field observations. Variations in lithology and water content were controlling factors influencing the style and apparent intensity of deformation recorded. Changes in pore-water content and pressure during deformation can lead to liquefaction and hydrofracturing, with early formed structures locally controlling the pattern of water-escape. Liquefaction can also lead to homogenisation of the sediments and the destruction of earlier deformation structures, even at relatively low strains. Beds or zones of liquefied sand and silt may form highly ‘lubricated’ detachments within the sediment pile, resulting in a marked reduction in the amount of shear transmitted to underlying units. A multidisciplinary approach, involving sedimentological, geomorphological, stratigraphical and structural field observations, combined with micromorphological analysis, is recommended to confidently unravel the glacitectonic history and depositional environment of most deformed glacigenic sedimentary sequences