2,074 research outputs found

    Three phase inverter development using common mode voltage pulse width modulation (PWM) method

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    This master report presents a simulation voltage source control system for three phase inverter focusing on reducing the common mode voltage using diode clamped circuit. The model was implemented using MATLAB-Simulink with the SimPowerSystems Block set and also M-file. The twelve Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBTs) was use as a switching device. In the three phase inverter circuit, an Alternating Current (AC) output is synthesized from a Direct Current (DC) input by closing and opening the switches in correct sequence or switching system. The Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a program in M-file to control the ON/OFF switching scheme of the IGBTs. An output voltage of an inverter with diode clamped before load and after load will be monitored, discussed and compared to the basic three phase inverter. This inverter circuit operate in open loop system where the inverter output and the load in series connection. The effectiveness of the method will be compared with the basic three phase inverter simulation model in MATLAB�Simulink program

    Aswaja In Frames Political Ideology and Democracy (Interpretation Asjawa in Eyes Politicians NU)

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    Interpret the concept of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (Aswaja) is not simple. Background and interests of the signifying (interpretor) is the cause of the emergence of complexity Aswaja meaning, including also when an elite organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Aswaja interpret concepts, and apply it to the practical politics. The aims of this study were to determine the interpretation of the frame Aswaja political ideology, democracy, and leadership. The research method used is qualitative interviews with politicians directly at NU various political parties in Indonesia. The results showed that according to the politicians there are three groups of elite NU in interpreting and applying for Aswaja; 1) the formalist who tends to interpret the concept of Aswaja as a certain formula, which can be referred to as a concrete shape to the historical past, 2) tend to understand the concept of functionalist Aswaja as a guide to live in a society, nation and state, and 3) contextualist which tends to limit Aswaja understanding the value's ??ness. All three variants of the above elite NU affiliated to the political parties who felt able to accommodate interpretive truth of each, such as PPP, PKNU, PKB, and PKS. Keywords: aswaja, elite NU, formalist, functionalist, contextualist

    Cultural Capital to Establish Spirit Nationalism Study of Values Local Dayak Communities Border Region in Sub Jagoi Babang, Bengkayang Regency,West Kalimantan Province

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    Jagoi Babang community, West Kalimantan, is the representation of the people living in the border areas with other countries, but has the advantages of social values and culture. Their local values, such as solidarity, deliberation, upholding the dignity and worth as a human being, and others simply become the cultural capital to build the spirit of nationalism. The aim  of this study to determine the cultural capital that forms the spirit of nationalism in the village Jagoi Bajang. This research method is descriptive kualitatit on socio-cultural approach with emphasis on emic as perspective. The results showed Jagoi Babang society is a society of symbolic, that every aspect of life has become a cultural meaning and great potential to be seen and reviewed by the government before determining menentapkan development policies and programs. Babang Jagoi community has symbols of different cultural, social realities also are not similar. All the symbolism it into political capital in building and growing nationalism. Keywords: capital, culture, nationalis

    Community Participation Sumenep in 2014 Legislative Elections (Reason-Political Studies in Sociology Perspective)

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    Public participation in the legislative elections Sumenep Madura has a unique pattern. Distinctive character can be seen to from the social and emotional knowledge gaps that encourage their political participation. The aim of this study were to determine the political map, knowledge gaps, and gaps emotions Sumenep community Madura, East Java, Indonesia to participate in the legislative elections. The research method used is the qualitative approach using rational choice theory and symbolic interaction. The results showed the political map in Sumenep Madura district has changed to support one particular party, particularly Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa. Change of support is due to the lack of knowledge and emotional ties to the community Sumenep Madura to legislative candidates and maximal participation in the legislative candidates contributes to political education. Keywords: participation, political, know, emotion

    Igniting Students’ Language Study-Skill: An Overview of the Practice of English Literary Material

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    Detail English literary materials were selected and processed to establish a course-book to be implemented in Junior-High Schools. The materials were designed to ignite students’ language study skills namely inspiration, interactivity and creativity as important aspects in English education. The study was a developmental research and experimental study. The data were collected through (a) an English essay test involving different difficulty levels of questions (cognitive, analytic, evaluative and creative), and (b) classroom observation and interview. Results from this study identified that the learning processes and learning results clearly reflected the three language study skills. By providing and facilitating proper interactive reading materials and a lively atmosphere of classroom discussion, students got inspired to get their own ideas, got free to write their own sentences and this circumstance assigned students to become more creative. Such content of an inspirational, interactive and creative course book must be relevant to the students’ preferences like interest and need to induce students think critically by relating things into facts

    Model Kebijakan Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggalstudi Kasus di Kabupaten Supiori Provinsi Papua

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    MODEL KEBIJAKAN PEMBANGUNAN DAERAH TERTINGGALSTUDI KASUS DI KABUPATEN SUPIORI PROVINSI PAPUARegional Development Policy Model Left Behind Case Study Supiori Papua ProvinceAbd. HalimJurusan Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam, Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi, IAIN Sunan Ampel SurabayaEmail: [email protected] reserach is about design of public policy of development for one of underdeveloped area in Indonesia, namely regency of Supiori, Papua. Supiori is a new regency in Papua. The such regency, officially based on UU.No. 35 tahun 2003, is result of expansion of Biak regency. The objects of the research is public policy concerning with some problem of Supiori. In autonomy era, Indonesia has many problems about underdeveloped areas. One of effect of the such autonomy is the more of new regencies or provincies. It is a crucial problem for developing future of Indonesia. In general, new areas of the expansion need great capital and resources to build themselves. Besaides that, they also need effective policy from government and the others. It is absolutely, needed synergy of power from all of element of society. This research discoveries that Supiori society deals that a public policy of Supiori must involves either governmental and non-governmental institution. They also agree that the public policy must considered some aspects in formulation and impelementation. Furthermore, and it is the most important that the public policy must be structured based on scale of priorities of Supiori people.Keywords: public policy, Supiory, underdeveloped area and developmentABSTRAKpenelitian ini, adalah tentang desain kebijakan publik pengembangan untuk salah satu daerah tertinggal di Indonesia, yaitu Kabupaten Supiori, Papua. Supiori merupakan kabupaten baru di Papua. Kabupaten tersebut, secara resmi berdasarkan UU.No. 35 Tahun 2003, merupakan hasil pemekaran dari kabupaten Biak. Obyek penelitian ini adalah kebijakan publik yang menyangkut dengan beberapa masalah Supiori. Dalam era otonomi, Indonesia memiliki banyak masalah tentang daerah tertinggal. Salah satu efek dari otonomi tersebut adalah lebih dari kabupaten baru. Ini adalah masalah yang sangat penting untuk mengembangkan masa depan Indonesia. Secara umum, daerah-daerah baru ekspansi membutuhkan modal yang besar dan sumber daya untuk membangun diri. Besaides itu, mereka juga membutuhkan kebijakan yang efektif dari pemerintah dan lain-lain. Hal ini benar-benar, diperlukan sinergi daya dari semua elemen masyarakat. Penelitian ini penemuan yang berhubungan masyarakat Supiori bahwa kebijakan publik dari Supiori harus melibatkan baik pemerintah dan lembaga non-pemerintah. Mereka juga setuju bahwa kebijakan publik harus mempertimbangkan beberapa aspek dalam Perumusan dan impelementasi. Selanjutnya, dan itu adalah yang paling penting bahwa kebijakan publik harus terstruktur berdasarkan skala prioritas orang Supiori.Kata Kunci : kebijakan publik, Supiory, daerah tertinggal dan pengembanga

    Positron Annihilation Lifetime Study of the Cubic Phases in The Ternary System of Didodecyldimethylammonium Bromide/ Water/ Hydrocarbon

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    Positron annihilation lifetime technique (PAL) has become a standard technique especially for the investigation of defects in solids, fermi surface, phase transitions etc. The effectiveness of the method lies on the ability of the positron to sample selectively electron states in the media and highlighting them via its annihilation photons. It is now known that in amphiphilic system positron forms para and ortho-positronium atoms. The former has a lifetime of 125 ps and annihilates via two photons while the ortho-positronium atom has a lifetime of 140 ns and annihilates via three photons. Any localised factors such as those found during rearrangement of microstructures in amphiphilic systems can influence the ortho-positronium to annihilate prematurely. In this project Positron Annihilation Lifetime Method was used to study the cubic phases in the ternary system of didodecyldimethylamrnonium bromide (DDAB)/water /hydrocarbon. Three different systems of DDAB were measured i.e DDABI D201 Octane, DDABI D201 Tetradecane, and DDABI D201 Toluene. These systems were expected to provide information on the effect of molecular size and degree of penetration of the oil into the hydrophobic tail region and to influence the structure of the cubic phase. A fast-slow coincidence technique was used to measure the lifetime of positron that interacts with the surfactant medium. The result was analysed using POSITRONFIT programme. An attempt was made to identify the various symmetries by referring to alternative work on the same system. The inhibition constants, k' for the D -Schwarz of the mixtures of DDABI D201 Octane and DDABI D201 Toluene were found to be 2.54 and 0.92 respectively. On the other hand the P-Schwarz minimal surfaces for the mixtures ofDDABI D201 Octane gave an inhibition constant of 1.89 and for the mixtures of DDABI D201 Tetradecane an inhibition constant is 1.63. For other space groups such as the Ia3d space group in the DDABI D201 Toluene mixtures, k' was found to be 5.03 . Although the results is not constant from one sample to another, the positron method shows the sensitiveness of the changes in the microstructure phases. Thus the Positron Annihilation Lifetime Technique can be used as an alternative method in resolving phases in ternary surfactant systems

    Performance Studies of Static Synchronous Compensator and Static Synchronous Series Compensator Modes for Convertible Static Compensator

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    This thesis presents an overview of the emerging Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) and Convertible Static Compensator (CSC) technologies. CSC, the flexible multifunctional compensator is an innovation fi-om FACTS technology. These technologies are fully utilized the existing transmission system assets, that improve transmission nationality for economical and environmental reasons. The CSC can occupy as shunt and/or series compensation devices providing various modes. The CSC can operate in 11 different configurations depending on control objectives, for voltage control at bus system as well as power flow control on two existing transmission lines. The CSC can function as a Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM), Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) and Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC). This research work focused on STATCOM and SSSC for CSC as shunt and series controller, respectively. The basic operation of the controllers is explained, together with the circuit configurations and general control strategies. The STATCOM and SSSC are based on a voltage-sourced converter (VSC) which consist of Gate Turn- Off (GTO) Thyristor as the switching devices, are used in this research work to study the performance of the controllers. An 11-bus system as the test system is used throughout the study to verifL the proposed models and its control strategies. The model of the controllers and its control are then validated through PSCAD/EMTDC simulation. Steady-state analysis is done to demonstrate the capability of the controllers designed for improving voltage regulation and power flows in the transmission systems. The result obtained from the simulations clearly showed that the designed STATCOM and SSSC controllers are capable in regulating voltage and increased the transmitting powe

    Fundamental of Entrepreneurship (ENT300) : Uncle Bun Enterprise / Norazlina Abd Halim

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    UNCLE BUN ENTERPRISE is the bread shop that establish in Jitra, Kedah. We offer the product and service for the customer who wanted to eat the bread as the food in the breakfast,lunch and supper. In the simple word, it suitable for every times. We provide the variety of the bread to our customer. We want to make sure the customer who purchase our bread will be satisfy and will be the repeat of our product. We will make sure all bread made every day


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    The view about human being has the main role in developing various theories how the human carried out. This study aims to know how the Quran represented the purpose and the role of the human potential from the story of Adam a.s.This study is conducted with analytic scientific approach using thematic method (maudu’i) investigating the history of Adam a.s in the Quran.The human as biological system (basyar) was inherited his anatomy and physic from Adam a.s. was desiring to biological needs, breeding and spreading, responsibility, as well as tending to make the destructive action. As khalifah, leader, ruler and prosperous of earth, God has given Adam and his descendants a spirit (ruh), knowledge potency to know, freedom and independence to do. However, the different side of human being tended to be a good and bad made a human constructively and destructively.The keywrods: Human, Adam a.s, Potency, Rol