200 research outputs found
Properties And Potential Uses Of Unexploited Rattan
Dua puluh empat jenis rotan yang kurang dikenal telah dikumpulkan dari tiga lokasi yaitu dari daerah Bengkulu, Kalimantan Selatan dan Sulawesi Tengah. Jenisjenis tersebut dari genus Calamus, Korthalsia, Daemonorops dan Ceratolobus, dengan diameter antara 0,50 sampai 2,20 cm.
Rotan-rotan dengan diameter lebih dari 15 mm temyata memiliki keteguhan lengkung yang setingkat dengan kayu biasa pada berat jenis yang sama kecuali modulus kenyal yang rendah. Rotan tohiti api, tohitipisang, batang halus dan dahan dapat menggantikan rotan manau karena mempunyai keteguhan lengkung setaraf dengan rotan manau. Dalam keteguhan tank, rotan dahan, tohiti api dan dahanen dapat menggantikan rotan sega sebagai bahan anyaman kursi karena bahkan lebih kuat daripada rotan sega. Rotan ronti dan Jilin dengan diameter kurang dari 0,60 cm mempunyai daya lengkung yang cukup besar dengan diameter terkecil apabila dilengkungkan, masing-masing 0,4 dan 0,7 cm sehingga sangat balk dipergunakan sebagai bahan kerajinan
Kandungan lignin berkisar antara 19 sampai 24% dan tidak mempengaruhi daya lengkung rotan. Perebusan di dalam campuran 75% kerosen dan 25% minyak disel menghasilkan rotan yang bebas cendawan dan apabila diikuti dengan pengasapan dengan gas belerang, menghasilkan rotan dengan wama yang lebih cerah tetapi tidak berbeda dengan rotan yang tidak clirebus minyak sebelumnya kemudian diasapi dengan gas belerang.
Katakunci : rotan, sifat
Pengaruh Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Sekolah, Perbaikan Mutu Sekolah Berkelanjutan, Budaya Sekolah, Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Yang Islami, Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan (Orang Tua Siswa Sdi Al-azhar 14 Semarang)
The purpose of this research was to know how much influence school quality increase management, continuous quality improvement school, school culture, and an Islamic elementary school educationto customer satisfaction. The research population was parents of SDI Al-Azhar 14 Semarang, amounting to 726 people. The sampling technique using proportional random sampling of 200 parents. Captured by structured scales of questionnaires and the data analyzed with simple regression used SPSS programe. The results showed that increase the school quality of management, continuous improvement of school quality, school culture, and an Islamic elementary school education influence customer satisfaction, either partially or together. The findings are as follows: the school quality of management (X ) influenced customer satisfaction (Y) of 68.5%, continuous improvement of school quality (X 1 ) affects customer satisfaction (Y) of 72.0%, school culture (X 3 2 ) influencedcustomer satisfaction (Y) for 70.2%, and an Islamic elementary school education (X ) influenced customer satisfaction (Y) of 72.3%. Meanwhile, the the school quality of management (X 4 ), continuous improvement of school quality (X 2 ), school culture (X ), and an Islamic elementary school education (X 4 3 ) influenced elementary (Y) jointly for 83.3%. The implications for school admissions policy in the preparation of learners and improving the quality of schools and improve services to stakeholders, the school committee (jam`iyyah), so that parents feel satisfied, pleasure, and conveniently send their sons and daughters of SDI Al-Azhar 14 Semarang.
Rendemen Pembuatan Papan Sambung Di PT albasi Parahyangan Banjar Dan Cara Menaikkannya
Jointboard manufacturing recovery at PT Albasi Parahyangan Banjar was calculated. Calculation was made by volume at each machine. Volume loss or left was computed by multiplying their dimension (width, thickness and length) or their original dimension in the wood (for sawdust and shaving). Observation was also made to increase board recovery.
The results showed that for final jointboard recovery of sengon 6 mm- and 13 mm-thick were found 12.30 and 30.02% respectively, while of pine at 40 mm thickness was 17.20%. Board recovery can be increased by calculating thickness cutting at headsaw based on products thicknesses and sawkerf at resaw, decrease length allowance of strips, careful strip composing and sanding no more than one millimeter thick at each fac
Pengeringan Kayu Dengan Menggunakan Energi Matahari
Drying 1400d using solar energy makes the wood drier in a shorter time than mood Mich is dried by air drying. Drying time is reduced one third to one half. This method will be advantageous for drying wood in Indonesian climat
Payah Jantung Kongestif ( Congestive Heart Failure ) di Rumah Sakit Dr. Soetomo Surabaya
Telah dilakukan penelitian secara retrospektip terhadap angka kejadian, etiologi dan angka kematian payah jantung kongestif pada penderita yang telah dirawat di Bangsal Kardiologi Rumah Sakit Dr. SOETOMO Surabaya dalam periode 1 Januari 1972-31 Desember 1973 (2 tahun).
Diagnosa payah jantung kongestif ditegakkan berdasarkan satu modifikasi dari kriteria payah jantung kongestif yang dipakai oleh Framingham Heart Study.
Untuk diagnosa definitip payah jantung kongestif paling sedikit diperlukan kriteria : 2 major atau 1 major dan 2 minor.
Dengan mempergunakan kriteria tersebut didapatkan 646 kasus dengan tanda¬-tanda definitip payah jantung kongestif. Perbandingan Pria : wanita 1 : 1,22, suatu perbandingan yang tidak berarti, dan terbanyak didapatkan pada golong¬an umur 40-49 tahun (21,7%), menyusul kemudian pada golongan umur 50-59 tahun (19,1%). Umur termuda adalah 10 tahun dan tertua 8.7 tahun dengan umur rata-rata 41,6 tahun.
Angka kejadian payah jantung kongestif didapatkan sebesar 0,9% dari jumlah penderita yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Dr. SOETOMO Surabaya. Sebagai penyebab utama timbulnya payah jantung kongestif adalah penyakit jantung reumatik (37,9%), menyusul kemudian penyakit jantung atherosklerotik (22,6%), cor pulmonale chronica (18,9%), penyakit jantung hypertensi (15,1%), aritmia (1,5%) kardiomyopati (1,3%), penyakit jantung anemik (1,2%), penya¬kit jantung bawaan (1,2%), perikarditis (0,5%), penyakit jantung hyperthy¬roidik (0,3%) dan myokarditis (0,15%). Pola etiologik payah jantung kongestif ini ada hubungannya dengan tingkat sosio-ekonomik.
Angka kematian payah jantung kongestif didapatkan sebesar 26,8% dan ter¬banyak didapatkan pada penyakit jantung atherosklerotik (32,9%), menyusul kemudian penyakit jantung reumatik (2 6,7%), cor pulmonale chronica (25,4%), penyakit jantung hypertensi (10,9%), dan Kardiomyopati (4,1%).
Payah jantung kongestif merupakan penyebab kematian sebesar 43,8% sampai 97,8% dari semua penderita penyakit jantung
Analisis Audio Forensik dengan Metode Voice Recognition
Pengenalan suara sangat penting dalam forensik audio untuk mendukung penyidikan dalam menganalisa kasus pada saat di persidangan. Banyak penelitian telah melakukan teknik ini dengan metode perbandingan untuk mengidentifikasi suara, namun selalu bermasalah pada kebisingan yang tejadi saat merekam suara. Pada penelitian ini, sistem pengenalan suara berdasarkan komponen suara digunakan untuk kepentingan forensik audio dan diuji tingkat kebisingan. Proses pengambilan data berjumlah 200 rekaman suara dan data tersebut dibagi menjadi dua proses. Pertama, melalui proses enhancement audio dan tanpa enhancement audio. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis masing-masing proses berdasarkan komponen suara picth dan formant. Dilakukan pengujian identifikasi data rekaman suara pada pitch dan formant menggunakan pengujian one-way ANOVA. Kemudian dari hasil pengujian dicari akurasi masing-masing prameter komponen suara. Hasil pengujian mendapatkan akurasi pitch 69% dan formant 84% melalui proses enhancement, sedangkan akurasi pitch 52% dan formant 73% tanpa proses enhancement. Penggabungan data antara parameter komponen suara dilakukan untuk menghasilkan data yang lebih valid dalam meningkatkan kepercayaan pada hasil data dengan nilai hasil akurasi 76,5% melalui proses enhancement dan 62,5% tanpa enhancement.
Kata kunci : identifikasi suara, enhancement, audio, forensik
Kecepatan Pengeringan, Penyusutan Dan Cacat-Cacat Pengeringan yang terjadi pada Pengeringan Kayu Paraserianthes Falcataria Secara Alami dan Dalam Dapur Pengering
Speed of drying, shrinkage and drying defects of 2 cm Paraserinthes falcataria Nielsen dried in air drying and in dry kiln are reported.
Thirteen logs at diameter 30-50 cm were sawn live sawing, edged to the widest width and trimmed to 2.0 m length. The inner lumber (close to pith) were ripped into two boards due to the excessive split. The first half of the lumber from each log were stacked together and air dried and the other half of the lumber were kiln dried. Kiln schedule was set up according to. the COPCAL kiln mannual.
In 51 days air drying, average moisture content of the lumber was 13,2%, while in the dry kiln after 8 days with effective drying treatment 53 hours, the average moisture content of the lumber was 9.56%.
Shrinkage of the outer boards (close to bark) from green to their final moisture contents was averaged 8.50% and of the inner boards was averaged 11.60% in air drying. In the kiln drying, shrinkage of the outer boards was averaged 8.70% and of the inner boards was averaged 12.15%.
End checks occured at small number of the outer boards at the length
of about 17 cm. Almost no end check occured at the inner lumber. Length
ening of old end checks were also found at small number of the lumber.
Bowing occured at almost all of the lumber at 4.2 to 6.8 inm deflec
tions. Crook occured at most of the lumber at 2.7 to 3.2 mm deflections
Key Word:Pengeringan kayu,Paraserianthe
Pola Pembelahan Jati Rakyat dan Sifat Fisik Serta Mekanik Kayu Gergajiannya
Teak grown on community land is usually still too young to be harvested. People harvest it at less than 30 years old for building construction. furniture and for money. The tree contains more juvenile wood and this will affect physical properties of lumber produced. The lumber will bow at longitudinal direction whenever dry. Therefore sawing pattern should be selected to minimize the effect.
The research began with juvenile wood boundary determination using its shrinkage property at longitudinal direction, followed by two sawing patterns. The wood were cut into 2 and 6 cm thicknesses. Lumber straightness was identified. Mechanical properties determined were modulus of rupture. modulus of elasticity, compression parallel to grain and hardness.
The results showed that juvenile wood was found up to the first 14 to 17 growth rings. Lumber of 6 cm thickness produced by people sawing pattern. i.e. parallel cutting started brain one face only, bowed significantly. The better sawing pattern that reduced bowing was cutting at the same thickness symmetrically on two opposite faces. Mechanical properties of the wood were found not significantly different from the wood taken from state forest teak stands.
Keywords: teak, community land, sawing pattern, juvenile wood, physical and
mechanical propertie
Pengaruh Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) dan Promosi terhadap Compulsive Buying Behavior pada Live Streaming Commerce: Money Attitude sebagai Variabel Moderasi (Studi pada Generasi Milenial dan Generasi Z Pengguna Shopee Live)
This study aims to investigate the effect of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and
Promotion on Compulsive Buying Behavior (CBB) in live streaming commerce,
with Money Attitude as a moderating variable. This research is focused on
Millenials Generation and Generation Z as a Shopee Live users. The research
method used is Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) involving 175 respondents.
The results showed that FOMO and Promotion have a significant influence on CBB.
Money Attitude is measured by three dimensions: Money Power Prestige, Money
Distrust and Money Anxiety. Money Power Prestige and Money Distrust cannot
moderate the relationship between FOMO and CBB, as well as Promotion and
CBB. However, Money Anxiety is able to moderate the relationship between FOMO
and CBB, while the relationship between Promotion and CBB cannot be moderated.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi pengaruh Fear of Missing Out
(FOMO) dan Promosi terhadap Compulsive Buying Behavior (CBB) pada live
streaming commerce, dengan Money Attitude sebagai variabel moderasi. Penelitian
ini difokuskan pada Generasi Milenial dan Generasi Z sebagai pengguna Shopee
Live. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Moderated Regression Analysis
(MRA) dengan melibatkan 175 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
FOMO dan Promosi memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap CBB. Money Attitude
diukur dengan tiga dimensi: Money Power Prestige, Money Distrust, dan Money
Anxiety. Money Power Prestige dan Money Distrust tidak dapat memoderasi
hubungan antara FOMO dan CBB, serta Promosi dan CBB. Namun, Money Anxiety
mampu memoderasi hubungan FOMO dan CBB, sementara hubungan antara
Promosi dan CBB tidak dapat dimoderasi
In organization, especially in a company, it is necessary to implement a monitoring and an appraisal toward the activities of the employees. Performance Appraisal is the activity of an organization in appraising the task that has been done by the employees / organization member. Strategic Models is one of the models in the Decision Support Systems (DSS) that can be used as an alternative way in doing the Performance Appraisal. Strategic Models is used by the top management to help in determining the organization’s objective, the resources that are needed to achieve the objective, the policy to determine the result, the usage, the assignment, and the management of the resources. In calculating formulas, Assignment Model and Sociometry Model which are used as the implementation of Strategic Models can give a useful result to the management in getting the best employee
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