167 research outputs found

    Professionalism and the new communication and information tools in searching for the library users – does it work? Analysis of the Library of the UPJPII in Cracow functioning

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    Celem niniejszego referatu jest poszukiwanie przyczyn występującej tendencji zmniejszania się liczby użytkowników odwiedzających biblioteki akademickie, jak również ocena efektywności działań mających na celu zmianę tego stanu rzeczy. Biblioteki ulegają przeobrażeniom, oferują profesjonalne usługi informacyjne, wykorzystują nowe narzędzia komunikacji, aktualizują swą ofertę dydaktyczną, wychodzą naprzeciw rzeczywistym i potencjalnym oczekiwaniom odbiorców, licząc na ich obecność zarówno w fizycznej przestrzeni biblioteki, jak i wirtualnej. Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie również ewoluuje i podejmuje nowe wyzwania. Autorka przytacza dane statystyczne oraz wyniki badań przeprowadzonych wśród użytkowników Biblioteki UPJPII, wskazuje kilka mocnych i słabych stron funkcjonowania Biblioteki, formułuje wnioski, które mogą być pomocne w budowaniu strategii rozwoju Biblioteki.This article aims to search for reasons of downward trends of users presence in the academic libraries, as well as to evaluate efforts of counteracting that state of affairs. Libraries have been transformed. They offer professional information technologies and explore new tools of communication. We believe they update teaching methods and try to meat real and potential users' expectations. Finally, librarians count on the presence of users in actual and virtual reality. The Library of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow also involves and takes up new challenges. The author quotes statistical data as well as scientific research conducted among the UPJPII Library users. She also indicates some strengths and weaknesses of the library’s functioning. This work analyses how this can be useful in identifying the library’s strategy [email protected] Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w KrakowieBaran K.: Jeszcze bibliotekarz czy już broker? Zmiany w zawodzie pracownika informacji w kontekście gospodarki opartej na wiedzy. „Zarządzanie Biblioteką” 2013, nr 1(5), s. 9-18.Bibliotekarstwo. Red. A. Tokarska. Warszawa 2013.Gmiterek G.: Biblioteka 2.0. Warszawa 2013.Habit A. [i in.]: Planowanie pracy biblioteki. Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego. Warszawa 2009. Tryb dostępu: http://www.biblioteki.org/repository/PLIKI/DOKUMENTY/PODRECZNIKI/PLANOWANIE_PRACY_BIBLIOTEKI_FINAL.pdf [16 czerwca 2015].Jenkins H.: Kultura konwergencji. Zderzenie starych i nowych mediów. Tłum. M. Bernatowicz, M. Filiciak. Warszawa 2007.Konieczny-Rozenfeld B.: Rola współczesnej biblioteki akademickiej w samokształceniu studentów. W: Biblioteka w przestrzeni edukacyjnej: funkcje i wyzwania w XXI wieku. Red. S. Skórka. Kraków 2013, s. 55-65.Koszowska A.: Nowe media w bibliotece. W: Bibliotekarstwo. Red. A. Tokarska. Warszawa 2013, s. 417-430.Kurkowska E. J.: Standardy i modele kształcenia umiejętności informacyjnych w szkolnictwie wyższym. Cz. 2, Wybrane modele i standardy europejskie. „Toruńskie Studia Bibliologiczne” 2011, nr 1(6), s. 37-47.Levinson P.: Nowe nowe media. Kraków 2010.Lis R.: Digitalizacja zbiorów bibliotecznych. W: Bibliotekarstwo. Warszawa 2013, s. 155-171.Maciejewska Ł., Urbańczyk B.: Czego oczekują użytkownicy biblioteki akademickiej w dobie informacji elektronicznej? Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Nr 5. Biblioteka: klucz do sukcesu użytkowników. Tryb dostępu: http://skryba.inib.uj.edu.pl/wydawnictwa/e05/maciejewskaurbanczyk-n.pdf [16 maja 2015].Problemy zarządzania w uczelni opartej na wiedzy. Red. K. Leja. Gdańsk 2006.Skórka S.: Architekt informacji – kreator przestrzeni informacyjnych. „Przegląd Biblioteczny” R. 79, z. 1 (2011), s. 47-61.Wojciechowska M.: Standaryzacja akademickich systemów biblioteczno-informacyjnych jako element podnoszenia jakości usług uczelni. W: Problemy zarządzania w uczelni opartej na wiedzy. Red. K. Leja. Gdańsk 2006, s. 147-154.169-18

    Assessing Arapaima Conservation and Management Through Actionable Research

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    This work investigated floodplain fish ecology and implications for management and conservation by studying the most historically important and overexploited fisheries in South America, the arapaima (genus Arapaima). Through actionable research in arapaima ecology and fishery management, this dissertation aimed to improve inland fish conservation and management in floodplain ecosystems. First, through a systematic literature review, thematic, geographic, and temporal trends in arapaima research were identified. Despite exponential growth in arapaima research, only one-third of studies were applicable to management and notable knowledge gaps remained that could hinder decision making for arapaima management and conservation. The second analysis explored variability in arapaima reproductive traits. Observations from the Lower Amazon were compared to findings across South America. Considerable variation in size at first sexual maturation and nesting features was found within and between regions. The third analysis characterized seasonal arapaima migration patterns by using acoustic telemetry to monitor migrations of 24 arapaima over a two year period. Results showed connectivity of arapaima from different lake populations and crossover between community-based management zones during high-water seasons. In addition, arapaima showed lake fidelity in low water seasons. Finally, successes of small-scale co-management efforts to promote recovery for arapaima fisheries were highlighted. The history of arapaima fishing, early management efforts, and improvements to management approaches were discussed. Then, implementation of co-management at small scales was evaluated across three regions based on presence of eight principles for sustainable governance of common property resources. For each region, current and ongoing challenges were considered. Then, lessons were identified that can be useful for management of arapaima and other inland fisheries. In summary, successful floodplain fishery management and conservation practices should address knowledge gaps to establish practices based on a comprehensive knowledge base on fish ecology

    Irrigated agriculture and future climate change effects on groundwater recharge, northern High Plains aquifer, USA

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    Understanding the controls of agriculture and climate change on recharge rates is critically important to develop appropriate sustainable management plans for groundwater resources and coupled irrigated agricultural systems. In this study, several physical (total potential (ψT) time series) and chemical tracer and dating (3H, Cl−, Br−, CFCs, SF6, and 3H/3He) methods were used to quantify diffuse recharge rates beneath two rangeland sites and irrigation recharge rates beneath two irrigated corn sites along an east-west (wet-dry) transect of the northern High Plains aquifer, Platte River Basin, central Nebraska. The field-based recharge estimates and historical climate were used to calibrate site-specific Hydrus-1D models, and irrigation requirements were estimated using the Crops Simulation Model (CROPSIM). Future model simulations were driven by an ensemble of 16 global climate models and two global warming scenarios to project a 2050 climate relative to the historical baseline 1990 climate, and simulate changes in precipitation, irrigation, evapotranspiration, and diffuse and irrigation recharge rates. Although results indicate statistical differences between the historical variables at the eastern and western sites and rangeland and irrigated sites, the low warming scenario (+1.0 °C) simulations indicate no statistical differences between 2050 and 1990. However, the high warming scenarios (+2.4 °C) indicate a 25% and 15% increase in median annual evapotranspiration and irrigation demand, and decreases in future diffuse recharge by 53% and 98% and irrigation recharge by 47% and 29% at the eastern and western sites, respectively. These results indicate an important threshold between the low and high warming scenarios that if exceeded could trigger a significant bidirectional shift in 2050 hydroclimatology and recharge gradients. The bidirectional shift is that future northern High Plains temperatures will resemble present central High Plains temperatures and future recharge rates in the east will resemble present recharge rates in the western part of the northern High Plains aquifer. The reductions in recharge rates could accelerate declining water levels if irrigation demand and other management strategies are not implemented. Findings here have important implications for future management of irrigation practices and to slow groundwater depletion in this important agricultural region

    Groundwater response to climate variability in Mediterranean type climate zones with comparisons of California (USA) and Portugal

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    Aquifers are a fundamental source of freshwater, yet they are particularly vulnerable in coastal regions with Mediterranean type climate, due to both climatic and anthropogenic pressures. This comparative study examines the interrelationships between ocean-atmosphere teleconnections, groundwater levels and precipitation in coastal aquifers of California (USA) and Portugal. Piezometric and climate indices (1989-2019) are analyzed using singular spectral analysis and wavelet transform methods. Singular spectral analysis identifies signals consistent with the six dominant climate patterns: the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and the Pacific/North American Oscillation (PNA) in California, and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Eastern Atlantic Oscillation (EA) and the Scandinavian Pattern (SCAND) in Portugal. Lower-frequency oscillations have a greater influence on hydrologic patterns, with PDO (52.75%) and NAO (46.25%) on average accounting for the largest amount of groundwater level variability. Wavelet coherences show nonstationary covariability between climate patterns and groundwater levels in distinct period bands: 4-8 years for PDO, 2-4 years for ENSO, 1-2 years for PNA, 5-8 years for NAO, 2-4 years for EA and 2-8 years for SCAND. Wavelet coherence patterns also show that coupled climate patterns (NAO+ EA- and paired PDO and ENSO phases) are associated with major drought periods in both the Mediterranean climate zones.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Unlocking Strength: The Powerful Impact of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Supplementation on Resistance Training

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    Withania somnifera, commonly known as ashwagandha, has gained popularity in recent years among individuals interested in healthy lifestyles, natural medicine, and sports. This review aims to summarize the current knowledge regarding the effects of ashwagandha supplementation on various aspects of physical performance, particularly in the context of resistance training. Studies have shown that ashwagandha can positively impact muscle strength, with significant increase of muscle force and power output. Additionally, it has demonstrated potential in modulating body composition, with reduction of body fat percentage noted in certain populations. However, results of studies on ashwagandha’s effect on muscle size remain inconclusive and may depend on various factors such as training status and individual responses. In terms of endurance, ashwagandha supplementation has been associated with improvement in maximal oxygen uptake, indicating enhanced aerobic capacity and delayed exhaustion during endurance activities. Furthermore, ashwagandha was shown to aid muscle recovery by reducing exercise-induced muscle damage and inflammatory response, potentially accelerating the muscle regeneration process. Ashwagandha may also influence hormone levels, such as testosterone and cortisol, with potential implications for muscle growth and recovery. However, further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms underlying these effects. Overall, ashwagandha supplementation appears to hold promise for enhancing physical performance and overall well-being. Further research is needed to elucidate optimal dosages, long-term safety, and potential interactions with other supplements or medications

    Converting oak woodland or savanna to vineyards may stress groundwater supply in summer

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    Water resources are important to land-use planning, especially in regions where converting native oak woodlands or savannas to wine grape vineyards may affect the amount of water available for restoring salmon runs. Research has shown that woodland conversion to grasslands (for possible rangeland grazing) leads to greater and more sustained stream flow and groundwater recharge; however, little information is available about woodland conversion to vineyards. To inform resource managers and planners, we developed a water balance model for soil and applied it to vineyards, native oak woodlands and annual grasslands to evaluate their relative use of groundwater. We applied the model to Sonoma County, using climate data from 1999 to 2011, and determined that oak tree canopy coverage of 40% to 60% results in annual groundwater extraction equivalent to that of an established irrigated vineyard. However, vineyard groundwater use far exceeded that of oak woodlands in late summer to early fall, which could further stress already affected groundwater resources. We also evaluated the prediction sensitivity of the model to key parameters associated with rain levels, soil water-holding capacity and irrigation management

    Assessment of future groundwater recharge in semi-arid regions under climate change scenarios (Serral-Salinas aquifer, SE Spain). Could increased rainfall variability increase the recharge rate?

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    The projected impact of climate change on groundwater recharge is a challenge in hydrogeological research because substantial doubts still remain, particularly in arid and semi-arid zones. We present a methodology to generate future groundwater recharge scenarios using available information about regional climate change projections developed in European Projects. It involves an analysis of regional climate model (RCM) simulations and a proposal for ensemble models to assess the impacts of climate change. Future rainfall and temperature series are generated by modifying the mean and standard deviation of the historical series in accordance with estimates of their change provoked by climate change. Future recharge series will be obtained by simulating these new series within a continuous balance model of the aquifer. The proposed method is applied to the Serral-Salinas aquifer, located in a semi-arid zone of south-east Spain. The results show important differences depending on the RCM used. Differences are also observed between the series generated by imposing only the changes in means or also in standard deviations. An increase in rainfall variability, as expected under future scenarios, could increase recharge rates for a given mean rainfall because the number of extreme events increases. For some RCMs, the simulations predict total recharge increases over the historical values, even though climate change would produce a reduction in the mean rainfall and an increased mean temperature. A method based on a multi-objective analysis is proposed to provide ensemble predictions that give more value to the information obtained from the best calibrated models. The ensemble of predictions estimates a reduction in mean annual recharge of 14% for scenario A2 and 58% for scenario A1B. Lower values of future recharge are obtained if only the change in the mean is imposed.This work has been developed under the framework of the CGL-2009-13238-C02-01 and CGL2009-13238-C02-02 research projects, financed by the Plan Nacional I+D+I 2008-2011 (Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain). The study was also partially supported by the European Community 7th Framework Project GENESIS (226536) on groundwater systems. We also thank the PRUDENCE and ENSEMBLES Projects, as some public data of this project have been applied.Pulido Velázquez, D.; García-Arostegui, J.; Molina González, JL.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2015). Assessment of future groundwater recharge in semi-arid regions under climate change scenarios (Serral-Salinas aquifer, SE Spain). Could increased rainfall variability increase the recharge rate?. Hydrological Processes. 29(6):828-844. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.10191S828844296AEMet 2009 Generación de escenarios regionalizados de cambio climático para España www.aemet.es/documentos/es/elclima/cambio_climat/escenarios/Informe_Escenarios.pdfAguilera, H., & Murillo, J. M. (2008). The effect of possible climate change on natural groundwater recharge based on a simple model: a study of four karstic aquifers in SE Spain. Environmental Geology, 57(5), 963-974. doi:10.1007/s00254-008-1381-2Bell, V. A., Kay, A. L., Jones, R. G., & Moore, R. J. (2007). Development of a high resolution grid-based river flow model for use with regional climate model output. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11(1), 532-549. doi:10.5194/hess-11-532-2007Bouraoui, F., Vachaud, G., Li, L. Z. X., Le Treut, H., & Chen, T. (1999). Evaluation of the impact of climate changes on water storage and groundwater recharge at the watershed scale. Climate Dynamics, 15(2), 153-161. doi:10.1007/s003820050274Candela, L., von Igel, W., Javier Elorza, F., & Aronica, G. (2009). Impact assessment of combined climate and management scenarios on groundwater resources and associated wetland (Majorca, Spain). Journal of Hydrology, 376(3-4), 510-527. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.07.057Candela, L., Tamoh, K., Olivares, G., & Gomez, M. (2012). Modelling impacts of climate change on water resources in ungauged and data-scarce watersheds. Application to the Siurana catchment (NE Spain). Science of The Total Environment, 440, 253-260. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.06.062Cayan, D. R., Maurer, E. P., Dettinger, M. D., Tyree, M., & Hayhoe, K. (2008). Climate change scenarios for the California region. Climatic Change, 87(S1), 21-42. doi:10.1007/s10584-007-9377-6Christensen, N. S., & Lettenmaier, D. P. (2007). A multimodel ensemble approach to assessment of climate change impacts on the hydrology and water resources of the Colorado River Basin. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11(4), 1417-1434. doi:10.5194/hess-11-1417-2007Döll, P. (2009). Vulnerability to the impact of climate change on renewable groundwater resources: a global-scale assessment. Environmental Research Letters, 4(3), 035006. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/4/3/035006Dragoni, W., & Sukhija, B. S. (2008). Climate change and groundwater: a short review. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 288(1), 1-12. doi:10.1144/sp288.1ENSEMBLES PROJECT 2009 European Commission's 6th Framework Integrated Project from 2004-2009 (through the contract GOCE-CT-2003-505539) under the Thematic Sub-Priority ‘Global Change and Ecosystems’ http://ensembles-eu.metoffice.com/FAO 2008 Climate change water and flood securityFowler, H. J., Blenkinsop, S., & Tebaldi, C. (2007). Linking climate change modelling to impacts studies: recent advances in downscaling techniques for hydrological modelling. International Journal of Climatology, 27(12), 1547-1578. doi:10.1002/joc.1556Fowler, H. J., Kilsby, C. G., & Stunell, J. (2007). Modelling the impacts of projected future climate change on water resources in north-west England. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11(3), 1115-1126. doi:10.5194/hess-11-1115-2007Green, T. R., Bates, B. C., Charles, S. P., & Fleming, P. M. (2007). Physically Based Simulation of Potential Effects of Carbon Dioxide–Altered Climates on Groundwater Recharge. Vadose Zone Journal, 6(3), 597. doi:10.2136/vzj2006.0099Green, T. R., Taniguchi, M., Kooi, H., Gurdak, J. J., Allen, D. M., Hiscock, K. M., … Aureli, A. (2011). Beneath the surface of global change: Impacts of climate change on groundwater. Journal of Hydrology, 405(3-4), 532-560. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.05.002Gurdak, J. J., & Roe, C. D. (2010). Review: Recharge rates and chemistry beneath playas of the High Plains aquifer, USA. Hydrogeology Journal, 18(8), 1747-1772. doi:10.1007/s10040-010-0672-3Haylock, M. R., Hofstra, N., Klein Tank, A. M. G., Klok, E. J., Jones, P. D., & New, M. (2008). A European daily high-resolution gridded data set of surface temperature and precipitation for 1950–2006. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113(D20). doi:10.1029/2008jd010201Hernandez-Barrios L 2007 Efectos del cambio climático en los sistemas complejos de recursos hídricos. Aplicación a la cuenca del Júcar. (Effects of climate change on complex water resources systems. Application to the Jucar River Basin)Herrera-Pantoja, M., & Hiscock, K. M. (2007). The effects of climate change on potential groundwater recharge in Great Britain. Hydrological Processes, 22(1), 73-86. doi:10.1002/hyp.6620Iglesias, A., Garrote, L., Flores, F., & Moneo, M. (2006). Challenges to Manage the Risk of Water Scarcity and Climate Change in the Mediterranean. Water Resources Management, 21(5), 775-788. doi:10.1007/s11269-006-9111-6IPCC 2007 Four assessment report: impacts, adaptation and vulnerabilityJiménez-Martínez, J., Candela, L., Molinero, J., & Tamoh, K. (2010). Groundwater recharge in irrigated semi-arid areas: quantitative hydrological modelling and sensitivity analysis. Hydrogeology Journal, 18(8), 1811-1824. doi:10.1007/s10040-010-0658-1Jyrkama, M. I., & Sykes, J. F. (2007). The impact of climate change on spatially varying groundwater recharge in the grand river watershed (Ontario). Journal of Hydrology, 338(3-4), 237-250. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.02.036Kovalevskii, V. S. (2007). Effect of climate changes on groundwater. Water Resources, 34(2), 140-152. doi:10.1134/s0097807807020042Lautenbach, S., Jürgen Berlekamp, Graf, N., Seppelt, R., & Matthies, M. (2009). Scenario analysis and management options for sustainable river basin management: Application of the Elbe DSS. Environmental Modelling & Software, 24(1), 26-43. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2008.05.001Lopez, A., Fung, F., New, M., Watts, G., Weston, A., & Wilby, R. L. (2009). From climate model ensembles to climate change impacts and adaptation: A case study of water resource management in the southwest of England. Water Resources Research, 45(8). doi:10.1029/2008wr007499Merritt, W. S., Alila, Y., Barton, M., Taylor, B., Cohen, S., & Neilsen, D. (2006). Hydrologic response to scenarios of climate change in sub watersheds of the Okanagan basin, British Columbia. Journal of Hydrology, 326(1-4), 79-108. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2005.10.025Molina JL García Aróstegui JL 2007 Identificación preliminar de impactos del uso intensivo del agua subterránea en el sureste español: Acuífero Serral-Salinas (Murcia-Alicante)Molina, J. L., García Aróstegui, J. L., Benavente, J., Varela, C., de la Hera, A., & López Geta, J. A. (2009). Aquifers Overexploitation in SE Spain: A Proposal for the Integrated Analysis of Water Management. Water Resources Management, 23(13), 2737-2760. doi:10.1007/s11269-009-9406-5Molina, J.-L., García-Aróstegui, J. L., Bromley, J., & Benavente, J. (2011). Integrated Assessment of the European WFD Implementation in Extremely Overexploited Aquifers Through Participatory Modelling. Water Resources Management, 25(13), 3343-3370. doi:10.1007/s11269-011-9859-1Molina, J.-L., Pulido-Velázquez, D., García-Aróstegui, J. L., & Pulido-Velázquez, M. (2013). Dynamic Bayesian Networks as a Decision Support tool for assessing Climate Change impacts on highly stressed groundwater systems. Journal of Hydrology, 479, 113-129. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.11.038PRUDENCE PROJECT 2004 Prediction of regional scenarios and uncertainties for defining European climate change risks and effects http://prudence.dmi.dk/Pulido-Velazquez, D., Garrote, L., Andreu, J., Martin-Carrasco, F.-J., & Iglesias, A. (2011). A methodology to diagnose the effect of climate change and to identify adaptive strategies to reduce its impacts in conjunctive-use systems at basin scale. Journal of Hydrology, 405(1-2), 110-122. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.05.014Romero, R., Guijarro, J. A., Ramis, C., & Alonso, S. (1998). A 30-year (1964–1993) daily rainfall data base for the Spanish Mediterranean regions: first exploratory study. International Journal of Climatology, 18(5), 541-560. doi:10.1002/(sici)1097-0088(199804)18:53.0.co;2-nSamper J Huguet Ll Ares J García Vera MA 1999 Manual del usuario del programa VISUAL BALAN v.1.0: Código interactivo para la realización de balances hidrológicos y la estimación de la recargaSamper J Huguet Ll Ares J García-Vera MA 2005 User's guide VisualBALAN v.2.0: código interactivo para la realización de balances hidrológicos y la estimación de la recarga [Visual-BALAN v.2.0: interactive code to establish water balance and aquifer recharge]Taylor, R. 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    Dynamic Bayesian Networks as a Decision Support Tool for assessing Climate Change impacts on highly stressed groundwater systems

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    Bayesian Networks (BNs) are powerful tools for assessing and predicting consequences of water management scenarios and uncertain drivers like climate change, integrating available scientific knowledge with the interests of the multiple stakeholders. However, among their major limitations, the non-transient treatment of the cause-effect relationship stands out. A Decision Support System (DSS) based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs) is proposed here aimed to palliate that limitation through time slicing technique. The DSS comprises several classes (Object-Oriented BN networks), especially designed for future 5 years length time steps (time slices), covering a total control period of 30 years (2070-2100). The DSS has been developed for assessing impacts generated by different Climate Change (CC) scenarios (generated from several Regional Climatic Models (RCMs) under two emission scenarios, A1B and A2) in an aquifer system (Serral-Salinas) affected by intensive groundwater use over the last 30 years. A calibrated continuous water balance model was used to generate hydrological CC scenarios, and then a groundwater flow model (MODFLOW) was employed in order to analyze the aquifer behavior under CC conditions. Results obtained from both models were used as input for the DSS, considering rainfall, aquifer recharge, variation of piezometric levels and temporal evolution of aquifer storage as the main hydrological components of the aquifer system. Results show the evolution of the aquifer storage for each future time step under different climate change conditions and under controlled water management interventions. This type of applications would allow establishing potential adaptation strategies for aquifer systems as the CC comes into effectThis study has been partially supported by the European Community 7th Framework Project GENESIS (226536) on groundwater systems and from the subprogram Juan de la Cierva (2010) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation as well as from the Plan Nacional I+D+i 2008-2011 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Subprojects CGL2009-13238-C02-01 and CGL2009-13238-C02-02). T. Finally, the authors want to thank the Segura River Basin Agency (Confederacion Hidrografica del Segura) for the data and information facilitated, and to all the stakeholders who have collaborated in this research.Molina, JL.; Pulido Velázquez, D.; García-Arostegui, J.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2013). Dynamic Bayesian Networks as a Decision Support Tool for assessing Climate Change impacts on highly stressed groundwater systems. Journal of Hydrology. 479:113-129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.11.038S11312947