3,729 research outputs found

    Merging the Hypothetical Extraction Method and the Classical Multiplier Approach: A Hybrid Possibility for Identifying Key Distributive Sectors

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    The two main alternative methods used to identify key sectors within the input- output approach, the Classical Multiplier method (CMM) and the Hypothetical Extraction method (HEM), are formally and empirically compared in this paper. Our findings indicate that the main distinction between the two approaches stems from the role of the internal effects. These internal effects are quantified under the CMM while under the HEM only external impacts are considered. In our comparison, we find, however that CMM backward measures are more influenced by within-block effects than the proposed forward indices under this approach. The conclusions of this comparison allow us to develop a hybrid proposal that combines these two existing approaches. This hybrid model has the advantage of making it possible to distinguish and disaggregate external effects from those that a purely internal. This proposal has also an additional interest in terms of policy implications. Indeed, the hybrid approach may provide useful information for the design of ''second best'' stimulus policies that aim at a more balanced perspective between overall economy-wide impacts and their sectoral distribution.Sectoral linkages, Key sectors, Extraction methods, Multiplier methods.

    Effects of Competition over Quality-Adjusted Price Indexes: An Application to the Spanish Automobile Market

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    Using a newly constructed data set, we calculate quality-adjusted price indexes after estimating hedonic price regressions from 1988 to 2004 in the Spanish automobile market. The increasing competition was favoured by the removal of trade restrictions and the special plans for the renewal of the Spanish automobile fleet. We find that the increasing degree of competition during those years led to an overall drop in automobile prices by 20 percent which implied considerable consumer gains thanks to higher market efficiency. Additionally, our results indicate that loyalty relevance and discrepancies in automobile reliability declined during those years. This is captured

    Revisiting The Original Ghosh Model: Can It Be More Plausible?

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    We reconsider in this paper the alleged implausibility of Ghosh’s model and we do so reformulating the model to incorporate an alternative closure rule. Our proposed closure rule is in line with the original allocation rules defined by A. Ghosh. The closure solves, to some extent, the implausibility problem that was pointed out by Oosterhaven for then value–added is correctly computed and responsive to allocation changes resulting from supply shocks. Some numerical examples illustrate the sectoral and aggregate consistency of the allocation equilibrium.Multi-sectoral Input-Output Models, Market Economy, Planned Economy


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    In spite of having been first introduced in the last half of the ninetieth century, the debate about the possible rebound effects from energy efficiency improvements is still an open question in the economic literature. This paper contributes to the existing research on this issue proposing an unbiased measure for economy-wide rebound effects. The novelty of this economy-wide rebound measure stems from the fact that not only actual energy savings but also potential energy savings are quantified under general equilibrium conditions. Our findings indicate that the use of engineering savings instead of general equilibrium potential savings downward biases economy-wide rebound effects and upward-biases backfire effects. The discrepancies between the traditional indicator and our proposed measure are analysed in the context of the Spanish economy.


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    We show that standard expenditure multipliers capture economy-wide effects of new government projects only when financing constraints are not binding. In actual policy making, however, new projects usually need financing. Under liquidity constraints, new projects are subject to two opposite effects: an income effect and a set of spending substitution effects. The former is the traditional, unrestricted, multiplier effect; the latter is the result of expenditure reallocation to upheld effective financing constraints. Unrestricted multipliers will therefore be, as a general rule, upward biased and policy designs based upon them should be reassessed in the light of the countervailing substitution effects.Government multipliers, fiscal stimulus, expenditures substitution effects


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    Ghosh's model is discussed in this paper under two alternative scenarios. In an open version we compare it with Leontief's model and prove that they reduce to each other under some specific productive conditions. We then move onto reconsidering Ghosh's model alleged implausibility and we do so reformulating the model to incorporate a closure rule. The closure solves, to some extent, the implausibility problem very clearly put out by Oosterhaven for then value-added is correctly computed and responsive to allocation changes resulting from supply shocks.Multi-sectoral Input-Output Models, Market Economy, Planned Economy.


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    Joint-stability in interindustry models relates to the mutual simultaneous consistency of the demand-driven and supply-driven models of Leontief and Ghosh, respectively. Previous work has claimed joint-stability to be an acceptable assumption from the empirical viewpoint, provided only small changes in exogenous variables are considered. We show in this note, however, that the issue has deeper theoretical roots and offer an analytical demonstration that shows the impossibility of consistency between demand-driven and supply- driven models.: Interindustry modeling, joint-stability, demand-driven, supply-driven.

    Molecular analysis of anterior endoderm during Xenopus development: a funtional and genomic approach

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    Tese de doutoramento em Biologia (Biologia do Desenvolvimento), apresentada Ă  Universidade de Lisboa atravĂ©s da Faculdade de CiĂȘncias, 2008Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia (FCT), (SFHR/BD/10035/2002

    Cuidados de enfermerĂ­a en la artritis reumatoide: A propĂłsito de un caso.

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    La Artritis Reumatoide es una enfermedad autoinmune de etiología desconocida que se caracteriza por la inflamación de diversas articulaciones, siendo mås frecuente en mujeres que en hombres, apareciendo mås habitualmente entre los 40 y los 60 años de edad. En su evolución, puede causar daño articular irreversible y discapacidad severa, lo que disminuye la calidad de vida y aumenta la incidencia de una mortalidad prematura. Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente de 46 años diagnosticada de Artritis Reumatoide con inicio de los síntomas en el año 2015. Se realiza una valoración de enfermería en base a las 14 Necesidades de Virginia Henderson, para establecer unos logros en salud mediante intervenciones de enfermería, cuyos objetivos son alcanzar el bienestar de la paciente en: - La dimensión física, mediante un buen control del dolor a través del tratamiento farmacológico y otras medidas terapéuticas, como un buen control del peso o del consumo de tabaco, junto con la realización de ejercicio físico moderado, que reduzcan la aparición de complicaciones a largo plazo. - La dimensión psicosocial, aportando el apoyo necesario y suficiente para una buena aceptación de la enfermedad y aprendizaje de la misma, en las esferas personal, laboral y social.Grado en Enfermerí

    Del archivo fĂ­sico al archivo virtual: reflexiones sobre la desmaterializaciĂłn de la fotografĂ­a

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    La fotografía ha evolucionado de la materialidad de la gelatina de plata a la virtualidad de las imågenes generadas por ordenador (CGI). Este ensayo es un anålisis de 3 obras que usan el archivo fotogråfico en distintos formatos: Atlas de Gerhard Richter (proyecto en curso) estå compuesto por material físico, 9-Eyes de Jon Rafman (proyecto en curso) estå formado por imågenes digitales extraídas de Google Street View y Postcards from Home de Roc Hermes (2016) es un libro que recopila pantallazos de la plataforma Home de PlayStation 3. El método de estudio consiste en identificar las similitudes y las diferencias en cuanto a cómo fueron concebidos estos trabajos en la mente de los artistas y por otra parte como ha ido cambiando el medio fotogråfico en cada uno de ellos. El interés de la investigación radica en identificar los cambios que se han producido en la fotografía analógica, digital y virtual en conceptos como identidad, objetividad, verdad y realidad
