2,248 research outputs found

    Discovery of a FR0 radio galaxy emitting at γ\gamma-ray energies

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    We present supporting evidence for the first association of a Fermi source, 3FGLJ1330.0-3818, with the FR0 radio galaxy Tol1326-379. FR0s represent the majority of the local radio loud AGN population but their nature is still unclear. They share the same properties of FRIs from the point of view of the nuclear and host properties, but they show a large deficit of extended radio emission. Here we show that FR0s can emit photons at very high energies. Tol1326-379 has a GeV luminosity of L>1 GeV2×1042L_{>1~{\rm GeV}} \sim 2\times10^{42} erg s1^{-1}, typical of FRIs, but with a steeper γ\gamma-ray spectrum (Γ=2.78±0.14\Gamma=2.78\pm 0.14). This could be related to the intrinsic jet properties but also to a different viewing angle.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures , accepted for publication on MNRA

    La cooperazione interistituzionale per lo sviluppo territoriale in Emilia-Romagna. Appunti di viaggio in una geografia che cambia

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    Il presente lavoro ripercorre le stagioni della programmazione negoziata che hanno interessato l’Emilia-Romagna dagli Novanta ad oggi, analizzando alcuni strumenti ed esperienze particolarmente rappresentative dell’approccio regionale alla cooperazione interistituzionale per lo sviluppo territoriale. Dopo una sintetica introduzione sull’evoluzione della programmazione negoziata nelle politiche per lo sviluppo, che in Italia ha caratterizzato una parte consistente della “nuova politica regionale”, vengono introdotti alcuni strumenti originali della Regione Emilia-Romagna che sono stati adottati nel corso degli ultimi vent’anni: Programmi speciali d’area (PdA), Programmi di riqualificazione urbana (PRU), AccordiQuadro per la montagna, Intese per l’integrazione delle politiche territoriali. I quattro strumenti selezionati vengono riletti alla luce del più recente dibattito sulle politiche pubbliche di investimento in contesti di governance multilivello, portato avanti dall’OCSE. Dall’analisi preliminare e dalla prima sistematizzazione, emergono gli elementi innovativi e di qualità delle esperienze regionali, ma anche debolezze e divergenze dal modello dominante che si va affermando. Ne risulta un quadro composito, in generale positivo e concreto. Tuttavia, la programmazione negoziata sembra vivere una fase di declino applicativo a causa di fattori concorrenti che dipendono, tra gli altri, dagli effetti operativi della riforma istituzionale degli enti territoriali, dalla disponibilità di risorse e dal trend di finanziarizzazione delle politiche di sviluppo economico

    X-ray study of a sample of FR0 radio galaxies: unveiling the nature of the central engine

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    FR0s are compact radio sources that represent the bulk of the Radio-Loud (RL) AGN population, but they are still poorly understood. Pilot studies on these sources have been already performed at radio and optical wavelengths: here we present the first X-ray study of a sample of 19 FR0 radio galaxies selected from the SDSS/NVSS/FIRST sample of Best & Heckman (2012), with redshift \leq 0.15, radio size \leq 10 kpc and optically classified as low-excitation galaxies (LEG). The X-ray spectra are modeled with a power-law component absorbed by Galactic column density with, in some cases, a contribution from thermal extended gas. The X-ray photons are likely produced by the jet as attested by the observed correlation between X-ray (2-10 keV) and radio (5 GHz) luminosities, similar to FRIs. The estimated Eddington-scaled luminosities indicate a low accretion rate. Overall, we find that the X-ray properties of FR0s are indistinguishable from those of FRIs, thus adding another similarity between AGN associated with compact and extended radio sources. A comparison between FR0s and low luminosity BL Lacs, rules out important beaming effects in the X-ray emission of the compact radio galaxies. FR0s have different X-ray properties with respect to young radio sources (e.g. GPS/CSS sources), generally characterized by higher X-ray luminosities and more complex spectra. In conclusion, the paucity of extended radio emission in FR0s is probably related to the intrinsic properties of their jets that prevent the formation of extended structures, and/or to intermittent activity of their engines.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (18 pages, 4 figures


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    Peralatan merupakan salah satu sumber daya utama dalam proyek. Persoalan yang sering dihadapi oleh pelaksana ketika hendak membangun suatu proyek adalah perencanaan dan penggunaan alat-alat berat yang tepat dan sesuai kebutuhan. Untuk itu dibutuhkan analisa produktivitas peralatan khususnya tower crane yang akan membantu dalam menentukan waktu pelaksanaan, sehingga pemakaian sumber daya menjadi efektif dan efisien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan nilai produktivitas alat berat aktual dalam pekerjaan pembangunan Masjid Raya Baiturrahman di Kota Banda Aceh yang dalam hal ini berupa tower crane. Pengamatan ini dilakukan terhadap tower crane yang ada pada pembangunan Masjid Raya Baiturrahman di Kota Banda Aceh. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitu data primer yang didapat dari pengamatan langsung dilapangan dan data sekunder yang didapat dari pihak pelaksana atau instansi terkait. Data primer yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini berupa waktu siklus rata-rata tower crane. Jumlah data yang didapatkan adalah selama 7 hari melakukan penelitian. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini dibedakan berdasarkan jenis material yang diangkat yaitu besi dan bekisting pada pekerjaan pelat lantai. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan waktu siklus rata-rata tower crane pada pengangkatan besi adalah 87,48 detik yang terdiri dari waktu angkat barang rata-rata adalah 14,17 detik, waktu swing 34,10 detik, waktu turunkan barang 11,89 detik dan waktu kembali 27,31 detik. Sedangkan pada pengangkatan bekisting didapatkan waktu siklus rata-rata adalah 76,48 detik yang terdiri dari waktu angkat 12,58 detik, waktu swing 30,57 detik, waktu turun 10,13 detik dan waktu kembali adalah 23,20 detik. Hasil produktivitas aktual rata-rata pada pengangkatan besi adalah 54,24 ton/jam, sedangkan nilai produktivitas aktual rata-rata pada pengangkatan bekisting adalah 46,92 ton/jam. Perbedaan antara nilai produktivitas aktual rata-rata tower crane pada saat pengangkatan besi dan bekistig disebabkan oleh volume material yang diangkut, dimana volume material bekisting lebih rendah dibandingkan volume pada saat pengangkatan besi.Kata Kunci : Produktivitas, Alat Berat, Pembangunan Masjid Raya Baiturrahma

    Identificazione dei parametri di una macchina sincrona anisotropa mediante la tecnica delle funzioni modulanti

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    Lo scopo di questa tesi è l'identificazione dei parametri di una macchina sincrona anisotropa o a poli salienti, che è stata riprodotta sul calcolatore tramite un modello fem 2D. Una volta fatte tre prove principali sul modello per acquisire determinati valori di ingressi e uscite, l'identificazione avviene tramite l'utilizzo della tecnica delle funzioni modulanti. In seguito si fa un'elaborazione dei risultati trovati con tale tecnica per trovare i vari parametri caratteristici della macchina

    A systematic review of infected descending thoracic aortic grafts and endografts

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to collect and critically analyze the current evidence on the modalities and results of treatment of descending thoracic aortic surgical graft (SG) and endograft (EG) infection, which represents a rare but dramatic complication after both surgical and endovascular aortic repair. Methods: A comprehensive electronic health database search (PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Google Scholar, and the Cochrane Library) identified all articles that were published up to October 2017 reporting on thoracic aortic SG or EG infection. Observational studies, multicenter reports, single-center series and case reports, case-control studies, and guidelines were considered eligible if reporting specific results of treatment of descending thoracic aortic SG or EG infection. Comparisons of patients presenting with SG or EG infection and between invasive and conservative treatment were performed. Odds ratio (OR) meta-analyses were run when comparative data were available. Results: Forty-three studies reporting on 233 patients with infected SG (49) or EG (184) were included. Four were multicenter studies including 107 patients, all with EG infection, associated with a fistula in 91% of cases, with a reported overall survival at 2 years of 16% to 39%. The remaining 39 single-center studies included 49 patients with SG infection and 77 with EG infection. Association with aortoesophageal fistula was significantly more common with EG (60% vs 31%; P = .01). In addition, time interval from index procedure to infection was significantly shorter with EG (17 +/- 21 months vs 32 +/- 61 months; P = .03). Meta-analysis showed a trend of increased 1-year mortality in patients with SG infection compared with EG infection (pooled OR, 3.6; 95% confidence interval, 0.9-14.7; P = .073). Surgical management with infected graft explantation was associated with a trend toward lower 1-year mortality compared with graft preservation (pooled OR, 0.3; 95% confidence interval, 0.1-1.0; P = .056). Conclusions: Thoracic aortic EG infection is likely to occur more frequently in association with aortoesophageal fistulas and in a shorter time compared with SG infection. Survival is poor in both groups, especially in patients with SG infection. Surgical treatment with graft explantation seems to be the preferable choice in fit patients

    Entangling quantum and classical states of light

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    Entanglement between quantum and classical objects is of special interest in the context of fundamental studies of quantum mechanics and potential applications to quantum information processing. In quantum optics, single photons are treated as light quanta while coherent states are considered the most classical among all pure states. Recently, entanglement between a single photon and a coherent state in a free-traveling field was identified to be a useful resource for optical quantum information processing. However, it was pointed out to be extremely difficult to generate such states since it requires a clean cross-Kerr nonlinear interaction. Here, we devise and experimentally demonstrate a scheme to generate such hybrid entanglement by implementing a coherent superposition of two distinct quantum operations. The generated states clearly show entanglement between the two different types of states. Our work opens a way to generate hybrid entanglement of a larger size and to develop efficient quantum information processing using such a new type of qubits.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    European Marine Core Service Mediterranean Monitoring and Forecasting Centre (MFC): manuale d'uso del Mediterranean Forecasting System (Med-MFC-currents)

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    Dal 2000 il gruppo di oceanografia operativa dell’INGV ha sviluppato e mantenuto un sistema di previsioni marine per il Mar Mediterraneo (Mediterranean Forecasting System - MFS). Il sistema è stato sviluppato grazie a differenti progetti europei che si sono succeduti a partire dal 1999 ad oggi quali MFSPP (Mediterranan ocean Forecasting System Pilot Project), MFSTEP (Mediterranan ocean Forecasting System Toward Environmental Predictions), MERSEA (Marine EnviRonmnet and Security for the European Area) , BOSS4GMES (Building Operational Sustainable services for GMES) e MyOcean. Il sistema produce previsioni oceanografiche a breve termine (dieci giorni) per i campi di temperatura, salinità, corrente ed elevazione della superficie libera del mare. Nella fase iniziale di sviluppo del sistema di previsione il ciclo di produzione era settimanale (Pinardi et al. 2003), da settembre 2005 invece il sistema è giornaliero, cioè ogni giorno vengono prodotte le previsioni per i successivi dieci giorni. (Tonani et al. 2008, Dombrowsky et. al 2009). L’intero sistema previsionale MFS sfrutta come risorse di calcolo i super calcolatori vettoriali NEC in dotazione al Gruppo di Oceanografia Operativa dell’INGV di Bologna. Le procedure girano eventualmente in parallelo sulle due macchine, una in modalità operativa e l’altra in modalità backup in modo da garantire la produzione anche in caso di eventuali malfunzionamenti di uno dei due calcolatori. I prodotti vengono disseminati tramite un server ftp (mfs.bo.ingv.it) e thredds. Tutte le procedure funzionano in maniera completamente automatica e l’intervento dell’operatore è necessario solo in caso di problemi e/o malfunzionamenti. Scopo di questo manuale è quello di fornire un’utile guida alla comprensione dei vari anelli che costituiscono la catena di produzione della previsioni giornaliere a scala di bacino del Mar Mediterraneo e la disseminazione dei suoi prodotti verso l’esterno. Questo manuale e’ una versione aggiornata e ampliata del Rapporto Tecnico 83 del 2008