1,322 research outputs found

    Motivational Beliefs Specific to Business Studies Subfields: Interrelations, Antecedents, and Change in the Introductory Study Phase

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    Gorges J. Motivational Beliefs Specific to Business Studies Subfields: Interrelations, Antecedents, and Change in the Introductory Study Phase. International Journal of Educational Psychology. 2019;8(2):109-136.In higher education, self-concepts of ability (SCA) and intrinsic task values (ITV) are key determinants of students’ choice of study program and dropout. Both constructs are multidimensional (i.e., specific to curricular learning content) and hierarchically structured (i.e., aggregate into one or more higher-order factors), which is often neglected in higher education research. Therefore, the present study investigated German business studies students’ (N = 375; age: M (SD) = 21.8 (5.51); 59% female) SCAs and ITVs at the level of subfields. Longitudinal data collected at the transition into higher education (t1) and toward the end of the first semester (t2) gave insight into (changes in) interrelations and antecedents of subfield-specific SCAs and ITVs during the introductory study phase, when students likely had to review their hitherto anticipated motivational beliefs. Results from confirmatory factor analyses and structural equation modeling revealed that interrelations of SCAs and ITVs decrease over time. SCAs correlate increasingly strongly within a mathematical and a verbal domain compared to cross-domain correlations. Accordingly, mathematics, but not German SCA, from high school predicts all subfield-specific SCAs at t1, but only mathematical subfield SCAs at t2. The pattern of results for ITVs is less systematic:  Mathematics ITV consistently predicted both mathematical subfield ITVs, whereas German ITV predicted law ITV only at t1. Curricular and practical implications of the subfield-specific formation of motivational beliefs at the transition into higher education are discussed


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    Psychological research shows that subjective task value, a basic component of expectancy-value theory as outlined by Eccles, predicts task choice (e.g., going to graduate school). However, Eccles’ approach has not been used to investigate adult learning so far. Therefore, the present study investigated a specific form of subjective task value and task choice, namely adults’ subjective task value of participation in education. Based on expectancy-value theory, qualitative content analyses of 16 interviews with adult learners (aged between 21 and 67) from varying age groups and educational backgrounds show a differentiation of positive value according to points of reference and a revised conceptualisation of cost as an independent component of subjective task value with four subcomponents. Apparently people estimate positive value and cost separately at first and only later weigh these components against each other to arrive at an overall evaluation of subjective task value, which, in turn, predicts participation in education. Moreover, results suggest a distinction between anticipated subjective task value prior to participation and subjective task value based on experience (i.e., in hindsight). Benefits of using expectancy-value theory for future research on adults’ participation in education are discussed

    Comparative Assessment of Environmental Impacts Associated with the Decommissioning of Fixed Offshore Platforms

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    In the upcoming years, the number of offshore oil and gas installations, which have to be decommissioned, is going to increase around the world, as they approach the end of their productive lifetime. Decommissioning carries risks and safety problems beside ecological, economic as well as social effects. To assess the environmental impacts associated with the decommissioning process of offshore structures, life cycle assessment (LCA) is used. In accomplishing LCA, two main methods are applied to quantify those impacts which are process based method and Economic Input Output method (EIO). Both methods are studied and compared for their strength and limitations to obtain more reliable, representative and accurate results. The decommissioning options that are considered in the present study are complete removal and re-use as an artificial reef, whereas the environmental impacts of offshore decommissioning concerned in this paper are the total energy consumption and gaseous emissions such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulphur dioxide (SO2). Using EIO method, the results of LCA show that the conversion to an artificial reef is the better decommissioning option in terms of energy consumption and gaseous emissions, whereas the process based LCA reveals the opposite results. The decommissioning activity which mostly contributes to energy consumption and gaseous emissions were identified, which is the marine vessel utilisation. The numerous results based on the decommissioning of Platform A, located in Malaysia, were compared with the quantified environmental impacts of decommissioning Heather Platform, installed in the North Sea, in order to find the relevant differences and coherences for further estimations of environmental impacts of future decommissioning projects. At the end of the present study, some suggestions of possible mitigation measures for environmental concerns in connection with the decommissioning of offshore platforms can be mentioned. Overall, the need to maintain the environment whether onshore or offshore is a global issue and affects the total humanity. To protect it for the future generations, the harm of the environment has to be reduced. In this case the environmental impacts could be less if the appropriate decommissioning option is found based on numerous results by using LCA tools

    La vie au bord de l'eau en moyenne vallée du Guadiana sous le Haut-Empire: occupation du sol et mesure du fleuve sur le territoire d'Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Espagne)

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    International audienceEl Guadiana es uno de los grandes ríos de la Península Ibérica, pero durante mucho tiempo representó un verdadero peligro, en particular en su curso medio, a causa de irregularidades frecuentes y crecidas violentas, origen de numerosas divagaciones de su cauce. Sin embargo, es en una de sus márgenes, frente a un importante vado, que se estableció la colonia de Augusta Emerita, hoy Mérida, capital de la provincia de Lusitania después de su fundación en el 16 aC., y más tarde capital de la Diócesis de las Españas durante el Bajo Imperio. Los textos de los agrimensores se nos enteran de que este río – el Ana de los Antiguos – que corre de este en oeste en su travesía del territorio emeritano, cortaba por el medio la pertica de la colonia y que sus orillas peligrosas se habían reservado para no distribuirse (subcesiva). Con todo, la arqueología y la prospección revelaron que, a partir del medio del I dC, un número significativo de villae se había instalado sobre sus orillas o en proximidad. Destinado en principio a poner fin a una situación anárquica, el establecimiento de una “medida del río” interviene probablemente en el último cuarto del I aC. Ésta encuentra entonces su materialización en un reajuste de la red principal de carreteras, que se copió en gran parte en la red de los limites de centuriación que atravesaban el valle medio, dibujando al oeste de Mérida un extenso pasillo geométrico con bordes paralelos, en la constitución del cual el decumanus maximus de la pertica emeritana debió desempeñar un papel fundamental.Le Guadiana est une des grands fleuves de la péninsule Ibérique, mais il a longtemps représenté un véritable danger, notamment dans son cours moyen, du fait d'irrégularités fréquentes et de crues violentes à l'origine de nombreuses divagations de son lit. C'est pourtant sur l'une de ses rives, à l'emplacement d'un gué, que s'est installée la colonie d'Augusta Emerita, aujourd'hui Mérida, capitale de la province de Lusitanie après la fondation de cette dernière en 16 av. J.-C., et plus tardivement capitale du Diocèse des Espagne au Bas-Empire. Les textes des agrimensores nous apprennent que ce fleuve – l'Ana des Anciens – qui court d'est en ouest dans sa traversée du territoire éméritain, coupait par le milieu la pertica de la colonie et que ses rives dangereuses avaient été réservées (subcesiva). Pourtant, l'archéologie et la prospection ont révélé que, dès le milieu du Ier s. ap. J.-C., un nombre significatif de villae s'était installé sur ses rives ou à proximité. Destinée en principe à mettre fin à une situation anarchique, l'établissement d'une « mesure du fleuve » intervient vraisemblablement dans le dernier quart du Ier s. av. J.-C. Celle-ci trouve sa matérialisation dans un réajustement du réseau routier principal qui se calque alors en grande partie sur le réseau des limites de la centuriation bordant la vallée, dessinant à l'ouest de Mérida un vaste couloir géométrique aux bords parallèles dans la constitution duquel le decumanus maximus de la pertica éméritaine fût appelé à jouer un rôle majeur

    A lifting and actuating unit for a planar nanoprecision drive system

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    Ein wesentlicher Treiber in vielen heutigen Technologiebereichen ist die Miniaturisierung von elektrischen, optischen und mechanischen Systemen. Mehrachsige Geräte mit großen Verfahrbereichen und extremer Präzision spielen dabei nicht nur in der Messung und Qualitätssicherung, sondern auch in der Fabrikation und Manipulation von Nanometerstrukturen eine entscheidende Rolle. Die vertikale Bewegungsaufgabe stellt eine besondere Herausforderung dar, da die Schwerkraft des bewegten Objektes permanent kompensiert werden muss. Diese Arbeit schlägt dafür eine Vertikalhub- und -aktuiereinheit vor und trägt damit zur Weiterentwicklung von Nanometer-Präzisionsantriebssystemen bei. Grundlegende mögliche kinematische Integrationsvarianten werden betrachtet und entsprechend anwendungsrelevanter Kriterien gegenübergestellt. Der gezeigte parallelkinematische Ansatz zeichnet sich durch seine gute Integrierbarkeit, geringe negative Einflüsse auf die umliegenden Systeme, sowie die Verteilung der Last auf mehrere Stellglieder aus. Folgend wird ein konstruktiver Entwicklungsprozess zusammengestellt, um diese favorisierte Variante weiter auszuarbeiten. Im Laufe dieses Prozesses wird die zu entwickelnde Einheit in das Gesamtsystem eingeordnet und ihre Anforderungen, Randbedingungen und enthaltenen Teilsysteme definiert. Die vertikale Aktuierung besteht dabei aus zwei Systemen: Einer pneumatische Gewichtskraftkompensation und einem elektromagnetischen Präzisionsantrieb. Das technische Prinzip der Hubeinheit wird erstellt und die Teilsysteme im verfügbaren Bauraum angeordnet. Daraus wird ein detailliertes Modell des pneumatischen Aktors abgeleitet, dieser dimensioniert und dessen Eigenschaften bestimmt. Die Ausdehnung dieses Teilsystems definiert die räumlichen Grenzen für den umliegenden Präzisionsantrieb. Zur Auslegung dieses Antriebs wird das Kraft-/Leistungsverhältnis als Zielgröße definiert. Mit Hilfe von numerischer Simulation und Optimierung werden Geometrien für verschiedenste Topologien entworfen und bewertet. Die geeignetste Variante wird mit allen Teilsystemen in eine Einheit integriert und auskonstruiert. Abschließend werden zukünftige Schritte für die Integration der Einheit in ein Präzisionsantriebssystem dargestellt und mögliche Anwendungsszenarien in der Nanofabrikation präsentiert.A central driver in many of today's fields of technology is the miniaturization of electrical, optical and mechanical systems. Multi-axis devices with large travel ranges and extreme precision play a decisive role, not only in measurement and quality assurance, but also in the fabrication and manipulation of nanometer structures. The vertical movement task poses a special challenge, since the gravitational load of the moving object must be compensated permanently. This thesis proposes a vertically lifting and actuating unit and thus contributes to the further development of nanometer precision drive systems. Basic possible kinematic integration variants are considered and compared according to application relevant criteria. The presented parallel kinematic approach is characterized by its good integrability, its minimal negative influences on the surrounding systems, as well as the distribution of the load to several actuators. Subsequently, a constructive development process is compiled to further develop this favoured variant. During this process the unit to be developed is integrated into the overall system. Further, its requirements, boundary conditions and subsystems are defined. The vertical actuation consists of two systems: A pneumatic weight force compensation and an electromagnetic precision drive. The technical principle of the lifting unit is developed and the subsystems are arranged in the available design space. Based on this, a detailed model of the pneumatic actuator is created, its dimensions derived and properties obtained. These dimensions define the spatial limits for the surrounding precision actuator. For the design of this actuator, the force-power ratio is chosen as the objective quantity. Using numerical simulations and optimization, geometries for various topologies are created and evaluated. The most suitable variant is designed and integrated with all other subsystems into one unit. Finally, upcoming steps for integrating the unit into a precision drive system are outlined and possible future applications in the field of nanofabrication are presented

    Motivational Beliefs Specific to Business Studies Subfields: Interrelations, Antecedents, and Change in the Introductory Study Phase

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    In higher education, self-concepts of ability (SCA) and intrinsic task values (ITV) are key determinants of students’ choice of study program and dropout. Both constructs are multidimensional (i.e., specific to curricular learning content) and hierarchically structured (i.e., aggregate into one or more higher-order factors), which is often neglected in higher education research. Therefore, the present study investigated German business studies students’ (N = 375; age: M (SD) = 21.8 (5.51); 59% female) SCAs and ITVs at the level of subfields. Longitudinal data collected at the transition into higher education (t1) and toward the end of the first semester (t2) gave insight into (changes in) interrelations and antecedents of subfield-specific SCAs and ITVs during the introductory study phase, when students likely had to review their hitherto anticipated motivational beliefs. Results from confirmatory factor analyses and structural equation modeling revealed that interrelations of SCAs and ITVs decrease over time. SCAs correlate increasingly strongly within a mathematical and a verbal domain compared to cross-domain correlations. Accordingly, mathematics, but not German SCA, from high school predicts all subfield-specific SCAs at t1, but only mathematical subfield SCAs at t2. The pattern of results for ITVs is less systematic:  Mathematics ITV consistently predicted both mathematical subfield ITVs, whereas German ITV predicted law ITV only at t1. Curricular and practical implications of the subfield-specific formation of motivational beliefs at the transition into higher education are discussed

    Remarques sur la colonie de Pax-Iulia et l'organisation territoriale de la cité

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    International audienceNo se sabe mucho de los parcelarios antiguos en la Lusitania romana. El caso de la centuriación de Mérida, mencionada por los textos y reconocida en el terreno, queda excepcional. Para el resto de la provincia, las cosas no están tan claras. Solo el territorio de dos civitates ha sido objeto de investigaciones: Evora (Liberalitas Iulia Ebora) y Beja (Pax Iulia). Dibujando un estado de la cuestion, intentaremos revisar el dossier de Pax Iulia y ver como, a traves de las herramientas técnicas modernas (SIG y documentos geo-referenciados), se puede obtener una mejor percepción de la estructuración territorial de la colonia, que sea de la propia ciudad o de su campo. También intentaremos sacar unas consecuencias nuevas sobre la evolución del estatuto de la colonia.Les parcellaires antiques sont peu connus pour la Lusitanie romaine, et le cas de la centuriation de Mérida (Augusta Emerita), citée par les textes et reconnue en grande partie sur le terrain, demeure exceptionnel. Pour le reste de la province, les choses ne sont pas aussi claires et seuls deux territoires de civitates ont fait l'objet d'une véritable recherche préliminaire sur les traces d'éventuelles cadastrations: Evora (Liberalitas Iulia Ebora) et Beja (Pax Iulia). À l'occasion d'un état des lieux concernant principalement cette dernière ville, nous essaierons de revisiter le dossier et de voir comment les outils techniques modernes (SIG et document géo-référencés) peuvent aider à mettre en évidence de nouveaux éléments pour une meilleure perception de la structuration territoriale de la cité, qu'elle soit urbaine ou rurale. Nous tenterons aussi d'en tirer les conséquences sur le plan de l'évolution statutaire de la colonie

    Mosaics from arbitrary stereo video sequences

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    lthough mosaics are well established as a compact and non-redundant representation of image sequences, their application still suffers from restrictions of the camera motion or has to deal with parallax errors. We present an approach that allows construction of mosaics from arbitrary motion of a head-mounted camera pair. As there are no parallax errors when creating mosaics from planar objects, our approach first decomposes the scene into planar sub-scenes from stereo vision and creates a mosaic for each plane individually. The power of the presented mosaicing technique is evaluated in an office scenario, including the analysis of the parallax error

    The importance of ideas: an a priori critical juncture framework

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    This paper sets out an improved framework for examining critical junctures. This framework, while rigorous and broadly applicable and an advance on the frameworks currently employed, primarily seeks to incorporate an a priori element. Until now the frameworks utilized in examining critical junctures were entirely postdictive. Adding a predictive element to the concept will constitute a significant advance. The new framework, and its predictive element, termed the “differentiating factor,” is tested here in examining macro-economic crises and subsequent changes in macro-economic policy, in America and Sweden