61 research outputs found

    Estrategias didácticas para el desarrollo del pensamiento lógico en estudiantes del cuarto grado de La escuela de educación básica Elisa Ayala González, recinto Bajada de Chanduy, parroquia Chanduy, cantón Santa Elena, provincia Santa Elena, año lectivo 2014-2015.

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo alcanzar un desarrollo del pensamiento lógico como estrategia didáctica de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de cuarto grado de la escuela de educación básica Elisa Ayala González, recinto Bajada de Chanduy, parroquia Chanduy, cantón Santa Elena, provincia Santa Elena, año lectivo 2014-2015, donde se observó la poca importancia por parte de los maestros por promover el desarrollo del pensamiento lógico, es por ello que se plantea la propuesta de realizar una guía de estrategias didácticas con la intención de fortalecerlo, dando a conocer lo importante que es el pensamiento lógico, potenciando así su desarrollo en el accionar de la vida cotidiana. Para lograr este proceso de manera eficaz se presenta este trabajo de titulación con fuentes actualizadas que fundamenten la teoría al problema presentado a solucionar. Los métodos aplicados para esta tesis han sido los siguiente: encuesta, entrevista, con el método teórico, histórico- lógico, inductivo-deductivo, análisis y síntesis, los cuales fueron procesados de manera estadística, por tanto nos ayudaron al análisis de los resultados de esta investigación. También se determinan los recursos, cronograma y el presupuesto; se elaboró un plan de talleres que se desarrollarán en un periodo determinado

    Navarro, "Comedia muy ejemplar de la Marquesa de Salucia, llamada Griselda"

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    Obra ressenyada: Guillermo CARRASCÓN (ed.), Navarro, Comedia muy ejemplar de la Marquesa de Salucia, llamada Griselda. Università degli studi di Torino, 2018

    Sulbactam pivoxil powder attributes and compatibility study with excipients

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    Background: Sulbactam pivoxil is an irreversible β-lactamase inhibitor that can be used with β-lactam antibiotics to improve antibacterial therapy by the oral route. Relevant properties of this drug for pharmaceutical manufacturing are not available in the open literature. In this work, a solid-state characterization of sulbactam pivoxil at the molecular, particle, and bulk levels was performed. Results: Particles exhibited a mean diameter of about 350 μm, irregular shape crystals, and good flow properties. This work presents for the first time the crystal structure of this β-lactamase inhibitor obtained by X-ray diffraction analysis. Fourier-transform infrared results showed the characteristic bands of aliphatic hydrocarbons and ester groups. The differential scanning calorimetry curve exhibited a sharp endothermic peak at 109 °C corresponding to sulbactam pivoxil melting. The thermogravimetric curve revealed a mass loss at 184 °C associated with a decomposition process. This powder showed a moisture content of 0.34% and a water activity of 0.463. Potential interactions between sulbactam pivoxil and common pharmaceutical excipients were evaluated by thermal analysis. The endothermic peak and the enthalpies of melting were preserved in almost all the analyzed mixtures. Conclusion: The powder was constituted by micro-sized crystals of sulbactam pivoxil that had suitable physicochemical properties for processing in controlled humidity environments. Thermal analyses suggested that sulbactam pivoxil is compatible with most of the evaluated excipients. The information obtained in the present study is relevant for the development, manufacturing, and storage of formulations that include sulbactam pivoxil.Fil: Gallo, Loreana Carolina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química; ArgentinaFil: González Vidal, Noelia Luján. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Ferreira, Fabio F.. Universidad Federal do Abc; BrasilFil: Ramírez Rigo, María Veronica. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química; Argentin

    Resilience, Stress, and Cortisol Predict Cognitive Performance in Older Adults

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    Objective: to determine the relationship between stress, resilience, and cognitive perfor- mance in older people without dementia. Method: multiple linear regressions were performed using measures of cognitive performance as dependent variables, and measures of stress and resilience as predictors in a sample of 63 Spanish elderly people. Results: participants reported low levels of stress during their lifetime. In addition to socio-demographic variables, greater stress was related to better delayed recall and worse letter–number sequencing and block design. Higher capillary cortisol was associated with lower flexibility on the Stroop task. Regarding protective factors, we found that greater psychological resilience was related to higher scores on the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination-III, letter–number sequencing, and verbal fluency. Conclusion: in older people with low stress, apart from age, gender, and education, psychological resilience is a significant predictor of global cognitive status, working memory, and fluency. Likewise, stress is related to verbal memory functioning, working memory, and visuoconstructive abilities. Capillary cortisol level predicts cogni- tive flexibility. These findings may help to identify risk and protective factors for cognitive decline in older people. Training-based programs to reduce stress and increase psychological resilience may play an important role in preventing cognitive decline

    Hair cortisol concentrations in a Spanish sample of healthy adults

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    Hair cortisol concentration (HCC), as a novel promising method to retrospectively measure hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activation, is being increasingly studied. We tested the relationships between HCC and a range of possible confounding variables in a Spanish sample of healthy adults and pregnant women. In this sample of healthy Spaniards, results suggested an association between HCC and physical exercise and educational level. In pregnant women, the prevalence of HCC was higher than in non-pregnant woman, and was related to educational level. This study emphasises the need to determine the relationship between HCC and confounders such as sociodemographic and lifestyle variables in the general population and specific groups formed by individuals such as pregnant women.This research is part of a doctoral thesis. It has been economically supported by the "PSI2015-63494-P" I+D Project of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and FEDE

    Stip: un espacio para la participación, la formación y la investigación co-protagonizado por estudiantes y profesorado desde la didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales

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    Existe una demanda creciente por parte de maestros y maestras en formación inicial hacia una mayor implicación en procesos formativos y de investigación que implemente el contenido de las asignaturas. También se hacen necesarios otros entornos de trabajo y aprendizaje de carácter más dinámico, horizontal y participativo que tengan a profesorado y estudiantes como elementos motores de la comunidad educativa. La educación democrática y la investigación-acción-participativa son fuentes de conocimiento y metodologías que nos facilitan la toma en consideración de los intereses, necesidades, sueños, dudas e incertidumbres que estudiantes y profesorado necesitamos compartir. El Seminario de Trabajo e Investigación Permanente “STIP” surge con esta pretensión en marzo de 2014 como laboratorio de iniciativas y proyectos, y lo hace como cierre de la asignatura de Conocimiento del Entorno Social en el Grado de Educación Infantil, en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Sevilla.There is a growing demand by teachers in initial training for more involvement in the training processes and research that implements the content of the subjects. Also necessary make other environments of work and learning more dynamic, horizontal and participatory character having the teachers and students working together in the educational community. Democratic education and action research - participatory are sources of knowledge and methodologies that facilitate the taking into account of the interests, needs, dreams, doubts and uncertainties that students and teachers need to share. Seminar work and research permanent "STIP" cames with this claim in March 2014 as a laboratory for initiatives and projects, and maked it as a closure of the subject's knowledge of the Social environment in the degree of early childhood education in the Faculty of Sciences of Education, University of Seville

    Avaliação de risco por exposição a hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos na saúde da população residente ao redor do complexo químico de Tarragona

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    One of the most important chemical industrial sites of Spain and, indeed, of southern Europe is close to the city of Tarragona and its surrounding villages. Therefore, the aim of this study was to calculate the chronic risk by inhalation of 18 atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) for the population living in municipalities close to this chemical site. The sampling campaign was conducted between June 2008 and June 2009, and around 50 air samples were collected during different meteorological periods, in each of the three sampling sites selected for this study. Samples were taken for 24 h with the simultaneous collection of the particle phase (total suspended particles) on quartz microfiber filters, and the gas phase on polyu- rethane foam cartridges. The PAHs were extracted by pressurized liquid extraction and determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.For calculating inhalation risk assessment, the 18 PAHs were expressed as benzo(a)pyrene equivalents using toxic equivalency factors. Risk was then calculated taking into account the World Health Organization (WHO) unit risk of 8.7 lung cancer cases per 100,000 people, with an exposure of 1 ng m-3 of benzo(a)pyrene over a lifetime of 70 years. The average lifetime lung cancer risk of the global study was 1.2·10-4. This risk is higher than the values recommended by the WHO and the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), but it is lower than the threshold of 10-3, which is considered to be a definite risk.La ciudad de Tarragona y sus alrededores conviven con la actividad industrial de uno de los complejos más importantes de España y del sur de Europa. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido evaluar el riesgo crónico por inhalación de 18 hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP) en la población residente en los municipios ubicados alrededor de este complejo.Para el estudio se eligieron tres municipios y en cada uno de ellos se recogieron alrededor de 50 muestras desde junio de 2008 a junio de 2009. En cada muestra se captó, simultáneamente y durante 24 horas, la fase particulada (partículas totales en suspensión, PST) en filtro de fibra de cuarzo y la fase gaseosa en cilindros de espuma de poliuretano. Los HAP se extrajeron con diclorometano mediante extracción presurizada y se cuantificaron utilizando cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas.Para estimar el riesgo por inhalación a los HAP, primero se expresaron los 18 HAP como equivalentes de benzo(a)pireno utilizando factores de toxicidad equivalente, y posteriormente se aplicó el factor de riesgo, definido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), de desarrollar cáncer de pulmón a lo largo de toda la vida, de 8,7 x 10-5 por ng m-3 de benzo(a)pireno.El valor medio de riesgo obtenido en el estudio ha sido de 1,2·10-4. Este valor supera los criterios recomendados por la OMS o la Agencia de Protección Medioambiental Americana (USEPA); sin embargo, es inferior a 10-3, umbral considerado como riesgo definitivo para la población.A cidade de Tarragona e os seus arredores convivem com a actividade industrial de um dos complexos mais importantes de Espan- ha e do sul da Europa. O objectivo desde estudo tem sido avaliar o risco crónico por inalação de 18 hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP) na população residente nos municípios localizados em redor deste complexo. Para este estudo foram escolhidos três municípios e em cada um deles recolheu-se à volta de 50 amostras desde Junho de 2008 a Julho de 2009. Em cada amostra captou-se, simultaneamente e durante 24 horas, a fase particulada (partículas totais em suspen- são, PST) em filtro de fibra de quartzo e a fase gasosa em cilindros de espuma de poliuretano. Os HAP extraíram-se com diclorometano através de extracção pressurizada e quantificação por cromatografia gasosa e espectrometria de massas. Para estimar o risco por inalação de HAP, primeiro expressaram-se os 18 HAP como equivalentes de benzo(a)pireno utilizando factores de toxicidade de equivalência, e posteriormente aplicou-se o factor de risco, definido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), no desenvolvimento de cancro do pulmão para uma esperança de vida de 70 anos, de 8,7 x 10-5 por ng m-3 de benzo(a) pireno. O valor médio de risco obtido no estudo foi de 1,2·10-4. Este valor supera os critérios recomendados pela OMS e pela Agência de Protecção do Meio-ambiental Americana (USEPA); contudo, é inferior a 10-3, limite a partir do qual o risco é assumido para a população

    Cómo construir aulas inclusivas en la universidad

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    Este trabajo persigue analizar el ideal de aula que tienen estudiantes universitarios con discapacidad9 . En el estudio participaron 44 estudiantes con discapacidad y se utilizó una metodológica biográfico-narrativa. De los resultados se extraen una serie de recomendaciones que ayudarían a construir un aula universitaria ideal. Fundamentalmente, destacan cuatro recomendaciones para que las aulas sean inclusivas: espacios arquitectónicos accesibles para todo el alumnado, metodologías participativas y activas, uso de recursos tecnológicos, actitud positiva del profesorado hacia la discapacidad y formación de éste en materia de discapacidad y nuevas tecnologías.The aim of this work is to analyze what student with disabilities would like to be their public university classroom. A total of 44 university students with disabilities participated in the study. Biographic- narrative methodology was used. The results indicated different recommendations that contribute to creating inclusive university classroom. In short, these students propose that classroom would be physically accessible for everyone, participative methodologies and use technological resources, professors with positive attitudes to student with disabilities, and specific teacher-training in disability and new technologies

    Exposure to secondhand and thirdhand smoke in private vehicles: Measurements in air and dust samples

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    Background This study aimed to estimate airborne nicotine concentrations and nicotine, cotinine, and tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) in settled dust from private cars in Spain and the UK. Methods We measured vapor-phase nicotine concentrations in a convenience sample of 45 private cars from Spain (N = 30) and the UK (N = 15) in 2017–2018. We recruited non-smoking drivers (n = 20), smoking drivers who do not smoke inside the car (n = 15), and smoking drivers who smoke inside (n = 10). Nicotine, cotinine, and three TSNAs (NNK, NNN, NNA) were also measured in settled dust in a random subsample (n = 20). We computed medians and interquartile ranges (IQR) of secondhand smoke (SHS) and thirdhand smoke (THS) compounds according to the drivers’ profile. Results 24-h samples yielded median airborne nicotine concentrations below the limit of quantification (<LOQ) (IQR:<LOQ- < LOQ) in non-smokers’ cars, 0.23 μg/m3 (IQR:0.18–0.45) in cars of smokers not smoking inside, and 3.53 μg/m3, (IQR:1.74–6.38) in cars of smokers smoking inside (p < 0.001). Nicotine concentrations measured only while travelling increased to 21.44 μg/m3 (IQR:6.60–86.15) in cars of smokers smoking inside. THS concentrations were higher in all cars of smokers, and specially in cars of drivers smoking inside (nicotine: 38.9  μg/g (IQR:19.3–105.7); NNK: 28.5 ng/g (IQR:26.6–70.2); NNN: 23.7 ng/g (IQR:14.3–55.3)), THS concentrations being up to six times those in non-smokers’ cars. Conclusions All cars of smokers had measurable SHS and THS pollution, the exposure levels were markedly higher in vehicles of drivers where smoking took place. Our results evidence the need for policies to prohibit smoking in vehicles, but also urge for more comprehensive strategies aiming towards the elimination of tobacco consumption