16 research outputs found

    Factors influencing the ground thermal regime in a mid-latitude glacial cirque (Hoyo Empedrado, Cantabrian Mountains, 2006–2020)

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    .Air and near-surface ground temperatures were measured using dataloggers over 14 years (2006–2020) in 10 locations at 2262 to 2471 m.a.s.l. in a glacial cirque of the Cantabrian Mountains. These sites exhibit relevant differences in terms of substrate, solar radiation, orientation, and geomorphology. Basal temperature of snow (BTS) measurements and electrical resistivity tomography of the talus slope were also performed. The mean annual near-surface ground temperatures ranged from 5.1 °C on the sunny slope to 0.2 °C in the rock glacier furrow, while the mean annual air temperature was 2.5 °C. Snow cover was inferred from near-surface ground temperature (GST) data, estimating between 130 and 275 days per year and 0.5 to 7.1 m snow thickness. Temperature and BTS data show that the lowest part of the talus slope and the rock glacier furrow are the coldest places in this cirque, coinciding with a more persistent and thickest snow cover. The highest temperatures coincide with less snow cover, fine-grained soils, and higher solar radiation. Snow cover has a primary role in controlling GST, as the delayed appearance in autumn or delayed disappearance in spring have a cooling effect, but no correlation with mean annual near-surface ground temperatures exists. Heavy rain-over-snow events have an important influence on the GST. In the talus slope, air circulation during the snow-covered period produces a cooling effect in the lower part, especially during the summer. Significant inter-annual GST differences were observed that exhibited BTS limitations. A slight positive temperature trend was detected but without statistically significance and less prominent than nearby reference official meteorological stations, so topoclimatic conditions reduced the more global positive temperature trend. Probable existence of permafrost in the rock glacier furrow and the lowest part of the talus slope is claimed; however, future work is necessary to confirm this aspect.S

    Coal pit lakes in abandoned mining areas in León (NW Spain): characteristics and geoecological significance

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    1-14 pMining activity introduces severe changes in landscapes and, subsequently, in land uses. One of the most singular changes is the existence of pit lakes, which occur in active and, more frequently, abandoned mines. Pit lakes are produced by water table interception when open-pit mines deepen. Their characteristics are highly variable, depending on the type of mine, the environment or the climate. In León province there is a long tradition of coal mining that dates back to the nineteenth century, and hundreds of open pits from the 1970s to 2018 have been opened, producing permanent landscape changes. This work analyses the main parameters, including morphological measurements, depth and pH values obtained from aerial photos and field work, of 76 coal pit lakes more than 30 m in length. The vast majority of these pit lakes were unknown until now and were not included in inventories or maps. The data obtained provide baseline knowledge that will allow, in the future, potential uses (storage of water for various uses, recreational use, wildlife habitat, and geological heritage sites) for these pit lakes and establish their importance as a new geoecological environment.S

    Application of the Schmidt-hammer for relative-age dating of glacial and periglacial landforms in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain)

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    [EN] A Schmidt hammer was applied for relative-age dating to 48 sites in 5 different massifs of the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain). The sample included glacial (moraines, erratics, and polished bedrock) and periglacial (rock glaciers, blockfields, and talus slopes) sites from the last glaciation to the present in different geomorphological contexts. The rebound (R) values agree with the morphostratigraphic reconstructions, showing progressively lower values for older deposits. Six stages from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present are inferred. The results differ according to the lithology: i) the quartzites showed higher R-values and very low weathering rates; ii) the granodiorites showed larger differences in R-values reflecting clearly age differences; iii) sandstones appear to be unsuitable for Schmidt hammer measurements in some areas; however, quartzite sandstones provide better results. The rock glaciers formed in different periods after deglaciation (i.e. just after the Last Glacial Maximum, Bölling/Allerød, Holocene), indicate a paraglacial dependence rather than climate-driven landforms. The sampled blockfields stabilized after the (almost) total deglaciation of the cirques, but their origin and significance in this mountainous area remain poorly understood.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Estimación de una serie temporal de cubiertas de nieve a partir de registros térmicos de suelo y teledetección en un entorno de alta montaña de la Cordillera Cantábrica (N de la Península Ibérica)

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    Ponencia presentada en: XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Santiago de Compostela entre el 19 y el 21 de octubre de 2022.[ES]El análisis de la cubierta de nieve adquiere especial importancia en el estudio del clima de entornos de alta montaña, donde la topografía local influye notablemente sobre los registros térmicos, siendo uno de los principales condicionantes del régimen térmico del suelo, que resulta fundamental en el desarrollo de diversos procesos geomorfológicos y periglaciares. El aislamiento que la nieve produce en determinadas condiciones entre las temperaturas superficiales de suelo y las de aire permite estimar durante qué periodos los emplazamientos se encuentran bajo una cubierta importante de nieve. El objetivo del trabajo ha sido estimar la cubierta de nieve a partir de una serie de 14 años (2006-2020) de temperaturas superficiales de suelo y aire mediante el cálculo de umbrales. Se analizaron registros de 10 localizaciones obtenidas mediante termorregistradores en el circo glaciar de Hoyo Empedrado, situado a más de 2200 m.s.n.m. en la Cordillera Cantábrica. La Teledetección sirve de fuente de validación del método anterior mediante el cálculo de índices espectrales, útiles para el estudio de la cubierta de nieve en áreas de montaña de difícil acceso, aunque limitada por la presencia de nubes. Se han observado diferencias en los registros de cada emplazamiento, explicados por el papel que la topografía juega sobre la distribución de la nieve. Así, en el surco del glaciar rocoso presente en el circo se ha registrado una media (por año hidrológico) de 266 días de cubierta de nieve, mientras que en la vertiente de solana la media es de 126 días.[EN]Snow cover analysis is relevant in the study of high mountain environments climate, where the local topography has a significant influence on the thermal records, being one of the main determinants of the ground thermal regime, which is fundamental in the development of various geomorphological and periglacial processes. The aim is to estimate snow cover from a 14-year series (2006-2020) of ground surface and air temperatures at 10 locations obtained by dataloggers in the glacial cirque of Hoyo Empedrado, located at more than 2200 m.a.s.l. in the Cantabrian Mountains. The isolation that snow produces under certain conditions between ground and air temperatures allows to estimate snow-covered conditions. Remote sensing is used as validation by calculating spectral indexes from Sentinel-2 satellite images. It is a useful tool for the study of snow in mountainous areas that are difficult to access, although it is limited during long periods with cloud cover. Differences have been observed in the records for each site, explained by the role that topography plays in the snow distribution. For example, in the furrow of the rock glacier, an average (per water year) of 266 days of snow cover has been recorded, while on the sunny slope the average is 126 days.Este trabajo forma parte del Proyecto LE080G19 (Significado paleo-ambiental y relación con el cambio global de los glaciares rocosos de la Cordillera Cantábrica: datación relativa y análisis de la estructura interna mediante tomografía eléctrica), financiado por la Junta de Castilla y León, así como de los proyectos previos CGL2006-07404 (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia) y LE020A07 (Junta de Castilla y León)

    The origin and collapse of rock glaciers during the Bølling-Allerød interstadial: A new study case from the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain)

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    .During the Late Pleistocene, the main mountain ranges of the Iberian Peninsula were covered by small icefields and cirque and alpine glaciers. The deglaciation triggered paraglacial processes that generated landforms, mostly within the ice-free glacial cirques. In this research we analyse the deglaciation process in the Muxivén Cirque (42°15′N – 6°16′W), in the upper Sil River Basin, which includes some of the largest relict rock glaciers of the Cantabrian Mountains. We addressed this objective by means of accurate geomorphological reconstructions, sedimentological analysis, Schmidt-hammer surface weathering measurements and a dataset of 10 10Be Cosmic-Ray Exposure ages. Results reveal that after ~16 ka, glaciers retreated to the bottom of the cirques at the headwaters of the valley, leaving the walls free of ice and triggering rock avalanches onto the remnants of these glaciers. This paraglacial process supplied debris to a small glacier within Muxivén Cirque, which transformed in two rock glaciers. These debris isolated the ice inside the rock glaciers only for a very short period of time and ended up melting completely before the Younger Dryas. The lower sector of the largest one stabilized at 14.5 ± 1.5 ka, while the upper sector remained active until 13.5 ± 0.8 ka. Previous to the stabilization of the lower sector of the northern rock glacier, at its margin a high-energy debris avalanche occurred at ~14.0 ± 0.9 ka. These data agree with previous research, corroborating the paraglacial origin of most Iberian rock glaciers during the Bølling-Allerød interstadial.S

    The origin and collapse of rock glaciers during the Bølling-Allerød interstadial: A new study case from the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain)

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    © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).During the Late Pleistocene, the main mountain ranges of the Iberian Peninsula were covered by small icefields and cirque and alpine glaciers. The deglaciation triggered paraglacial processes that generated landforms, mostly within the ice-free glacial cirques. In this research we analyse the deglaciation process in the Muxivén Cirque (42°15′N – 6°16′W), in the upper Sil River Basin, which includes some of the largest relict rock glaciers of the Cantabrian Mountains. We addressed this objective by means of accurate geomorphological reconstructions, sedimentological analysis, Schmidt-hammer surface weathering measurements and a dataset of 10 10Be Cosmic-Ray Exposure ages. Results reveal that after ~16 ka, glaciers retreated to the bottom of the cirques at the headwaters of the valley, leaving the walls free of ice and triggering rock avalanches onto the remnants of these glaciers. This paraglacial process supplied debris to a small glacier within Muxivén Cirque, which transformed in two rock glaciers. These debris isolated the ice inside the rock glaciers only for a very short period of time and ended up melting completely before the Younger Dryas. The lower sector of the largest one stabilized at 14.5 ± 1.5 ka, while the upper sector remained active until 13.5 ± 0.8 ka. Previous to the stabilization of the lower sector of the northern rock glacier, at its margin a high-energy debris avalanche occurred at ~14.0 ± 0.9 ka. These data agree with previous research, corroborating the paraglacial origin of most Iberian rock glaciers during the Bølling-Allerød interstadial.This research was supported by the project LE080G19 (Paleo-environmental significance and relationship with the global change of the Cantabrian Mountains rock glaciers: relative age dating and analysis of the internal structure using electrical tomography), founded by the Junta de Castilla y León and PR108/20-20 (Santander Bank-UCM Projects). José M. Fernández-Fernández is supported by a postdoctoral grant within the NUNANTAR project, funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia of Portugal (PTDC/CTA-GFI/32002/2017). Marc Oliva is supported by the Ramón y Cajal Program (RYC-2015-17597) and by the Research Group ANTALP (Antarctic, Arctic, Alpine Environments; 2017-SGR-1102) funded by the Government of Catalonia. Adrián Melón-Nava was supported by the FPU program from the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades (FPU20/01220).Peer reviewe

    Programa intensivo ERASMUS: TOPCART. Documentación Geométrica del Patrimonio (memoria de actividades 2010-2011)

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    [EN] Data contained in this record come from the following accademic activity (from which it is possible to locate additional records related with the Monastery):● LDGP_inv_002: "Intensive Program ERASMUS: TOPCART. Geometric Documentation of the Heritage (administrative and academic documentation)", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/9906[ES] Los datos de este registro provienen de la una actividad académica que también aparece descrita en el repositorio y desde donde se puede acceder a otros trabajos relacionados con el Monasterio:● LDGP_inv_002: "Programa intensivo ERASMUS: TOPCART. Documentación Geométrica del Patrimonio (documentación administrativa y académica)", http://hdl.handle.net/10810/9906[EN] The main objective this project is looking for is the exchange of practical methodologies, in topics related with the measure and representation of heritage, between teachers and specially students from different countries. For the achievement of this aim we expect the participation of a group of about 30 students and 8 lecturers from Germany, Italy, Greece, Lithuania and Spain.Activities will be focused on the development of concrete projects in documentation of heritage, specifically in the San Prudencio Monastery (La Rioja, Spain). In this site, digital techniques for the acquisition of geometric information from GPS equipment, surveying total stations, laser scanner and photogrammetry systems, will be put into practice.Obtained data will be processed as follows: first of all, they will be documented by adding necessary metadata in order to ensure their use in the future, then, they will be treated to obtain cartographic representations and virtual models which can be distributed on the Internet.As results we expect: metric data of the monument, graphic models for difussion and collaboration partnertships.[ES] El objetivo principal que se persigue en este proyecto es el intercambio de metodológico práctico, en materias afines a la medida y la representación del patrimonio, entre profesores y fundamentalmente alumnos, de diferentes países. Para la consecución de este fin se espera la participación de un grupo de aproximadamente 25 alumnos y 8 profesores de (Alemania, Italia, Grecia, Lituania y España).Las actividades se centrarán en el desarrollo de proyectos concretos de documentación de elementos patrimoniales, en concreto el apartado práctico se desarrollará en el Monasterio de San Prudencio (La Rioja, España). En el se aplicarán técnicas digitales de registro de información geométrica, constituidas por receptores GPS, estaciones totales topográficas, escáneres láser y sistemas fotogramétricos.Los datos obtenidos serán tratados de la siguiente manera: en primer lugar serán documentados, mediante la adición de la metainformación necesaria para garantizar su utilidad a lo largo del tiempo, seguidamente serán procesados con el fin de obtener las representaciones cartográficas y modelos virtuales de representación que puedan ser difundidas por medio de Internet.Como resultados se pretenden: un conjunto de registros métricos del momento de la intervención, modelos gráficos de difusión y finalmente relaciones de colaboración interpersonal e interinstitucional.European Commission, DG Education and Culture (Erasmus 2009-1-ES1-ERAIP-0013, 2010-1-ES1-ERA10-0024); Organismo Autónomo Programas Educativos Europeos (OAPEE); Gobierno de La Rioja (Spain); Universidad de La Rioja; Clavijo City Council; Logroño City Council; Ilustre Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos en Topografía (Delegación de La Rioja)[ES] Memoria de proyecto (PDF) [es el último fichero de la lista, el enlace directo es https://addi.ehu.es/bitstream/10810/7053/1053/ldgp_mem011-1_Clavijo_SanPrudencio.pdf] + 11 imágenes de la visita preliminar en abril de 2009, en formato JPEG + 19 nubes de puntos en formato txt (comprimido en ZIP junto a un fichero de metadatos y una imagen que sirve de croquis y que también se presenta suelta) + 27 fotografías tomadas desde un helicóptero radicontrolado en 2011 por el grupo H (JPEG) + 18 fotografías métricas del edificio en forma de -L- tomadas desde el Sur + 13 fotografías métricas del edificio en forma de -L- tomadas desde el Este + 95 fotografías métricas del interior del edificio en forma de -L- (JPEG) + 35 fotografías métricas tomadas desde el cerro que se encuentra al sur (JPEG) + 8 fotografías métricas que forman 4 pares estereoscópicos (2 del grupo B y 2 del grupo D) (JPEG) + 183 fotografías métricas que forman 91 tripletas (grupos B, C y D) (JPEG). [NOTA: este registro no está cerrado, se irán incorporando nuevos materiales de forma progresiva][EN] General report (PDF) [it is the last file of the list, the direct link is https://addi.ehu.es/bitstream/10810/7053/1053/ldgp_mem011-1_Clavijo_SanPrudencio.pdf] + 11 pictures taken during the preliminary visit in April 2009 (JPEG format) + 19 point clouds in plain text (compressed in a ZIP file together with a file with metadata and an image PNG as sketch, these image are also presented on their own) + 27 photographs taken from a remote-controlled helicopter for the group H in 2011(JPEG) + 18 metric pictures of the L-shaped building taken from the South (JPEG) + 13 metric pictures of the L-shaped building taken from the East (JPEG) + 95 metric pictures of the inside part of the L-shaped building (JPEG) + 35 metric photographs taken from the hill opposite in the Southern + 8 metric photographs in four stereopairs (2 from group B and 2 from group D) (JPEG) + 183 metric photographs arranged in 91 triplets from groups B, C and D (JPEG). [NOTE: this record is not closed, more data will be uploaded progressively

    Pasados y presente. Estudios para el profesor Ricardo García Cárcel

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    Ricardo García Cárcel (Requena, 1948) estudió Historia en Valencia bajo el magisterio de Joan Reglà, con quien formó parte del primer profesorado de historia moderna en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. En esta universidad, desde hace prácticamente cincuenta años, ha desarrollado una extraordinaria labor docente y de investigación marcada por un sagaz instinto histórico, que le ha convertido en pionero de casi todo lo que ha estudiado: las Germanías, la historia de la Cataluña moderna, la Inquisición, las culturas del Siglo de Oro, la Leyenda Negra, Felipe II, Felipe V, Austrias y Borbones, la guerra de la Independencia, la historia cultural, los mitos de la historia de España... Muy pocos tienen su capacidad para reflexionar, ordenar, analizar, conceptualizar y proponer una visión amplia y llena de matices sobre el pasado y las interpretaciones historiográficas. A su laboriosidad inimitable se añade una dedicación sin límites en el asesoramiento de alumnos e investigadores e impulsando revistas, dosieres, seminarios o publicaciones colectivas. Una mínima correspondencia a su generosidad lo constituye este volumen a manera de ineludible agradecimiento

    Hoyo Empedrado temperature data serie (2006-2020)

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    Air and ground surface temperatures have been measured using dataloggers during 14 years (2006-2020) in 10 locations at 2262 and 2471 m.a.s.l. in a glacial cirque of the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain). They were placed in a rock glacier (furrow and ridge), a talus slope (5 locations), a sunny slope and a summit. These sites have relevant differences in terms of substrate, solar radiation, orientation and geomorphological context. In this file we present a temperature display showing all records recorded during this 14 years. This file is supplementary material for the manuscript 'Spatial and temporal variability of the ground thermal regime in a mid-latitude glacial cirque (Hoyo Empedrado, Cantabrian Mountains, 2006 – 2020)

    Geomorphological impact, hydraulics and watershed- lake connectivity during extreme floods in mountain areas: The 1959 Vega de Tera dam failure, NW Spain

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    Dam-failure floods typically involve greater peak discharge than the largest meteorological flood at a basin. Determining the geomorphic effectiveness of extreme flooding caused by a breach mechanism provides insight into the role of flood scale on the resulting processes and landforms. Here, we present a geomorphological and hydraulic analysis of the 1959 Vega de Tera (NW Spain) dam-break flood, a worldwide notable dam-failure incident that released a flow of 7.8 10 m that caused the death of 144 people at Ribadelago before reaching Lake Sanabria (9 km down valley). This watershed-lake connection provides a comprehensive analysis of an extreme sediment delivery event in the context of a millennial long lake depositional record. One-dimensional unsteady flow computation shows a peak flow hydrograph attenuating from 13,000 m s to 5150 m s, that reached a maximum flow depth of 34 m and velocity of 30 ms. Spatial variation of erosional and depositional landforms are related with local flow hydraulics: i) in steep sectors flow regime was supercritical (shear value up to 11,200 Pa) and produced up to 30 m deep bedrock channel erosion; ii) at the boundary of steep and flatten sectors, transition to subcritical regime generated large plunge pools (up to 6000 m and 15.2 m in depth); iii) in low-gradient sectors low shear stress gave rise to depositional landforms, namely gravel bars with dam boulders up to 3 m long, and a debris cone with coarse gravel and expansion sand bars. The depositional landforms amount for a total volume of ca 2.11 · 10 m in the Tera valley (37% in the gorge and 63% in the floodplain). The dense, energetic sediment-laden flow reached Lake Sanabria forming a debris cone close to the mouth and caused an underwater hyperpycnal current, depositing a ~10 cm-thick sandy-silt layer all over the two distal subbasins. The estimated volume of the deposited fine sediments in the lake ranges between 200,000 and 368,000 m. The lake record shows that this was the largest flood in the basin during the Holocene. Previous to the dam break, the sediment connectivity between the Sanabria watershed and the lake was limited because of the “staircase” topography and the presence of small glacial depressions filled with sediments since deglaciation. Even during the flood, the great majority of the sediments were deposited along the flood pathway, and only a small percentage (10–20%) reached the lake. Although the hydraulics of the Tera River were not changed after the flood, the newly formed pools in the watershed could diminish the connectivity between the river and the lake in the future, as some new sedimentation areas (pools) were generated acting as natural dams and thus decreasing sediment input to the lake.This research was supported by the MEDLANT (Depositional andgeochemical dynamics of MEDiterranean Watershed-LAke Systemsduring the ANThropocene: disentangling human and climate forcings) project (CGL2016-76215-R), funded by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología), and by the project Paleoenvironmental meaningand relationship with the global change of the rock glaciers of the Cantabrian Mountains: relative dating and analysis of theinternal structure by means of electrical tomography, founded by the Junta de Castilla y León (LE080G19). G. Benito was funded by Project EPHIMED (CGL2017-86839-C3-1-R). J.P. Corella holds a MSCA fellow-ship (H2020-MSCA-IF-2017, grant n° 796752; FLOODARC) funded by the European Union (MSCA-IF-EF-ST funding scheme)