250 research outputs found

    Preferences stability: A measure of preferences changes over time

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    Producción CientíficaTraditionally, preferences have been considered stable although there are growing evidences that such stability is a mere theoretical assumption. Attending to this fact, it should be interesting to measure how much stability preferences provide in order to improve decision making processes. Surprisingly, no research has been found on measuring preferences stability. To overcome this drawback, this paper proposes a novel approach for measuring the stability of preferences and also for improving understanding of current and future decisions. In order to be faithful to reality, this research considers decisions like complete pre-orders on a set of alternatives. Following this reasoning, this paper provides the general concept of decision stability measure as well as two specific measures: the local and the global decision stability measure. Moreover, the main features of the novel approach are examined, including several mathematical results on the behaviour of the proposed measure. And eventually, this contribution develops two real cases of study, with in-depth analysis of preferences behaviour and their stability over time. Specifically, the first one explores into the characteristics of Spanish citizens' voting behaviour and the second one attempts to analyse European citizens' preferences about passenger car market.Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación con financiación nacional: MEC-FEDER Grant ECO2016-77900-

    Reaching social consensus family budgets: The Spanish case

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    The study of family budgets has been traditionally used to analyse consumers’ behaviour and estimate cost-of-living since the end of 19th century. Generally speaking, the computation of the budgets has been based on two different methodologies, the prescriptive and the descriptive method. Both present several drawbacks like the comparison among different areas, family types and over time. This paper proposes a new methodology for reaching family budgets, namely social consensus family budgets, to overcome such problems and examine the main features of the novel approach. The suggested method uses the minimization of the differences with respect to the consumer’s preferences to obtain a solution that summarizes single behaviour into a social preference. This approach is especially conceived for preferences on possibly related-expenditure groups. In addition, several algorithms are introduced to compute the social family budgets. Finally, the contribution includes the Spanish case as an example of reaching some social consensus family budgets in order to show the operational character and intuitive interpretation of the proposal approach.Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación con financiación nacional: MEC-FEDER Grant ECO2016-77900-

    Machine learning approaches over ion mobility spectra for the discrimination of ignitable liquids residues from interfering substrates

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    In arson fires, ignitable liquids (ILs) are frequently used to start combustion. For this reason, detecting IL residues (ILRs) at the fire scene is a key factor in fire investigation to determine whether a crime has been committed as well as to establish the modus operandi of the perpetrator. In the present study, the application of headspace-gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry (HS-GC-IMS) for the detection of ILRs in fire debris from complex matrices in combination with machine learning (ML) tools is proposed as an alternative to the traditional method, based on gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS), described by the ASTM E1618 standard method. For this purpose, petroleum-derived substrates (vinyl, nylon, and polyester) and natural substrates (cotton, cork and linoleum) burned alone and with different ILs (gasoline, diesel, ethanol and charcoal starter with kerosene) were used. In addition, samples were taken at different times (0, 1, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h) after the fire was finished. The ion mobility sum spectrum (IMSS) of each sample was obtained and different ML algorithms were applied. The first derivative was performed at the IMSS, as well as a Savitzky-Golay filter. Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) revealed a clustering trend as a function of substrate and ILs used, where the studied sampling times did not affect the resulting clusters. The classification models for the detection of the presence of ILRs have high performance with an accuracy of 100% for support vector machines (SVM) and random forest model (RF), followed by linear discriminant analysis (LDA) with an accuracy of 86.67%. When discriminating the type of ILs used, the RF model obtained an accuracy of 100%, followed by the LDA with 97.22% and finally the SVM model with an accuracy of 93.06%. In addition, a simple web application has been developed where the trained models can be used, so any researcher can apply the method to detect ILRs in fire debris

    El conservador-restaurador de bienes culturales muebles: Algunas consideraciones sobre su formación y futuro laboral

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    Este artículo intenta exponer la situación del colectivo profesional de los conservadores-restauradores españoles. Su contenido intenta abordar de forma objetiva su situación a partir del análisis somero de los principales problemas, que desde mi punto de vista, les afecta y que condiciona su actual acceso al mercado laboral público o privado; sin olvidarnos de las especiales circunstancias por las que atraviesa la formación de los futuros profesionales en nuestro país. De igual forma se analiza la figura de este especialista desde diversos puntos de vista: perfil profesional, competencias ante el bien cultural y ante la profesión, exigencias legales, y por último, situación como colectivo

    Characterization of Biodegraded Ignitable Liquids by Headspace-Ion Mobility Spectrometry

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    The detection of ignitable liquids (ILs) can be crucial when it comes to determining arson cases. Such identification of ILs is a challenging task that may be affected by a number of factors. Microbial degradation is considered one of three major processes that can alter the composition of IL residues. Since biodegradation is a time related phenomenon, it should be studied at different stages of development. This article presents a method based on ion mobility spectroscopy (IMS) which has been used as an electronic nose. In particular, ion mobility sum spectrum (IMSS) in combination with chemometric techniques (hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA)) has been applied for the characterization of different biodegraded ILs. This method intends to use IMSS to identify a range of ILs regardless of their degree of biodegradation. Three ILs (diesel, gasoline and kerosene) from three different commercial brands were evaluated after remaining in a soil substrate for several lengths of time (0, 2, 5, 13 and 38 days). The HCA results showed the samples' trend to fall into categories characterized by ILs type and biodegradation time. The LDAs allowed a 99% successful classification of the samples according to the IL type. This is the first time that an HS-IMS technique has been used to detect ILs that have undergone biodegradation processes. The results show that IMS may be a promising alternative to the current standard method based on gas-chromatography for the analysis of biodegraded ILs. Furthermore, no pretreatment of the samples nor the use of a solvent is required

    A cardinal dissensus measure based on the Mahalanobis distance

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    Producción CientíficaIn this paper we address the problem of measuring the degree of consensus/dissensus in a context where experts or agents express their opinions on alternatives or issues by means of cardinal evaluations. To this end we propose a new class of distance-based consensus model, the family of the Mahalanobis dissensus measures for profiles of cardinal values. We set forth some meaningful properties of the Mahalanobis dissensus measures. Finally, an application over a real empirical example is presented and discussed.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project CGL2008-06003-C03-03/CLI)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project ECO2012-32178)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project ECO2012-31933

    A new consensus ranking approach for correlated ordinal information based on Mahalanobis distance

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    Producción CientíficaWe investigate from a global point of view the existence of cohesiveness among experts’ opinions. We address this general issue from three basic essentials: the management of experts’ opinions when they are expressed by ordinal information; the measurement of the degree of dissensus among such opinions; and the achievement of a group solution that conveys the minimum dissensus to the experts’ group. Accordingly, we propose and characterize a new procedure to codify ordinal information. We also define a new measurement of the degree of dissensus among individual preferences based on the Mahalanobis distance. It is especially designed for the case of possibly correlated alternatives. Finally, we investigate a procedure to obtain a social consensus solution that also includes the possibility of alternatives that are correlated. In addition, we examine the main traits of the dissensus measurement as well as the social solution proposed. The operational character and intuitive interpretation of our approaches are illustrated by an explanatory example.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (ECO2012–32178

    Propuesta de un modelo de innovación abierta a un sector de las Pymes de la ciudad de Cuenca-Ecuador

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    En la actualidad, las Pymes enfrentan una necesidad notable de transformar su gestión innovadora; por lo tanto, es necesario encontrar las herramientas que potencien toda su capacidad. Para impulsar nuevas prácticas de innovación con visión abierta, es fundamental que la cultura organizacional se transforme a una cultura de innovación, para que pueda adaptar nuevas estrategias y herramientas que generen un cambio de mentalidad y se visualice a las empresas como una comunidad de oportunidades, de conocimiento y crecimiento. Este estudio tiene como objetivo encontrar información que ayude a crear una propuesta de un modelo de innovación abierta, basado en la realidad de las Pymes del sector comercial de venta de partes, piezas y accesorios para vehículos. Se levantaron datos utilizando encuestas cara-a-cara a una muestra aleatoria de los locales comerciales en estudio de la ciudad de Cuenca. La información recolectada condujo a observar los resultados de una baja implementación innovadora en las PYMES de este sector y permitió identificar herramientas que se proponen como una innovación abierta para que se viabilice y direccione de una manera adecuada la información de fuentes internas y externas, para alcanzar mejores resultados que impulsen el crecimiento de las Pymes. Palabras clave: cultura innovadora, gestión empresarial, innovación abierta, oportunidad, Pymes. Abstract &nbsp

    Los motivos de la migración. Una breve revisión bibliográfica

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    The migratory phenomenon has been a constant since the beginning of history and, in recent years, ithas increased both in developed and developing countries, and which origin is due to different reasons.Therefore, its analysis becomes necessary for the understanding and control of the subject in question.This is the reason why,the objective of this research was to identify and describe the most frequent reasonsthat motivate migration, according to the available literature. To achieve this, an in-depth bibliographicreview was carried out, through the analytical-synthetic method, during the period 1982-2022. The selection of the theoretical material used was carried out through a signing process, following the inductive-deductive method. The results indicated that there are at least five main categories that promote migration, these being economic, social, political, demographic and ecological, each with its own particular motivations. It was concluded that the migratory phenomenon does not arise within a specific temporality, but that it appears in different periods of time. In addition, the factors that are contemplated among the mentioned categories usually develop simultaneously, which contributes to the complexity of analysis and solution of this phenomenon. Also, the characteristics of the place of residence of individualshave a significant influence on the process of leaving the place of origin.El fenómeno migratorio ha sido una constante desde el inicio de la historia y, en los últimos años, ha incrementado tanto en los países desarrollados como en los que están en desarrollo por diferentes motivos.Por lo tanto, su análisis se hace necesario para la comprensión y control del tema en cuestión. Por ello,el objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar y describir los motivos más frecuentes que llevan a la migración, de acuerdo con la literatura disponible. Para lograrlo se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfica profunda, a través del método analítico-sintético, durante el periodo 1982-2022. La selección del material teórico utilizado se realizó mediante un proceso de fichaje, siguiendo el método inductivo-deductivo. Los resultados indicaron que existen al menos cinco categorías principales que propician la migración:económica, social, política, demográfica y ecológica, cada una con sus motivaciones particulares. Seconcluyó que el fenómeno migratorio no se suscita dentro de una temporalidad específica, sino queaparece en diferentes periodos de tiempo. Además, los factores incluidos en las categorías mencionadastienden a desarrollarse simultáneamente, lo que contribuye a la complejidad de análisis y solución deeste fenómeno. Así mismo, las características del lugar de residencia de los individuos influyen significativamente en el proceso de abandono del lugar de origen

    Sistema de Gestión Documental como herramienta de innovación en la administración de información empresarial: Caso Continental Tire Andina

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la manera en que los sistemas de gestión documental (SGD) contribuyen a mejorar la eficiencia en el uso de recursos dentro de una organización. El propósito de la investigación es identificar los resultados de la implementación de un SGD y cómo estos constituyen parte de los procesos de innovación dentro las empresas. La metodología utilizada para esta investigación se basa en la búsqueda, organización y análisis de documentos relacionados a la innovación empresarial, gestión documental y el emprendimiento corporativo. Se describe además el proceso de adopción y el uso de un sistema de gestión  ocumental computarizado dentro de la empresa cuencana Continental Tire Andina, el cual remplazó al modelo tradicional de gestión documental basado en documentos físicos. Como resultados se exponen las ventajas del uso de un SGD con base tecnológica en la administración de los documentos. El SGD con base tecnológica es la plataforma base que sustenta las operaciones habituales de la empresa analizada. Se concluye que un SGD con base tecnológica permite: simplificar el manejo y distribución de la información dentro de la organización; incrementa la eficiencia en la administración de costos relacionados con la logística de distribución de la información y disminuye las no conformidades a niveles operativos generadas por el uso inadecuado de la información, como consecuencia de la falta de control o actualización en la emisión de documentación fundamental para las operaciones de la organización.Palabras clave: desarrollo tecnológico, emprendimiento corporativo, gestión documental, innovación empresarial. AbstractThis research aim is to analyze the way how a document management systems (DMS) contribute to the efficiency in the resources utilization within an organization. The purpose of this research is identify the DMS implementation results, and to know the way how it becomes part of the innovative process in the company.  The research methodology used is based on the research, organization and analysis of documents related to: business innovation, document management, and corporate entrepreneurship. This document describes the process of adoption and the utilization of an electronic document management system in the Cuenca company, Continental Tire Andina. The electronic system replaced the traditional documental management model based on paper documents. As a result, the advantages of the utilization of DMS technology-based in the documents administration, is presented. The DMS technology-based is the base platform in the daily activities in the analyzed company. In conclusion, the DMS technology-based allows: to simplify the distribution and management of the information in the organization; to increase the efficiency in the costs management related to the logistics process in the distribution of the information; to reduce, to operational levels, the nonconformities related to improper information use presented due to the lack of control and updating in the emission of documents that are fundamental in the organization operations.Keywords: technological development, corporate entrepreneurship, document management, corpo-rate innovation