1,701 research outputs found

    Electrocardiographic findings in pregnant women in Angola

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    Background: Studies on the electrocardiogram findings in African pregnant women are limited. There is no information available in the literature on the electrocardiographic parameters of pregnant Angolan women. Objectives: The aim of this study was to describe electrocardiographic findings in women with normal pregnancies in Bengo Province, Angola. Methods: This is a community-based study with a cross-sectional design conducted between September 2013 and March 2014 in Bengo. The study involved 114 black pregnant women, compared with a paired control group comprising of 120 black non-pregnant women, aged 15 to 42 years. A 12-lead electrocardiogram and a rhythm strip were recorded for all participants. Results: In this study, the mean age was 26.2 ± 7.3 years. Comparing pregnant women vs. non-pregnant, we found the following mean values: Heart rate (83 bpm vs. 74 bpm, p <.001), PR interval (146 ms vs. 151 ms, p =.034), QT interval (360 ms vs. 378 ms, p <.001), QTIc Fridericia (398 ms vs. 403, p =.017), QTIc Framingham (399 ms vs. 404 ms, p =.013) and T-wave axis (340 vs. 410, p =.001).The main electrocardiographic changes found were: Sinus tachycardia (4.4% vs. 2.5%), T-wave inversion (14.9% vs. 1.7%), Minor ST segment depression (4.5% vs. 0%) and left ventricular hypertrophy (11.4% vs. 11.7%, p =.726). Conclusions: Pregnant Angolan women compared with controls, had several significantly higher values for heart rate, and significantly lower values of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, PR interval, QT interval, QTc interval by Fridericia and Framingham and T-wave axis. Sinus tachycardia, T-wave inversion, and left ventricular hypertrophy, were the main electrocardiographic changes found. © 2022 The Authors. Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.The present study was supported by Camões, Institute of Cooperation and Language, Portugal; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal; Government of Bengo Province, Angola; and the Angolan Ministry of Healt

    Impact of antibiotic therapy in severe community-acquired pneumonia: Data from the Infauci study

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    Antibiotic therapy (AT) is the cornerstone of the management of severe community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). However, the best treatment strategy is far from being established. To evaluate the impact of different aspects of AT on the outcome of critically ill patients with CAP, we performed a post hoc analysis of all CAP patients enrolled in a prospective, observational, multicentre study. Of the 502 patients included, 76% received combination therapy, mainly a β-lactam with a macrolide (80%). AT was inappropriate in 16% of all microbiologically documented CAP (n=177). Hospital and 6months mortality were 34% and 35%. In adjusted multivariate logistic regression analysis, combination AT with a macrolide was independently associated with a reduction in hospital (OR 0.17, 95%CI 0.06-0.51) and 6months (OR 0.21, 95%CI 0.07-0.57) mortality. Prolonged AT (>7days) was associated with a longer ICU (14 vs. 7days; p7days had no survival benefit and was associated with a longer LOS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Management of ibrutinib treatment in patients with B-cell malignancies: clinical practice in Portugal and multidisciplinary recommendations

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    Objectives: Ibrutinib, a potent inhibitor of the Bruton tyrosine kinase, has revolutionized the treatment of many B-cell malignancies. Ibrutinib has an established favorable toxicity profile with up to 8 years of experience in clinical trials; however, despite ibrutinib’s favorable toxicity profile, dose reductions and treatment discontinuations are becoming more evident in clinical practice, particularly in the setting of specific clinical contexts and patient characteristics. This manuscript is set to provide practical recommendations on the management of patients treated with this agent in daily practice. Methods: A group of multidisciplinary experts from Portugal met to discuss and highlight practical recommendations, supported on both literature and clinical insights, for the management of the treatment with ibrutinib. Results/discussion: Handling of both toxicities and drug–drug interactions during ibrutinib treatment poses several challenges to healthcare providers and can benefit from a multidisciplinary approach. The involvement of specialties, such as cardiology, infectiology and pharmacology, can bring an added value to patient care, not only in anticipating/managing safety issues and dose adjustments but also in enhancing adherence to treatment, ultimately improving the risk/benefit balance. Conclusion: By involving a multidisciplinary group of experts, this work provides a set of key recommendations to optimize care and outcomes for ibrutinib-treated patients. Despite not being a fully comprehensive review on the topic, it is intended as a framework to hematologists and other healthcare professionals who manage these patients in their daily clinical practice.The project received financial support from Janssen for logistics of expert meetings and editorial support. The sponsor had no influence on the opinions expressed here, which are those of the authors

    Importance of Complex Additional Stenosis After Primary Angioplasty for Acute Myocardial Infarction in Medium-Term Prognosis

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    Introdução: Existe alguma controvérsia respeitante ao tipo de revascularização a efectuar no contexto de angioplastia (PCI) primária no enfarte agudo do miocárdio (EAM). A presença de lesões coronárias adicionais, particularmente complexas, poderá ter impacto no prognóstico. Objectivos: Avaliar o prognóstico a médio-prazo (1 ano) face à presença de lesões adicionais complexas após PCI primária. População e Métodos: Estudaram-se retrospectivamente 138 doentes consecutivos admitidos na nossa Unidade por EAM com elevação do segmento ST e submetidos a PCI primária. Os doentes foram seguidos por um período de 1 ano e divididos em 2 grupos: sem lesões adicionais complexas (n=69, 61 ± 14 anos, 62% sexo masculino) e com lesões adicionais complexas (n=69, 65 ± 13 anos, 73% sexo masculino, p=NS). Avaliaram-se as características demográficas, factores de risco para doença coronária, história prévia cardíaca, e presença de sinais de insuficiência cardíaca na admissão. Foram também avaliadas características angiográficas, medicação efectuada e resultado da PCI. Avaliou-se o impacto das variáveis na ocorrência combinada de morte/re-enfarte/revascularização miocárdica ao primeiro ano. Resultados: A taxa de sucesso angiográfico foi de 96,4%. O grupo com idade igual ou superior a 75 anos representa 24% da população e 4,3% apresentaram-se em classe Killip IV. A localização anterior foi ligeiramente superior no grupo sem lesões adicionais complexas (60% vs. 44%, p=0,06), a inferior no grupo com lesões adicionais complexas (26% vs. 42%, p=0,07). A doença de 1 vaso foi mais prevalente no grupo sem lesões adicionais complexas como esperado (86% vs. 11%, p<0,001). A utilização de stent foi mais frequente no grupo sem lesões adicionais complexas (96% vs. 86%, p=0,08). Não houve diferenças nas restantes variáveis. A taxa de morte/re-enfarte/revascularização foi superior no grupo com lesões adicionais complexas (13% vs. 32%, p=0,014). Até aos 13 dias de seguimento, ocorreram 67% dos eventos. Na análise univariada, os factores predizentes de eventos foram a classe Killip 2, fluxo TIMI < 3 no vaso relacionado com enfarte após PCI, a não utilização de antagonistas da glicoproteína IIb/IIIa, bloqueadores beta e estatinas, doença multivaso e presença de lesões adicionais complexas (Log-rank, p=0,003). Na análise multivariável, os factores predizentes independentes de prognóstico a 1 ano foram a classe Killip 2 (Odds ratio 0,28%; IC 95% 0,08-0,93, p=0,037) e a presença de lesões adicionais complexas (OR 0,32; IC 95% 0,12-0,84, p=0,020). Conclusões: A presença de lesões adicionais complexas após PCI primária tem um pior prognóstico ao primeiro ano, sugerindo a necessidade de intervenção para a sua estabilização, particularmente nos primeiros 30 dias após enfarte

    Haplotype and isoform specific expression estimation using multi-mapping RNA-seq reads

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    We present a novel pipeline and methodology for simultaneously estimating isoform expression and allelic imbalance in diploid organisms using RNA-seq data. We achieve this by modeling the expression of haplotype-specific isoforms. If unknown, the two parental isoform sequences can be individually reconstructed. A new statistical method, MMSEQ, deconvolves the mapping of reads to multiple transcripts (isoforms or haplotype-specific isoforms). Our software can take into account non-uniform read generation and works with paired-end reads

    Sweet’s Syndrome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease - uncommon association

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    O Síndrome de Sweet (SSw) é uma dermatose neutrofílica caracterizada pela presença de febre, neutrofilia e lesões cutâneas cuja histologia revela um infiltrado inflamatório difuso neutrofílico da derme. A fisiopatologia deste Síndrome ainda não foi totalmente esclarecida. Pode ser idiopático ou associar-se a diversas patologias (infecciosas, neoplásicas, inflamatórias) pelo que deve ser primariamente considerado como manifestação sistémica de uma doença subjacente. A associação entre a síndrome de Sweet e a doença inflamatória intestinal não é muito frequente, e o primeiro não parece reflectir a actividade da última, partilhando, sim, um mesmo mecanismo fisiopatológico