629 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses: An update

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    AbstractFor the majority of families affected by one of the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs), a biochemical and/or genetic diagnosis can be achieved. In an individual case this information not only increases understanding of the condition but also may influence treatment choices and options. The presenting clinical features prompt initial investigation and also guide clinical care. The clinical labels “infantile NCL”, “late infantile NCL” and “juvenile NCL”, therefore remain useful in practice. In unusual or atypical cases ultra-structural analysis of white blood cells or other tissue samples enables planning and prioritisation of biochemical and genetic tests.This review describes current methods available to achieve clinical, pathological, biochemical and genetic diagnosis in children presenting with symptoms suggestive of one of the NCLs

    McLeod myopathy revisited: more neurogenic and less benign

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    The X-linked McLeod neuroacanthocytosis syndrome (MLS) has originally been denoted as ‘benign' McLeod myopathy. We assessed the clinical findings and the muscle pathology in the eponymous index patient, Hugh McLeod, and in nine additional MLS patients. Only one patient had manifested with neuromuscular symptoms. During a mean follow-up of 15 years, however, eight patients including the initial index patient showed elevated skeletal muscle creatine kinase levels ranging from 300 to 3000 U/L, and had developed muscle weakness and atrophy. Two patients had disabling leg weakness. Muscle histology was abnormal in all 10 patients. Clear but unspecific myopathic changes were found in only four patients. All patients, however, had neurogenic changes of variable degree. Post-mortem motor and sensory nerve examinations support the view that muscle atrophy and weakness are predominantly due to an axonal motor neuropathy rather than to a primary myopathy. Multisystem manifestations developed in eight patients at a mean age of 39 years. Three patients manifested with psychiatric features comprising schizophrenia-like psychosis and personality disorder, two presented with generalized seizures and one with chorea. During follow-up, seven patients developed chorea, six had psychiatric disorders, five had cognitive decline and three had generalized seizures. Five patients died because of MLS-related complications including sudden cardiac death, chronic heart failure and pneumonia between 55 and 69 years. In conclusion, our findings confirm that MLS is not a benign condition but rather a progressive multisystem disorder sharing many features with Huntington's diseas

    Genome-wide transcription start site mapping of Bradyrhizobium japonicum grown free-living or in symbiosis – a rich resource to identify new transcripts, proteins and to study gene regulation

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    Background: Differential RNA-sequencing (dRNA-seq) is indispensable for determination of primary transcriptomes. However, using dRNA-seq data to map transcriptional start sites (TSSs) and promoters genome-wide is a bioinformatics challenge. We performed dRNA-seq of Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110, the nitrogen-fixing symbiont of soybean, and developed algorithms to map TSSs and promoters. Results: A specialized machine learning procedure for TSS recognition allowed us to map 15,923 TSSs: 14,360 in free-living bacteria, 4329 in symbiosis with soybean and 2766 in both conditions. Further, we provide proteomic evidence for 4090 proteins, among them 107 proteins corresponding to new genes and 178 proteins with N-termini different from the existing annotation (72 and 109 of them with TSS support, respectively). Guided by proteomics evidence, previously identified TSSs and TSSs experimentally validated here, we assign a score threshold to flag 14 % of the mapped TSSs as a class of lower confidence. However, this class of lower confidence contains valid TSSs of low-abundant transcripts. Moreover, we developed a de novo algorithm to identify promoter motifs upstream of mapped TSSs, which is publicly available, and found motifs mainly used in symbiosis (similar to RpoN-dependent promoters) or under both conditions (similar to RpoD-dependent promoters). Mapped TSSs and putative promoters, proteomic evidence and updated gene annotation were combined into an annotation file. Conclusions: The genome-wide TSS and promoter maps along with the extended genome annotation of B. japonicum represent a valuable resource for future systems biology studies and for detailed analyses of individual non-coding transcripts and ORFs. Our data will also provide new insights into bacterial gene regulation during the agriculturally important symbiosis between rhizobia and legumes

    ATP synthase deficiency due to TMEM70 mutation leads to ultrastructural mitochondrial degeneration and is amenable to treatment.

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    TMEM70 is involved in the biogenesis of mitochondrial ATP synthase and mutations in the TMEM70 gene impair oxidative phosphorylation. Herein, we report on pathology and treatment of ATP synthase deficiency in four siblings. A consanguineous family of Roma (Gipsy) ethnic origin gave birth to 6 children of which 4 were affected presenting with dysmorphic features, failure to thrive, cardiomyopathy, metabolic crises, and 3-methylglutaconic aciduria as clinical symptoms. Genetic testing revealed a homozygous mutation (c.317-2A>G) in the TMEM70 gene. While light microscopy was unremarkable, ultrastructural investigation of muscle tissue revealed accumulation of swollen degenerated mitochondria with lipid crystalloid inclusions, cristae aggregation, and exocytosis of mitochondrial material. Biochemical analysis of mitochondrial complexes showed an almost complete ATP synthase deficiency. Despite harbouring the same mutation, the clinical outcome in the four siblings was different. Two children died within 60 h after birth; the other two had recurrent life-threatening metabolic crises but were successfully managed with supplementation of anaplerotic amino acids, lipids, and symptomatic treatment during metabolic crisis. In summary, TMEM70 mutations can cause distinct ultrastructural mitochondrial degeneration and almost complete deficiency of ATP synthase but are still amenable to treatment

    Seroepidemiological study on the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Germany:

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    The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has spread rapidly across Germany. Infections are likely to be under-recorded in the notification data from local health authorities on laboratory-confirmed cases since SARS-CoV-2 infections can proceed with few symptoms and then often remain undetected. Seroepidemiological studies allow the estimation of the proportion in the population that has been infected with SARS-CoV-2 (seroprevalence) as well as the extent of undetected infections. The ‘CORONA-MONITORING bundesweit’ study (RKI-SOEP study) collects biospecimens and interview data in a nationwide population sample drawn from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). Participants are sent materials to self-collect a dry blood sample of capillary blood from their finger and a swab sample from their mouth and nose, as well as a questionnaire. The samples returned are tested for SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies and SARS-CoV-2 RNA to identify past or present infections. The methods applied enable the identification of SARS-CoV-2 infections, including those that previously went undetected. In addition, by linking the data collected with available SOEP data, the study has the potential to investigate social and health-related differences in infection status. Thus, the study contributes to an improved understanding of the extent of the epidemic in Germany, as well as identification of target groups for infection protection

    SIL1 mutations and clinical spectrum in patients with Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome

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    Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive multisystem disorder featuring cerebellar ataxia, early-onset cataracts, chronic myopathy, variable intellectual disability and delayed motor development. More recently, mutations in the SIL1 gene, which encodes an endoplasmic reticulum resident co-chaperone, were identified as the main cause of Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome. Here we describe the results of SIL1 mutation analysis in 62 patients presenting with early-onset ataxia, cataracts and myopathy or combinations of at least two of these. We obtained a mutation detection rate of 60% (15/25) among patients with the characteristic Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome triad (ataxia, cataracts, myopathy) whereas the detection rate in the group of patients with more variable phenotypic presentation was below 3% (1/37). We report 16 unrelated families with a total of 19 different SIL1 mutations. Among these mutations are 15 previously unreported changes, including single- and multi-exon deletions. Based on data from our screening cohort and data compiled from the literature we found that SIL1 mutations are invariably associated with the combination of a cerebellar syndrome and chronic myopathy. Cataracts were observed in all patients beyond the age of 7 years, but might be missing in infants. Six patients with SIL1 mutations had no intellectual disability, extending the known wide range of cognitive capabilities in Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome to include normal intelligence. Modestly constant features were somatic growth retardation, skeletal abnormalities and pyramidal tract signs. Examination of mutant SIL1 expression in cultured patient lymphoblasts suggested that SIL1 mutations result in severely reduced SIL1 protein levels irrespective of the type and position of mutations. Our data broaden the SIL1 mutation spectrum and confirm that SIL1 is the major Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome gene. SIL1 patients usually present with the characteristic triad but cataracts might be missing in young children. As cognitive impairment is not obligatory, patients without intellectual disability but a Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome-compatible phenotype should receive SIL1 mutation analysis. Despite allelic heterogeneity and many families with private mutations, the phenotype related to SIL1 mutations is relatively homogenous. Based on SIL1 expression studies we speculate that this may arise from a uniform effect of different mutations on protein expressio

    Pars plana vitrectomy for diabetic macular edema. Internal limiting membrane delamination vs posterior hyaloid removal. A prospective randomized trial

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field.BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus, as well as subsequent ocular complications such as cystoid macular edema (CME), are of fundametal socio-economic relevance. Therefore, we evaluated the influence of internal limiting membrane (ILM) removal on longterm morphological and functional outcome in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 and chronic CME without evident vitreomacular traction. METHOD: Forty eyes with attached posterior hyaloid were included in this prospective trial and randomized intraoperatively. Prior focal (n = 31) or panretinal (n = 25) laser coagulation was permitted. Group I (n = 19 patients) underwent surgical induction of posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), group II (n = 20 patients) PVD and removal of the ILM. Eleven patients with detached posterior hyaloid (group III) were not randomized, and ILM removal was performed. One eye had to be excluded from further analysis. Examinations included ETDRS best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), fluorescein angiography (FLA) and OCT at baseline, 3 and 6 months postoperatively. Main outcome measure was BCVA at 6 months, secondary was foveal thickness. RESULTS: Mean BCVA over 6 months remained unchanged in 85% of patients of group II, and decreased in 53% of patients of group I. Results were not statistically significant different [group I: mean decrease log MAR 95% CI (0.06; 0.32), group II: (-0.02; 0.11)]. OCT revealed a significantly greater reduction of foveal thickness following PVD with ILM removal [group I: mean change: 95% CI (-208.95 μm; -78.05 μm), group II: (-80.90 μm: +59.17 μm)]. CONCLUSION: Vitrectomy, PVD with or without ILM removal does not improve vision in patients with DM type 2 and cystoid diabetic macular edema without evident vitreoretinal traction. ILM delamination shows improved morphological results, and appears to be beneficial in eyes with preexisting PVD

    Mapping the Organization of Axis of Motion Selective Features in Human Area MT Using High-Field fMRI

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at high magnetic fields has made it possible to investigate the columnar organization of the human brain in vivo with high degrees of accuracy and sensitivity. Until now, these results have been limited to the organization principles of early visual cortex (V1). While the middle temporal area (MT) has been the first identified extra-striate visual area shown to exhibit a columnar organization in monkeys, evidence of MT's columnar response properties and topographic layout in humans has remained elusive. Research using various approaches suggests similar response properties as in monkeys but failed to provide direct evidence for direction or axis of motion selectivity in human area MT. By combining state of the art pulse sequence design, high spatial resolution in all three dimensions (0.8 mm isotropic), optimized coil design, ultrahigh field magnets (7 Tesla) and novel high resolution cortical grid sampling analysis tools, we provide the first direct evidence for large-scale axis of motion selective feature organization in human area MT closely matching predictions from topographic columnar-level simulations

    A graphical vector autoregressive modelling approach to the analysis of electronic diary data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In recent years, electronic diaries are increasingly used in medical research and practice to investigate patients' processes and fluctuations in symptoms over time. To model dynamic dependence structures and feedback mechanisms between symptom-relevant variables, a multivariate time series method has to be applied.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We propose to analyse the temporal interrelationships among the variables by a structural modelling approach based on graphical vector autoregressive (VAR) models. We give a comprehensive description of the underlying concepts and explain how the dependence structure can be recovered from electronic diary data by a search over suitable constrained (graphical) VAR models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The graphical VAR approach is applied to the electronic diary data of 35 obese patients with and without binge eating disorder (BED). The dynamic relationships for the two subgroups between eating behaviour, depression, anxiety and eating control are visualized in two path diagrams. Results show that the two subgroups of obese patients with and without BED are distinguishable by the temporal patterns which influence their respective eating behaviours.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The use of the graphical VAR approach for the analysis of electronic diary data leads to a deeper insight into patient's dynamics and dependence structures. An increasing use of this modelling approach could lead to a better understanding of complex psychological and physiological mechanisms in different areas of medical care and research.</p