489 research outputs found

    Speleothem deposits in a proterozoic paleokarst, mesoproterozoic dismal lakes group, Arctic Canada.

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    Argo array observation of ocean heat content changes induced by tropical cyclones in the north Pacific

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 116 (2011): C12025, doi:10.1029/2011JC007165.In situ observations from the autonomous Argo float array are used to assess the basin-averaged ocean heat content change driven by tropical cyclones (TCs) in the North Pacific for 2000–2008. A new statistical approach based on pairs of profiles before and after each TC event is employed here to estimate the near-surface and subsurface heat content changes. Previous studies have suggested a dominant role for vertical mixing in the SST cooling response during TC passages. The Argo float observations show that, under strong TCs (greater than or equal to category 4), the subsurface warming expected from vertical mixing occurs with comparable magnitude to near-surface cooling. However, when weak TCs (less than or equal to category 3, which are about 86% of the total of TCs) were also considered, the subsurface warming was not detectable in the Argo data set, while near-surface cooling was still significant. Therefore, these results suggest that air-sea heat exchange and (upward) vertical advection likely play a somewhat greater role in the case of weak TCs. Additionally, Argo observations suggest that the restoring time scale of the near-surface heat content is greater than 30 days, which may be compared with the approximately 10 day time scale for the restoration of sea surface temperature. The mixed layer temperature and mixed layer depth evolutions also estimated from Argo data support the notion that only a thin surface layer is restored quickly to pre-TC conditions, while the rest of the cooled near-surface layer retained the TC-induced response for a good deal longer.Support from NSF (OCE-0847160) and partly from the Meteorological Research Institute/KMA is gratefully acknowledged.2012-06-1

    Trilepton Higgs signal at hadron colliders

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    Determining the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking will be one of the primary functions of high energy colliders. We point out that most Higgs boson searches pursued at hadron colliders require Yukawa interactions either in the production or the decay of a Higgs boson. We propose a trilepton Higgs boson search based only upon the gauge interactions of the Higgs. This strategy can be utilized successfully for the standard model (SM) Higgs boson as well as non-standard Higgs bosons which break electroweak symmetry but have little to do with fermion mass generation. The trileptons come from Wh production followed by Wh -> WWW^(*) -> 3l decays. A SM Higgs trilepton signal would be difficult to detect at the Tevatron collider: with 100 fb^{-1} of data, only a 3σ3\sigma signal above background can be achieved after cuts if 140 GeV < mh < 175 GeV. Some discrimination of signal over background can be gained by analyzing the opposite sign dilepton pT distributions. At the LHC with 30 (100) fb^{-1} a clear discovery above the 5σ5\sigma level is possible for a Higgs mass in the range 140-185 (125-200) GeV. Prospects for a trilepton Higgs discovery are greatly improved for models with non-standard Higgs sectors where a Higgs boson couples preferentially to vector bosons rather than to fermions.Comment: 16 pages, latex, 11 figure

    First narrow-band search for continuous gravitational waves from known pulsars in advanced detector data

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    Spinning neutron stars asymmetric with respect to their rotation axis are potential sources of continuous gravitational waves for ground-based interferometric detectors. In the case of known pulsars a fully coherent search, based on matched filtering, which uses the position and rotational parameters obtained from electromagnetic observations, can be carried out. Matched filtering maximizes the signalto- noise (SNR) ratio, but a large sensitivity loss is expected in case of even a very small mismatch between the assumed and the true signal parameters. For this reason, narrow-band analysis methods have been developed, allowing a fully coherent search for gravitational waves from known pulsars over a fraction of a hertz and several spin-down values. In this paper we describe a narrow-band search of 11 pulsars using data from Advanced LIGO’s first observing run. Although we have found several initial outliers, further studies show no significant evidence for the presence of a gravitational wave signal. Finally, we have placed upper limits on the signal strain amplitude lower than the spin-down limit for 5 of the 11 targets over the bands searched; in the case of J1813-1749 the spin-down limit has been beaten for the first time. For an additional 3 targets, the median upper limit across the search bands is below the spin-down limit. This is the most sensitive narrow-band search for continuous gravitational waves carried out so far

    Comparing the transcriptomes of embryos from domesticated and wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks and examining factors that influence heritability of gene expression

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    Background&nbsp; Due to selective breeding, domesticated and wild Atlantic salmon are genetically diverged, which raises concerns about farmed escapees having the potential to alter the genetic composition of wild populations and thereby disrupting local adaptation. Documenting transcriptional differences between wild and domesticated stocks under controlled conditions is one way to explore the consequences of domestication and selection. We compared the transcriptomes of wild and domesticated Atlantic salmon embryos, by using a custom 44k oligonucleotide microarray to identify perturbed gene pathways between the two stocks, and to document the inheritance patterns of differentially-expressed genes by examining gene expression in their reciprocal hybrids.&nbsp; Results&nbsp; Data from 24 array interrogations were analysed: four reciprocal cross types (W♀&times;W♂, D♀&times;W♂; W♀&times;D♂, D♀&times;D♂)&times;six biological replicates. A common set of 31,491 features on the microarrays passed quality control, of which about 62% were assigned a KEGG Orthology number. A total of 6037 distinct genes were identified for gene-set enrichment/pathway analysis. The most highly enriched functional groups that were perturbed between the two stocks were cellular signalling and immune system, ribosome and RNA transport, and focal adhesion and gap junction pathways, relating to cell communication and cell adhesion molecules. Most transcripts that were differentially expressed between the stocks were governed by additive gene interaction (33 to 42%). Maternal dominance and over-dominance were also prevalent modes of inheritance, with no convincing evidence for a stock effect.&nbsp; Conclusions&nbsp; Our data indicate that even at this relatively early developmental stage, transcriptional differences exist between the two stocks and affect pathways that are relevant to wild versus domesticated environments. Many of the identified differentially perturbed pathways are involved in organogenesis, which is expected to be an active process at the eyed egg stage. The dominant effects are more largely due to the maternal line than to the origin of the stock. This finding is particularly relevant in the context of potential introgression between farmed and wild fish, since female escapees tend to have a higher spawning success rate compared to males

    Mammalian cell transfection: the present and the future

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    Transfection is a powerful analytical tool enabling study of the function of genes and gene products in cells. The transfection methods are broadly classified into three groups; biological, chemical, and physical. These methods have advanced to make it possible to deliver nucleic acids to specific subcellular regions of cells by use of a precisely controlled laser-microcope system. The combination of point-directed transfection and mRNA transfection is a new way of studying the function of genes and gene products. However, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages so the optimum method depends on experimental design and objective

    A novel piggybac transposon inducible expression system identifies a role for akt signalling in primordial germ cell migration

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    In this work, we describe a single piggyBac transposon system containing both a tet-activator and a doxycycline-inducible expression cassette. We demonstrate that a gene product can be conditionally expressed from the integrated transposon and a second gene can be simultaneously targeted by a short hairpin RNA contained within the transposon, both in vivo and in mammalian and avian cell lines. We applied this system to stably modify chicken primordial germ cell (PGC) lines in vitro and induce a reporter gene at specific developmental stages after injection of the transposon-modified germ cells into chicken embryos. We used this vector to express a constitutively-active AKT molecule during PGC migration to the forming gonad. We found that PGC migration was retarded and cells could not colonise the forming gonad. Correct levels of AKT activation are thus essential for germ cell migration during early embryonic development

    Placental 11-Beta Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Methylation Is Associated with Newborn Growth and a Measure of Neurobehavioral Outcome

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    Background: There is growing evidence that the intrauterine environment can impact the neurodevelopment of the fetus through alterations in the functional epigenome of the placenta. In the placenta, the HSD11B2 gene encoding the 11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme, which is responsible for the inactivation of maternal cortisol, is regulated by DNA methylation, and has been shown to be susceptible to stressors from the maternal environment. Methodology/Principal Findings: We examined the association between DNA methylation of the HSD11B2 promoter region in the placenta of 185 healthy newborn infants and infant and maternal characteristics, as well as the association between this epigenetic variability and newborn neurobehavioral outcome assessed with the NICU Network Neurobehavioral Scales. Controlling for confounders, HSD11B2 methylation extent is greatest in infants with the lowest birthweights (P = 0.04), and this increasing methylation was associated with reduced scores of quality of movement (P = 0.04). Conclusions/Significance: These results suggest that factors in the intrauterine environment which contribute to birth outcome may be associated with placental methylation of the HSD11B2 gene and that this epigenetic alteration is in turn associated with a prospectively predictive early neurobehavioral outcome, suggesting in some part a mechanism for th