139 research outputs found

    Bright fireballs associated with the potentially hazardous asteroid 2007LQ19

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    We analyse here two very bright fireballs produced by the ablation in the atmosphere of two large meteoroids in 2009 and 2010. These slow-moving and deep-penetrating events were observed over Spain in the framework of our Spanish Fireball Network continuous meteor monitoring campaign. The analysis of the emission spectrum imaged for one of these fireballs has provided the first clues about the chemical nature of the progenitor meteoroids. The orbital parameters of these particles suggest a likely association with the recently identified July ρ-Herculid (JRH) meteoroid stream. In addition, considerations about the likely parent body of this stream are also made on the basis of orbital dissimilarity criteria. This orbital analysis reveals that both meteoroids and PHA 2007LQ19 exhibit a similar evolution during a time period of almost 8000 years, which suggests that either this near Earth object (NEO) is the potential parent of these particles or that this NEO and both meteoroids had a common progenitor in the past.España, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación YA2011-26522Junta de Andalucía P09-FQM-455

    The 2011 October Draconids outburst-II. Meteoroid chemical abundances from fireball spectroscopy

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    On 2011 October 8, the Earth crossed dust trails ejected from comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner in the late 19th and early 20th Century. This gave rise to an outburst in the activity of the October Draconid meteor shower, and an international team was organized to analyse this event. The SPanish Meteor Network (SPMN) joined this initiative and recorded the October Draconids by means of low-light level CCD cameras. In addition, spectroscopic observations were carried out. Tens of multistation meteor trails were recorded, including an extraordinarily bright October Draconid fireball (absolute magnitude-10.5) that was simultaneously imaged from three SPMN meteor observing stations located in Andalusia. Its spectrum was obtained, showing a clear evolution in the relative intensity of emission lines as the fireball penetrated deeper into the atmosphere. Here, we focus on the analysis of this remarkable spectrum, but also discuss the atmospheric trajectory, atmospheric penetration and orbital data computed for this bolide which was probably released during 21P/Giacobini-Zinner return to perihelion in 1907. The spectrum is discussed together with the tensile strength for the October Draconid meteoroids. The chemical profile evolution of the main rocky elements for this extremely bright bolide is compared with the elemental abundances obtained for five October Draconid fireballs also recorded during our spectroscopic campaign but observed only at a single station. Significant chemical heterogeneity between the small meteoroids is found as we should expect for cometary aggregates being formed by diverse dust components.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AYA2009-13227, AYA2009-14000-C03- 01, AYA2011-26522Junta de Andalucía P09-FQM4555CSIC 201050I04

    The 2011 October Draconids outburst-II. Meteoroid chemical abundances from fireball spectroscopy

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    On 2011 October 8, the Earth crossed dust trails ejected from comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner in the late 19th and early 20th Century. This gave rise to an outburst in the activity of the October Draconid meteor shower, and an international team was organized to analyse this event. The SPanish Meteor Network (SPMN) joined this initiative and recorded the October Draconids by means of low-light level CCD cameras. In addition, spectroscopic observations were carried out. Tens of multistation meteor trails were recorded, including an extraordinarily bright October Draconid fireball (absolute magnitude-10.5) that was simultaneously imaged from three SPMN meteor observing stations located in Andalusia. Its spectrum was obtained, showing a clear evolution in the relative intensity of emission lines as the fireball penetrated deeper into the atmosphere. Here, we focus on the analysis of this remarkable spectrum, but also discuss the atmospheric trajectory, atmospheric penetration and orbital data computed for this bolide which was probably released during 21P/Giacobini-Zinner return to perihelion in 1907. The spectrum is discussed together with the tensile strength for the October Draconid meteoroids. The chemical profile evolution of the main rocky elements for this extremely bright bolide is compared with the elemental abundances obtained for five October Draconid fireballs also recorded during our spectroscopic campaign but observed only at a single station. Significant chemical heterogeneity between the small meteoroids is found as we should expect for cometary aggregates being formed by diverse dust components.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación AYA2009-13227, AYA2009-14000-C03- 01, AYA2011-26522Junta de Andalucía P09-FQM4555CSIC 201050I04

    Gut Microbiota Cannot Compensate the Impact of (quasi) Aposymbiosis in Blattella germanica

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    The German cockroach Blattella germanica is a good model to study complex symbiotic relationships because the following two symbiotic systems coexist in a single individual: the endosymbiont Blattabacterium (living inside specialized cells called bacteriocytes) and the gut microbiota. Although the role of the endosymbiont has been fully elucidated, the function of the gut microbiota remains unclear. The study of the gut microbiota will benefit from the availability of insects deprived of Blattabacterium. Our goal is to determine the effect of the removal (or, at least, the reduction) of the endosymbiont population on the cockroach's fitness, in a normal gut microbiota community. For this purpose, we treated our cockroach population with rifampicin to decrease the amount of endosymbiont in the following generation. As the treatment also affects rifampicin-sensitive gut bacteria, we allowed it to recover for at least 20 days before sampling. We found that after this antibiotic treatment, the endosymbiont population remained extremely reduced and only the microbiota were able to recover, although it could not compensate for the endosymbiont role, and the host's fitness was drastically affected. This accomplished reduction, however, is not homogenous and requires further study to develop stable quasi-aposymbiotic cockroaches

    Near-earth object 2012XJ112 as a source of bright bolides of achondritic nature

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    We analyse the likely link between the recently discovered near-Earth object 2012XJ112 and a bright fireball observed over the south of Spain on 2012 December 27. The bolide, with an absolute magnitude of -9 ± 1, was simultaneously imaged during the morning twilight from twometeor stations operated by the SPanish Meteor Network (SPMN). It was also observed by several casual witnesses. The emission spectrum produced during the ablation of the meteoroid in the atmosphere was also recorded. From its analysis, the chemical nature of this particle was inferred. Although our orbital association software identified several potential parent bodies for this meteoroid, the analysis of the evolution of the orbital elements performed with the MERCURY 6 symplectic integrator supports the idea that NEO 2012XJ112 is the source of this meteoroid. The implications of this potential association are discussed here. In particular, the meteoroid bulk chemistry is consistent with a basaltic achondrite, and this emphasizes the importance to deduce from future Earth approaches the reflectance spectrum and taxonomic nature of 2012XJ112. © 2014 The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.Ministerio de Ciencia y Educación AYA2009-13227, AYA2011-26522, AYA2009-06330-EJunta de Andalucía P09-FQM- 455

    PTGDR2 expression in peripheral blood as a potential biomarker in adult patients with asthma

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    [EN]Background: Precision medicine is a promising strategy to identify biomarkers, stratify asthmatic patients according to different endotypes, and match them with the appropriate therapy. This proof-of-concept study aimed to investigate whether gene expression in peripheral blood could provide a valuable noninvasive approach for the molecular phenotyping of asthma. Methods: We performed whole-transcriptome RNA sequencing on peripheral blood of 30 non-atopic non-asthmatic controls and 30 asthmatic patients. A quantitative PCR (qPCR) validation study of PTGDR2 that encodes for CRTH2 receptor, expressed in cells involved in T2 inflammation, was developed in a cohort of 361 independent subjects: 94 non-asthmatic non-atopic controls, 187 asthmatic patients [including 82 with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis (CRSwNP) and 24 with aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD)], 52 with allergic rhinitis, and 28 with CRSwNP without asthma. Results: PTGDR2 was one of the most differentially overexpressed genes in asthmatic patients' peripheral blood (p-value 2.64 × 106). These results were confirmed by qPCR in the validation study, where PTGDR2 transcripts were significantly upregulated in asthmatic patients (p < 0.001). This upregulation was mainly detected in some subgroups such as allergic asthma, asthma with CRSwNP, AERD, eosinophilic asthma, and severe persistent asthma. PTGDR2 expression was detected in different blood cell types, and its correlation with eosinophil counts showed differences in some groups of asthmatic patients. Conclusions: We found that PTGDR2 expression levels could identify asthma patients, introduce a minimally invasive biomarker for adult asthma molecular phenotyping, and add additional information to blood eosinophils. Although further studies are required, analyzing PTGDR2 expression levels in peripheral blood of asthmatics might assist in selecting patients for treatment with specific antagonists. Keywords: PTGDR2; aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD); asthma; biomarker; chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP); gene expression.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; Juan Rodés contract; Junta de Castilla y Leó

    Exploring the Associations of Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers with Pancreatic Diseases: An Observational and Mendelian Randomisation Study

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    Identifying biomarkers linked to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and chronic pancreatitis (CP) is crucial for early detection, treatment, and prevention. Methods: Association analyses of 10 serological biomarkers involved in cell signalling (IFN-gamma, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10), oxidative stress (superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) enzyme activities, total glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA) levels), and intestinal permeability proteins (zonulin, I-FABP2) were conducted across PDAC (n = 12), CP (n = 21) and control subjects (n = 23). A Mendelian randomisation (MR) approach was used to assess causality of the identified significant associations in two large genetic cohorts (FinnGen and UK Biobank). Results: Observational results showed a downregulation of SOD and GPx antioxidant enzyme activities in PDAC and CP patients, respectively, and higher MDA levels in CP patients. Logistic regression models revealed significant associations between CP and SOD activity (OR = 0.21, 95% CI [0.05, 0.89], per SD), GPx activity (OR = 0.28, 95% CI [0.10, 0.79], per SD), and MDA levels (OR = 2.05, 95% CI [1.36, 3.08], per SD). MR analyses, however, did not support causality. Conclusions: These findings would not support oxidative stress-related biomarkers as potential targets for pancreatic diseases prevention. Yet, further research is encouraged to assess their viability as non-invasive tools for early diagnosis, particularly in pre-diagnostic CP populations

    Pilot multi-omic analysis of human bile from benign and malignant biliary strictures: a machine-learning approach

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    Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) and pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) may lead to the development of extrahepatic obstructive cholestasis. However, biliary stenoses can also be caused by benign conditions, and the identification of their etiology still remains a clinical challenge. We performed metabolomic and proteomic analyses of bile from patients with benign (n = 36) and malignant conditions, CCA (n = 36) or PDAC (n = 57), undergoing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with the aim of characterizing bile composition in biliopancreatic disease and identifying biomarkers for the differential diagnosis of biliary strictures. Comprehensive analyses of lipids, bile acids and small molecules were carried out using mass spectrometry (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR) in all patients. MS analysis of bile proteome was performed in five patients per group. We implemented artificial intelligence tools for the selection of biomarkers and algorithms with predictive capacity. Our machine-learning pipeline included the generation of synthetic data with properties of real data, the selection of potential biomarkers (metabolites or proteins) and their analysis with neural networks (NN). Selected biomarkers were then validated with real data. We identified panels of lipids (n = 10) and proteins (n = 5) that when analyzed with NN algorithms discriminated between patients with and without cancer with an unprecedented accuracy.This research was funded by: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) co-financed by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa, grant numbers: PI16/01126 (M.A.A.), PI19/00819 (M.J.M. and J.J.G.M.), PI15/01132, PI18/01075 and Miguel Servet Program CON14/00129 (J.M.B.); Fundación Científica de la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC Scientific Foundation), grant name: Rare Cancers 2017 (J.M.U., M.L.M., J.M.B., M.J.M., R.I.R.M., M.G.F.-B., C.B., M.A.A.); Gobierno de Navarra Salud, grant number 58/17 (J.M.U., M.A.A.); La Caixa Foundation, grant name: HEPACARE (C.B., M.A.A.); AMMF The Cholangiocarcinoma Charity, UK, grant number: 2018/117 (F.J.C. and M.A.A.); PSC Partners US, PSC Supports UK, grant number 06119JB (J.M.B.); Horizon 2020 (H2020) ESCALON project, grant number H2020-SC1-BHC-2018–2020 (J.M.B.); BIOEF (Basque Foundation for Innovation and Health Research: EiTB Maratoia, grant numbers BIO15/CA/016/BD (J.M.B.) and BIO15/CA/011 (M.A.A.). Department of Health of the Basque Country, grant number 2017111010 (J.M.B.). La Caixa Foundation, grant number: LCF/PR/HP17/52190004 (M.L.M.), Mineco-Feder, grant number SAF2017-87301-R (M.L.M.), Fundación BBVA grant name: Ayudas a Equipos de Investigación Científica Umbrella 2018 (M.L.M.). MCIU, grant number: Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditation SEV-2016-0644 (M.L.M.). Part of the equipment used in this work was co-funded by the Generalitat Valenciana and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) funds (PO FEDER of Comunitat Valenciana 2014–2020). Gobierno de Navarra fellowship to L.C. (Leticia Colyn); AECC post-doctoral fellowship to M.A.; Ramón y Cajal Program contracts RYC-2014-15242 and RYC2018-024475-1 to F.J.C. and M.G.F.-B., respectively. The generous support from: Fundación Eugenio Rodríguez Pascual, Fundación Echébano, Fundación Mario Losantos, Fundación M Torres and Mr. Eduardo Avila are acknowledged. The CNB-CSIC Proteomics Unit belongs to ProteoRed, PRB3-ISCIII, supported by grant PT17/0019/0001 (F.J.C.). Comunidad de Madrid Grant B2017/BMD-3817 (F.J.C.).Peer reviewe

    Identification of lptA, lpxE, and lpxO, Three Genes Involved in the Remodeling of Brucella Cell Envelope.

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    The brucellae are facultative intracellular bacteria that cause a worldwide extended zoonosis. One of the pathogenicity mechanisms of these bacteria is their ability to avoid rapid recognition by innate immunity because of a reduction of the pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS), free-lipids, and other envelope molecules. We investigated the Brucella homologs of lptA, lpxE, and lpxO, three genes that in some pathogens encode enzymes that mask the LPS PAMP by upsetting the core-lipid A charge/hydrophobic balance. Brucella lptA, which encodes a putative ethanolamine transferase, carries a frame-shift in B. abortus but not in other Brucella spp. and phylogenetic neighbors like the opportunistic pathogen Ochrobactrum anthropi. Consistent with the genomic evidence, a B. melitensis lptA mutant lacked lipid A-linked ethanolamine and displayed increased sensitivity to polymyxin B (a surrogate of innate immunity bactericidal peptides), while B. abortus carrying B. melitensis lptA displayed increased resistance. Brucella lpxE encodes a putative phosphatase acting on lipid A or on a free-lipid that is highly conserved in all brucellae and O. anthropi. Although we found no evidence of lipid A dephosphorylation, a B. abortus lpxE mutant showed increased polymyxin B sensitivity, suggesting the existence of a hitherto unidentified free-lipid involved in bactericidal peptide resistance. Gene lpxO putatively encoding an acyl hydroxylase carries a frame-shift in all brucellae except B. microti and is intact in O. anthropi. Free-lipid analysis revealed that lpxO corresponded to olsC, the gene coding for the ornithine lipid (OL) acyl hydroxylase active in O. anthropi and B. microti, while B. abortus carrying the olsC of O. anthropi and B. microti synthesized hydroxylated OLs. Interestingly, mutants in lptA, lpxE, or olsC were not attenuated in dendritic cells or mice. This lack of an obvious effect on virulence together with the presence of the intact homolog genes in O. anthropi and B. microti but not in other brucellae suggests that LptA, LpxE, or OL β-hydroxylase do not significantly alter the PAMP properties of Brucella LPS and free-lipids and are therefore not positively selected during the adaptation to intracellular life