190 research outputs found
Correction to: Crowding out the change: business networks and persisting economic elites in the South of Italy over Unification (1840–1880)
The article Crowding out the change: business networks and persisting economic elites in the South of Italy over Unification
Risk habits among Italian university students: sensation seeking and sexual risk-taking behaviors
Using data coming from the survey on “Sexual and Emotional Life of Youths”, we aim at exploring the patterns of relationships among risk habits, in particular the sex related ones among Italian university students to identify different risk profiles by using a sequential two-step analysis. Results highlight the presence of eight different target groups of students in terms of risk habits. Among them, the 24.9% of students can be defined as “young sensation seekers” who have the highest risk habits. Conversely, the 22.8% of students have inactive sexual life. Subsequently, linear regression models defined those characteristics, attitudes and behaviours associated to these risk habits. School and sexual experiences as well as family characteristics and relations with parents result to be significantly associated to risk habits
The more the better? How degree programs’ variety affects university students’ churn risk
Students’ intra- and, especially, inter-degree relocation poses significant challenges that tertiary education systems and universities must address to identify the best possible solutions for its reduction. Indeed, this phenomenon has a major impact on several aspects, from the reallocation of financial resources to factors related to the organization of spaces and activities, as well as in terms of human and social capital. Moreover, it is much more challenging when involving different universities in different geographical areas. This paper addresses the issue of churn risk among students and its relationship with the institutions’ educational offerings, in terms of degree programs, by accounting for the impact of the characteristics of both universities and hosting areas. In particular, the analysis relies on Italian administrative data regarding students who decide to change university or field of study when enrolling in their second year of career. The results obtained performing the Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood estimation show that the variety and the dimension of universities’ services supply contribute to reducing students’ churn risks and are positively associated with universities’ retention rates
Multiple factor analysis for time-varying two-mode networks
Most social networks present complex structures. They can be both multi-modal and multi-relational. In addition, each relationship can be observed across time occasions. Relational data observed in such conditions can be organized into multidimensional arrays and statistical methods from the theory of multiway data analysis may be exploited to reveal the underlying data structure. In this paper, we adopt an exploratory data analysis point of view, and we present a procedure based on multiple factor analysis and multiple correspondence analysis to deal with time-varying two-mode networks. This procedure allows us to create static displays in order to explore network evolutions and to visually analyze the degree of similarity of actor/event network profiles over time while preserving the different statuses of the two modes
Нові тенденції розвитку термінознавства : здобутки міжнародної наукової групи Р. Теммерман
Комплексно проаналізовано здобутки міжнародної наукової групи під керівництвом Р. Теммерман: розглянуто основні положення соціокогнітивного термінознавства, питання сутності терміна, фахової мови, фахової комунікації, динаміки терміна, розуміння терміна людиною за різних умов фахового спілкування, оперування великими масивами термінологічних даних, терміноонтографії й терміноонтології, інженерії знань та галузевих онтологій.The paper comprehensively analyses the achievements of the international research group led by R. Temmerman: it examines the main thesis of sociocognitive terminology, questions of the essence of a term, professional language, professional communication, dynamics of a term, understanding of a term by person under various conditions of professional communication, handling large corpora of terminological data, terminoontography and terminoontology, knowledge engineering and specialized ontologies
Contributo alla validazione della versione italiana della scala del Social Support di Susan Harter
Scopo del presente lavoro è proporre una versione italiana della Social Support Scale for adolescents di Susan Harter (1985) e di testarne le proprietà psicometriche. La scala permette di valutare il grado di supporto sociale percepito dal soggetto e la considerazione che sente di riceve da parte di altri significativi. La
versione italiana è stata somministrata, in fase di pre-test, a 80 soggetti. I rilievi emersi hanno condotto ad alcuni adattamenti; la versione così ottenuta è stata somministrata ad un campione di 1203 soggetti (11-18 anni). Le analisi statistiche hanno consentito di verificare la consistenza interna e la struttura fattoriale della scala. Tali analisi hanno confermato l’attendibilità e la validità della versione italiana rispetto allo strumento originario.
È stato inoltre realizzato un modello di Equazioni Strutturali, al fine
di verificare la presenza di una struttura fattoriale sovrapponibile a quella originaria proposta dalla Harter. I rilievi emersi sembrano
indicare che anche la versione italiana della scala proposta rappresenta un utile strumento per la comprensione e lo studio del supporto che l’adolescente percepisce di ricevere da parte di altri significativi.
SUMMARY. In this paper we aim to propose an Italian version of the Social Support Scale for adolescents of Susan Harter (1985) and to explore its psychometric properties. The Social Support
Scale allows to estimate the subject degree of perceived social
support and the consideration from significant others. The
Italian version was administered, in pre-test phase to 80 subjects. The results lead to some adaptations and this version was administered to a sample of 1203 subjects (11-18 years). The statistical analyses verified the internal consistency and the factorial structure of the Italian version with respect to the structure of the original scale. It was performed a Structural
Equations modelling, to assess the properties of factorial structure.
These results seem to indicate proposed Italian version of
Social Support Scale can be a useful instrument to study the support that the adolescent perceives to receive from significant others
investigating social support patterns of single mothers from a social network perspective
AbstractIn the present study, we discuss how social network analysis approach can be fruitful exploited to study social support within family studies. An ego-centred network approach is adopted within a case study about social support networks of low income single mothers living in a city of southern Italy. We address three main issues. First, we aim to describe and explore the structure of social relationships that single mothers activate in order to obtain different kind of supports. Second, we investigate the main factors that affect the amount and variety of resources embedded in the single mothers' support networks. Third, we analyse the relationship between the received social support embedded in the ego network and the support perceived by mothers. Beyond the description of composition and structure of ego-centred networks through network measures and factorial methods, a series of regression models was estimated to assess factors explaining received and perceived support of single mothers
Un approccio di rete all'analisi delle relazioni amicali dei disoccupati nella città di Napoli
Several studies highlight that the labour market entry is strongly
influenced by informal relational networks (friendship and kinship).
Given that informal networks have a relevant role in job position, the
present work deals with the analysis of the relationship between
social and occupational segregation in the labour market context.
Starting from a panel survey on 506 unemployed people (and
informal economy workers) enrolled in the database of the Labour
Agency of Scampia in Naples, we define a network structure. In
particular, the analysis of the affiliation matrix, where professional
profiles related to undeclared works of officially unemployed people
are the nodes and professional profiles of their three most important
friends are the events, is performed to identify the underlying
dimensions of the joint factorial map defined by both actors and
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