14 research outputs found

    The creation of jobs and productive units of the Creative Economy in the Region of Corede Vale do Rio dos Sinos - CONSINOS - RS / Brazil from 1996 to 2009. New Perspective Development.

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    Activities that develop in a region, using resources to be produced and generating results that affect the economy and trigger a multiplier effect on employment and income. The activities on the economy of culture have this effect on the economy, namely the impact that investments generate benefits they bring on other productive activities. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) - UN Special Body was established in 1964 as a result of demands from countries with lower levels of development, aiming to establish a permanent international court which would be based approach to development. This has pursued the implications of the importance of activities from creative industries, cultural activities linked to a region and argues that the value generated by them is able to turn them economically as their commercial value is transferred to different areas of economic a region. From this perspective, the creative industries are large group activities can boost a city economically; therefore they are highly creative ability of the population of this region. The Corede Vale do Rio dos Sinos - CONSINOS - is a region politically instituted in the early-1990s, the State Government of RS and aims to formulate and implement regional strategies, consolidating them into regional strategic development plans. It consists of 14 municipalities, with industrial production is strongly focused on five cities: Campo Bom Canoas, Novo Hamburgo, São Leopoldo and Sapucaia. Economically, it presents a strong dependence on the leather-footwear industry and its components which have resulted in a dynamic problem for the region, because it undergoes large swings forward exchange rate issues and export entry of Chinese products, among others. The objective is to define what is meant by creative industries and verify by the number of jobs and production units, whether the region can develop in the medium term other activities that may replace the dependence of the footwear sector and, therefore, make other possibilities in the production matrix. Keywords: Employment, Creative Economy, Creative Industries, Consinos

    The creation of jobs and productive units of the Creative Economy in the Region of Corede Vale do Rio dos Sinos - CONSINOS - RS / Brazil from 1996 to 2009. New Perspective Development

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    Activities that develop in a region, using resources to be produced and generating results that affect the economy and trigger a multiplier effect on employment and income. The activities on the economy of culture have this effect on the economy, namely the impact that investments generate benefits they bring on other productive activities. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) - UN Special Body was established in 1964 as a result of demands from countries with lower levels of development, aiming to establish a permanent international court which would be based approach to development. This has pursued the implications of the importance of activities from creative industries, cultural activities linked to a region and argues that the value generated by them is able to turn them economically as their commercial value is transferred to different areas of economic a region. From this perspective, the creative industries are large group activities can boost a city economically; therefore they are highly creative ability of the population of this region. The Corede Vale do Rio dos Sinos - CONSINOS - is a region politically instituted in the early-1990s, the State Government of RS and aims to formulate and implement regional strategies, consolidating them into regional strategic development plans. It consists of 14 municipalities, with industrial production is strongly focused on five cities: Campo Bom Canoas, Novo Hamburgo, São Leopoldo and Sapucaia. Economically, it presents a strong dependence on the leather-footwear industry and its components which have resulted in a dynamic problem for the region, because it undergoes large swings forward exchange rate issues and export entry of Chinese products, among others. The objective is to define what is meant by creative industries and verify by the number of jobs and production units, whether the region can develop in the medium term other activities that may replace the dependence of the footwear sector and, therefore, make other possibilities in the production matrix


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    As micro e pequenas empresas no Brasil representam uma parcela significativa no que se refere ao número de unidades produtivas, à criação de empregos, ao fornecimento de bens e serviços para o mercado interno e, dessa forma, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento regional. Apesar de sua influência no mercado, observa-se, sobretudo no comércio varejista, que há um crescente número de empresas que encerram suas atividades em decorrência do desconhecimento de mercado, inclusive de aspectos primários, como custos com a mão-de-obra. Utilizando-se das metodologias descritiva, revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa empírica, na forma de aplicação de questionários, em empresas extintas, o trabalho propõe-se a apresentar: a evolução do número de empresas constituídas e extintas no RS e Canoas, salientando o Comércio Varejista deste último a partir de 2000; algumas causas que levaram à mortalidade dessas empresas; proposição de ações e melhorias para o desenvolvimento e a manutenção do comércio local. Concluiu-se que as empresas do comércio varejista canoense apresentam fragilidades decorrentes de fatores de ordem estrutural, como, por exemplo, a proximidade com Porto Alegre, a falta de conhecimento do mercado, por parte dos empresários, a baixa escolaridade destes, requisitos relativos à demanda por mão-de-obra e outros encargos tributários.Palavras-Chave: Canoas. Comércio Varejista. Constituição e Extinção das Empresas. Demanda por Mão-de-Obra


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    O crescimento econômico de uma região inclui o aumento da geração de excedente, a ampliação do emprego e da renda local. A região do Conselho Regional de Desenvolvimento do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (CONSINOS) no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul se especializou no complexo calçadista, mas ao longo dos anos de 2000 perdeu o seu dinamismo econômico e por conseqüência o emprego. O acúmulo de conhecimento, criatividade, inovações e as competências tecnológicas, presentes na economia local, traduzem a possibilidade de desenvolvimento de outro leque de atividades denominadas: indústrias criativas. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar o comportamento do emprego formal, nos anos de 2000 e 2010, com dados do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (MTE) e da Fundação de Economia e Estatística Siegfried Emanuel Heuser (FEE). Conclui-se que, no período estudado, os empregos no CONSINOS se concentraram no sub-grupo criativo das atividades produtivas relacionadas, porém foi nos setores de apoio que ocorreu a maior variação em todos os seus municípios

    The effects of the cultural and creative sector on employment and wages: the case of rio grande do sul, brazil, from 2000 to 2010

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    the 1960s when resources became scarce and the choices of what to finance started to be questioned. From the viewpoint of economy, in some regions, the cultural sector exhibits impacts at a higher rate than the rest of the economy. One of the impacts is the performance of the variable “employment” and its multiplier effects. In fact, the different segments that constitute the sector of creative economy offer several different possibilities to develop highly skilled activities. By using primary data from the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE)/Annual Social Information Report (RAIS)/General Registry of Employed and Unemployed Individuals (CAGED), the aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of the activities that comprise the creative industries, with a specific focus on the State of Rio Grande do Sul regarding job generation and wages between 2000 and 2010. During the period studied, it was observed that both employment as well as wages decreased in the creative sector, a consequence of the crisis at the end of the 2000s, as well as of the growth of other segments that was more intense than those related to creativity. It is noteworthy that there is room for different creative segments to increase in participation in the productive structure of the State.Culture was not always considered a relevant area of study for economics. It started being important in the 1960s when resources became scarce and the choices of what to finance started to be questioned. From the viewpoint of economy, in some regions, the cultural sector exhibits impacts at a higher rate than the rest of the economy. One of the impacts is the performance of the variable “employment” and its multiplier effects. In fact, the different segments that constitute the sector of creative economy offer several different possibilities to develop highly skilled activities. By using primary data from the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE)/Annual Social Information Report (RAIS)/General Registry of Employed and Unemployed Individuals (CAGED), the aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of the activities that comprise the creative industries, with a specific focus on the State of Rio Grande do Sul regarding job generation and wages between 2000 and 2010. During the period studied, it was observed that both employment as well as wages decreased in the creative sector, a consequence of the crisis at the end of the 2000s, as well as of the growth of other segments that was more intense than those related to creativity. It is noteworthy that there is room for different creative segments to increase in participation in the productive structure of the State

    O uso do método da valoração contingente para uma cesta de bens culturais no município de Canos, Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Fundamentando-se nos conceitos de teoria econômica, com base no método da avaliação contingente, este artigo apresenta resultados de um projeto que avaliou e quantificou o valor que 237 agentes econômicos do município de Canoas/RS – população público-alvo – atribuem ou estão dispostos a pagar por bens culturais, públicos ou quase públicos. O método utiliza-se de pesquisa direta aos consumidores e ou usuários, para montar uma escala de valores monetários ()paraquantificaraimporta^ncia/valorqueosmesmossepredispo~emapagar.Concluiusequeoscanoensesdemandamumacestadebensculturaisconcentrados,basicamente,empoucosbensculturais,sobretudoemoutrassaıˊdas,comobareseboates,Internet,TVacabo,livros,didaˊticosecinema.Noentantoesta~odispostosaaumentarademandaapenasnosbensdemenorprec\cocomooutrassaıˊdas,Internet,livros,entreoutrosaleˊmdedemonstrarqueadisposic\ca~oapagaraumentaateˊdeterminadarenda,oquecorroboracomaafirmac\ca~odateoriaecono^micaqueapartirdedeterminadonıˊveldeconsumooindivıˊduoestaˊsatisfeitoereduzsuautilidademarginalnaaquisic\ca~odoproduto.Palavraschave:EconomiadaCultura;Brasil;Canoas;MeˊtododaValorac\ca~oContingente.TheuseofcontingentvaluationmethodonabasketofculturalgoodsinthecityofCanoas,RioGrandedoSulAbstractBasingontheconceptsofeconomictheory,basedonthecontingentvaluationmethod,thisarticlepresentstheresultsofaresearchprojectontheevaluationandquantificationofhow237economicagentsthepublicaudiencegiveorarewillingtopayforculturalgoods,publicorquasipublic.Themethodisusedtodirectconsumerstosearchandorusers,toassemblearangeofmonetaryvalues() para quantificar a importância/valor que os mesmos se predispõem a pagar. Concluiu-se que os canoenses demandam uma cesta de bens culturais concentrados, basicamente, em poucos bens culturais, sobretudo em outras saídas, como bares e boates, Internet, TV a cabo, livros, didáticos e cinema. No entanto estão dispostos a aumentar a demanda apenas nos bens de menor preço como outras saídas, Internet, livros, entre outros além de demonstrar que a disposição a pagar aumenta até determinada renda, o que corrobora com a afirmação da teoria econômica que a partir de determinado nível de consumo o indivíduo está satisfeito e reduz sua utilidade marginal na aquisição do produto. Palavras-chave: Economia da Cultura; Brasil; Canoas; Método da Valoração Contingente. The use of contingent valuation method on a basket of cultural goods in the city of Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul Abstract Basing on the concepts of economic theory, based on the contingent valuation method, this article presents the results of a research project on the evaluation and quantification of how 237 economic agents – the public audience – give or are willing to pay for cultural goods, public or quasi-public. The method is used to direct consumers to search and or users, to assemble a range of monetary values () to quantify the importance and value that they are willing to pay. It was concluded that canoenses require a basket of cultural concentrated primarily in a few cultural assets, especially in other outlets such as bars and nightclubs, Internet, cable TV, books, textbooks and movies. However they are willing to increase demand for goods only at lower prices as other outlets, Internet, books, and others besides demonstrating that the willingness to pay increases until a certain income, which corroborates the statement of economic theory that from certain level of consumption the individual is satisfied and reduces their marginal utility in the purchase. Keywords: Economy of Culture; Brazil; Canoas; Method of Contingen

    The effects of the cultural and creative sector on employment and wages: The case of rio grande do sul, brazil, from 2000 to 2010

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    Culture was not always considered a relevant area of study for economics. It started being important in the 1960s when resources became scarce and the choices of what to finance started to be questioned. From the viewpoint of economy, in some regions, the cultural sector exhibits impacts at a higher rate than the rest of the economy. One of the impacts is the performance of the variable “employment” and its multiplier effects. In fact, the different segments that constitute the sector of creative economy offer several different possibilities to develop highly skilled activities. By using primary data from the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE)/Annual Social Information Report (RAIS)/General Registry of Employed and Unemployed Individuals (CAGED), the aim of this paper is to discuss the importance of the activities that comprise the creative industries, with a specific focus on the State of Rio Grande do Sul regarding job generation and wages between 2000 and 2010. During the period studied, it was observed that both employment as well as wages decreased in the creative sector, a consequence of the crisis at the end of the 2000s, as well as of the growth of other segments that was more intense than those related to creativity. It is noteworthy that there is room for different creative segments to increase in participation in the productive structure of the State