39 research outputs found

    L’influence de la variable niveau socioculturel dans les formes d’adresse

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    En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados obtenidos en un estudio sobre la incidencia de la variable nivel sociocultural en la elección de las formas de tratamiento tú y usted en el español peninsular actual. Para llevarlo a cabo, en primer lugar se han estudiado las principales características de esta compleja variable sociolingüística y, a continuación, se ha realizado una encuesta a una muestra de un total de 190 estudiantes con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 25 años residentes en la ciudad de Salamanca. Para ello, se ha creado una encuesta ad hoc que contiene distintas situaciones comunicativas en las que se combinan variables sociales y contextuales, de acuerdo con la bibliografía especializada. Los resultados se han procesado estadísticamente y permiten observar el importante papel que desempeña en la elección pronominal el nivel sociocultural del interlocutor y también –aunque en menor medida– el del propio hablante.This article shows the results obtained in a study about the incidence of the social class variables when choosing between the address forms tú and usted in current peninsular Spanish. In order to carry this study out, the main characteristics of this variable have been primarily studied, and secondly, a survey was given to a sample of 190 students with ages between 18 and 25 years old who reside in the city of Salamanca (Spain). To do that, an ad hoc survey has been created, containing different communicative situations that combine social and contextual variables, according to the specialized bibliography. The results have been statistically processed and allow us to observe the important role that social class variables of the interlocutor, but also –to a lesser extent– of the speaker, take when choosing one of the pronouns.Cet article présente les résultats obtenus au cours d’une étude sur l’incidence de la variable du niveau socioculturel dans l’élection des formes d’adresse tú et usted en espagnol péninsulaire actuel. Pour réaliser l’étude, nous avons présenté les caractéristiques principales de cette complexe variable sociolinguistique et, ensuite, nous avons effectué une enquête sur un total de 190 étudiants d’entre 18 et 25 ans qui résident à Salamanque (Espagne). Pour ce faire, nous avons créé une enquête ad hoc qui contient différentes situations communicatives dans lesquelles sont combinées variables sociales et contextuelles, conformément à la bibliographie spécialisée. Les résultats ont été traités statistiquement et permettent d’observer l’importance du rôle du niveau socioculturel de l’interlocuteur et du locuteur –à une moindre échelle– dans l’élection pronominale

    Risk perception and affective state on work exhaustion in obstetrics during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Amulticenter cross-sectional survey study involving four Italian University Hospitals was performed to test the hypothesis that negative affect and positive affect (affective dimensions) mediate the association between risk perception (perceived risk of infection and death; cognitive dimensions) and the feeling of work exhaustion (WE) among obstetrics healthcare providers (HCPs) during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Totally, 570 obstetrics HCPs were invited to complete the 104-item IPSICO survey in May 2020. A theoretical model built on the tested hypothesis was investigated by structural equation modelling. The model explained 32.2% of the WE variance. Only negative affect mediated the association between cognitive dimensions and WE and also the association between WE and psychological well-being before the pandemic, experiences of stressful events, female gender, and dysfunctional coping. Non-mediated associations withWE were observed for work perceived as a duty, experience of stressful events, support received by colleagues, and the shift strategy. Only previous psychological well-being, support by colleagues, and shift strategies were inversely associated with WE. Based on study results, monitoring negative than positive affect appears superior in predicting WE, with practical implications for planning psychological interventions in HCPs at the individual, interpersonal, and organizational levels