50 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity and genetic structure of an endemic Mexican Dusky Rattlesnake (Crotalus triseriatus) in a highly modified agricultural landscape: implications for conservation

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    ArtículoIt is necessary to determine genetic diversity of fragmented populations in highly modified landscapes to understand how populations respond to land-use change. This information will help guide future conservation and management strategies. We conducted a population genetic study on an endemic Mexican Dusky Rattlesnake (Crotalus triseriatus) in a highly modified landscape near the Toluca metropolitan area, in order to provide crucial information for the conservation of this species. There was medium levels of genetic diversity, with a few alleles and genotypes. We identified three genetically differentiated clusters, likely as a result of different habitat cover type. We also found evidence of an ancestral genetic bottleneck and medium values of effective population size. Inbreeding coefficients were low and there was a moderate gene flow. Our results can be used as a basis for future research and C. triseriatus conservation efforts, particularly considering that the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt is heavily impacted by destructive land-use practices

    Ruminal ammonia concentration and fermentation kinetics of commercial herbal feed additives with amino acids

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    The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical composition of rumen fermentation while estimating it’s in vitro protein degradation (from ruminal ammonia concentration) and kinetics regarding two herbal feed plant additives. The tested herbal mixtures were elaborated with Phaseolus mango and Linum usitatissimum, providing lysine (Lys) and Trigonella foenum-graecum and Allium sativa, providing Methionine (Met). They were compared to alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and solvent extracted soybean meal (Glicine max), as standard sources of protein using the in vitro gas production technique modified to estimate N-NH3, recording fermentation kinetics and dry matter digestibility (72 h), in a completely randomized design followed by Tukey test. Ruminal ammonia concentration in the herbal mixtures was lower (P<0.05) than in the standard protein sources, indicating that protein from herbal mixtures could resist ruminal degradation. Herbal additives with Lys or Met showed minimum N-NH3 concentration in the first 4 h of incubation. At 8 h, the concentration was 0.27 and 0.54 mg dL-1 for the herbal products with Lys and Met, significantly lower than solvent extracted soybean meal and alfalfa (1.15 and 2.24 mg dL-1 respectively, P<0.05). Highlights The tested herbal mixture elaborated with Phaseolus mango and Linum usitatissimum, provide bypass Lysine. The tested herbal mixture elaborated with Trigonella foenum-graecum and Allium sativa, provide bypass Methionine. Ruminal ammonia concentration in the herbal mixtures was lower than in the standard protein sources. Protein from herbal mixtures could resist ruminal degradation.The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical composition of rumen fermentation while estimating it’s in vitro protein degradation (from ruminal ammonia concentration) and kinetics regarding two herbal feed plant additives. The tested herbal mixtures were elaborated with Phaseolus mango and Linum usitatissimum, providing lysine (Lys) and Trigonella foenum-graecum and Allium sativa, providing Methionine (Met). They were compared to alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and solvent extracted soybean meal (Glicine max), as standard sources of protein using the in vitro gas production technique modified to estimate N-NH3, recording fermentation kinetics and dry matter digestibility (72 h), in a completely randomized design followed by Tukey test. Ruminal ammonia concentration in the herbal mixtures was lower (P<0.05) than in the standard protein sources, indicating that protein from herbal mixtures could resist ruminal degradation. Herbal additives with Lys or Met showed minimum N-NH3 concentration in the first 4 h of incubation. At 8 h, the concentration was 0.27 and 0.54 mg dL-1 for the herbal products with Lys and Met, significantly lower than solvent extracted soybean meal and alfalfa (1.15 and 2.24 mg dL-1 respectively, P<0.05). Highlights The tested herbal mixture elaborated with Phaseolus mango and Linum usitatissimum, provide bypass Lysine. The tested herbal mixture elaborated with Trigonella foenum-graecum and Allium sativa, provide bypass Methionine. Ruminal ammonia concentration in the herbal mixtures was lower than in the standard protein sources. Protein from herbal mixtures could resist ruminal degradation

    Efecto del propionato de calcio en la fermentación in vitro de dietas a base de sorgo

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of calcium propionate (CaPr) on in vitro ruminal fermentation using a factorial arrangement 2 x 2 evaluating CaPr (0 vs. 1%) and grain level (55 vs. 65%). There was a CaPr x Grain interaction in the volume of gas produced (V; p = 0.04). Addition of CaPr prolonged Lag time (1.4 vs. 1.04 h; P<0.01), and increasing the grain level also prolonged Lag time (1.56 vs. 0.89 h; p < 0.03) and gas production rate (0.046 vs. 0.041 h-1; P<0.04). However, there were no differences in CH4, CO2, acetate, propionate and butyrate concentrations. Therefore, the addition of calcium propionate in a diet with 55 or 66% of grain increased Lag phase but it is not affected fermentation pattern or methane losses.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar in vitro el efecto de la adición de propionato de Ca (PrCa). El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial 2x2; PrCa (0 o 1%) y grano (55 o 65%). Se encontró diferencias (p>0,05) entre tratamientos para volumen de gas, pero la tasa de producción de gas no fue diferente (p<0,05), se observó un efecto por parte del grano (p<0,04). La adición de PrCa prolongó el tiempo Lag (1,4 vs. 1.04 h; P<0,01) y aumentando el nivel de grano también prolongó la fase Lag (1,56 vs. 0,89 h; P<0,03) y la tasa de producción de gas (0,046 vs. 0,041 h-1; P <0,04). Sin embargo, no hubo diferencias en la concentración de CH4 y CO2, ni de propionato, acetato y butirato. La adición de propionato de calcio a una dieta con 55 o 65% de grano prolonga la fase Lag pero no afecta el patrón de fermentación o las pérdidas de metano.Fil: Miranda, Luis Alberto. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México)Fil: Lee-Rangel, Héctor Aarón. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Mendoza-Martínez, Germán David.Fil: Crosby-Galván, María Magdalena. Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Montecillo (México)Fil: Relling, Alejandro Enrique. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias VeterinariasFil: Pinos-Rodríguez, Juan Manuel. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Rojo Rubio, Rolando . Universidad Autónoma del Estado de MéxicoFil: González Hernandez, Milagros. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de Agronomí

    Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Toxocara canis

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    The objective of this study was to determine seroprevalence and identify risk factors associated with Toxocara canis infection. A clinical and epidemiological questionnaire and body mass index were used to assess the risk factors associated with human toxocariasis in 108 children with an age range of 2–16 years. Antibodies against Toxocara canis were detected using an ELISA test kit. Chi-square analysis and odds ratio (OR) were used to identify risk factors associated with Toxocara canis seropositivity. The prevalence of antibodies against Toxocara canis was greater (P=0.02) in males than females (28.84% and 16.07%, resp.). Chi-square analysis and odds ratio revealed just one variable with P1.0 was associated with seropositivity: the possession of dogs under one year old (OR=1.78). Although not significant, the OR values suggest that other factors may be epidemiologically important for Toxocara presence such as not washing hands before meals, malnutrition, obesity, and use of public parks. Children in the age group >12 and 2 and <11 years old age group (4.62%). Toxocariosis infection needs to be prevented by pet deworming and hygienic measures after contact with dogs

    Efecto de bloques con propionato de calcio sobre respuestas productivas en corderos y GEI in vitro

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    Objective. Evaluate multinutritional blocks with and without calcium propionate (Pr-Ca) in digestibility and live weight changes of lambs and in the green house emission in vitro. Materials and methods. Twelve sheep were used (20.17 ± 2.35 Katahdin x criollo) in three treatments: Basal diet (BD 70% oat straw, 30% concentrate), BD+ Block without Ca-Pr and BD+ Block with 1.5% Ca-Pr, it was evaluated for 50 days. In vitro gas production (GP) and kinetic parameters were estimated (Vmax, S, Lag) according to consumption. Digestibility, CH4 and CO2 in vitro and in vivo were estimated. Results. The dry matter intake was the lowest (p&lt;0.0001) in lambs without block (753 g/d) compared lambs supplemented with block without (839 g) or with Ca-Pr (828 g) by including blocks increased methane (16.16 and 16.18 g/d; 0 and 1.5% Ca-Pr respectively) than with BD (13.93 g/d). The GP in vitro was higher (p=0.0001) with the BD (380.76, ml) than with blocks without differences among blocks (335.76 and 341.13 ml, 0 and 1.5% Ca-Pr respectively), and the BD had higher (p=0.0001) production of CH4 (47.16 mol) and CO2 (200.04 mol) than with blocks (42.25 and 41.58 mol CH4; 179.21 and 176.39 mol CO2; 0 and 1.5% Ca-Pr respectively). Conclusions. Block supplementation improved dry matter intake. Blocks reduced in vitro gas production and increased digestibilityby reducing CH4 and CO2.Objetivo. Evaluar dos bloques multinutricionales formulados para mejorar el crecimiento de los corderos alimentados con una dieta basal de bajo valor nutritivo, con y sin propionato de calcio (Pr-Ca), evaluando el crecimiento de los corderos, digestibilidad y las emisiones de gases efecto invernadero in vivo e in vitro. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron doce borregos (20.17 ± 2.35 Katahdin x criollo) en tres tratamientos: Dieta basal (DB 70% paja de avena; 30% concentrado), DB+ Bloque sin Pr-Ca y DB + Bloque con 1.5% de Pr-Ca, por 50 días. Se midió producción de gas (PG) in vitro y se estimaron los parámetros de cinética (Vmax, S, Lag). Se estimaron la digestibilidad, CH4 y CO2 in vitro e in vivo. Resultados. El consumo fue menor (P&lt;0.0001) en borregos sin bloque (753 g/d) en comparación con bloque sin (839 g) o con Pr-Ca (828 g) emisiones de metano mayor con bloques (16.16 y 16.18 g/d; 0 y 1.5% Pr-Ca respectivamente) que con DB (13.93 g/d). La PG in vitro fue mayor (P=0.0001) con la DB (380.76 ml) sin diferencias entre bloques (335.76 y 341.13 ml, 0 y 1.5% Pr-Ca respectivamente), y la DB tuvo mayor (P=0.0001) producción de CH4 (47.16 mol) y CO2 (200.04 mol) que con bloques (42.25 y 41.58 mol CH4; 179.21 y 176.39 moles CO2; 0 y 1.5% Ca-Pr respectivamente). Conclusiones. La suplementación con bloques mejora el consumo. In vitro los bloques redujeron la producción de gas e incrementaron la digestibilidad reduciendo CH4 y CO2


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    Com o objetivo de estudar os limitantes da degradação da fibra da cana-de-açúcar para utilizá-la como alimento para bovinos, fracionaram-se os componentes fibrosos da cana-de-açúcar (variedade Mex69-290) em fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e em fibra em detergente ácido (FDA). A cana integral e as fibras foram incubadas com bactérias ruminais, na presença ou ausência de enzimas fibrolíticas (Fibrozyme, Alltech Inc.). Determinaram-se o crescimento microbiano e as bactérias totais, assim como a taxa de crescimento, a taxa de geração, o tempo de colonização e a degradabilidade. Os resultados foram analisados em um delinea­mento de blocos ao acaso, com arranjo fatorial 2 x 3, com duas doses de enzima e três substratos, utilizando quatro repetições de incubação. Observou-se o maior crescimento microbiano para cana integral e os menores para suas fibras. A degradabilidade in vitro foi de 0,701, 0,392 e 0,191, respectivamente para cana integral, FDN e FDA (P<0,01). A fração FDA com a adição das enzimas fibrolíticas teve sua degradabilidade aumentada de 0,387 para 0,425 (P<0,01). O crescimento microbiano foi limitado nas frações fibrosas, possivelmente pelo grau de lignificação das paredes celulares. A maior degradabilidade in vitro das frações fibrosas está associada à presença de açúcares solúveis. A adição de enzimas fibrolíticas aumentou o crescimento microbiano máximo e a digestibilidade da FDA, indicando que estas podem ser um potencial aditivo para melhorar o aproveitamento de dietas com cana-de-açúcar. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Crescimento microbiano, degradabilidade in vitro, parede celular

    Fórmulas à base de ervas na alimentação de cordeiros para melhorar o comportamento produtivo

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    El objetivo de esta revisión de publicaciones científicas es identificar los aditivos poliherbales comerciales disponibles para finalización de corderos y evaluar los cambios productivos al utilizarlos. Se realizó una búsqueda sistematizada de artículos científicos en los buscadores PubMed, Web of Science y Science Direct utilizando las palabras clave lamb, growth performance, polyherbals y feed plant additives. Para incluir los artículos pasaron por un proceso de selección buscando que evaluaran corderos en finalización, incluyeran en las raciones formulas poliherbales comerciales, estuvieran publicados en revistas indizadas en JCR, Web of Science y Scimago Journal Rank y estuvieran escritas en idioma inglés. Se encontró reporte de 6 mezclas poliherbales con marca registrada las cuales, promediaron un incremento en la ganancia diaria de peso de 10.86 % cuando son incluidas en las raciones. &nbsp;The objective of this review of scientific publications is to identify the commercial polyherbal additives available for finishing lambs and to evaluate the productive changes when using them. A systematic search of scientific articles was carried out in the PubMed, Web of Science and Science Direct search engines using the keywords lamb, growth performance, polyherbals and feed plant additives. To include the articles, they went through a selection process seeking to evaluate finishing lambs, include commercial polyherbal formulas in the rations, be published in journals indexed in JCR, Web of Science and Scimago Journal Rank and were written in English. A report of 6 trademarked polyherbal mixtures was found, which averaged an increase in daily weight gain of 10.86% when they are included in the rations.O objetivo desta revisão de publicações científicas é identificar os aditivos fitoterápicos comerciais disponíveis para terminação de cordeiros e avaliar as alterações produtivas ao utilizá-los. Uma busca sistemática de artigos científicos foi realizada nos motores de busca PubMed, Web of Science e Science Direct usando as palavras-chave cordeiro, desempenho de crescimento, poliervas e aditivos de plantas para ração. Para incluir os artigos, eles passaram por um processo de seleção buscando que eles avaliassem cordeiros em terminação, incluíssem fórmulas polierógenas comerciais nas rações, fossem publicados em periódicos indexados no JCR, Web of Science e Scimago Journal Rank e fossem escritos em inglês. Foi encontrado um relato de 6 misturas de poliervas de marca registrada, que tiveram um aumento médio no ganho de peso diário de 10,86% quando incluídas nas rações

    Efecto del propionato de calcio en la fermentación in vitro de dietas a base de sorgo

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar in vitro el efecto de la adición de propionato de Ca (PrCa). El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial 2x2; PrCa (0 o 1%) y grano (55 o 65%). Se encontró diferencias (p0,05) entre tratamientos para volumen de gas, pero la tasa de producción de gas no fue diferente (p0,05), se observó un efecto por parte del grano (p0,04). La adición de PrCa prolongó el tiempo Lag (1,4 vs. 1.04 h; P0,01) y aumentando el nivel de grano también prolongó la fase Lag (1,56 vs. 0,89 h; P0,03) y la tasa de producción de gas (0,046 vs. 0,041 h-1; P 0,04). Sin embargo, no hubo diferencias en la concentración de CH4 y CO2, ni de propionato, acetato y butirato. La adición de propionato de calcio a una dieta con 55 o 65% de grano prolonga la fase Lag pero no afecta el patrón de fermentación o las pérdidas de metano.The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of calcium propionate (CaPr) on in vitro ruminal fermentation using a factorial arrangement 2 x 2 evaluating CaPr (0 vs. 1%) and grain level (55 vs. 65%). There was a CaPr x Grain interaction in the volume of gas produced (V; p = 0.04). Addition of CaPr prolonged Lag time (1.4 vs. 1.04 h; P<0.01), and increasing the grain level also prolonged Lag time (1.56 vs. 0.89 h; p < 0.03) and gas production rate (0.046 vs. 0.041 h-1; P<0.04). However, there were no differences in CH4, CO2, acetate, propionate and butyrate concentrations. Therefore, the addition of calcium propionate in a diet with 55 or 66% of grain increased Lag phase but it is not affected fermentation pattern or methane losses.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Generations No.7: Annual rendezvous with culture

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    Nuestra Institución se mueve articulada en tres ejes misionales: docencia, investigación y extensión; es precisamente en esta última, como parte de la labor de extensión cultural de la Universidad, que anualmente efectuamos la Feria del Libro de Bucaramanga, Ulibro. Cito al periodista mexicano Sergio González Rodríguez: “Tenemos que reaprender que la literatura no es solo entretener, tiene que servir para pensar, para analizar”, y a eso le apuesta la UNAB desde hace 12 años con Ulibro: una excusa para promover la cultura y el hábito de la lectura.Editorial; Por Alberto Montoya Puyana…3 Ulibro; Por Laura Camila Romero Martínez…4 La voz del graduado…6 Recomendaciones para elaborar una hoja de vida; Por Ana Carolina Torres P.…8 ABC de los posgrados; Por Carolina Toscano V....10 Comunicación y Artes Mensaje integral; Por Claudia Santamaría Valbuena…16 La conversación como salud; Por Carlos Germán Celis E....18 Ciudades inteligentes; Por Clara Inés Peña de Carrillo…20 Educación farmacéutica; Por Yaneth Rocío Orellana Hernández y Sergio Daniel Quiroga Flórez…22 La enseñanza del Derecho; Por Mario Guevara Mendoza…25 También comienza por casa; Por Hugo F. Prada A…28 Los macroproyectos Investigaciones UNAB; Por Miguel Ángel Hernández Rey…30 Graduados destacados; Por Redacción Generaciones UNAB…34 Generaciones en cifras; Por Redacción Generaciones UNAB…42 Centro de Apoyo y Formación Empresarial; Por Redacción Generaciones UNAB…43 6ª Feria del Empleo; Por Redacción Generaciones UNAB…46 Encuentros…48Our Institution moves articulated in three missionary axes: teaching, research and extension; It is precisely in the latter, as part of the cultural outreach work of the University, that we annually hold the Bucaramanga Book Fair, Ulibro. I quote the Mexican journalist Sergio González Rodríguez: “We have to relearn that literature is not only entertaining, it has to serve to think, to analyze”, and that is what the UNAB has been betting on for 12 years with Ulibro: an excuse to promote culture and the habit of reading

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality