325 research outputs found

    Properties of hyperons in chiral perturbation theory

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    The development of chiral perturbation theory in hyperon phenomenology has been troubled due to power-counting subtleties and to a possible slow convergence. Furthermore, the presence of baryon-resonances, e.g. the lowest-lying decuplet, complicates the approach, and the inclusion of their effects may become necessary. Recently, we have shown that a fairly good convergence is possible using a renormalization prescription of the loop-divergencies which recovers the power counting, is covariant and consistent with analyticity. Moreover, we have systematically incorporated the decuplet resonances taking care of both power-counting and consistencyconsistency problems. A model-independent understanding of diferent properties including the magnetic moments of the baryon-octet, the electromagnetic structure of the decuplet resonances and the hyperon vector coupling f1(0)f_1(0), has been successfully achieved within this approach. We will briefly review these developments and stress the important role they play for an accurate determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element VusV_{us} from hyperon semileptonic decay data.Comment: To appear in HypX Proceeding

    The decays KππννK \to \pi \pi \nu \overline\nu within the standard model

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    We study the reactions KππννK \rightarrow \pi \pi \nu \overline{\nu} within the minimal standard model. We use isospin symmetry to relate the matrix elements to the form factors measured in K4K_{\ell 4}. We argue that these modes are short distance dominated and can be used for precise determinations of the CKM parameters ρ\rho and η\eta. Depending on the value of the CKM angles we find branching ratios in the following ranges: B(KLπ+πνν)=[25]×1013B(K_L \rightarrow \pi^+ \pi^- \nu \overline{\nu}) = [2-5] \times 10^{-13}; B(KLπ0π0νν)=[13]×1013B(K_L \rightarrow \pi^0 \pi^0 \nu \overline{\nu}) = [1-3] \times 10^{-13}; B(K+π+π0νν)=[12]×1014B(K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \pi^0 \nu \overline{\nu}) = [1-2] \times 10^{-14}. We also discuss a possible CPCP-odd observable.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 2 Postscript figures. Title and abstract have been revised to better reflect the content of the paper. This is the final version as publishe

    Magnetic moments of the low-lying JP=1/2J^P=\,1/2^-, 3/23/2^- Λ\Lambda resonances within the framework of the chiral quark model

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    The magnetic moments of the low-lying spin-parity JP=J^P= 1/21/2^-, 3/23/2^- Λ\Lambda resonances, like, for example, Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) 1/21/2^-, Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520) 3/23/2^-, as well as their transition magnetic moments, are calculated using the chiral quark model. The results found are compared with those obtained from the nonrelativistic quark model and those of unitary chiral theories, where some of these states are generated through the dynamics of two hadron coupled channels and their unitarization

    Extended nonlocal chiral-quark model for the heavy-light quark systems

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    In this talk, we report the recent progress on constructing a phenomenological effective model for the heavy-light quark systems, which consist of (u,d,s,c,b) quarks, i.e. extended nonlocal chiral-quark model (ExNLChQM). We compute the heavy-meson weak-decay constants to verify the validity of the model. From the numerical results, it turns out that (f_D, f_B, f_{D_s}, f_{B_s})=(207.54,208.13,262.56,262.39) MeV. These values are in relatively good agreement with experimental data and various theoretical estimations.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, Talk given at the 20th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB20), 20~25 August 2012, Fukuoka, Japa

    SU(3) breaking corrections to the DD, DD^*, BB, and BB^* decay constants

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    We report on a first next-to-next-to-leading order calculation of the decay constants of the DD (DD^*) and BB (BB^*) mesons using a covariant formulation of chiral perturbation theory. It is shown that, using the state-of-the-art lattice QCD results on fDs/fDf_{D_s}/f_D as input, one can predict quantitatively the ratios of fDs/fDf_{D_s^*}/f_{D^*}, fBs/fBf_{B_s}/f_B, and fBs/fBf_{B^*_s}/f_{B^*} taking into account heavy-quark spin-flavor symmetry breaking effects on the relevant low-energy constants. The predicted relations between these ratios, fDs/fD<fDs/fDf_{D^*_s}/f_{D^*}<f_{D_s}/f_D and fBs/fB>fDs/fDf_{B_s}/f_B>f_{D_s}/f_D, and their light-quark mass dependence should be testable in future lattice QCD simulations, providing a stringent test of our understanding of heavy quark spin-flavor symmetry, chiral symmetry and their breaking patterns.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables; typos corrected, clarifications added, results remaining unchange

    Study of the J/ψϕ(ω)f2(1270)J/\psi \to \phi (\omega) f_2(1270), J/ψϕ(ω)f2(1525)J/\psi \to \phi (\omega) f'_2(1525) and J/ψK0(892)Kˉ20(1430)J/\psi \to K^{*0}(892) \bar{K}^{* 0}_2(1430) decays

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    We present an approach to study the decay modes of the J/ψJ/\psi into a vector meson and a tensor meson, taking into account the nature of the f2(1270)f_2(1270), f2(1525)f'_2(1525), Kˉ20(1430)\bar{K}^{* 0}_2(1430) resonances as dynamically generated states from the vector meson-vector meson interaction. We evaluate four ratios of partial decay widths in terms of a flavor dependent OZI breaking parameter and the results obtained compare favorably with experiment. The fit to the data is possible due to the particular strength and sign of the couplings of the resonances to pairs of vector mesons given by the theory, thus providing a nontrivial test for the idea of these tensor states as dynamically generated from the vector-vector interaction.Comment: published versio

    The Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) as a Hybrid

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    Using the QCD Sum Rule Method, we estimate the mass of the lowest strange hybrid baryon with IJP=0(1/2)IJ^P=0(1/2)^-. We find the mass is approximately that of the Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405), whose nature has been a puzzle for many decades. Possible tests of this result are discussed.Comment: fourteen pages seven figure

    Three body systems with strangeness and exotic systems

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    We report on four Σ\Sigma's and three Λ\Lambda's, in the 1500 - 1800 MeV region, as two meson - one baryon S-wave (1/2)+(1/2)^+ resonances found by solving the Faddeev equations in the coupled channel approach, which can be associated to the existing SS = -1, JP=1/2+J^P= 1/2^+ low lying baryon resonances. On the other hand we also report on a new, hidden strangeness NN^* state, mostly made of KKˉNK \bar{K} N, with mass around 1920 MeV, which we think could be responsible for the peak seen in the γpK+Λ\gamma p \to K^+ \Lambda around this energy. Finally we address a very novel topic in which we show how few body systems of several ρ\rho mesons can be produced, with their spins aligned up to J=6, and how these states found theoretically can be associated to several known mesons with spins J=2,3,4,5,6.Comment: Talk at the 21st European Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics, Salamanca, Sep. 201

    Meson and Baryon resonances

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    In this talk I review recent advances on the structure of the meson and baryon resonances which can be dynamically generated from the interaction of mesons or mesons and baryons. Particular emphasis is put on results involving vector mesons, which bring new light into the nature of some of the observed higher mass mesons and baryons and make predictions for new states.Comment: 6 pages, Talk at the PANIC2008 Conferenc