27 research outputs found

    Kerentanan Pesisir Kawasan Wisata Mandeh, Sumatera Barat dan Upaya Pengelolaan Ketahanan Lingkungan yang Berkelanjutan: Studi Kasus Pulau Mandeh, Sumatera Barat

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    Kawasan Mandeh yang berada di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan merupakan kawasan teluk yang sangat menawan, sehingga pemerintah lokal fokus pada pengembangan pariwisata. Namun, kawasan Mandeh mempunyai potensi terdampak bencana alam, sehingga manajemen pantai yang berkelanjutan sangat penting untuk diterapkan salah satunya dengan melakukan penilaian tingkat kerentanan. Penilaian tingkat kerentanan di Kawasan Mandeh memanfaatkan metode CVI dan Smartline mapping approach dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa parameter fisik yakni material pantai, paparan gelombang, bentuk daratan, fitur berm, fitur beachface, perubahan garis pantai, dan pola tata guna lahan. Hasil penilaian menunjukkan bahwa beberapa area di dalam teluk sebanyak 10% tergolong kerentanan sangat rendah, 27% kerentanan rendah, 18% kerentanan sedang, 31% kerentanan tinggi, dan 14% kerentanan sangat tinggi yang mana sebagian besar kawasan Pantai Utara Kecamatan XI Koto Tarusan didominasi oleh kerentanan tinggi. Oleh karena itu, pembangunan pelindung pantai baik secara struktur alami maupun buatan serta pembuatan regulasi regional terkait dengan pemanfaatan kawasan pesisir untuk mencegah terjadinya degradasi lingkungan dan bahaya pesisir dibutuhkan sebagai bagian dari manajemen pesisir pada area studi

    LAPORAN INDIVIDU HASIL PRAKTIK PENGALAMAN LAPANGAN II SLB B KARNNAMANOHARA Jalan Pandean 2, Gang Wulung, Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta

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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) dilaksanakan dalam rangka menerapkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa dalam proses belajar mengajar sesuai dengan bidang keahlian masing-masing. PPL dilaksanakan di SLB B Karnnamanohara yang berlangsung sejak tanggal 15 Juli sampai dengan 15 September 2016. Kegiatan ini memberikan pengalaman bagi mahasiswa dalam bidang pembelajaran dan manajerial di sekolah dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi paedagogik, kepribadian, profesional, sosial, serta memberikan kesempatan untuk mempelajari, mengenal, dan mengamati permasalahan-permasalahan yang ada di sekolah yang terkait dengan proses pembelajaran pada umumnya. Adapun rancangan program secara keseluruhan terdiri dari program PPL kelompok dan individu. Program-program kelompok yang dijalankan yakni perayaan HUT RI ke 71 yaitu lomba 17an, upacara untuk memperingati hari kemerdekaan Indonesia, perpisahan, dan penaarikan mahasiswa PPL. Sedangkan program individu untuk program pendidikan luar biasa terdiri dari mengajar terbimbing, mengajar mandiri, dan pendampingan KBM. Baik program kelompok maupun program individu berupa bidang akademik, non – akademik, serta kesiswaan sangat membantu mahasiswa dalam mempraktekkan ilmu pada bidang manajerial dan administrasi di sekolah. Program yang dilaksanakan tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi sekolah pada umumnya namun juga bagi mahasiswa PPL pada khususnya

    Selection of Mozzarella Cheese Whey Native Yeasts with Ethanol and Glucose Tolerance Ability

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    The research aimed to determine the native yeast on mozzarella cheese whey that has glucose and ethanol tolerance ability. The research did experimentally and the data analyzed descriptively. Native yeasts isolated from 1 ml mozzarella cheese whey with using a modification of Potato Dextrose Agar/PDA (Oxoid Ltd.) with the addition of 3% Yeasts Extract/YE (Kraft Foods) and 10 ppm amoxicillin. The yeasts identified for macroscopic and microscopic characteristics then tested with RapID Yeast Plus System. The ability in tolerate ethanol and glucose contents tested by grown the yeasts on modified Nutrient Broth/NB (Oxoid Ltd.) with 3% Yeasts Extract/YE (Kraft Foods) and 10 ppm amoxicillin then added with glucose monohydrates (10%, 20%, 30%) or ethanol (10%, 20%, 30%) and incubated for 72h at room temperature (23-28°C). Optical density (OD) read for UV absorbance at 600 nm using UV-Vis spectrophotometer every 24h until 72h. Results showed that six native yeasts isolated and identified as C. tropicalis three isolate, Tri. beigelii two isolates and Blast. capitatus is one isolate. The best isolates with highest OD at 30% glucose concentration (2.215) gained by C.tropicalis (a), while the highest OD at 30% ethanol concentration (0.508) shown by C.tropicalis (f).

    Assessment of Underground Water Quality in Karimunjawa Island, Central Java – Indonesia

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    As a small island and tourist destination, Karimunjawa municipal is need fresh water to support the tourist activity, mainly to supply drinking water. Unfortunately, freshwater on a small island is obtained from groundwater which is very limited and vulnerable to climate change and anthropogenic activities. A groundwater assessment is necessary to receive up-to-date information on groundwater quality, to assess the groundwater feasibility for drinking water, and determine the pollutant source. The assessment was conducted by collected groundwater sampling from dug wells and swamp area in Karimunjawa municipal and then analyzed the samples in the laboratory to obtain the value of Nutrient (NO3-, NO2-, NH3-N); Heavy Metals (Cu, Fe, and Pb); and Salt (TDS, Cl-, Na+). These obtained parameters were compared with the quality standard of the minister of health regulation of the Republic of Indonesia about water quality standards for drinking water. In this study, 14 samples were collected and analyzed. The result shows that nutrient contaminant is low, but some groundwater sample was contaminated by ammonia. Heavy metal is undetectable, but almost all samples are contaminated by salt. Therefore, the groundwater in Karimunjawa municipal experienced seawater intrusion and not feasible to be consumed as drinking water

    Laju Sedimentasi di Perairan Brebes, Jawa Tengah Menggunakan Metode Isotop 210pb

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    Beberapa upaya mitigasi terhadap bencana erosi yang terjadi di kecamatan Brebes telah dilakukan dengan penanaman mangrove, pemasangan hybrid engineering, alat pemecah ombak, namun dari keseluruhan upaya tersebut masih dianggap belum menjadi solusi terbaik mengurangi dampak bencana erosi pantai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat rata-rata kecepatan sedimentasi berdasarkan umur absolut sedimen dasar laut yang dianggap mewakili daerah penyelidikan. Penentuan umur absolut sedimen berdasarkan aktifitas kandungan isotop alam 210Pb pada sedimen. Hasil perhitungan laju sedimentasi tersebut dikorelasikan dengan data debit sungai dan kondisi hidro-oseanografi yang berperan dalam sistem sedimentasi. Berdasarkan profil unsupported 210Pb pada lokasi IST-01 (Muara Pemali) dan IST-02 (Muara Nipon) rata-rata laju sedimentasinya berturut-turut 0,224 cm/tahun dan 0,211 cm/tahun, debit Sungai Pemali sebesar 14,4-48,1 m3/s, kecepatan arus pada stasiun IST-01 berkisar antara 0,001-0,1 m/s dan kecepatan arus pada stasiun IST-02 berkisar antara 0,001-0,08 m/s. Kondisi hidro-oseanografi daerah penelitian yang fluktuatif memberikan pengaruh besar terhadap proses sedimentasi. Besarnya debit sungai memiliki korelasi terhadap peningkatan besarnya nilai laju sedimentasi di Muara Pemali dan Muara Nippon. Hasil penelitian tersebut dapat dijadikan bahan rekomendasi upaya mitigasi bencana erosi di kecamatan BrebesKata Kunci: Sedimentasi, Pesisir Brebes, Hidrodinamika arus, Isotop Unsupported 210Pb Several efforts to mitigate the erosion event which occurred in Brebes sub district have been done by mangrove cultivation, hybrid engineering, and breakwater as well. Nevertheless, all those efforts did not work right away to solve the erosion problem and deteriorate its impact. This study has aim to determine the absolute sediment dating, which represents the study area. We decided the absolute sediment dating based on natural isotop activity 210Pb contained on sediment. Sedimentation rate calculation result was correlated with the river discharge and hydro-oceanography conditions in the sediment area systems. Based on unsupported 210Pb profile, at the station IST-01 (Pemali estuary) and IST-2 (Nipon estuary), the averages of sedimentation rate are 0.22 cm/year and 0.211 cm/year respectively. The discharge of Pemali River has ranged 14.4-48.1 m3/s. The current speed at the point IST-01 has ranged 0.001-0.1 m/s and at the station IST-02 has ranged 0.001-0.08 m/s. The hydro-oceanography condition which is volatile has a big impact on the process of sedimentation. The enhancing of river discharge has a correlation with the sedimentation rate enhancement in Pemali and Nippon estuary. The result of this study could be a basis of erosion mitigation effort in Brebes sub district

    Sediment Accumulation Rate in Sayung Coast, Demak, Central Java Using Unsupported 210Pb Isotope

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    Some efforts have been done to cope with coastal erosion and rob in Sayung Coast including mangrove plantation, hybrid engineering (HE), and hard structure protection. However, those efforts are not considered to be the best solution in reducing the impacts of the hazards. This study aimed to determine the sediment accumulation rates based on natural isotopes 210Pb dating and hydro-oceanographic modeling technique. According to 210Pb analysis, we calculated the sediment accumulation rates at Surodadi and Timbulsloko of 0.145 cm/year and 0.06 cm/year, respectively. The sediment compositions are dominated by terrestrial sediment typified by clay deposits. The sedimentary rate average of Sayung Coast prior to HE installation (2011-2013) was 0.195 cm/year. The rate of sediment accumulation rose to around 0.4 cm/year in 2016 in accordance with the increase of Mangrove area from around 409 hectares in 2013 to about 455.79 hectares in 2015. The increase of sedimentary rate recent years became an evidence that mitigation efforts to reduce abrasion temporarily succeeded

    Why CCS? Milestone on Research and Regulation Coverages

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    Further to Kyoto Protocol, again in 2009 G-20 Pittsburg Summit, Indonesia delivered the commitment on reducing 26% on its emission level. Moreover, as non-annex 1 country, Indonesia shows strong and bold commitment in supporting reduction on increased concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as burning the fossil fuels and deforestation. From the energy sector, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is known as a process of capturing waste carbon dioxide (CO2) from large point sources and depositing it normally at an underground geological formation. CCS becomes now as one of the possible supports to the country commitment. In Indonesia, the potential of CCS applications could be conducted in the gas fields with high content of CO2 and in almost depleted oil fields (by applying CO2-Enchanced Oil Recovery (EOR) The CCS approach could also be conducted in order to increase hydrocarbon production, and at the same time the produced CO2 will be injected and storage it back to the earth. Thus, CCS is a mitigation process in enhancing carbon emission reduction caused by green house effect from production hydrocarbon fields.This paper will show a proposed milestone on CCS Research roadmap, as steps to be taken in reaching the objective. The milestone consists of the study for identifying potential CO2 sources, evaluating CO2 storage sites, detail study related to CO2 storage selection, CO2 injection, and CO2 injection monitoring. Through these five steps, one can expect to be able to comprehend road map of CCS Research. Through this research milestone, applications of CCS should also be conducted based on the regulatory coverage milestone. From this paper, it is hoped that one can understand the upstream activities starting with research milestone to the very end downstream activities regarding to the regulation coverage bound. Keywords: CCS, reduction of carbon emission, regulation umbrella